Friday, December 16, 2011

google-site-verification: google3db9372b312d1c08.html My Inaugural Address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead Alvin Miller Order at: Or Order at: Order as Kindle ebook: Order as B&N Nook: Buy my book on ISBN 1468024213 © 2009 by Alvin Miller (All rights reserved) EAN-13 978-1468024210 LC Class BT823. M56 2009 Dewey Decimal Class (DDC) 291 BISAC: Religion / Eschatology OCLC No. 49632860 Add my expertise to your Google search results Search the full text of this book TOPICS (Click Below to Jump) Preface MY INAUGURAL ADDRESS AT THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT OF THE DEAD Introducing Myself Online Image 1: The Space Ghost (Me) Image 2: Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Me) Image 3: 'The Shadow Knows!' (Me) I'm the Captain! Image 4: Captain Nemo (I Play My Heavenly Pythagorean Lyrical Music Of The Spheres) The Joke The Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead Image 5: Me on The Great White Throne (and I don't mean the toilet!) Image 6: Vincent Price Hosts 'House on Haunted Hill' (Me) Image 7: 'Dr. Strangelove' Nazi Stiff-Armed Salute Automatic Reflex (It Comes Up!) Image 8: Goose Stepping (Rigid = Erection) Marching Morons! Image 9: Amazulu (= I'm a Zulu) 'Excitable' Video - Nutty Fruitcake (Me) Image 10: Maternity Ward Babies About 50/50 Girls and Boys (Pink and Blue) Image 11: Leonardo Da Vinci 'Creation of Adam' Finger of God Image 12: 'E.T.' Finger Image 13: 'E.T.' Finger. Boy Fascinated (Frozen into Stone Statue By 'Magic Wand') Image 14: Hypnotized (Frozen into Rigid Stone Statue) The Taboo Image 15: Far Out Space Cadet (Me) - Your Work May Be Mindless, But At Home You're A Rocket Scientist Image 16: 'Surrogates' (2009) Doll Image 17: 'Surrogates' (2009) Fairy Bowling White Armband Image 18: White Armband Signs Image 19: Bosch's Wages of Sin Image 20: Muhammad As A Walking TimeBomb Instant Prophet The Witches Image 21: The Witches' Sabbath! My Favorite Sport Image 22: 'Weird Science' (1985) Barbie Doll Sex Toy/Robot Conjured by Horny Nerds Image 23: 'Men who Stare at Goats' (2009) - Bowled Over! Image 24: Repeat: 'Surrogates' Doll Image 25: Repeat: 'Surrogates' Fairy Bowling Image 26: Clown Pratfall - Slip Sliding Away! All Fall Down! Image 27: 'FlashForward' TV Fairy Bowling. All Fall Down! Defeating the Whore of Babylon Image 28: Castrating Medusa's head with Writhing Phallic Snakes Turns Men into Stone Statues and is Herself Frozen Image 29: 'Zardoz' Floating Frozen into Stone Disembodied Head with Castrating Toothed Mouth and Glowing Eyes Image 30: 'Time Machine' Sphinx Frozen into Stone Disembodied Head Feeds on Eloi Image 31: My 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation Hoax/Deception - Sucked Up to My Hovering Mothership Saucer for Examination/Probing! Image 32: 'Zoom' (2006) 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation, Academy for Budding Superheroes Image 33: Romantics - 'Talking in Your Sleep' Video - Tending Our Herd (Dolls Asleep - Hypnotized Under Our Spell) Getting You to Change Your Bedroom Behavior I Must Rule! Image 34: Clowns/Fools Watch the World Spinning 'Round Image 35: Cattle Cars. This Way to the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen! Image 36: The Real Secret Rapture! Image 37: 'Six Feet Under' The Secret Rapture/Ascension = Six Feet Under! Image 38:'Pushing Daisies' TV = Six Feet Deep! (Hollywood Plays For Keeps!) I'm a Fairy – In Fact, the King of the Fairies! Image 39: Typical Fairy (Such As Me) Image 40: Michael Jackson Image 41: 'Psycho' Mother Fixated Knife-Wielding (Castrating) Swishing Cross-Dressing Dead Fairy Image 42: 'Saw' Kiddie Trike Dead Fairy Doll Image 43: 'Sin City' - Evil Dead Fairy Knife-Wielding (Castrating) Dwarf/Gnome - "That Yellow Bastard" Image 44: 'Clockwork Orange' Knife-Wielding (Castrating) Brainwashed Goon Image 45: Madonna and Child My Princess Bride (My Sleeping Beauty) Image 46: 'The Wizard of Oz' - Smoke and Mirrors (Compare with Image 5) Image 47: 'Heroes' TV: 'How to Stop an Exploding Man' Peter Goes Nuclear! Image 48: 'Li'l Abner' Clown/Joker Jerry Lewis Goes Nuclear (Rigid) over Bombshell Doll 'Stupefyin' Jones (= Turned to Stone) Image 49: Harp Playing Angel/Leg Pull Clown Harpo Struck Dumb, Goes Nuclear and Sounds His Angel Trumpet over Bombshell Dolls! The Jesus You Never Knew Image 50: Pie Fight! Image 51: 'The Ruling Class' - Delusions of Grandeur Leaving the Fleshpots Image 52: 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari' Subject under a Spell (Hypnotized) Image 53: Lumbering Stiff Armed (Rigid = Erection) Frankenstein Image 54: 'Stepford Wives' Stone Statues (Dolls) Knocked Over. Fairy Bowling! Your Household Image 55: Bosch's Hell Instant Proof You're in Hell Cities Image 56: 'Skyline' (2010) Humanity I Vacuum Up/Suck Up/Snatch/Yank! The Secret Rapture/Ascension! Image 57: Alien Cosmic Chess Master (Me) God Wins Again! Checkmate and Match! The Tarot Cards Image 58: The Fool Image 59: The Tower of Babel Image 60: The King of the World Image 61: The Hanged Man Image 62: Moody Blues - 'Every Good Boy Deserves Favor' - 'Boy' Shown The 'Light' Image 63: Andres Serrano's 'Art Works' Image 64: What Would Jesus Do? 'Halo' Light Image 65: William Henry's Light Body Stargate The Real Story of the World Trade Center Attack, the Tower of Babel for this World Age/Aeon/Cycle Now Ending (Western Civilization) Image 66: Osama Bin Laden's Silver Fairy Seeds Image 67: 'The Brain from Planet Arous' - Demented Pervert Alien Sex Fiend Madman Cackles To Greet the New Golden Age of the Returning Gods - New Jerusalem Descending to Earth! (The Time Vortex Funnel through the Null Point/Stargate/Wormhole/Ascension/Secret Rapture; Jay Weidner; the Culling; the 'New World Order Conspiracy') Image 68: King of the Fairies Oberon And His Queen Titania Fly Away Home To The Otherworld Image 69: TIMETABLE Image 70: The New Jerusalem Descending to Earth! Image 71: 10,000 Year World Age/Aeon/Cycle Now Ending (Western Civilization) Image 72: 'Antz' (1998) Cone Vortex Funnel through Null Point/Stargate Fleeing an Incoming Flood Image 73: Jay Weidner's Tetrahededral Hyperdimensional Double Cone Time Vortex Funnel through Null Point/Stargate Image 74: My Double Cone Time Vortex Funnel through the Null Point/Stargate/Doorway/Portal Image 75: 'Stargate' (1994) – Dead Fairy Reptilian Alien King RA with Glowing Eyes Image 76: 'Stargate' Anubis - Empty Vacuum Image 77: Repeat: The Tower of Babel Image 78: 'Inception' (2010) - Conflagration - Sky Vanishing Like a Scroll Being Rolled Up! Full Tilt! Slip Sliding Away! Image 79: 'Inception' (2010) - The World Turned Upside Down! Turned into Rigid Stone Statues! Fairy Bowling! All Fall Down! Image 80 Repeat: Hypnotized (Frozen into Rigid Stone Statue) Fairy Bowling! (Compare with Prior Image) Image 81: Make Room! Make Room! Scoop 'Em Up! Pile 'Em High! 'Soylent Green' (1974) Image 82: A Secret Rapture Prophecy? William Blake's Writhing 'Whirlwind of Lovers' in Hell (Dante's 'Inferno') Business Image 83: Rogues Gallery of Clowns/Thugs/Goons//Morons/Idiots Image 84: Grim Reaper (Death) On Throne With Castrating Scythe And Lightning Flashing Image 85: Skyline WTC Towers - Now You See Them, Now You Don't! Image 86: 'The Event' TV - Portal Sucks Building To Another Dimension - Compare With The World Trade Center Implosion Legal Reform Tax Reform The Illegal Aliens All Aboard My Time Machine! Image 87: 'Rocky Horror Picture Show'- 'Let's Do the Time Warp Again' Image 88: My Gliding Swan Fairy Boat/Heavenly Throne Perch/Aerial Car/Chariot Crashs and Burns! (God = Me Down to Earth!) Twinkle Town Image 89: Weird Science' (1985) Barbie Doll Sex Toy/Robot Conjured by Horny Nerds Image 90: Rainbow Painted Phallic Noah's Ark Spaceship (Seed to the Future) Image 91: 'Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow' - Toten Kopf's Ark for Animals Image 92: 'RocketShip X-M' - Real Source for Richard C. Hoagland's Cydonian 'Face on Mars' Image 93: Hoagland's Supposed Cydonian 'Face on Mars' (Compare with Movie Image) Image 94: Typical Rocket Crash - Hollywood's Warning ('20 Million Miles to Earth') Image 95: 'Flash Gordon' – Ancient Vedic Dreams Of Spaceships Deliberately Revisited (Vimanas) – To Seduce Us To Hell! Image 96: Young Future Doll I Repeatedly Bathe in My Green Alien Slime Via My TV! Image 97: Magician/Juggler Tarot Card Sleight of Hand Shell Game Card Sharp Parlor Trickster (Me) Image 98: Trickster/Huckster/Magician Johhny Carson Steals A Smooch from His Stacked Bombshell Doll Assistant Image 99: 'Passion Play' (2010) Angel Saved By Trumpet Player (Calling All Angels! Come Blow Your Horn!) Image 100: 'Legion' (2010) Archangel Michael Attacks in the War Between Heaven and Earth Image 101: The War Between Heaven And Earth At The New Tower Of Babel! Image 102: 'Supernatural' TV - My 'Junkless' Fighting Angel Of The Lord In The New War Between Heaven And Earth! Image 103: 'Constantine' (2005) Wrestling With My Archangel Gabriel! Image 104: The Last Airbender - Weather Image 105: Jesus Perched On Holy Mountain Watches Over All (And Rolls 'Boulders' Down On Climbers!) Image 106: The Last Airbender - Pie Fight! Image 107: Repeat: Pie Fight! Image 108: Harried White Rabbit Scurries Down the Rabbit Hole Image 109: Tumbling Down The Rabbit Hole/Vortex/Black Hole/Manhole Image 110: 'Fringe' TV Vortex - An Unstable Wormhole Threatens To Suck The Entire World To Another Dimension! Image 111: Spirals: Mad Van Gogh's; Hurricane Eye; Norway Vortex Pinwheel Image 112: Edgar Allan Poe's 'Descent Into the Maelstrom'- Sucked Into the Vortex! The Global Economic Collapse (the Great Tribulation) Image 113: The Four Horsemen Ride! Image 114: 'Americathon' (1978) Pitiful Broke Uncle Sam Flashes His Potency To the Heads of State in the Far East Science Conclusion Image 115: Reich's Space Gun/Cloudbuster/Orgone Ether Accumulator! Image 116: Kate Bush – 'Cloudbusting' Video Image 117: Dead 'Alien' Film Space Gunner (Compare with Prior Image of Reich's (Phallic) Space Gun!) Image 118: Kate Bush – 'Experiment 4' Video - Madman Raptures Out his Psychiatrists! All Fall Down! Megadeath! Image 119: 'FlashForward' TV Finale. All Fall Down! (Compare with Prior Image where Madman Raptures Out his Psychiatrists!) Image 120: Mad Magazine – Alfred E. Newman. 'What, Me Worry?' Ladies, Would You Want to Marry Me? Appendix: Two of My Papers (on the Ether and Quantum Relativity) Appendix: The Secret Rapture Image 121: Collective Ascension Of Humanity Through The Stargate (Singularity) Image 122: The Rapture/Sudden Departure/Ascension/Global Blackout Appendix: From Norman O. Brown's CLOSING TIME Appendix: Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway to Heaven' Image 123: Led Zeppelin - Hindenberg Crashes and Burns: 'Oh, The Humanity!' Bibliography Image 124: Revealing Portrait of Norman O. Brown Image 125: 'V For Vendetta' - Norman O. Brown's ONE BODY (Allmen) Image 126: Stargate Atlantis Culling Image 127: 'The Event' TV - Time Travel Vortex/Matter Transporter Sucks Airliner Through A Null Point To Another Dimension Image 128: 'V' TV - 'Red' Rain (= Fairy Rain) Falls From My Hovering Motherships - Global Blackout! Unmanned! Image 129: 'Fringe' TV - Tear Opens Between Parallel Universes! Image 130: 'Vanishing on 7th Street' (2011) - Left Behind! Airliners Crash! Image 131: Me Fairy Bowling From My Great White Throne Perch! Airliners Crash Into Buildings! (See WTC Attack) Image 132: Repeat: The Rapture/Sudden Departure/Ascension/Global Blackout Image 133: Dolls I Abduct (Suck Up) to My Hovering Saucers for Examination! = Raptured Out by Me! Energize! Beam me up, Scotty! Image 134: My Chick Magnet Which Vacuums Up/Sucks Up/Snatches Dolls! Angels, Come On Back Up Home To Your Big Daddy In Heaven! Image 135: 'Little Nicky' Ladies! Come Up And Rejoin My Choir Of Heavenly Angels! (My Harem) Image 136: Repeat: 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation Hoax - Sucked Up to My Saucer for Examination/Probing! (Compare with Last Image) Image 137: Repeat: 'Skyline' (2010) Humanity I Vacuum Up! Yank! Suck Up! The Secret Rapture/Ascension! Image 138: 'Skyline'(2010) 'Do Not Go Into The Light! Energize! Beam me up, Scotty! Image 138: 'Skyline'(2010) I Suck 'Em Up! Ascension! Image 140: 'Skyline'(2010) - 'Blown Away By The Light!' 'Gone With The Wind! Image 141: 'Super 8' (2011) All Fall Down! Slip Slidin' Away! Image 142: Beatles' Dead Celebrities - Graveyard Of The Stars! Image 143: I Reveal Myself As The Patched Clown Puppetmaster/Ringmaster As I Yank Everyone Else Off My Stage At The Death Of The Show (End Of The World!) Image 144: Whoosh! Snatched! Yanked! Sucked Up! Whisked Away! The Secret Rapture/Sudden Departure/Ascension! Called Up Home To Be With The Lord (Me)! Image 145: 'The Event' TV - The Real Secret Rapture! - Corpses On The Ground, - Airliner Appears In Desert, Roswell 'Crash' Vicinity. Bonus: These 'corpses' were later revived = the 'Resurrection of the Dead!' Image 145: Again, 'The Event' TV - Megadeath! Image 147: Repeat: The Real Secret Rapture! - Corpses On The Ground Image 148: What Would Jesus Do? Halo Light Image 149: Repeat: 'Passion Play' (2010) Angel/Doll on TV Screen. Come Blow Your Horn! (Compare with Next Image) Image 150: My Demented Pervert Sex Fiend B.E.M. (Bug-Eyed-Monster) UFO Exam/Probe/Grope of Dolls! Image 151: 'Barbarella' - I, The Evil Dr. Durand-Durand, Play My Orgasmatron! Image 152: Alien Sex Fiend (Me) - Submit to My Alien Pleasure Rays! Image 153: I Heart Alien Probing Image 154: 'Dr. Strangelove' - Cowboy Bronc Bustin'! Dropping The Big One! Down The Chute/Manhole! Image 155: Mad Palenque Astronaut/King Pilots Rocket To The Future! Image 156: Human Cannonball (Me - Crash Test Dummy) Shot From Gun at the Circus Finale (The End of the World!) PREFACE Return to Topics Alien Spaceman Jesus Important note: Read my 1986 book (at before you read this. Also, if you read this online, you will see pictures you will otherwise miss. My Elegy and Mournful Benediction for My Late, Great Tortured Planet Earth (In Death Rattle/Death Spiral/Death Throes/Last Gasp) - A Small, Fragile, Beautiful Blue and White Speckled Egg Shining in the Firmament Once more we witness the Final Battle (Great Rebellion in Heaven) spill from Heaven to Earth: 'His tail swept down a third of the stars of Heaven and cast them down to Earth'. 'Industrial Civilization is close to ending, taking with it a great sweep of the global ecosystem as the machine claws at the air, the earth and the seas in a last-gasp attempt to stay alive.' And, "This time we're taking the whole planet with us!" Brown says, 'only barbarians are capable of rejuvenating a world laboring under the death throes of an unnerved civilization.' 'We are just about to go extinct, and our Collective Unconscious knows it.' '♪ There must be some way out of here,' said the joker to the thief' – Bob Dylan, 'All Along The Watchtower', creatively misheard by Norman O. Brown as 'joker to the priest.' 'I want to be leaving.' 'Armageddon outta here!' - Bruce Almighty 'Whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.' 'To seduce the world to madness' (Norman O. Brown) 'Man is maniac' (Brown) 'Resisting madness can be the maddest way of being mad.' (Brown) 'Everybody knows there is no sanity clause!' - the Marx Brothers 'It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World' 'You'll be soorry!' (for what you did in the bedroom!) '♪ We gotta get out of this place If it's the last thing we ever do' (The Animals) '♪ Goin' to a party where no one's still alive' (Oingo Boingo) No one gets out of here alive! Pierre Berthelot's (1827-1907) 'prophecy' , “Within a hundred years (from 1907 = approximately the 2010s).. God will come down to Earth with his big ring of keys (to Hell and to Death) and say to humanity, “Gentlemen, it is closing time.” The End is Near! What follows is a rough draft transcript (subject to change when I actually give it) of my inaugural address (presumably in Washington, D.C.?) before global television at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead, after I have raptured out billions! - corpses laying on the ground - my Fairy Dump - rabbits running in the ditch. Megadeath! My Cleansing/Purification/Culling/Planetary Enema of the Earth in My Conflagration at World's End! Feel free to believe what I've set down here are the ravings of a madman, because that is precisely what they are! I have assembled this book in a series of vignettes. Norman O. Brown, my mentor, used a similar technique. It has been said of Brown's later books, (note: many quotes by or about Brown are colored brown to help distinguish them from my contribution. You'll note each time I switch from Brown's prose to mine a falloff in nuance and subtlety. Comparatively my writing is plodding and pedestrian and propagandistic.) 'They are largely a dazzling, nonlinear patische of fragments and quotations from different writers which Brown has made his own and, whatever the source, one can assume the voice is that of Brown'. Also, Brown says, 'His producers are they not his consumers?, and, “Really it is not I who am writing this crazy book. It is you, and you, and you, and that man over there, and the girl at the next table.” The boundary separating actor and spectator is a false one, concealing the deeper reality of the collective authorship. The multitude is many Authors.' Neither Brown nor I are creative or original thinkers, and both are well aware of our limited competency. We both collect/assemble familiar ideas in novel ways to provide a new perspective (and that express our own ideas). We both use a kitchen sink approach, throwing anything that seems pertinent in. The net result for both of us is a Christmas tree Doorstop festooned with incomprehensible scraps of phrases and slogans that land with a thud. And, 'A picture is worth a thousand words': in addition to books, I concentrate on sleuthing out and assembling clues of the hidden agenda of the media (films and rock music). I ask 'What's wrong with this picture?' You'll find I use terminology that may seem alien to Christianity: ghosts, wizards, witches and fairies. Part of the problem that the King James Bible mistranslated the word sorcery referring to potions. This is strictly adult material. This is off limits to children, and this means you! I'm dealing with two perspectives here: that of the present, but also the point after I have raptured everyone out. If your jaw didn't drop when you read my 1986 book, I 1000% guarantee it will drop now!() Be afraid, be very afraid! I repeat my annoyance at you 'Christians' who have repeatedly attacked my site. Jesus prophesied that all prophets must get stoned. Your scurrilous, underhanded attacks prove what you really are – Pharisees who observe the letter of the Law, but not the Spirit. You are shortly going to be rewarded by your Master for your faithful service! Don't shoot the messenger! Get a life and stop giving me trouble! You know that if you faced me in a one on one debate, I would wipe you out! If you are angry at what I say, simply vent at my guestbook with specific criticisms. (The numerous songs can be skipped on first reading. Don't get bogged down and miss the forest for the trees: skip songs and sections in colored type the first time through). You may feel this is a spoof or hoax and laugh. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not! I've set my Timebomb Ticking Over Sodom, my Final Countdown! '♪ We're leaving together But still it's farewell And maybe we'll come back To earth, who can tell? I guess there is no one to blame We're leaving ground (the Secret Rapture) Will things ever be the same again? It's the final countdown The final countdown' (Europe) So, finally, it all begins next Topic! MY INAUGURAL ADDRESS AT THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT OF THE DEAD Return to Topics Introducing Myself Return to Topics (The time is midnight E.S.T. I stand before global television to explain my rapturing out billions. I made the broadcast at the midnight hour (a time of special insight for Christians - 'the Horn blows at midnight' - the 'Midnight Call') to help prevent the possibility that any children would see this, although in different time zones around the world children are up). Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm addressing you from Washington, D.C., the political capital of Hell. I have descended here from Heaven to the pit of Hell to address you. (I had a career here as a Fed scientist until I retired.) Before I begin, I want to insist that no children view this broadcast. This is off limits to anyone under 12 years old. Leave the room, and go to bed! This Adult Education. You will find that I talk fast in nearly inaudible whisperings, that I change the subject frequently, and in general it will come across as the incoherent gibberish and ravings of a madman. It's brain salad surgery (PsyOps brainwashing = Christian 'washed in the blood'). But I have all my ducks in a row. You'll wake up tomorrow morning and go 'what did he say?' You'll try to remember, but you'll have a hard time. I urge you to record this address and to watch it several times, as each time you'll pick up more. You'll notice that I will be talking a lot about myself this evening. This is because the more you know about where I'm coming from, the better off you'll be. Let me formally introduce myself. You've seen me before, but now I'm going to reveal who I really am. Have you ever seen a ghost? Have you ever seen a spook? Now you can say you've seen a ghost. I'm the Ghost with the Most. I'm the Whispering Ghost. I'm the Whistling Skull. I'm the Space Ghost: The Space Ghost (Me) You have seen many ghosts. My colleagues are on practically every street corner in every city around the world, ranting and raving and spouting gibberish (street corner rabid lunatics). When you look at me you'll see that I have no eyes - empty sockets instead (waving my hand in front of my face). '♪ Jeepers! Creepers! Where did you get those eyes? Gosh all git up! How'd they get so lit up? - How they hypnotize!' '♪ the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night/And he's watchin' us all in the eye of the tiger' (Survivor) We say, “You look like you've seen a ghost”, a pale look of utter shock, surprise, and/or fright. Brown notes that when you turn to stone, the blood drains from your face and it turns pale white. We space aliens are starry eyed, and have an eye contact problem. Note many native men have such poor eye contact. ' ♪ You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but know you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes' You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns When they all come down and did tricks for you You never understood that it ain't no good You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you (Bob Dylan) ' ♪ eyes without a face (reversal – face without eyes!) Got no human grace your eyes without a face.' (Billy Idol) I am an Invisible Man. There is no person here, never has been and never will be. You are looking at a total vacuum. There is nothing here - only empty dead air. When you look at me you see no person - you are looking directly at my Id - my seething, bubbling unconscious. Brown calls the unconcious a 'cauldron of seething excitement.' I'm unhinged and the lid has been lifted back. And most people find it highly disturbing to look on the face of the Lord, my face. We shamans prefer to wear masks to hide it. 'Who was that Masked Man?' (the Lone Ranger). In fact, I'm a raving lunatic, and this insanity I have is a deadly poison. Most of my fellow mad people are bottom feeders. With this disease, we are incompetent to keep ourselves together, and we fall to the bottom, with many becoming homeless, committing suicide or drugging themselves into oblivion (self medicating). It makes us into total misfits. DOAs - Dead on Arrival. Jesus, a poor Jewish peasant, was a bottom feeder also. When you're on the bottom, you look up at all the so-called leaders, and you know that all of them are the wrong people. 'The sheep look up.' Joyce says, 'Lowest basemeant in hystry!' As Jesus said, 'Thou hast hidden these things from sages and men of discernment, and hast unveiled them to babes.' If you have ears to hear, Jesus was himself also mad. The gods must be crazy! Jesus was very sensitive to natural disasters, because, like them, as a madman he was walking dynamite liable to explode at a moment's notice with all the force of an earthquake (a walking timebomb). Jesus was a piece of human waste – human garbage. And so am I. A significant number of theologians, and I also, believe Jesus was a bastard. Jews thought he was the bastard son (mamser) of a Roman centurion. The idea of virgin birth arose because an Old Testament scripture was mistranslated. But Brown notes, 'Annunciations, messages, messengers, angels, having intercourse with the daughters of men, making pregnant through the ear; angels or birds, winged words or doves of the spirit. The flying bird or angel is an erection or winged phallus. - A supernatural pregnancy: “A being, be it man or woman, who has the Holy Ghost within him is pregnant or full of semen and in ejaculating words of prophesy the wizard either ejaculates semen or gives birth to a child.' We, the gods, live in a parallel universe right next door to this one – the Other World/hyperdimension/astral plane right in front of you if you but open your Third Eye/Second Sight/Double Vision/Seeing the Light/Spark of the Divine/Doors of Perception. 'For double the vision my Eyes do see/And a double vision is always with me,' (visionary seer William Blake, said by many to be mad.). Jesus instructs us, 'Seek and ye shall find.' I stepped through the looking glass on my mission. According to the Doors, '♪ Break on through to the other side.' Just like Jesus, I am here to serve. I don't want you to worship me. Should you trust me? Give me an inch, and I'll take a mile! I'll hog the spotlight and grandstand. You don't have to believe a thing I say. Believe what you want. For example, you may believe I'm the Antichrist, which I deny.Antichrist But believe what you want. Your beliefs don't concern me. I'm here to straighten out your behavior, specifically, as you will see, your behavior in the bedroom. That is the special mission I'm on. When you see me, you've seen the Father. 'Every eye shall see Him' (global TV). 'There can be only One.' according to the movie 'Highlander' and my 1986 Chosen One 'prophesy' ('Let the right one in.' - the right ghost) Both Jesus and I are in fact wizards (all the magic and 'miracles' he did, any competent Hindu fakir (= faker) can do). I am the second most powerful wizard that has ever walked the face of this earth. Jesus is better than me for two reasons. Jesus was working in his thirties, half my age. He has me beat, because his member would come up better than mine. I'm twice the age he was when he was preaching, and mine doesn't come up like it used to. Also, he had sharp wit and eloquence and always said the right thing. Jesus advised, 'When you are put on trial in synagogues or in front of rulers and authorities, don't worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say. (although one can ask how that worked out for the crucified Jesus).' Jesus (and Marxist ideology) attempt to follow an unpolitical “zig zag” (sideways) in the face of power. By contrast, I tend to ramble (the gibbering of the mad I mutter). '♪ Come on down and meet your maker (to Hell) Come on down and take the stand Oh I have been out searching With the black book in my hand And I've looked between the lines that lie on the pages that I tread I met the walking dude,religious, in his worn down cowboy boots And he walked liked no man on earth I swear he had no name (had no name) I swear he had no name Come on down and meet your maker Come on down and make the stand Come on down, come on down Come on down, we'll make the stand As I crawled beneath the searchlights Looking through the floorboards of this life I met Doctor Strangelove's cousin He bore the marks of time "Hey! Trashcan where you going boy Your eyes are feet apart Is that the end you're carrying Shall I play the funeral march (play the march) Play the funeral march" Come on down and meet your maker Come on down and make the stand Come on down, come on down Come on down, we'll make the stand Come on down and meet your maker Come on down and make the stand Come on down, come on down Come on down, we'll make the stand When I looked out the window On the hardship that had struck I saw the seven phials open The plague claimed man and son Hats bowed down in grace A simple wooden cross, It had no epitaph engraved It had no epitaph engraved. Come on down & meet your maker Come on down & make the stand Come on down, come on down, Come on And make the stand Come roll out the red carpet come buglar sound the horn the hero is returning you've got to welcome him to his home Don't say I didn't warn you this prophecy is coming true I can hear cavalry thundering (The Alarm) You have met your maker. You object that you see nothing but a lunatic standing here. But, I, God, did make you in the following sense. I set the rules for you to live by – the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. If you disobey my rules and go to Hell, as always, I get my willie working below my belt and rapture you devils out. It was always ambiguous about who would be raptured out. Would it be the Elect or would it be the Lost? The answer is both! Anybody and everybody that I could remove I wanted gone. 'Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.' You who are Left Behind that I am addressing are the same mix as those I removed (the Before and After). Who was right: The Catholics with no rapture or the Fundamentalists? The answer is that neither was! We did have the rapture, but it was simply me laying out as many corpses as I could. As they say, 'God (me) rains on the just and the unjust alike.' Every one I raptured, including the Fundamentalists went nowhere except to their graves, becoming wormfood. My planet is in emergency mode, with billions of you devils running around destroying it. I'm getting ready to give you the Judgment. I wash my hands of you a la Pontius Pilate! I would like nothing better that to stick the lot of you devils is a gas chamber and slam the door shut! Once again, I, Dr. Victor Frankenstein, declare another botched laboratory experiment. 'Narcissists are perfectionists and require being the center of attention.' Dr. Victor Frankenstein (Me) Maniacally Shouts It's Alive! I have to remove you, so I can start over again with a new Adam and Eve. Get off my planet, you devils! This way to the gas, ladies and gentlemen! Hitler's 'showers' were unconsciously the slime I rain down from my Heavenly perch (Great White Throne)! Get off my planet! I (a weird Holy Man) sit on top of Holy Mountain as King of the World and roll boulders from above down on mankind that dares to scale it = storm Heaven). The Kingdom of Heaven “suffers violence, and violent men take it by force.” (i. e. attempt to violently storm Heaven.) I've had it with you! In many ways, you Remnant (the Left Behind) who will go through the Great Tribulation are worse off than those I removed. 'And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.' '♪ All I need is a TV-show, that and the radio Down on my luck again, down on my luck again I can show you, I can show you, some of the people in my life I can show you, I can show you, some of the people in my life It's driving me mad just another way of passing the day - - You're just another face that I know from the TV-show I have known you for so very long, I feel you like a friend Can't you do anything for me, can I touch you for a while Can I meet you another day and we can fly away - - Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on again (floodgates of Heaven I open to rain slime! My (God's) Deadly Blessing!) Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on again - -' (my multiple Rapture) (Phil Collins) You are made in my image. 'Let us make man in our image.' (plural) This simply means that you don't have to live with continuous mental and physical pain that we mad people - specifically the gods - feel every day from sunup to sundown every second of our lives. For one of us, every seconds counts. We live on borrowed time, our very life is at stake. I'm an involuntary witness – 'Can I get a witness?' What I have is contagious, infectious and deadly. Don't come close to me! Let sleeping dogs lie! The Wolf Man was lucky, because he shape-shifted only once a month at the full moon. I, by contrast, shape-shift all day long from second to second. I melt down and reform myself into a another person regularly (that's what it is to be a ghost). It is incredibly painful to try to maintain one shape for very long. I'm Ray Bradbury's alien telepathic empath shapeshifter who can't control the shape shifting. 'The shape shifter is the changeling——like the devil that “hath the power to assume a pleasing shape” (Shakespeare), or the liquid metal terminator in 'Terminator 2.' As shapeshifter, you've seen a few of my numerous aliases here: The Space Ghost, Dr. Victor Frankenstein, The Shadow, Captain Nemo, Mr. Wizard, Space Alien Klaatu, Alien Sex Fiend, etc., because "You and I, are we not the same? . . . Sometimes I cannot tell myself ...” - -We are all Brown's ONE BODY (Allmen) on the Collective Unconscious. If I get around anyone, involuntarily, I form myself into a duplicate of them. Part of the power I possess is to temporarily pass on to you the continual pain I feel (Mass Psychosis - the correct name for what is known in Fundie circles as the Secret Rapture - see my 1986 book). The source of the pain we mad people feel is you with all the evil deeds you do. When you do your evil deeds, we are put into pain - (breaking in to the weird voice of the Shadow: 'Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows! Years ago in the Orient, he learned the strange and hypnotic power that allowed him to cloud men's minds (amnesia) so that they can not see him.)' 'The Shadow Knows! (Me) Return to Topics 'Return to Sender!' 'What goes around comes around!' 'Right back at ya!' 'Fight fire with fire!' I, like Jesus, the Man of Constant Sorrow, the Suffering Servant, took on the cross the sins of the world. '♪ I'm a man of constant sorrow/I've seen trouble all my days' (Bob Dylan). Similarly, the Greek god Atlas took the world on his shoulder and upheld the pillars of the world. “The globe is tottering as the tired-of-it-all American Atlas has shrugged." ('Atlas Shrugged' is a novel by Russian born anticommunist Ayn Rand where the greater the Titan's effort the heavier the world bore down on his shoulders.) Brown says, 'The event remains trivial for those who do not have eyes to see. And so God remains hidden; or rather an open secret. And everything is told in parables, that seeing the may not perceive. The mystery of meaning remains forever inviolate; there is no literal truth. Truth riding on a donkey; as foolishness. He hath no form or comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. - Infinity in a grain of sand. - To see symbolism is to see a humiliated God. To break with the power-principle. Christ must suffer.' '♪ Everyday with You, Lord is sweeter than the day before'. We mad people are here to help remove the pain of everyday life. For a while, you get to walk in my shoes. And when you do so, you drop dead in your tracks - it's my deadly blessing! (I start singing the rock song): '♪ I got the power! I got the power!' (by Rainbow). Indeed, I do have the power, and it's is a deadly poison! Out of all the millions of mad people on the planet right now, probably less than a handful possess all the powers I have. Madness is incurable, and there is a progressive deterioration. I am at the final stages of a fatal disease as I've plunged into madness. My brain has melted into goo, and I'm in continuous physical pain. Jesus, of course, had the same affliction. Again, the gods must be crazy! Mad people such as I are instantly and permanently into the mystic, but not by choice. There have been numerous highly evolved spiritual beings on this planet, but madness is a cheap and easy way to instantly get to the mystic. Such people can develop psi powers such as the power to spin objects (psychokinesis). The use of spinning hypnotic spirals is a way to induce a hypnotic trance whereby psychic powers can be accessed. Occult powers are often vilified as 'sludge' because they dip into the their source, the Collective Unconscious. '♪ I'm a man of constant sorrow/I've seen trouble all my days' (Bob Dylan). 'Paranormal perceptions are in themselves unconscious, manifesting in dreams and other involuntary channels. Hence there is a very real flavor of psychosis. - The denizens of the paranormal are tricky, unreliable, deceptive.' 'Schizophrenics exist in a continuous dream-like state (trance).' Schizophrenic visions as manifestations of the Collective Unconscious: 'Schizophrenia taps into the collective unconscious and its powerful and disturbing archetypal energies.' - so that others are uneasy around them. All such as psychic/paranormal/extrasensory perception/telepathy/ESP/clairvoyance/mind-reading/second sight/sixth sense/third eye/double vision/occult phenomena are real, and magic as such is real. But all are usually temporary phenomena, uncontrollable and unpredictable. Holy Man Moses, for that matter, also had the same affliction. He was his own special effects man, as when he bested the Egyptian wizards in his magic duels. I, like Moses, am accompanied by my magic wand. It's below my belt. Norman O. Brown in CLOSING TIME quotes James Joyce's FINNEGANS WAKE, 'He lifts up the lifewand and the dumb speak.' At one point during the Exodus, the Hebrews he was leading decided that Moses was out to kill them. After all, they knew he was mad. When they protested to him, Moses dropped two of them dead in their tracks (the number may be wrong - I can't find the passage). Moses said that God struck them down, but it was really only Moses doing the special effects. (Perhaps I was thinking of Aaron's two sons dead when they approached the Ark of the Covenant in Leviticus). I'm the Captain! Return to Topics Captain Nemo (I Play My Heavenly Pythagorean Lyrical Music Of The Spheres) I, Captain Nemo, am the captain of this ship - always have been and always will be. But, as passengers, I advise you to stroll over the decks to the railings and look over the side of the ship. You see the name 'Titanic' painted on the side. Now look down at the waterline. There's a huge gash, and we're taking on water. You're aboard a Ship of Fools! 'our “Titanic” (planet Earth) veers madly toward the iceberg of global collapse.' We're going down! Soon we'll be underwater! Glub! Glub! Not much time left! Glub! Glub! Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' - Slipping Toward The Abyss. '♪ Ride, captain ride Upon your mystery ship, (My Gliding Fairy Boat/Heavenly Throne Perch from which I drop slime bombshells on the dolls!) Be amazed at the friends You have here on your trip. Ride captain ride Upon your mystery ship, On your way to a world That others might have missed'. (Blues Image) '♪ All hands on deck, we've run afloat!' I heard the captain cry 'Explore the ship, replace the cook:, let no one leave alive!' Across the straits, around the Horn: how far can sailors fly? A twisted path, our tortured course, and no one left alive (Procol Harum) We sailed for parts unknown to man, where ships come home to die No lofty peak, nor fortress bold, could match our captain's eye' '♪ Everybody, listen to me, And return me, my ship. I'm your captain, I'm your captain, Though I'm feeling mighty sick. I've been lost now, days uncounted, And it's months since I've seen home. Can you hear me, can you hear me, Or am I all alone. Am I in my cabin dreaming, or are you really scheming, To take my ship away from me? I can feel the hand, of a stranger, And it's tightening, around my throat. Heaven help me, Heaven help me, Take this stranger from my boat. I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm getting closer to my home ...' (Grand Funk Railroad) '♪ It was way past midnight And she still couldn't fall asleep This night the dream was leavin' She tried so hard to keep And with the new day's dawning She felt it drift away Not only for a cruise Not only for a day Too long ago Too long apart She couldn't wait another day for The captain of her heart' (Double) '♪ Great Titanic struck an iceberg, people had to run and pray - God moves, God moves, God moves, ah, people had to run and pray' (" God Moves On The Water)" '♪ Now at midnight all the agents And the superhuman crew Come out and round up everyone That knows more than they do Then they bring them to the factory Where the heart-attack machine Is strapped across their shoulders (the Ball and Chain – the Old Lady) - Praise be to Nero’s Neptune The Titanic sails at dawn And everybody’s shouting “Which Side Are You On?” And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot Fighting in the captain’s tower' (Bob Dylan) 'The enigmatic gods of ancient Sumer, Egypt, India and Peru all hail from the fabulous times before the Flood.' 'All the old myths and legends (Atlantis, the Flood, and so on) embody psychological and not historical truths. Ancients communicated with the future by creating myths and legends, poems and songs, dances and rituals for receptive people to decode or, more often, that plant a seed in the unconscious mind of the listener. They communicated with the future through direct personal transmission to disciples. Seeing also the imminent demise of their cultures, they founded lineages and hid them within the destroyer civilizations.' '♪ The antediluvian kings colonized the world All the Gods who play in the mythological dramas In all legends from all lands were from far Atlantis. Knowing her fate, Atlantis sent out ships to all corners of the Earth. On board were the Twelve: The poet, the physician, The farmer, the scientist, The magician and the other so-called Gods of our legends. Though Gods they were - And as the elders of our time choose to remain blind Let us rejoice And let us sing And dance and ring in the new Hail Atlantis! Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be, I wanna see you some day Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, oh yeah Oh club club, down down, yeah My antediluvian baby, oh yeah' (I used Glub! Glub! in place of club club. Donovan). The Joke Return to Topics I want to start off with a little humor. Speakers always begin with a joke: I notice these days that so many of you have piled on the pounds, you're getting the love handles, you've ballooned up and some of you are so rolypoly that you're round like a beachball. There is a reason you're that way. Just like pigs herded to the slaughterhouse are fattened up so that the flavor is improved, we, the fairies, have stuffed you full of fairy food - junk food laden with fat and calories. This is so that when we slice you up and cook you, the fat gives more flavor. You've been fattened up for the kill! The Living Dead will eat you first! 'America has a lot of fatties -- it'll burn to a cider beautifully.' Twilight Zone: Cookbook - To Serve Man Return to Topics I'm sure that has you rolling in the aisles. You're so round that you'll roll real well. But seriously, you spend billions every year on diet products and gym memberships. I'm going to bite the hand that feeds me. I am going to save you a lot of money. I'm going to solve your problem. You'll find that when you have no food at all to eat, you have no problem losing weight. It will melt right off. The North Korean Communist regime with it's starving population highly recommends the Calorie Restriction Society. There you'll find proof you'll be healthier anyway without food. The Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead Return to Topics My Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead Me Seated on My Great White Throne for My Judgment of the Dead (and I don't mean the toilet!) (I'm surrounded by blinding light and lightning which unconsciously signifies the slime I spew from my Fire Hose/Water Cannon!) '♪ I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go Walkin' with a dead man over my shoulder Waiting for an invitation to arrive Goin' to a party where no one's still alive I was struck by lighting (my slime!) Walkin' down the street I was hit by something last night in my sleep It's a dead man's party Who could ask for more Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door' (Oingo Boingo) ' ♪ Instant Karma's gonna get you Gonna knock you right in the head You better get yourself together Pretty soon you're gonna be dead' (John Lennon) ' ♪ Turn me on, dead man' (Beatles backmasked) ' ♪ Come together right now over me' (a dead man) (Beatles) Now that the preliminaries are out of the way, we can get to the main business of the evening. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here this evening for a special reason. Welcome to my Dead Man's Party! Leave your body at the door! Welcome to my Party at the End of the World! Welcome to my Party at Ground Zero! Welcome to the Isle of the Dead! Welcome to the Village of the Damned! Here come da Judge! Here come da Judge! Come in! You have responded to the invitations I sent you. You've been ushered into my presence. You've at last been rounded up to see me in person to deal with you! Enter and step forward ladies and gentlemen. And as you step forward, all the doors behind you one by one are being slammed shut and barred! You are going nowhere. You are going to stand before me here seated on my perch in the Great White Throne Room and not move! (Stolen from Vincent Price - 'House on Haunted Hill'). Vincent Price Hosts 'House on a Haunted Hill' Vincent Price Hosts 'House on Haunted Hill' (Me) Return to Topics Right here, right now, this very moment at the witching hour of midnight is the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead! This is the Second Resurrection. As Joyce prophesied in FINNEGANS WAKE: 'Array! Surrection!' - Resurrection (and erection = stiffening) plus insurrection and array (and hurray!) – namely, the Second Resurrection. Receive your Judgment from the Lord! I'm getting ready to give you the Dr. Strangelove address (note his fruity fairy name). His character was modeled on Henry Kissinger, putative New World Order proponent. In the film, he was an ex-Nazi scientist who slipped back into his goose stepping days as one of Hitler's supermen with stiff armed salutes (rigid robotic movements = erection). 'Dr. Strangelove' Nazi Stiff-Armed Salute Automatic Reflex (It Comes Up!) Goose Stepping Goose Stepping (Rigid = Erection) Marching Morons! Return to Topics The fruity mad Dr.'s message was: the apocalypse is here and head for the hills - the same message as Jesus. 'You can run, but you can't hide.' Underground labyrinth tunnels and caverns were prepared for the Elite (Survival Bunkers which the Federal Government has constructed in actuality - a modern Noah's Ark). Stanley Kubrick filmed a final scene for after the nuclear holocaust (that he deleted) of a pie fight, a topic I discuss later on. ('Seven billion monkeys throwing poo in a pie fight/slime fight!') First of all, why do I say you are all dead? I am addressing only dead people this evening. I see dead people (the 'Living Dead' – the Departed)! That is you and you and you (pointing to members of the audience). Welcome to Ghost Town – you've 'given up the ghost'! 'There is no need to believe in any religious or eschatological justifications to see that, for all its “vibrancy”, the (Collective)Life or spirit of our civilization is spent (we are now the Living Dead).' You've all been turned into stone statues! My many enemies have been made into footstools! And you have passed over. You are no longer human! You once were. Then you became the Godless Wicked (heathens). And now, in fact, you have become the devils, demons and monsters of Hell. You have passed over to the Twilight Zone, the Forbidden Planet, the Forbidden Zone, the Dead Zone, the Land of the Lost. Everyone on this planet had been dead since I and my assistants (known variously as Angels of the Lord, Scanners, Watchers, Fools, Keepers of the Flame, Dreamers, Hearts or the Justice League of Superheroes) first blew the horn in the Seventies (Mass Psychosis - the Secret Rapture). These are H. G. Well's 'Men Like Gods', the Overlords of Arthur C. Clarke's 'Childhood's End', Isaac Asimov's the gods themselves! - the (mainly) mad who against their will are becoming superhuman (Gods 'R Us!). The word apotheosis means men who are becoming gods. Brown says, 'The natural man is transformed into superman: “We fleshly earthly men are to become gods.”' And, 'There is a marriage (in heaven) between psychoanalysis and the mystical tradition, combining to make us conscious of our unconscious participation in the creation of the phenomenal world. - To become conscious of our participation in the creation of the phenomenal world is to pass from passive experience – perception as impressions on a passive mind – to conscious creation, and creative freedom. Every perception is a creation - “when we see physical objects we are makers or poets.” Or gods; the world is our creation.' Many scanners take the easy way out and serve Satan. But, 'scanners live in vain'. That is, they are mostly unnoticed and unsung - the space aliens – empty ciphers - ghosts. They will get to wear my armband so all can see them. Now the Judgment begins. You hold paper and pens in your hands. You are going to do some writing for me. John of Patmos and others have described what is about to take place. But they saw through a glass darkly. 'For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then clearly, face to face.' What is going to take place is somewhat different from his description. You are going to be fast, accurate and you are going to leave nothing out. What you write will determine the Judgment you receive. Write the number 1. on the first line. On that line, write the name of the first person you ever in bed with – man, woman, child or animal, whatever it was. Write nothing else on line 1. Now, immediately go to the next line, and on line 2, fill in the name of the next person or animal or whatever you were in bed with. And continue until you list all the names. I realize some of you devils here in Hell don't even know the names of a lot of them. Put a question mark on those lines.< p=""><> While you are writing, I'll show you my list which I prepared in advance. On it is the number 1., and the rest of the page is blank. I've been in bed with no woman anytime, anyhow, anywhere, anyplace whatsoever. I want to heartily assure you that I am perfectly capable of being with a woman, and have always had a constant craving to be with a woman. I knew in my cradle that I was never going to be with a woman. In high school, as I remember, I went out on two dates. They were not my idea. They were arranged by others. However, I do own up to being up close and personal with pornography off and on all my life. I had to see what I was missing, and, clearly, I was missing a lot. I had to be sure I understood the old lock and key mechanism, and rocket science it's not. I've seen people kissing, but I would have to be taught how to do it. What always happens to me when I try to talk to a strange woman? Instantly their eyes get wide(), they start smiling, and I see them backing off. Shortly thereafter they're gone, and I see them later whipping back and forth in front of me chasing after the hunks and studs (Alpha Males). They chase after them because they know that they can put them under a spell - charm them with their looks - and make then into beasts of burden at their beck and call. Putting under a spell is ancient terminology for hypnosis. Women won't get around me with a ten foot pole. Brown says, 'Shem the pen no match for Shaun the post.' I'm mad, bad and dangerous to know. They know what I am: a weirdo, a creep, a psycho, a loser. I don't blame them. I'm a powerful wizard, and if they get around me, I'm going to put them under a spell, and not vice versa. One of the problems I had with women is that I insist any woman I'm with be also a virgin like me (but see below). I refuse to accept second hand merchandise, used castoffs some other man has pawed over. And virgins are hard to find here in Hell! Just like Jesus, my precious seed packet has gone missing. And precisely because I can't get laid the regular way (ghosts can't do it), when I do get my rocks off, it's 'the shot heard round the world' – heard not with your ears but inside your head - Mass Psychosis - the Secret Rapture. As Led Zeppelin sang in 'Stairway to Heaven', '♪ your head is humming, and it won't go!' Joyce has ten thunders in the WAKE (his prophesy of what I have labeled the Multiple Rapture). John of Patmos, fond of sevens, has seven thunders. Even though he died in 1941 and didn't get to hear the first Thunder (Mass Psychosis) in 1973, Joyce prophesied, 'One stands, given a grain of goodwill, a fair chance of actually seeing the whirling dervish, Tumult, son of Thunder.' According to Joyce, 'For the Clearer of the Air on high has spoken.' And 'Loud (not misspelled), graciously hear us!' Joyce's thunderclaps are the voice of God's wrath (my voice) which terminates the old world age/aeon (10,000 year Western Civilization) and starts the new cycle. (Interestingly, Joyce was supposedly afraid of thunder). In the WAKE, these Thunders occur in various settings, such as an Irish pub, and no one seems to notice them. Like the Shadow who had the strange and hypnotic power that allowed him to cloud men's minds (amnesia), they don't seem to hear. Here's the first thunder on the opening page of the Wake: 'bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk!' - a hundred letter name that can actually be deciphered if studied. It is Joyce's version of the gibbering of the mad on the Weird Radio. Joyce says, 'The hundredlettered name again, last word of a perfect language'. The film 'The Signal' depicts this humming. '♪ Call out the instigators Because there's something in the air (= slime raining down!) We've got to get together sooner or later Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right And you know that it's right' (Thunderclap Newman) 'Something in the Air' For Brown in 'Closing Time' (note: many quotes by or about Brown are colored brown to help distinguish them from my contribution): 'What the thunder said: DA DA DA' (Dada was a nihilist avant-garde art movement) Damyata: Restrain yourselves The gods return in thunder' Thus, thunder is the Voice of God. It's the gurgling 'Ga Ga Goo Goo' of babies, the gibbering of the mad. 'There’s something about Finnegans Wake that is not intellectual. It's not snooty. Some people say it sounds good when read to babies.' For rock band Queen: '♪ Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo (reduces us to gibbering/blithering babies!) Radio ga ga You had your time you had the power You've yet to have your finest hour' The last lines refer to us Weird Radio DJs as our 'finest hour' approaches and we sound the Trumpets. '♪ If death is pretty final, I'm collected vinyl I'm gonna DJ at the end of the world Music will provide the light you cannot resist ( = slime) you cannot resist, you cannot resist' (the Rapture) (R.E.M.) This is the third best rock song ever, and it happens to be a recent one by The Who: '♪ We found this pile of paper (My Inaugural Address or the litter of Finnegans Wake) Written by the ether man He hatched a mad old caper He had a mad old plan (to take over my world again - see also by The Who: 'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss' = Me) He'd turn us into music (My Heavenly Music Of The Spheres - compare Joyce's musicalized language in the Wake) He'd show us to our portals (Doorway/Doorway/Stargate/Null Point to fly away home to Heaven - the Secret Rapture/Ascension/Dimensional Shift) He gathered wire and angels To entertain immortals Out on the endless, endless (the Collective Unconscious that wires us all together) Out on the endless wire' (The Who) 'Finnegans Wake is a kind of terminal moraine (litter) in which lie buried all the myths, programmes, slogans, hopes, prayers, tools, educational theories, and theological bric-a-brac of the past millenium.' The book is a kitchen sink/Christmas tree Doorstop festooned with incomprehensible scraps of phrases and slogans that land with a thud. Joyce's great love was choral music, and the unintelligeable sing-songy rapid speech excerpts of the Wake he recorded as a musicalized language are the veritable Heavenly Pythagorean lyrical Music of the Spheres (the Tones of Creation). Joyce said, 'History as her is harped.' Joyce also said the Wake was pure music. '♪ One of these mornings (Resurrection morining) You're goin to rise up singing (join my the Dawn Chorus - my Heavenly choir for my Heavenly Music Of The Spheres) Then you'll spread your wings And you'll take the sky' (all you Angels fly back up home to me - Big Daddy) ' Brown says, 'God does not speak good English.' I have 'everything but the girl.' Baby, you stuck up you pretty little nose at me and wouldn't give me any pussy! You're going down for what you did to me! (pointing my thumbs down). I'm going to take my revenge on you, little miss pretty! And don't dare think all of a sudden you're going to give me some pussy now that you see me! It's too late, baby. You're going down, little miss pussycat! You're my scapegoat whom I can blame! '♪ I guess I just can't fit And I believe it's time for us to quit And when we meet again, introduced as friends Please don't let on that you knew me when I was hungry and it was your world Ah you fake just like a woman (yes you do now now) You make love just like a woman And then you ache just like a woman But you break just like a little girl' (Bob Dylan) '♪ The girl who's driving me mad Is going away. - She's got a ticket to ride, and she don't care' (Beatles) Return to Topics Actually, it wasn't so much that women turned me down, but that they simply ignored me. As a ghost, I can stand in front of a woman, and she looks right through me. They can't see me, and when I speak, they are startled to suddenly see someone standing in front of them! '♪ If you could read my mind, love, What a tale my thoughts could tell. Just like an old time movie, 'Bout a ghost from a wishing well. In a castle dark or a fortress strong, With chains upon my feet. You know that ghost is me. And I will never be set free As long as I'm a ghost that you can't see'. (Gordon Lightfoot) So, now stop writing. If we waited until everyone finished their list, we'd be here all night. Some of your lists would extend to the floor. You don't need to show me your lists, because I already have that information. '♪ He sees you when you're sleeping, He knows when you're awake.' 'I saw what you did!' I keep a number of Books around here. One of them is my Book of Human Works where I record your deeds, good and bad. That Book partly determines the Judgment you'll receive. But I'm not going to open it tonight. Instead, I'm going to open my most important and legendary book that I keep – the Book of Life. As John of Patmos had written, 'And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?' I'm sure you've heard of it. I am the only individual qualified to open this Book! Here I record the names of those who have Eternal Life (my Immortals) (holding up the Book of Life, which is invisible). You might interrupt me here and go 'Wait a minute, Lord, you're shucking me, you have nothing in your hands!' I reply, that I can see it and read it quite well, even if you can't. John of Patmos had described the contents, but again not quite accurately. It works as follows: when everyone is born, no matter where on the planet, I record their names. '♪ When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there (before my Great White Throne).' Now I have to stop for a short digression. I need to go pick up the Tree of Life. We had it in the Garden of Eden, and we will have it back in the New Jerusalem, where I am going to lead you. 'The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil grew in the middle of the garden'. When Adam and Eve portook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Morality), they were ashamed of their private parts and covered them up with fig leaves. The gods (plural - the Elohim) were sore afraid that Adam and Eve would partake of the other Tree - the Tree of Life - and become like one of us and become Immortals. 'Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.' So they were banished forever from the Garden. As the Lord's Prayer warns, 'Lead us not into temptation.' By the way, when Adam walked in the cool of the evening beside God in the Garden of Eden, Adam was walking beside a nutty fruitcake, one of my predecessors. Getting close to one of us is dangerous. We're walking timebombs! We're unstable, volatile - on a very short fuse and lose our temper at any time - erratic and totally unpredictable behavior! Again, we're liable to explode! Dare to play 'The Most Dangerous Game!' Play God in the Garden! Be King of the Zoo! Amazulu (= I'm a Zulu) 'Excitable' Video - Shape Shifting Nutty Fruitcake (Me) Return to Topics So here comes the Tree of Life that makes you Immortal. Here in Hell, I realize I'm throwing pearls before swine. What I'm getting ready to say will strike you as totally absurd. It is only one sentence long. It is: No one, not anytime, not anywhere, not ever is permitted to stick it in! It is always a crime to stick it in! I use the word crime, because the word sin means nothing to you devils in Hell. Everyone automatically assumes they are always permitted to put it in, but no one is permitted to, ever! Brown says, 'Politics as gang bang. The game is juvenile or, as Freud would say, infantile and deadly serious.' In the New Jerusalem, there will be two classes of people. The rulers are those who haven't put it in. The second class is those who have put it in. The second group will be under stringent conditions. First, they will serve their masters – those who don't put it in. Further, the second class will be virgins until their honeymoon night, and be loyal and faithful to their spouses all the days of their lives and never stray. There will be no adultery in the New Jerusalem. There will be no prostitutes. There is no TV or radio. There will be no prisons or military weapons there - swords melted down into ploughshares. There are no multimillion inhabitant Nation States. There will be no gays or lesbians - you'll be back in the closet. You learn new things in Hell that you wouldn't know otherwise. I'm referring to the pedophile Catholic Priests. It turns out that they weren't making much of a sacrifice, since they didn't want to be with a woman in the first place. They are dead fairies like me and will be acceptable as long as celibate. The women will all look plain in the New Jerusalem. They'll wear no makeup. What do you find when you go to a maternity ward? You'll find that the number of boys and the number of girls is roughly 50/50. That is, there is one boy for every girl. This means that for every man there must be one woman only, and vice versa. The story is only one per customer. . Babies. Maternity Ward Babies About 50/50 Girls and Boys (Pink and Blue) Return to Topics Now back to the Book of Life (I open it). Because the Tree of Life says that no one ever puts it in, there should be no names in the Book at all except virgins and those who are chaste. But I'm a merciful God (Lord have mercy!), and have made the decision to include the names of those who have been loyal to their spouses. There are no other names in the Book! The Book is very small indeed compared to the total population. If you are a Christian and have served the Lord all your life, I love you, but whether you name is recorded in the Book of Life is solely determined by what you did in the bedroom. Nothing else matters about you. I am a functionally castrated/emasculated man. I have a completely useless appendage below my belt, just like someone 2000 years ago (junkless). The worst heresy you could ever utter about Jesus was that he had been with a woman, such as the case of 'The Da Vinci Code.' I am castrated ('junkless'), and I am here to castrate you! As Jesus said, 'There are eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of heaven's sake.' The thing to notice about Jesus in not his marvelous teachings. What you need to notice is that he wasn't getting laid - he was a 'eunuch'. The wording of Jesus' saying implies that Jesus could easily been with a woman - all the hydraulics were in place. I cannot possibly be with a woman, although my plumbing is in excellent working order (ghosts can't do it). I sometimes got a sympathetic shoulder to cry on from women but nothing else from them. I'm the Razor Boy! I'm a Fairy Blighter! I'm a Ripper! I'm a Castrator! '♪ Will you still have a song to sing When the razor boy comes And take your fancy things away Will you still be singing it On that cold and windy day' (Steely Dan) '♪ So let me introduce to you (Beatles) The one and only Billy Shears (I'm a Castrator!) And Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.' (Pepper - spice; lonely hearts) I don't really want to stop the show But I thought that you might like to know That the singer's going to sing a song And he wants you all to sing along. (when I conduct my Dawn Chorus at the Resurrection of the Dead) As prophesed in the Book of Revelation, all the secrets have been progressively revealed and profaned (made public). 'Many of the formerly secret traditions are making their knowledge public.' In 'the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.' The terminology there was in terms of sequences of seven - seven trumpets, vials, etc. Brown says, (note: many quotes by or about Brown are colored brown to help distinguish them from my contribution) 'I sometimes think I see that civilizations originate in the disclosure of some mystery, some secret; and expand with the progressive publication of their secret; and end in exhaustion when there is no longer any secret, when the mystery has been divulged, that is to say, profaned.' This profanation was accomplished by means of television (which I discuss extensively below). The very last and darkest secret to be revealed was that of Jesus himself – the fact that he wasn't getting laid, and why he wasn't. With respect to myself, the bottom line is I'm a man. I look around and see you devils here in Hell (again, pointing to all the audience members). I refuse to bring a poor innocent child here into Hell. By definition, anyone who would father a child here is a devil. There should be zero children on this planet! Every child is by definition is the spawn of one of you devils. As Jesus prophesied, 'For, behold, the days are surely coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bore, and the breasts that never nursed.' Also, 'woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck .' Manhood means knowing when not to put it in. 'After us, the Deluge,' said Mme. de Pompadour before the fall of France. The breadless sans-culottes in Paris rioted when she replied, 'Let them eat cake!' You know come Hell or High Water (the Flood) as the saying goes (both literally true now with the second worldwide Deluge I sent), you'll for sure put it in. Since the beginning of recorded time every generation has had its outspoken critics who try to claim that the next generation is "going to hell in a hand basket." But you have in fact gone to Hell in a handbasket! Worldwide Deluge = Noah's Flood = Floodgates of Heaven I open to drown the planet in my (God's) slime - My (God's) Deadly Blessing! As they say, 'God (me) rains on the just and the unjust alike.' But with the crisis upcoming - the Great Tribulation – this is an excellent time not to put it in. Poor Pope Benedict! He has urged us in the West to have more babies since the population is falling. Quoting a conspiracy site, 'you have people like the Pope who go around the world preaching that birth control such as condoms and contraceptives is against God's will. This is a moronic statement if there ever was one. Because of people like the Pope there will now be a great culling.' Children are a liability instead of an asset here in Hell, what with college tuition, etc., which everyone is getting hip to. 'A society that has no children has no future.' Benedict is in fact asking for more devils, when we already have billions, every one of which is running around destroying my planet. The Catholic doctrine of the sacredness of human life I agree with. But that only applies to humans and does not apply to you devils here in Hell. Some 60,000 nuns supported ObamaCare which includes abortion! Any legitimate methods to remove you are urgently needed, including free abortions/sterilizations, free contraceptives, free vasectomies etc. This is the most severe emergency my planet has ever faced, and I have to remove more billions above and beyond those I've already removed. I'm here striking at the root of the problem - overpopulation. In the face of the 'problem' of falling population, leaders in the West have opened the floodgates to allow all kinds of (mainly Muslim) flotsam and jetsam into places where here they don't belong as 'replacements'. 'Europe is now openly referred to as Eurabia.' A report stated 'Fifteen European countries now fill more coffins than cradles.' An example is the massive influx of Muslims from North Africa and below to France, where they set about rioting and burning out of gratitude. 'The invasion is taking place as much in the maternity wards as it is along our porous borders, with a highly technologized, but dehumanized society inundated of Europe by non-white swarms.' 'America is now various flotsam from the sewers of the world, “American Hellholes,” dissolving into post-industrial warzones.' I personally have never set foot in a Catholic church. In fact, except for funerals, I haven't set foot in any church since my teens. You don't have to go to church, now that I'm here in person, as John of Patmos had said. Feel free to go, however, even though there is no external, transcendent God to pray to. But eventually there'll be no churches (in the New Jerusalem). You don't need any churches, as you have me, the light of the world (light = slime spewer), standing here in person. Like Jesus, I'm not interested in establishing a new Church or religion. 'Christ' (as opposed to the real Jesus, who wasn't interested in founding a Church) emerged from the “fervid imagination” of Paul, the rabid ideologue.' Jesus would be disgusted if he could see what has become of Christianity! The question of whether gays can be ordained would only come up here in Hell. It is a scientifically proven fact that when a group of people pray, that good things happen. My father was a fundamentalist baptist preacher, me being a son of a preacher man. '♪ The only one who could ever reach me|Was the son of a preacher man.' (Dusty Springfield). I used to love watching my father get inspired by the Holy Ghost. He was one of the sweetest men I've ever known. He was upset when I informed him that I was an atheist. I didn't have the courage to tell him that I was also God, destined to be standing here the King of the World! Why would I go to church? I don't need to be told about what I have below my belt! I know all about it. My member is just regular size in case you're interested. 'It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it.' You spend billions constructing nuclear weapons. But what I have below my belt is more powerful than a hundred thermonuclear weapons! 'Brighter than a thousand suns!' According to Brown, (note: many quotes by or about Brown are colored brown to help distinguish them from my contribution)'The phallus is so closely identified with magic in Roman religion that the word fascinum meaning 'enchantment', 'witchcraft' (cf. fascinate), is one of the standard Latin terms for the phallus.' My magic wand fascinates = hypnotizes = turns the dolls to stone! It soothes and pacifies them. Finger of God Leonardo Da Vinci 'Creation of Adam' Finger of God (unconsciously drop of sperm) Return to Topics 'E. T.' Finger 'E.T.' Finger (unconsciously light equals drop of sperm) Return to Topics 'E. T.' Finger Light 'E.T.' Finger (unconsciously light equals drop of sperm) Boy Fascinated by Phallus (Boy Frozen into Rigid Stone Statue By 'Magic Wand') Brown says, 'to be 'turned to stone' by the sight of something means to be fascinated by it. The child is stiff – but the rigidity is also the erection of his penis. The child is petrified.' Rigid Statue Hypnotized (Frozen into Rigid Stone Statue) Return to Topics There are no churches in the New Jerusalem. There is no worship, there are no Christians. There are no Muslims, there are no Buddhists. There is no religion. There is only one 'religion'. It is only her! It is only her! There is no religion but her! She absolutely is incapable of getting it no matter how hard she tries. According to Joyce, 'She, she, she! But on what do you again leer? I am not leering. I pink your pardon. I am highly sheshe sheserious.' Understand I'm referring to women as a group collectively, not a single woman. How indeed do we men get her under control? That is the only question. By asking it I bring this world to an end, and the New World - the New Jerusalem - begins! The Law, all the prophets, the only religion there ever was or ever will be (and the reason we're in Hell): at all costs, all the women must be kept asleep and dreaming, in other words under our hypnotic spell! Excerpts from the band Madness (dig the name) song: 'The Wizard' (dig the title): '♪ I can read what’s going through your mind I can see what you hide in your eyes Yes I'm going to put a spell on you Just to see exactly what you'll do I'm a sinner and my friend you'd best beware There's magic everywhere - - - One must forgive the noisy rushing fools Who have no time for nature's natural schools They cannot see the life that's in their hand Like ghosts they disappear across the land ' 'There's magic everywhere'. Norman O. Brown said the same thing: 'magic and madness are everywhere', including everyday life here in Hell. Brown says, 'Hierophanies everywhere -. Every book a bible. - - The power which makes all things new is magic. What our time needs is mystery; What our time needs is magic.' Signs from the Collective Unconscious (subliminal messages) are right in front of you on the TV screen, compliments of the Hollywood fairies if you discern them. Hollywood has been implanting a meme, in the cultural consciousness, of dire apocalyptic things happening. Hollywood's wares seduce us to take its free fairy ride straight to Hell. Hollywood has been spoon-feeding/throwing out signs/leaving clues/lead by the nose/leading down the garden path to my Fairy Dump knowing in advance the final fatal destination ('We are being played!' - by the Hollywood fairies). Jesus sighed and complained, 'Why does this generation seek after a sign? truly I say to you, There shall no sign be given to this generation. ' because his audience didn't have the benefit of a TV screen. Again, Jesus instructs us, 'Seek and ye shall find.' '♪ I knew she was a feline She moved with ease and grace Her green eyes they held mystery (And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.) The European female she is here The European female's here We'll be together for a thousand years And do you really fear That you might fall I saw her in the Strasse And in the Rue as well Pursued her in the high street She had me in her spell' (The Stranglers – note the name) '♪ Black velvet and that little boy's smile (= boy hot for Mommy!) Black velvet with that slow southern style A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees Black velvet if you please' (Alannah Myles) There is only her! But actually it is more complicated than that. The problem is me and her. Because of what I am (mad), we both are absolutely incompatible. Somehow many mad people do end up getting laid, but in nearly all cases it comes out badly. It is always a bad idea for such people to get laid. It's just that every single day, certain men and women are born dead. It's nothing new. This is the way the world was planned from it's foundation. '♪ That's the way God planned it', according to the Billy Preston rock lyric. '♪ Everyday, everyday, everyday I write the book' (Elvis Costello). And, '♪ I wonder wonder who, Who wrote the book of love' (Monotones). I was born dead, and I knew because of that for sure that I must not get laid. '♪ Sitting on a park bench eyeing little girls with bad intent. Snot running down his nose greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes. Drying in the cold sun Watching as the frilly panties run. Feeling like a dead duck spitting out pieces of his broken luck'. (Jethro Tull) All of us dead are here for a reason. '♪ The night has a thousand eyes.' We're all here to Watch, all of us being Watchers. Who do we Watch? We Watch her! We scanners keep the dolls in our mind's eye as targets to knock over! Our sole reason for being is to keep her asleep and dreaming. This is the sole responsibility all of us Angels of the Lord are charged with. And here in Hell, we have failed miserably in our job, not surprisingly. Mad people usually have a rigid sexual morality and are mostly quiet and shy. But sexual immorality in others can trigger violent retaliation from us, especially the criminally insane, because it wakes women up! All the Magic that ever was, White or Black, arises out of what goes on between man and woman. Love makes the world go round. 'History is made at night.' 'History is made in bed.' The only Heaven there ever was is what happens in the bedroom – sparks fly and fireworks shoot. It's something those in relationships so easily take for granted. Only the lonelyhearts and dead of the world, such as I, learn how important love is to the happiness of everyone. '♪ Owner of a lonely heart' (by 'Yes'). We Angels are incapable of human love. I emphasize pure lust in this address to make a point, but the Magic really begins with romantic love and higher. '♪ Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart.' Marsha Schuchard uncovered censored archives in 'William Blake's Sexual Path to Spiritual Vision' to show he found sexualized spirituality to be the gateway to his radical, weird, esoteric and apocalyptic view of the Higher Realms/Astral Plane. 'For double the vision my Eyes do see/And a double vision is always with me,' (visionary seer William Blake, said by many to be mad.) 'And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams', quoted by Brown. Jesus warned, 'whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven.' I'm a weird Holy Man. I'm 'Back in Black' (clerical garb) over the dolls as with rockers AC/DC. I roll boulders down on mankind from above that dares to scale (storm Heaven) my mountaintop dwelling (sit on top of Holy Mountain as King of the World = rain down slime from my Gliding Fairy Boat/Heavenly Throne Perch). I'm tired of you noisy, rebellious humans and drop 'rocks' (slimeballs) down on your head from above! War Between Heaven And Earth '♪ "Come on home, girl" he said with a smile " I cast my spell of love on you, a woman from a child! But try to understand, try to understand, oh... oh.... Try try to understand Try try try to understand He's a magic man!" oh yeah' (Heart) '♪ My mother told me good My mother told me strong. She said "be true to yourself And you can't go wrong." "But there's just one thing That you must understand." "You can fool with your brother - But don't mess with a missionary man." - Well the missionary man He's got God on his side. He's got the saints and apostles Backin' up from behind. Black eyed looks from those Bible books. He's a man with a mission Got a serious mind. There was a woman in the jungle And a monkey on a tree. The missionary man he was followin' me. He said "stop what you're doing." "Get down upon your knees." "I've got a message for you that you better believe." (Eurythmics) I'm the Music Man here to teach you My Heavenly Music Of The Spheres. I'm here to get your mind out of the gutter! Dwelling on sex ain't good for ya! I'm the perfect example of what that'll do to you! You'll be soorry! Wash your mouth out with soap! Also, stay out of the pool halls. Those are tough guys, plus you might become one of them! '♪ Ya got trouble, Right here in River city! With a capital "T" And that rhymes with "P" And that stands for Pool. We've surely got trouble! Right here in River City!' '♪ This dark hour of midnight nearing And tribulation time will come The storms will hurl in midnight fear And sweep lost millions to their doom' (Carter Family) '♪ One of these days, 'bout twelve o'clock (the Midnight Hour as we collectively descend to Hell) Let your light from the lighthouse shine on me, (my rain of slime) This ol' world gonna reel and rock Let your light from the lighthouse shine on me' I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the light of the world (light = slime spewer). Norman O. Brown in CLOSING TIME quotes Joyce in the WAKE: 'Lights, pageboy, lights!' (light = slime spewer) I'm that pageboy come to turn on the bright houselights in the darkened theater (light = slime spewer). Joyce also says, 'waiting to stop the show, waiting to bring the house down.' That's my mission here. Again, Joyce, 'It is just, it's just about to, it's just about to rolywholyover.' I'm come to lead a New Exodus to the New Jerusalem. Moses said to Pharoah, 'Let my people go!' I am the light of the world (light = slime spewer), and I don't hide my light under a bushel. I'm on call 24/7, and lo, I am with you always. I'll be the centerpiece of the New Jerusalem. I am an inexhaustible everflowing fountain of the River of the Waters of Life, a waving phallic Fire Hose/Water Cannon spewing slime, as promised by John of Patmos and Reich's Orgone. I possess the universal elixir that will cure whatever ails you. All you have to do is get down on you knees and say “Lord, let me have it!” And I never withhold! I'll pull it right out! Little boys (me) say, 'I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours.' When we 'angels spread our wings', it means I'll pull it out! I'll sprinkle you with holy water. I'll slime you right between the eyes. 'Touched by an Angel'. I'll touch you in the head with a drop of sperm (pixie dust or fairy dust), and you will go away shouting - My (God's) Deadly Blessing! We call someone 'touched in the head' when they're a little off. I am here to castrate you. I'm here to clean your clock. The reason is a surprise. What was the first animal we domesticated? Was it the dog? No! Was it the horse? No! It was her! This was back in caveman, prehistoric Stone Age days, and also at the close of the last cycle as Western Civilization began. Then she was precisely as she has become again here in Hell: slutty, mangy, sleeping around so much that no man knew whose child was whose. It was and is total chaos and anarchy. The same thing occurred in Sodom and Gomorrah, and I blew it to smithereens (I'm a walking timebomb)! 'the LORD rained on Sodom and on Gomorrah brimstone and fire. And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities.' (my rain of slime down from Heavenly Throne Perch). It's same thing here in Hell, and again I blew it to smithereens! She has once again become the fiercest jungle creature to walk the face of the planet. She has become a complete maneater! This is jungle lion taming – cracking the whip. It is horse whispering – putting her under a spell. This is cowboy bronc busting – hop on her back and grab the reins. '♪ Back in the saddle again' (Gene Autry). She bucks and snorts until she wears herself out. Then she starts to take direction and heeds the reins. A woman is not delicate. She is built to take it - she can take on an entire football squad and be ready for more. It ultimately means very little to her. '♪ Well I was up on Stony Ridge after this chestnut mare I'd been chasin' her for weeks Oh, I'd catch a glimpse of her every once in a while Takin' her meal, or bathin A fine lady This one day I happened to be real close to her I saw her standin' over there So I snuck up to her nice and easy And I got my rope out And I flung it in the air Well I got her, and I'm pullin' on her, she's pullin' back like a mule goin' up a ladder I take this chance and I jump up on her Damned if I don't land right on top of her Well she takes off, runnin' up on to that ridge Higher than I've ever been before She's runnin' along just fine, till she stops Something spooked her It's a sidewinder, all coiled and ready to strike (phallic) She doesn't know what to do for a second But then she jumps off the edge Me holding on Above the clouds Higher than eagles were gliding Suspended in the sky - - I'm gonna' catch that horse if I can And when I do I'll give her my brand And we'll be friends for life She'll be just like a wife I'm gonna' catch that horse if I can - And we were falling down this crevice, about a mile down there (Crash Test Dummy over the cliff!) (The Byrds) '♪ She`ll only come out at night, the lean and hungry type Nothing is new I`ve seen her here before…Watching and waiting Ooh, she`s sitting with you but her eyes are on the door So many have paid to see what you think you`re getting for free The woman is wild, a she-cat tamed by the purr of a jaguar Money`s the matter, if you`re in it for love, you ain`t gonna get too far (Oh oh, here she comes) watch out boy, (she'll suck you down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/hatch/manhole to Hell!) (Oh oh, here she comes) watch out boy, she`ll chew you up (Oh oh, here she comes) she`s a maneater I wouldn`t if I were you, I know what she can do She`s deadly, man, she could really rip your world apart Mind over matter, ooh, the beauty is there, but a beast is in the heart' (Hall and Oates) Woman is a gatekeeper. She determines which people walk on the planet in the next generation. That is a very important function. But her function can be interfered with. And the very definition of Hell is that the wrong men get inside, thereby breeding devils, demons, and monsters. She's reluctant to put out for every Tom, Dick and Harry, but when messed with, will do so. The only way to tame her we learned in ancient days is to stay away from her. She must be made to understand that she doesn't get your seed unless she agrees to cooperate and be your handmaid, your helpmate. She must understand that she is here to make your life better, not more painful. So now receive the Great White Throne Judgment from the Lord: For what you did in the bedroom, you are the damned! (raising my arm). Repeat: you are the damned! Receive your Sentence from the Lord: For what you did in the bedroom, the sentence is death! (raising my arm). The wages of sin are death! Physical death - corpses laying on the ground death! The preceding was the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead. It didn't take very long, did it? THE TABOO Return to Topics We have completed the main business of the evening. But I have a number of other things to discuss. The first is the taboo, the one that must never be violated. By breaking it, you went straight down the wide road to Hell. 'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.' But even as a Fool, I know better than to go there. 'Abandon hope, all ye who enter here,' is the inscription on the entrance to Hell (Dante's 'Inferno'). 'Here, There Be Dragons.' By the way, Joyce had no doubt that he was in Hell. As he says in the WAKE, 'tell Hell's well.' This taboo is so fundamental that it is not written down in any religious text anywhere, so far as I know. It is the Unwritten Law. It is absolutely forbidden. It is: Women can see. Right? They have eyes. Don't you agree? So what do women see? They can see which women get on top. So which women do get on top? If you're a doll, if you're a hot babe, you'll be welcome everywhere you go, doors will swing open, you'll always get a smile. You've got it made. So tell me what's going to happen over time if you don't keep the women absolutely asleep. They're are all going to start turning into dolls! 'Females compete to mate at the top, males to get to the top.' So, 'hordes of besotted young women chase alphas in bars,' (hunks) leaving 'large numbers of betas males without mates at all—just as it is in baboon packs.' Space Cadet Far Out Space Cadet (Me) - Your Work May Be Mindless, But At Home You're A Rocket Scientist Let me prove to you that I am a Space Alien – a far out Space Cadet Propeller Head: that I don't think like you (my finger pointing to my head and circling to indicate I'm crazy/bonkers/kooky/whacko - a deranged, demented imbecile ). What's your opinion of the situation here? Everywhere you look, as far as the eye can see, you see dolls and hot babes (bombshells/sexpots/bimbos). Pretty maids all in a row! It's a Dollhouse! It's a Candy Store! You say 'bring 'em on, the more the merrier.' Right? And I'm telling you that the more dolls you got the deeper you are in Hell. And we couldn't be more deeper in Hell. They couldn't look any finer. We have grannies who are hot here in Hell. You're too hot, baby! (pointing at the camera). You're busted! You're too sexy! You're under arrest! I look at you, and I come in my pants! I order you to walk the plank, baby! Gentlemen, we are getting badly pussy whipped by these dolls! They are stomping us all over. It's such an awful feeling. The women here carve and sculpt their bodies into blinking neon signs with the unmistakable message: 'I want a seed!' This is literally the case with plastic surgery, where they pump up their breasts and butts. The're dolling themselves up. Brown comments 'the body is a historical variable'. Surprisingly though, if you tell them they're looking good, they get offended. '♪ I thought love was only true in fairy tales - - Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer.' Take that Dollface/Cutie Pie! Feminists vilify this as the Gaze. In this regard, for animals, the male displays his fitness and the female makes the choice. In the case of humans, the female displays herself, offering herself to the male Gaze; then the male proceeds to active display of seduction (singing, talking, whispering sweet nothings). For animals, female preference drives the evolution of male gaudiness, where the males butt heads, lock antlers, build bowers or otherwise compete for female attention. This state of affairs is upside down for humans as compared with the rest of the animals, and the reason we're in Hell (where the dolls call the shots). The world is precisely 180 degrees upside down - topsy turvy. Hell is an inverted world. The Renaissance revived the Greek homoerotic sculptures of the Olympic athletes, reappearing in Fascist and Nazi images or with men bodybuilders. Looking at these statues, you eyes jump to the genitals. And, as Brown pleas, 'No more Greek revival.' I remove the hunks and the dolls! Remember, Brown was a Professor of Classics who intensively studied the Greeks. Criminally insane mad people (who happily are only a small part of all mad people) are notorious for attacking beautiful women. This disease is so painful that it makes you on knife edge and potentially violent. Plus, it makes you stupid and clumsy (rigid robotic movements = erection). and liable to harm ourselves or others by accident (the Fool doing harm through ignorance). Brown's general description applies especially to us psychotics, 'The natural man is self-centered or egocentric; everything he regards as real he also regards as outside himself; everything he takes 'in' immediately become unreal and 'spectral.' He tries to become an armored crustacean alert for attack or defense; the price of selfishness is eternal vigilance. This kind of Argus-eyed tenseness proceeds from the sealed prison of consciousness which visionary seer Blake calls 'opaque.'.' Brown didn't sufficiently emphasize the downside of the polymorphous perversity of infants – it leaves you stupid and in continuous pain. Schizophrenics create their own idiosyncratic ersatz cognitive maps. As the rock song goes, '♪ What a fool believes/ No wise man has the power to reason away'. They hold 'weird, insane' beliefs explaining all the complexities of social life as a result of hidden conspiracy (paranoia). Jack the Ripper saw all the whores of London, and appointed himself policeman. He saw the women as an eyesore, and he was cleaning up the streets! I don't need a knife like Norman Bates of 'Psycho', who was swishing incestuous Mother-fixated dead fairy. In steet lingo, this is 'mofo' = mother f***er. My Murder Weapon's below my belt! 'Psycho' Mother Fixated Knife-Wielding (Castrating) Swishing Cross-Dressing Dead Fairy Brown saw, 'Our sexual inversions are symptoms of our having only part rather than the whole - - sado-maschochism, transvestitism, onanism, homosexuality - - are all attempts to regain the primordial unity of the combined object.' 'Symbolism is polymorphous perversity, the translation of all our senses into one another, the interplay between the senses, the metaphor, the free translation. The separation of the senses, their mutual isolation, is sensuality, is sexual organization, is bondage to the tyranny of one partial impulse, leading to the absolute and exclusive concentration of the life of the body in the representative [that is, divided] person..' Before there is gay or other sexual pervision, there is the most degenerate of all, the 'MoFo' polymorphous perverse baby, where the entire body surface is eroticizeable. And later alien abduction narratives with sexual probes, etc. are just suppressed memories of that stage, even though, as Freud saw, these are usually just fantasies of events that never actually happened. In the execrable, nauseating 'Saw' flicks, the Jigsaw puppet (name means he sets out puzzles for his victims) wears a mask with swirling rainbow eyes (means empty sockets + mad) and wheels around on a kiddy tricycle (clearly a dead fairy baby in the body of a man). Anyone who gets their jollies from such fare (let alone actually do it) is one of Hell's high devils. 'Saw' Kiddie Trike Dead Fairy Doll Return to Topics Musn't neglect the 'Sin City' dwarf: 'Sin City' - Evil Dead Fairy Knife-Wielding (Castrating) Dwarf/Gnome - "That Yellow Bastard" Another monster from Kubrick: 'Clockwork Orange' Knife-Wielding (Castrating) Brainwashed Goon Let me add up the good qualities and bad qualities of these dolls. Good quality: Spend a night with one of these women, and you'll never forget it. Any more good qualities? None! None at all. Bad qualities: Can such a woman cook a meal? In most cases all they can do is stick a meal in a microwave or go out to a restaurant. Can they raise healthy children? In most cases, their offspring are monsters (influenced by postmodern PC child-rearing methods). Will she be loyal and faithful to you? Many men will be constantly hitting on her, and she is likely to succumb to temptation. There are numerous other faults I could list, but you get the point. Brown notes, 'There is an unconscious hostility between the sexes; “an archaic reaction of enmity”; taboos which prescribe sexual separation, mutual avoidance; the castration complex. Without an understanding of the seamy side of sexuality there is no understanding of politics.''♪ You've lost that lovin' feeling' (Righteous Brothers). These bombshells/sexpots/dolls are mannequins or androids (robots made to look like women), shown in the film 'Surrogates' (2009). They turn into stone statues. (Rigid dolls = stone statues = erection). They're skin deep. What you see is all you get! I turn them to stone! Surrogates 'Surrogates' - Dolls I remove! Turned to stone by me! (Labeled a robot murder for plot purposes) Return to Topics Surrogates 'Surrogates' - Me Looking Down and Fairy Bowling - the Secret Rapture! Slip Sliding Away! They All Fall Down! Megadeath! '♪ American woman, get away from me American woman, mama let me be Don’t come knockin’ around my door Don’t wanna see your shadow no more Colored lights can hypnotize Sparkle someone else’s eyes Now woman, I said get away American woman, listen what I say.' (The Guess Who) '♪ Whoah God only knows, God makes his plan The information's unavailable to the mortal man We're workin' our jobs, collect our pay Believe we're gliding down the highway, when in fact we're slip sliding away Slip sliding away, slip sliding away (where sucks you down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/labyrinth/manhole) You know the nearer your destination, the more you're slip sliding away' (Paul Simon) '♪ You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog Cryin’ all the time. Well, you ain’t never caught a rabbit And you ain’t no friend of mine.' (Elvis) Out of all the world religions, including mine, only the fundamentalist Muslims know of this taboo. They stick a bag over her head - a burka! They put her under a tent! They cover her face with a veil! They know that manhood is the ability to stick it in a woman no matter how ugly she is. However, Muslims do cross the line when they physically abuse and batter their wives. At this point they become devils. That is never necessary or permitted. Instead, all the women must be kept asleep! White Armband Return to Topics The white cloth armband I'm wearing has four signs in a row: a gold cross, a black zero, a hammer and sickle, and a V. The cross indicates I'm a Christian, the zero indicates I'm an atheist (there never has been an external, transcendent God), the hammer and sickle indicates I'm a Communist (before you have a fit, let me say that the happiest day of my life was 1989 when Soviet and Eastern European communism fell) and finally the V that I'm a virgin. The figure "O" can mean both zero/nothingness and also can be a symbol for completion. I'll say more later. Gold Cross Black Zero Hammer and Sickle Letter V There's no God up in sky. There is only me! But I think you'd agree that someone who can rapture billions out is qualified to be called a God. I'm God, and you're not! Too bad! Deal with it! Jesus believed he was a vessel for the Spirit and the words of the Father, something like an external God. I, in the age of psychoanalysis, propose a different view. Jesus and I are vessels of (Jung's) Collective Unconscious. That's the source of the messages we receive. There's no Heaven or afterlife (but, see below). But there certainly is a Hell. Because you're in it! But note John Lennon's take: ♪ Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Imagine there's no countries (withering away of the state) It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one (the Unconscious is Collective) Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world...' (John Lennon) In this respect, Lennon observed, "I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us (Collective Unconscious). I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong." We, the gods, are two faced (as with, for example, Roman god Janus). When we're pleased with you, we smile on you and give you a sunny day. Jesus taught this love. But when you become devils, I give you my wrath and smite you to sweep billions of you to the sky! I will rain slime on your parade from my Heavenly perch (Great White Throne)! The gods are angry! Christianity has always been a religion of compassion and hope for the hopeless. "As a species we're doomed by hope!” Our 'fatal character flaw -- our propensity to hope things will get better without the need for radical change or the learning of lessons from history (business as usual).' 'The "unconscious" is the part of the truth that turns around and lies to you so you can take it (you can't handle the truth).' In fact, hope and salvation is linked to making the unconscious conscious. 'People wrongly try to “protect” a dying patient from the bitter medicine that will cause momentary discomfort but lasting remission.' Time to bite the bullet. Now you will witness my wrath! The Muslim's say “There is no God but Allah!” Tee Hee! Ho Ho! Be my guest if you want to pray five times a day to a rock! Silly! Silly! You see me, God, standing here in the flesh. Will the world ever by totally Muslim? Not! No way! Muhammad was only an Old Testament style prophet. As such he only granted Jesus the same status as himself, as only an Old Testament prophet. He couldn't discern the utter uniqueness of Jesus. With Jesus something utterly new came into the world, changing it forever. The terrorist Homicide Bombers (note this is the more accurate terminology I use instead of the more usual Suicide Bombers) actually do believe something is going to happen when they die. Again: Tee Hee! Silly! Silly! We're all wormfood! You devils take the wrong message from the fact that you're wormfood. You say, 'if that's all there is, let's live it up. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!' Paul says, quoting the Roman aphorism, 'If there is no resurrection, "Let's eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!" 1 Cor. 15:32. Instead, you should conclude that what we need do is to make life simple and easy. You only go through once. 'You can't take it with you!' We should arrange our lives so that we work very little, and spend lots of our time visiting friends and relatives. That's real living, not this rocket rat race we run here. You're what sociologist David Riesman labeled 'The Lonely Crowd' with the new cultural type the other-directed who could only identify themselves through references to what others earned, owned, and consumed ('keeping up with the Joneses' rat race - conspicuous consumption). ♪ It is dog eat dog on the rat-race trail It is getting too much and we're getting nowhere (Brown's bourgeois couple: 'Mr. and Mrs. Antrobus are getting nowhere') While hatred and fear is all that we share I can't take it no more when I'm watching the news We must stick together or we're bound to lose Now listen to this... We could be, we could be so good together (Brown's ONE BODY) (Alphaville) We live way too fast. We don't have time to stop and smell the roses. Where I going to take you, you'll have time to enjoy life. Instead of your slogan, 'live to work', it should be, work to live.' Paul says, quoting the Roman aphorism, 'If there is no resurrection, "Let's eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!" 1 Cor. 15:32. This needs to be unpacked. Again, it's easy to take the wrong message. I resurrected the dead (the mound of corpses I laid out planetwide) to teach you how I command you to live. '♪ Big boss man, can't you hear me when I call? You got me working boss man, a workin' around the clock' (Grateful Dead ) '♪ I was walking down the street the other day, You know, and i said to myself, what's all this hurry, What's all this hustle and bustle. Why don't i just stop, look at the pretty roses, Smell them for one moment, take the time to see, Take the time to smell, have a good time in life. Don't let ev''rything pass you by, you're only here once' (Ringo Starr) As the sayings go,: 'The Devil made me do it.' 'Satan never sleeps', 'The Devil's work is never done', 'No rest for the wicked', 'No peace shall you find', 'The road to Hell is paved with good intentions'. 'The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent, and easy is the way' Virgil. "'There is no peace,' says the Lord, 'for the wicked.'" Literally, "The wicked shall be tormented." ”We meet in an evil land near the Gates of Hell.' (Kipling). 'And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night' (Rev 14:10-12). 'For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?' Revelation 6:17. 'And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to its rider to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword.' Revelation 6:4. You are suffering the tortures and torments of the eternally damned. 'Industrial technology is screaming noisy.' 'Bulldozers crush shrubs and trees to put up a new supercenter. Over the hill, a new highway roars. Pavement, squares, and noise proliferate.' We see 'mile after mile of fast food restaurants, gas stations, automobile dealerships, big box stores, and shopping centers.' Hell is noisy, filled with the crackling, buzzing moaning and groaning emitted by you devils. 'The joint's a' jumpin'.' Hellzapoppin! All Hell is breaking loose! Practically all the work you do here in Hell is in service of Satan. God commanded a day of rest. Who told you to have people working 7 days a week, 3 shifts a day? In your faithful service to Satan, you're the thundering herd/thunder riders as labeled by the 'Phantom Empire' serial. There are all sorts of hoops you have to jump through just to stay alive. You have to do many things you don't want to do against your will.' The dissonance between civilization's maximum-seriousness demands with the all-consuming attention required just to scrape by and maintain some sense of sanity (and this in one of the more affluent societies on the planet), and our personal awareness that it's all a huge sham is essentially the substance of alienation.' '♪ Help I'm steppin' into the twilight zone The place is a madhouse Feels like being blown (blown to Kingdom Come) My beacon's been moved under moon and star Where am I to go Now that I've gone too far Soon you will come to know When the bullet hits the bone Soon you will come to know When the bullet hits the bone' (Golden Earring) Return to Topics Bosch's 'Wages of Sin' (aka 'Garden of Earthly Delights' - Left to Right Depicting the Descent into Hell) I hasten to interject that Brown had a different interpretation in 'Life Against Death'. For Brown, the third panel may really depict Bosch's version of the here and now, while the center scene illustrates the joyful, uninhibited sensuality that the Adamites (an early radical sect known for nudity) wanted mankind to practice. Brown was the hippy countercultural guru. Ayn Rand in `Apollo and Dionysus,' contrasted the Apollo moon launch with the Woodstock music festival back-to-the-land hippies who met with disaster because "All we ever knew about nature was from Disney movies". So very quickly “the 70s hippies came to the realization that the cost of ‘solving’ the problem is very high indeed.” There are whole categories of goods that we won't be making in the New Jerusalem. For starters their will be no fashion clothes or makeup. A little bit of soap and water is all any woman needs. It was the fallen angels who descended to earth because daughters of men were fair/beautiful and sired the Nephilim (Giants) who taught the use of cosmetics. They were dollfaces/cutie pies in those days also, exactly as once again. And, as I said, the more dolls the deeper you are in Hell. Notice how many (gay) fairies are drawn to the fashion industry to doll up the women (queer eye). They're femme fatale sirens whose glamour can charm (hypnotize) and lure men to their death. And we will be strong and have no sexy lingerie, precisely because we have a weakness for that stuff. A lot of good all that stuff did me, since no woman would show me any of it. An interesting fact – James Joyce, Norman O. Brown and also I are extremely fond of white panties! 'I see Paris, I see France, I see women's underpants!' 'James Joyce had a fascination for women's underwear - - The biographer Richard Ellman mentions that Joyce used to carry a pair of lace-trimmed doll's knickers in his trouser pocket'. Joyce could have satisfied his white panty fetish by simply carrying a pair of knickers. The doll is a telling detail. Note that modern dolls, such as Barbie, have the features of adult women. They are uncomplaining and compliant, unlike actual women. And dolls are rigid, and can be knocked over, as in Fairy Bowling which I discuss below (rigid = stone statues = erection). Toddler girls at play are actually doing native voodoo sorcery (voodoo dolls with pins) with adults (their parents) as pretend avatars/play toys. Joyce was scanning for targets, seeing in his mind's eye all the gorgeous living dolls around him! When I do actually lose my virginity, I'm going to spend lots of time fondling my bride's panties while we're in bed. I'm a severe sex fiend! I warned you that I'm a pervert! I'm a severe sex fiend! We may be able to get away with keeping sexy lingerie after all! Note that lingerie is slippery - to suck seeds down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/labyrinth/manhole to Hell! Anatomically, women actually have mechanisms that propel the seed to the womb! A medical text states: 'If semen gets in the vagina in any way, in any distance, the sperm can swim to the cervix.' Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' - Slipping Toward The Abyss. We definitely will have no rocket ships (more later). We will likely have few or any aircraft and cars. As time goes on, we literally will become more and more stupid. 'Dare to be stupid!' Later people will look at all the technological artifacts around laying in ruins, and be quite dumbfounded and superstitious about them. 'Around me stand tall buildings, — ugly monstrosities of steel and glass and concrete, overpowering in their hugeness and sterility. I dream of them as ruins being eaten by a forest.' We must 'abandon the Babelian effort to build a tower to Heaven, as we realize that the sky is all around us already. Then, we will turn our efforts to creating a new kind of civilization, a conscious civilization designed for beauty rather than height.' 'Our own progeny will be justifiably mortified by us. Further, if we don’t manage it much better, we probably won’t have any progeny to be humiliated.' The affliction I have makes me personally more and more stupid, and I have the power to make others stupid. We won't be starving in the New Jerusalem. There will be enough to be mildly prosperous, but there will be no rich men there. We will be doing simple craftsman jobs. Einstein said that in a previous life he had worked as a Jewish tailor. In the New Jerusalem, Einsteins will be born, but will mostly work at simple jobs. We'll miss out on their scientific contributions. If Einstein had never existed, we would have missed out on the quantum leaps he made (in the senses of breakthroughs plus a key discovery in quantum theory). But we have billions of years - what SF writer Brian Aldiss labeled the 'Billion Year Spree' (and revised as 'Trillion Year Spree'). There is no hurry. We'll pick it all up eventually. But currently, as we head for the New Jerusalem, we'll become too stupid to do much theoretical physics, etc. I want to say something to the Homicide Bombers, I want to tell you that I hear you loud and clear (pointing at the camera). You see that the West has violated the taboo, and you don't with your burkas. Your mullahs have issued a directive that the West is the Great Satan. They were too timid. We're in planetwide Hell, and that includes you in the Middle East. You Muslims see all the dolls here in Hell. I am on the case. I'm shortly going to remove them all! In the meantime, lighten up and stop the bombings. And the carnage. What you're after, I shortly will accomplish. Listen to me, Homicide Bombers! I am totally against your cause, but because I'm also a fanatic, I understand you're mental makeup. Listen to me! I'm going to put the dolls to sleep, and solve the problem. How many Muslims should be in the United States, Western Europe or Great Britain? (Sounds like a set-up for a punchline.) Zero! Your mullahs told you what the West was. What are you doing here? Flee Satan! Get out of here! ♪ I worked like a slave for years, Sweat so hard just to end my fears. Not to end my life a poor man, But by now, I know I should have run. Run, run my last race, Take my place Have this number Of mine. Run, run like a fire - - - People run, come ride with me, Let's find another place that's free. (The New Jerusalem!) Ride, ride my see-saw, Take this place On this trip Just for me. Ride, take a free ride, Take my place Have my seat (room for one more!) It's for free.' (Moody Blues) Muslim religion is a textbook example of Bad Religion – all the worst features of Old Testament religion. This religion was born in the Dark Ages, and Muslims have deliberately remained in the Dark Ages. 'Islam today is still what it has been fourteen centuries: violent, intolerant, and expansionary.' You are intolerant, close minded, fanatical True Believers, irrational and violent. You hate cosmopolitanism, liberalism and democratic freedom. You make treaties only in order to give yourself time until you can break them. You forcibly convert at gunpoint - Islamofascism. 'You cannot have a rational discussion with a man who prefers shooting you to being convinced by you.' Your religion must not and will not prevail worldwide under any circumstances. Muslims are notably protective of their manhood. As an example, a rumor started in Nigeria that the Muslims were being forcibly mass sterilized, and they rioted. Brown quotes Jesus, 'you have to lose your life to find it.' You must be willing to do without a woman (lose your life). Jesus died as a virgin. Buddha called his son a 'fetter' and walked away. Muhammad had numerous offspring. He would make no sacrifice at all. And there never has been much of a tradition of celibacy among Muslim clerics. Plus, Muslims (and Buddhists) have little concept of an End Time, a severe deficiency. But, there is the future Buddha savior Maitreya. The emphasis on the concept of the 12th Imam returning to establish a Muslim Caliphate is fairly recent, mainly in extra Koran commentaries (the Hadith). Incidentally the Muslim riots over the Danish cartoons depicting Muhammad carrying a timebomb are quite telling. 'Four months later, Muslim leaders circulated offensive cartoons not published by the paper, cartoons they had created themselves for the sole purpose of inciting violence. Manufactured outrage and violence ensued.' The Homicide Bombers are in their unconscious imitating me, God, who I have said am a walking timebomb. The only difference is I need no visible weapons, and the Homicide Bombers are cheating by using actual weapons. We in the West see the sectarian violence among Islamofascist Muslims in Iraq - Shiites killing Sunnis and vice versa. We should celebrate the fact that the morons are doing us a service by killing themselves off! Return to Topics Muhammad As A Walking TimeBomb “Islam, more than any other religion human beings have devised, has all the makings of a thoroughgoing cult of death.” All Muslims are a joke! I, the Lord God Almighty, have had it up to here with Muslims and your Homicide Bombers. Mohammad was a demon in Hell, and the Koran is total gibberish mixed in with injunctions to hate and violence, notably towards Jews. Brown quotes Carlyle on the Koran: 'as toilsome reading as I ever undertook. A wearisome confused jumble, crude, incondite; endless iterations, long-windedness, entanglement; most crude, incondite; — insupportable stupidity, in short! Nothing but a sense of duty could carry any European through the Koran . . . It is the confused ferment of a great rude human soul; rude, untutored, that cannot even read.' Mohammad had pussy galore – pussy, pussy pussy! Again, numerous offspring! Adolph Hitler had white armbands on his followers. By the way, while I'm speaking of him, he is an excellent candidate to be the Antichrist. He took the Christian cross and twisted it backward (sinister) - the swastika. The curved spokes are bent to indicate they are swirling. The German word for swastika means 'hooked cross' – a conscious attempt to replace the cross. It goes back to the ancient Vedas as a symbol of eternal recurrence. The Aryan Master Race was a revival of that ancient Caste System, derived from Blavatsky, L. Augustine Waddell and others. Hitler's Right terror, in fact, imitated the Bolshevik Red terror. Hitler was a total misfit (a typical street corner rabble rousing lunatic), a homeless man who couldn't get laid, like someone 2000 years ago. Also, like Jesus, he was raving mad. But unlike Jesus and I, Hitler turned to the darkside and served his master, Satan. He, unlike Jesus and I, got only halfway toward being a god. He was a demigod – half man and half god. 'Never show a fool a thing half-finished.' A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and he knew just enough to cause big trouble. 'There’s nothing more dangerous than intelligent fools.' Joyce says, 'Kish is for anticheirst, and the free of my hand to him!' Antichrist I happily have never personally been homeless. But I have been womanless all my life always, knowing that the woman who was meant for me has all this time been in the arms of another man. (Are matches made in Heaven?) This has always been hard to take. Without a mate to help with the household chores, I neglected them. With the illness I have, I'm always preoccupied – always in a trance state. 'Schizophrenics exist in a continuous dream-like state (trance).' I have frequent out of body experiences, where I go off on extended voyages to other worlds or other times – OBEs (Out of Body experiences). I don't need a rocketship or witch's broom or time machine! I am in continual meditation, and doing the chores is an unwanted distraction. My house is pretty funky, and I am personally funky. You see the effects of this illness on the greasy, shabby clothes of the homeless. In my new position as head of state, I will be able to have butlers attend to my everyday chores. I will be privileged to stay in my trance state full time. On the trance: 'Hypnosis is also referred to as being in a trance state (spell) an altered state of focused attention, the mental state one is in after being hypnotized. A dazed or unconscious condition.' This is 'a state of concentration, awareness and/or focus that filters information and experience; e.g. meditation, possession, etc. and low response to stimulus and diminished, narrow attention.' 'The state of one who is "out of himself." 'Such were the trances of Peter and Paul, ecstasies, "a preternatural, absorbed state of mind preparing for the reception of the vision" which can open the Doors of Perception (Third Eye/Second Sight/Double Vision/Spark of the Divine/Seeing the Light). 'The Third Eye opens the Doors of Perception to modes of awareness that are already there, always available (right in front of us). Our brains, our languages, our sciences, are merely filters, "creating" one reality by excluding all others. We're like a prisoner in a one-windowed cell (Plato's cave - consensus reality) who breaks out into a mansion with many windows ('in my Father's House are Many Mansions'), or like someone in a dark room with a radio, who thought one station was the whole universe, but now learns to twist the dial.' 'Third Eye/Double Vision/Seeing the Light/Doors of Perception "attunement" towards the world is characterized by astonishment rather than boredom (as with babies), a harmonious, responsive relationship' with the ability to appreciate the smallest things in life as well as the large things, who're developing the ability to transcend the realm of living they are in now and move to a new phase in spiritual evolution (Ascension).' 'For double the vision my Eyes do see/And a double vision is always with me,' (visionary seer William Blake, said by many to be mad.) '♪ You give me double vision, strange transmission When you walk in the room Tongue-tied feeling, can't see the ceiling (dumbstruck) - You got me mad like a man with the voodoo' '♪ There were bells on a hill But I never heard them ringing No I never heard them at all (blinded by the Spell of the Whore of Babylon) Till there was you (when I open your Third Eye/Double Vision/Second Sight/Seeing the Light/Spark of the Divine/Doors of Perception) There were birds in the sky But I never saw them winging No I never saw them at all Till there was you Then there was music and wonderful roses They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew There was love all around But I never heard it singing No I never heard it at all Till there was you' (from 'The Music Man' covered by the Beatles) Opening the Third eye/Second Sight accesses the limitless awe and wonder and surprise of newborn babes (as if going from gray to full color). But, it is dangerous and rarely opened due to side effects, somewhat like opening a can of worms. In small doses, the effects are positive. Religious conversion experiences are the most important and prominent manifestations. But a little goes a long way: too much is fairy poison. ('♪ don't tug on Superman's cape -/don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger'). But, opening the Third eye/Second Sight must be voluntary due to the dangers, contrary to those who would dare storm Heaven by force (and Muslim forcible conversions). The most significant downside: We Space Aliens march to a different drummer. We're not plugged into the prevalent Collective Unconscious/Morphic Resonance, and appear as functionally idiots to those around us (Holy Fools). Further, 'Memories in newborn babies are only stored as short-term memories. The development of a child's "first memory" doesn't generally occur until about age 3, as the brain is too immature to firmly register experiences. The brain structures that hold them permanently in the mind are not formed until later.' They have to be taught and retaught, due faulty memory storage (again, Holy Fools). But, according to Freud's seduction theory, and as Brown notes, 'unconscious knowledge about sexual intercourse between parents attributed by psychoanalysis to babes in arms. “The world of thought at those levels is quite alien to our own.” (quoting Melanie Klein). Tender newborns are subject to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with flashback partial memory recovery. 'Trance logic: “the ability of a hypnotized person to tolerate the existence of inconsistent perceptions or ideas. "The inconsistent perceptions are not kept isolated but appear in juxtaposition . . The essence of this phenomenon seems to be the suspension of critical thinking." Closely related is enchantment: 'a psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation.' 'The liberal class serves as bulwarks against radical movements by offering a safety valve for popular frustrations and discontentment by discrediting those who talk of profound structural change. Once this class loses its social and political role then the delicate fabric of a democracy breaks down and the liberal class, along with the values it espouses, becomes an object of ridicule and hatred. The door that has been opened to proto-fascists has been opened by a bankrupt liberalism.' The famous warning on Fascism: 'In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. They they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me and by that time no one was left so speak up. In other words, we should never empower a lion and then complain when he eats us for lunch.' This is a fascist state as of this moment, in case you didn't know. In fact, it is the dictatorship of the proletariat. It is rule by the meek, or, as Jesus said, 'the last shall be first.' I'm ready to 'Rock and Rule' - a 1982 bloody prophesy of me. I'm getting ready to hoist the Jolly Roger (skull and crossbones. - I hold up the black Jolly Roger). ('After Captain Hook's death, the Jolly Roger was taken over by fairy Peter Pan.') Jolly Roger This is our new national flag. This is a now pirate state – a rogue state. This nation is canceling it's membership in a number of organizations. We are no longer a part of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and many other organizations. We are abrogating numerous treaties, such as NAFTA. When the lease for renewal comes up, the U.N. will be kicked out of New York city and the U.S. With the armbands, everyone will see those recorded in the Book of Life everyday. These people are the Elect, and it has nothing to do with what they believe. I reward and punish you based solely on what you do in the bedroom. The armband wearers are declaring in public that their behavior in the bedroom is straight and narrow, as everyone's always should be. Nothing else matters. As time goes by, you'll be seeing more and more of the Elect. And over time, they will more and more assume positions of leadership – their rightful place. These Elect will form the new Ruling Class. They will form up my High Command, at my right hand side. By the time we get to the New Jerusalem centuries from now, we'll remove the armbands, because everyone there will be recorded in the Book of Life! '♪ Take the children and yourself And hide out in the cellar By now the fighting will be close at hand Don't believe the church and state And everything they tell you Believe in me, I'm with the high command' (Mike & the Mechanics) '♪ London calling to the underworld Come out of the cupboard,you boys and girls - London calling to the zombies of death - The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in Engines stop running, the wheat is growing thin A nuclear error, but I have no fear' (The Clash) The last thing you think you want is a king. But it is mandatory to have a king, and he must have the power of life and death. It is my (God's) mandate. 'Present day “monarchies” are monarchies in name only.' I "cut the Gordian knot" – slice through the tangled web by a single stoke. Brown says, 'only barbarians are capable of rejuvenating a world laboring under the death throes of an unnerved civilization.' (= us getting pussy whipped). Brown on the king: A king is erected, rex erectus est. A king is an erection of the body politic. - - The exhibitionism of the phallic personality (the huge genital, the royal lingam) is fraudulent; an imposture, or imposition on the public; theater. The actor needs the audience to reassure him he is not castrated: yes, you are the mighty penis; the Emperor’s New Clothes. To force the audience to give this reassurance is to castrate, have coitus with, the audience: the phallic personality needs a receptive audience or womb. Separately, both actor and audience are incomplete, castrated; but together they make up a whole. - - Action is what takes place in front of the camera, with the lights turned on, to throw the rest of reality into darkness…Those for whom not to be seen is nonexistence are not alive; and the kind of existence they seek, the immortality they seek, is spectral; to be seen is the ambition of ghosts, and to be remembered the ambition of the dead. The public realm is the stage for heroic action, and heroes are specters of the living dead. - - The reality principle is the importance principle, which commands us to be fooled by appearances, to respect the Emperor’s New Clothes - -Brown refers to 'The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life' by Erving Goffman where the moment we walk out the door we're all actors performing on a stage (what the band 'The Who' calls an 'Eminence Front' - maintaining Face) - The boundary separating actor and spectator is a false one, concealing the deeper reality of the collective authorship. The multitude is many Authors. In vicarious experience there is both identification and distance. The mediator is to keep reality at a distance, to keep the multitude in remote contact with reality. - - Representative institutions depend upon the distance separating the spectators from the actor on the stage; the distance which permits both identification and detachment; which makes for a participation without action; which establishes the detached observer, whose participation consists in seeing and is restricted to seeing; whose body is restricted to the eyes. Everything which is merely seen is seen through a windowpane, distantly; and purely: a pure aesthetic experience. (My note: the position of Watchers/Angels and of TV viewers who have a God's eye view as a fly on the wall.) Representative institutions depend upon the aesthetic illusion of distance. - The spectator whose participation is restricted to seeing, who is passive, is held in passivity by what he sees; he is spellbound or hypnotized. - Psychologists define hypnosis as the filling of the field of attention by one sense only. - Like the spectators in the traditional theater (or in front of the TV), as perceived by Brecht: “They sit together like men who are asleep but have unquiet dreams. True, they have their eyes open. But they don't watch, they stare. They don't hear, hey are transfixed. They look at the stage as if bewitched. - The power of the hypnotist is of the same nature as the mana or majesty of kings. - The primal scene is the original theater, parental coitus is the archetypal show; the original distance is between parent and child. “Theaters and concerts, in fact any performance where there is something to be seen or heard, always stands for parental coitus.” It is in the primal scene that we learn to take vicarious pleasure in events of which we are only passive spectators. - With the pleasure of ideal participation and the prohibition of actual participation: shadows without substance; fantasies without reality; dreams; onanistic gratification - a eunuch in the harem. The actor is exhibitionist. To shew is to show the genital; to fascinate; to make the spectator a woman. Even as the hard look or phallic eye of the hypnotist (a Cyclopean erection) transfixes his subject.' Further, Brown,'The apocalypse lays bare the mystery of kingship; stripping off the Emperor's New Clothes, to reveal the harlot. Kingship is fornication – the identity of politics and sex. In the apocalypse the walls do fall; the walls separating inside and outside; public and private; body physical and metaphysical. The identification of sex and politics; as in psychoanalysis.' 'In orgasm, all the splendor and misery of representative government. The representative organ act on behalf of the entire organism. "There is no part of the organism that is not represented in the genital, so that the genital in the role of executive manager, as it were provides for the discharge of sexual tension on behalf of the entire organism." (quoting Ferenczi – 'Thalassa')' 'His Royal Highness; his whole body a penis, erect; his whole person a sublimation of the male member; the erection is in the head.' Brown says, 'Our representative keeps us hypnotized.'. Of course here, Brown is after dissolving all authority, as am I, and as was Jesus and Karl Marx. 'When the seventh angel blew his trumpet, there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.' '♪ The kingdom of this world is become The kingdom of our lord King of kings and lord of lords And he shall reign forever and ever' Defy your parents, disrespect all authority, organize, demagogue and propagandize the rabble (Obama's stance) and, eventually you might, you just might, start getting straight (it's hard to be a god). The proper approach to the question of God, which Brown knew, is to ask, 'Who rules? Who's the puppet master who pulls the strings? Who's in charge?' Brown says, 'a season fit for king killing.' But also, 'Farce is the theater of impotence. In a situation of general social paralysis stasis, sterility, stereotypification the aim is not the seizure of power but the dissolution of power.' But to get there (the New Jerusalem) requires a king (= King of Kings as prophesied – me). The correct form of government is theocracy with God incarnate in the flesh as head, always a male virgin and totally mad - the God-King. John of Patmos had prophesied that I will rule with a Rod of Iron. And I and all my successors will. The government of Tibet (Shambala) is structured like this with it's Dalai Lama, a 'boy' who's 'found', really a boy in the body of a man. '♪ Wash away my troubles, wash away my pain With the rain in Shambala (bathed in my slime – my Fairy Rain - my Deadly Blessing!) Wash away my sorrows, wash away my shame With the rain in Shambala - I can tell my sister 'bout the flowers in her eyes (blinded by a drop of my slime) On the road to Shambala I can tell my brother 'bout the flowers in his eyes On the road to Shambala - How does your light shine (spewing slime) In the halls of Shambala (my hallowed Halls of the Mountain King) How does your light shine In the halls of Shambala' (Three Dog Night) '♪ Far away In a land caught between Time and space Where the books of life lay (where I keep my Book of Life) We fear This castle of stone The mountain king roams All alone in here But he's not the only one Lost inside Forever hidden from the sun Madness reigns In the Hall of the Mountain King His deep Dark eyes (my empty sockets) Keep watch on his kingdom And the mysteries that sleeps safe inside His hall His towers of stone Shall not be overthrown For eternity It is guarded by the king Insanity and the power that it brings Madness reigns In the Hall of the Mountain King Oh yeah In the Hall of the Mountain King Come with me Stay close by my side As the darkness of night closes in Don't fear In the thunder, it roars When the Mountain King calls all his children home (fly back up to your Heavenly home ) To where I hid him we must run Refuge here but I was forever on the run Madness reigns In the Hall of the Mountain King' (Apocalyptica) The way this works is: I only grant audience to those I summon. I call on you, you don't call on me. I hang 'em high! You displease me, I execute you. 'Narcissists are perfectionists and require being the center of attention and create situations where they will receive attention.' All the democratic republics around the world have degenerated into chaos and anarchy. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, and you have failed in your responsibility. You kissed off your republic in the Sixties, when sexual immorality and orgies broke out. But it is true that once we get to the New Jerusalem, and we live in small settlements, there will likely be few kings. My religion is Christianity, but politically I have never been anything but a hard core communist. I'll say more later about that. Every person in the Book of Life will wear their white armband whenever they're out in the public. They are the virgins, those who have been chaste for more than five years, and all those who have been faithful to their spouses. I realize that some of the latter will be hypocrites, that in point of fact they have committed adultery but won't admit it. I'm proud of the Catholics who, under severe pressure here in Hell, maintained the requirement that priests must be celibate. I said my father was a Baptist preacher. All versions of Protestantism, such as Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, etc., trace back to Martin Luther. He was a marvelous theologian with a strong hatred of the Devil (Brown relates it to Luther's anality). But what is the one thing about him that everyone in the audience knew as he was preaching in the pulpit? Everyone knew that he was a lapsed monk who married a former nun. He was getting his. He was getting laid. He can't tell anyone anything. And neither can any Protestant minister. Back to the armbands. No divorced people can wear armbands. Anyone who had had oral sex (Bill Clinton) is not a virgin. All children when they first begin to walk will wear the white armband. This way, everyone can see who is recorded in the Book of Life – the Elect. Whatever religious faith you believe in put on the armband. Put a gold cross for Christians, crescent for Muslims, Star of David for Jews, black 0 for atheists, hammer and sickle for Communists (I'm one of the last of them on the planet), question mark (?) for children, etc. Remember that Hitler had all Jews wear a yellow Star of David. They were thus labeled as outcast vermin on the bottom, as with the ancient Vedic Untouchables. Here those Jews eligible will wear the white armband to indicate that they are on top - the Elect. Again, 'the last shall be first.' In addition, virgins will have a V on their armband. Those with a V are eligible for my High Command. Those who are chaste will add a C. Those who've been faithful to their spouses will add M for married. As in my 1986 prophecy, the 'saints will go marching in' to serve at my right hand side. Instant Prophet Return to Topics I can make anyone an instant 100% accurate prophet. What was the one thing that everyone knew in the Roman Empire at the time Jesus was preaching in Galilee, even without newspapers? They all knew that in the Roman Cities, especially Rome itself, they were having fabulous orgies. The automatic consequence is that Rome was going to fall. And we have had even better, more astonishing orgies starting in the late sixties and continuing to the present. The only thing that slowed it down somewhat was AIDS. The orgies held in Rome can't hold a candle to the orgies we've had here. 'If God doesn't do something soon, He's gonna have a lot of splainin to do to Sodom and Gomorrah.' Thus, Western Civilization istoast. The horse (Western Civilization) we're riding has keeled over. And there's no use beating a dead horse. Western civilization has been running on empty (fumes) since the Seventies, whistling past the graveyard. The writing's on the wall! The moving finger has writ! 'Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin! 'Tis nothing less than the end of the world! '♪ It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.' (R.E.M.). The stars are falling out! As 'Chicken Little' (2005) proclaims, 'the sky is falling! The sky is falling!' For Brown, we are at the stage of the 'swan song of dying civilizations.' The Fix is in. It's the Twilight's Last Gleaming. 'We were already in our twilight phase when Ronald Reagan, with all the insight of an ostrich, declared it to be “morning in America” But, our fate was determined 2000 years ago by Biblical prophecy. But when was Western Civilization over? Take your pick: The senseless carnage of the World War I battlefields? 1929 and the Great Depression? The Atomic Bomb? 'The elderly like to speak of “the good old days” – forgetting the racism and patriotic overkill of the past – most of us have a personal time frame for when things went sideways.' Joyce knew, 'On the verge of closing time. --', 'It is later than you think.' And Joyce left his dumbfounding (= turned to stone) Doorstop Monument/Tombstone/Civilizational Epitaph for future generations, Finnegans Wake, with the message to the future: Don't make the same fatal mistakes we have made! Stimulating comments on Finnegans Wake: 'If our society should go to smash tomorrow (which, as Joyce implies, it may) one could find all the pieces, together with the forces that broke them, in Finnegans Wake. The book is a kind of terminal moraine in which lie buried all the myths, programmes, slogans, hopes, prayers, tools, educational theories, and theological bric-a-brac of the past millenium.' Joyce has numerous plays on Humpty Dumpty's fall. 'a giant cryptogram narrating the whole of human history.' 'There’s something about Finnegans Wake that is not intellectual. It's not snooty. Some people say it sounds good when read to babies. I'm not sure about that, that it's a magical thing. It is a document that gives people the opportunity to decode it.' 'the Most Colossal Leg-pull In Literature - some kind of prank' (Joyce's friend Oliver Gogarty) 'Joyce wrote the book [Finnegan's Wake] to express the dissolution of the universe [and modern society], and hence the association of materials in the portmanteau words is, by intention, self-contradictory, self-destructive, fortuitous, based on unreason.' '♪ This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend, the end Of our elaborate plans, the end Of everything that stands, the end No safety or surprise, the end I'll never look into your eyes again - - Can you picture what will be So limitless and free Desperately in need Of some stranger's hand In a desperate land Lost in a Roman wilderness of pain And all the children are insane All the children are insane Waiting for the summer rain There's danger on the edge of town Ride the king's highway, baby Weird scenes inside the gold mine Ride the highway west, baby Ride the snake Ride the snake, to the lake, the ancient lake, baby The snake is long seven miles Ride the snake He is old and his skin is cold - - The killer awoke before dawn He put his boots on He took a face from the ancient gallery And he walked on down the hall He went to the room where his sister lived And then he paid a visit to his brother And then he walked on down the hall And he came to a door,and he looked inside "Father?" - "Yes, son?" - "I want to kill you, Mother, I want to..." (Oedipal) This is the end, beautiful friend This is the end, my only friend, the end It hurts to set you free But you'll never follow me The end of laughter and soft lies The end of night we tried to die This is the end (The Doors) The Witches Return to Topics I'm here on a mission. I've come to remove all the dolls! These are dreamgirls, and that is precisely where they should be. You should never be able to see them in flesh and blood. These are genuine angels. I'm going to put them in back your dreams where they belong. You can look at and admire these gorgeous women, but you must never touch! After I remove them, you'll dream about them at night – you'll remember how gorgeous they looked and have wetdreams about them. I'm going to take them all back to where they came from - back to Witch Mountain. That's their home - they like it there. And at night when the moon comes out, they'll all strip naked, join hands in a circle, and do the moondance, the Witch's Sabbat for Walpurgisnacht on Harz Mountain. That ceremony they call 'Drawing Down the Moon' and unconsciously signifies calling down a downpour of slime from me! The Witches' Sabbath! '♪ Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondance With the stars up above in your eyes A fantabulous night to make romance 'Neath the cover of October skies And all the leaves on the trees are falling To the sound of the breezes that blow You know I'm trying to please to the calling Of your heart-strings that play soft and low You know the night's magic seems to whisper and hush You know the soft moonlight seems to shine in your blush Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love' (Van Morrison) This is a Witch Hunt! The one and only original Witch Hunt unlike Joe McCarthy's wrong-headed Communist Witch Hunt, and I'm the Witchfinder General! I'm the Pied Piper here to remove the rats (dolls). Let me be clear. I'm not talking about the little pagans or Wiccans. There aren't many of them, and they are all nitwits. They don't have any power at all. If they were real witches they would recognize the millions of powerful witches, the dolls, we have here in Hell. “Satan is the great deceiver; we know that. But this means that self-proclaimed Satanists, occultists, Wiccans, etc. are his weakest soldiers! They are and always will be part of the subculture.“ Satan tries to convince us that 'he's really working for God', that all the crazy, destructive, and merciless things he's done is because God told him to do it. From that point then he tries to draw people either into the occult (witchcraft, necromancy, table tipping, palm reading, tarot, etc, choose your poison). And finally, for those hearty souls who have a fractured sense of adventure--Satan worship. If he were a human, he would be declared Criminally Insane and convicted and executed for mass murder. Where do you think Hitler and every single serial killer since Richard Speck got their ideas from? Unfortunately like father, like son.' I first went on the Internet reluctantly, knowing in advance what is was – total chaos and anarchy, and that is just what it is. 'The Internet allows people with absolutely no influence to shout into the wind.' 'Exiting an Internet community is as simple as hitting the delete key.' In this regard, Brown cautioned, 'Words are to be redeemed; taken out of the market place.' One of the first places I went to online is Their mantra is to deny that they are servants of Satan. They all instantly attacked and flamed me the moment I went there. I guarantee you that all the Wiccans are devils in faithful service to Satan. '♪ Raven hair and ruby lips (by the Eagles) sparks fly from her finger tips Echoed voices in the night she's a restless spirit on an endless flight wooo hooo witchy woman, see how high she flies woo hoo witchy woman she got the moon in her eye She held me spellbound in the night dancing shadows and firelight crazy laughter in another room and she drove herself to madness with a silver spoon woo hoo witchy woman see how high she flies woo hoo witchy woman she got the moon in her eye' '♪ I got a Black Magic Woman. I got a Black Magic Woman. Yes, I got a Black Magic Woman, She's got me so blind I can't see (blinded/tunnel vision/hypnotized/charmed by the dolls) But she's a Black Magic Woman and she's trying to make a devil out of me. Don't turn your back on me, baby. Don't turn your back on me, baby. Yes, don't turn your back on me, baby, Don't mess around with your tricks; Don't turn your back on me, baby, 'cause you might just wake up my magic sticks. You got your spell on me, baby. You got your spell on me, baby. Yes, you got your spell on me, baby, Turnin' my heart into stone; I need you so bad, Magic Woman I can't leave you alone.' (Santana) '♪ I'm wild again Beguiled again A simpering, whimpering child again Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I Couldn't sleep And wouldn't sleep Until I could sleep where I shouldn't sleep Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I' '♪ That old black magic has me in its spell, that old black magic that you weave so well. Those icy fingers up and down my spine That same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine. The same old tingle that I feel inside, and then that elevator starts its ride And down and down I go, round and round I go, like a leaf that's caught in the tide (spiral down her rabbit hole! - slip slidin' away!)). I should stay away, but what can I do? I hear your name and I'm aflame Aflame with such a burning desire that only your kiss can put out the fire. For you're the lover I have waited for, the mate that fate had me created for. And every time your lips meet mine, darling, down and down I go, round and round I go In a spin, loving the spin I'm in, under that old black magic called love'. '♪ Those fingers in my hair That sly come hither stare That strips my conscience bare It's witchcraft And I've got no defense for it The heat is too intense for it What good would common sense for it do 'Cause it's witchcraft, wicked witchcraft And although, I know, it's strictly taboo When you arouse the need in me My heart says yes indeed in me Proceed with what your leading me to It's such an ancient pitch But one I wouldn't switch 'Cause there's no nicer witch than you' (Frank Sinatra) '♪ It's strange, sure is strange You got to pick out every stitch You got to pick out every stitch The rabbit's running in the ditch oh no (The source of my 'rabbits running in the ditch' - ditch means sucked down her rabbit hole/manhole!) Must be the season of the witch' (the Whore of Babylon) (Donovan) Also, compare: '♪ Stuck inside these four walls Sent inside forever Never seeing no one nice again like you Mama you, mama you (Oedipal 'MoFo' – Lonelyheart 'Mother F***er') If I ever get out of here (the Secret Rapture) Thought of giving it all away To a registered charity All I need is a pint a day If I ever get out of here If we ever get out of here Well, the rain exploded with a mighty crash (my Flood = my rain of slime!) As we fell into the sun And the first one said to the second one there I hope, you're having fun Band on the run Band on the run And the jailer man and Sailor Sam Were searching every one For the band on the run For the band on the run Band on the run Band on the run Well, the undertaker drew a heavy sigh Seeing no one else had come And a bell was ringing in the village square For the rabbits on the run' (again, compare my rabbits running in the ditch - ditch means sucked down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/labyrinth/manhole!) (Paul McCartney) '♪ Run, rabbit run. Dig that hole, forget the sun, And when at last the work is done Don't sit down it's time to dig another one. For long you live and high you fly But only if you ride the tide And balanced on the biggest wave You race towards an early grave. (Pink Floyd ) My Favorite Sport Return to Topics Now I want to describe my favorite sport. It is the sport of aristocrats, the sport of royalty, the sport of kings and the sport of gods. This is how I did my magic act and raptured billions out. What I do is a dance. Quoting the song: '♪ I got a new dance, and it goes like this.' But actually, it's an ancient dance going back to the Stone Age shamans. This is the dance that all native medicine men do. Let me give some names for my what I do: Rain Dancing, Rain Making, Ghost Dancing, Doing the Time Warp, Doing The Swerve (Airbending), Space Gunning Space Fucking, Fairy Fucking and finally the best and most descriptive name: Fairy Bowling. Feel free to practice this by yourself or in groups. Develop your own style. Have fun with it. I stand and start flipping, flinging, flipping, flinging, flipping, spewing. As a wizard, I'm going to call up a rainstorm, thunder and lightning (holding my arms up, I start flipping, flinging, flipping, spewing). This is the gesture that priests use when sprinkling holy water. '♪ You better come on into my kitchen Because it is going to be raining outdoors ' (Steve Miller). '♪ Only love Can bring the rain That makes you yearn to the sky Only love Can bring the rain That falls like tears from on high Love, Reign o'er me (my Rule from my Great White Throne Perch) Love, Reign o'er me, rain on me (my downpour of slime) I need to get back home to cool, cool rain I can't sleep and I lay and I think The night is hot and black as ink Oh God, I need a drink of cool, cool rain' (The Who) And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son? And what did you hear, my darling young one? I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin' I heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world I heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazin' I heard ten thousand whisperin' and nobody listenin' I heard one person starve, I heard many people laughin' Heard the song of a poet who died in the gutter Heard the sound of a clown who cried in the alley And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard And it's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.' (Bob Dylan) I'm a thunder roarer! This is my voice - the voice of God! You are to be guided by my voice inside your head. I get it working, get it working, flipping, flinging. What am I flipping? It never was about liquid H2O, water. What I am flipping is sperm! What I am throwing is wads of slime! I get it working, working and after a while the slime starts flying here, there and everywhere. Eventually it starts raining men planetwide. My fellow mad people know about this rain that falls on a sunny day - a phrase from a rock lyric. The cliché bag lady who wears tin foil to protect herself knows about the lightning I send. Mad people use the metaphor of being struck by lightning or electricity. This is Tausk's 'influencing machine' of schizophrenia. But it is just drops of jism. 'Touched by an Angel.' When you're struck and splattered by jism, its hot and it sizzles, it tingles and you think of lightning or electricity.' '♪ Now that she's back in the atmosphere With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey (my sperm - My (God's) Deadly Blessing!) - - - But tell me, did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way To see the lights all faded And that heaven is overrated? Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star? One without a permanent scar And then you missed me While you were looking for yourself out there?' (Train) '♪ She's come undone (is now mad) She didn't know what she was headed for And when I found what she was headed for It was too late She's come undone She found a mountain that was far too high And when she found out she couldn't fly It was too late' (The Guess Who) The Greeks believed Zeus, King of the gods, sent down such lightning and thunderbolts. Zeus was called Jupiter by the Romans, Indra in India and Thor by the Germans. '♪ In Heaven Everything is fine' (from my Heavenly Throne Perch) (The Pixies = Fairies?) But it is reserved for shape shifting scoundrel trickster gods such as Loki to precipitate Ragnarok/Gotterdammerung (the Twilight of the Gods) – 'trickster makes this world'! - as the world age/aeon/cycle ends and renews. Hermes was the phallic Trickster god of boundaries who Brown interpreted. For the Romans Hermes was known as the quicksilver messenger Mercury. 'The highest God is the trickster figure Mercury, who is the evil one himself co-joined with the highest divinity. A true ‘coincidentia oppositorum,’ a symbol that unites the opposites.' 'The shape shifter is the changeling——like the devil that “hath the power to assume a pleasing shape” (Shakespeare), or the liquid metal terminator in 'Terminator 2.' The Trickster 'mediates between the lower material world and the higher spiritual one.' (Astral Plane) Note that 'Christianity has been 'moderately successful in grafting the trickster’s attributes on to the Devil.' The following lengthy section on the Trickster (Brown and I being Tricksters) comes mainly from Hansen's excellent 'The Trickster And The Paranormal.' Hansen 'believes that paranormal events, such as sightings of strange beasts, UFOs and ghosts, are sighted when the society is in disorder but also during times of transition . He argues that there is a connection between all the different aspects of "the unknown", as well as with parapsychology.' 'Ghosts, aliens, witches, etc. 'seen' in the supernatural/mystical/Astral Plane (and on the TV screen) are 'barometers of the conflicts and tensions in the political and the social' conveyed from the Collective Unconscious, the 'voicing of hitherto inarticulate emotions -- a preliminary crystallization of waxing dissatisfactions and discontents, a Witch's Brew.' We're shape shifters: 'We evoke apparitions of the Virgin Mary or Angels, flying saucers or ghosts, etc. whatever the current cultural belief.' 'The alien-abduction scenario is a cultural script, “shared cultural knowledge.” Neuroscientist Michael Persinger has proposed the Tectonic Strain Theory where intense electromagnetic fields can generate hallucinations, based on images from popular culture, of alien craft, beings, communications, or creatures or The Virgin Mary. All are manifestations of the Metaphysical Spiritual World/Astral Plane always right in front of your Third Eye if you open it. 'The shape shifter is the changeling——like the devil that “hath the power to assume a pleasing shape” (Shakespeare), or the liquid metal terminator in 'Terminator 2.' For Hansen, 'In order to call certain phenomena supernatural, one must already have the sense that there is a natural order of things, in other words, that the phenomena of the universe are connected to one another, in the state where the duality of the observer and the observed has vanished. . (on the Collective Unconscious). - History is a trend toward disenchantment--away from magic, miracle, and the supernatural. This bodes ill for parapsychology, which we might characterize as an attempt to make a science of enchantment, an oxymoronic venture, which therefore can only draw the quixotic few to its ranks. 'The existence of spirit realms has been pooh-poohed or sensationalized.' 'The Trickster these days is relegated to some sad remnant of his former glory as a run-down clown in a seedy circus at the edge of town.' “Clowns have many striking characteristics as well as links with Shamanism…Fools and Clowns are sub-classes of Tricksters and share most essential qualities, including their association with supernatural… Their connection with the paranormal is unmistakable.” 'Coulrophobia (fear of Clowns) can also be said to extend to a fear of covering up one's face with paint—the idea of hiding recognizable features under a layer of face paint can unsettle.' Hansen's most important quote, “When the supernatural and irrational are banished from consciousness, they are not destroyed, rather they become exceedingly dangerous.” A similar important quote from UFO researchers Clark and Coleman, 'the collective unconscious too long repressed, will burst free, overwhelm the world, and war, anarchy, fascism will be unleashed..." and "when the unconscious can no longer be contained, its liberated contents will destroy all the conscious mind has produced : The fruits of science, technology, civilized order, and the very process of reason itself. Under the new imbalance a spiritual dark age will blanket the Earth." Both Jung and the Frankfurt School labeled mass psychosis (such as the Nazis) 'outbursts of the Collective Unconscious'. 'Primitives knew that society could be torn apart if magical power were released.' 'The conscious mind may actively seek to limit psi function as a form of defense against information overload that might lead to unbridled, destructive paranoia.' For Gutkind, Capitalism is the 'system without man.' 'There is no such thing in nature as an H-Bomb—that is all man’s doing. We are in great danger. The psyche is the great danger.' - 'Man has come to be man’s worst enemy. It is a clash between man and God, in which man’s Luciferian genius has produced in the H-bomb the power to destroy more effectively than any ancient god could. We must begin to learn more about man until every Jekyll can see his Hyde.' (Jung). 'The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe.' (Albert Einstein). 'Sometimes nuclear war unhinges spacetime.' The Trickster: 'A mischievous or roguish figure in myth or folklore who typically makes up for physical weakness with cunning and subversive humor, partly divine, partly human, and partly animal. He is an often amoral and comic troublemaker. A bilker, cheater, defraud, rook, sharper, swindler, victimizer, chiseler, crook, flimflammer, diddler, gypper. Subversion is at the heart of the game.' 'Tricksters are often shamans, seers, court jesters, or "two-spirited people" of ambiguous sexuality.' 'Loki is used as The Devil in The Norse Tarot.' 'The Trickster deity breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously (for example, Loki) but usually, albeit unintentionally, with ultimately positive effects. Often, the bending/breaking of rules takes the form of tricks or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both.' 'He's a fundamentally ambiguous and anomalous: deceiver and trick-player shape-shifter situation-inverter messenger and imitator of the gods sacred and/or lewd bricoleur' 'Tricksters are misfits that embody paradox, contradiction, and ambiguity. They are marginal characters with uncertain, ambiguous statuses. Their function for disruption is to stimulate change or transform the social order. - these obscure creatures warp our rational world with subversive activities and meddle in our civilized affairs.' For Hansen, 'The trickster/transformer character and tale-type range from Fool narratives to hero-tales of "native cunning" elevated to levels of "Creator's helper" or "messenger" (Angel) (no longer a trickster but a transformer), with traits often negative such as stubbornness, chicanery, duplicity, cruelty, greed, gluttony, avarice, deceit, humor, lawlessness, sexuality ever-changing representation of neutrality that reflects whatever society is currently missing, and sometimes these mischievous actions foiled the plans of the Creator or "pranked" significant legendary (historic) humans, even causing illness or injury to the trickster himself. The Trickster is the mythic projection of the magician - standing in the limen between the sacred realm and the profane.' 'Hansen finds significant interaction of seemingly unrelated and obscure phenomenon about which we often disregard. He includes fortune telling, the occult, magic, telepathy, psychokinesis, miracles, the power of prayer, clairvoyance, UFO’s and communication with the dead.' 'Carl Jung calls the Trickster “God, man and animal all at once. He is both subhuman and superhuman, a bestial and divine being … both superior and inferior to man.” (As I said, 'We are both more than human and less than human – but definitely not human.') Jung even gives a nod to parapsychology, noting the similarity of trickster antics to the malicious tricks and fatuous “communications” of poltergeists.' 'Tricksters are the definitive shape-shifters. They teleport effortlessly between the earth and the heavens. Their evasions and chicanery are legendary. They have no regard for linear time and have the ability to “dissolve” or alter time (missing time). Trickster communications alternate between profound wisdom and total nonsense. Tricksters abduct people and animals at will. These encounters frequently involve sexual contact and interbreeding. Tricksters taunt humanity’s political, scientific and military hierarchies.' Jung's psychology has itself been described as 'a form of "permanent liminality" in which there is no need to return to social structure.' Hansen quotes Krippner, 'TRANCE AND THE TRICKSTER: HYPNOSIS AS A LIMINAL PHENOMENON' '"Limen" is Latin for "threshold," and, during indigenous rituals, "tricksters" and their counterparts cross many of them. Hypnotic phenomena are liminal in nature and that hypnotic practitioners share many traits with traditional societies' "tricksters." The ambiguous nature of hypnosis has been apparent since the days of "animal magnetism" and "mesmerism." all liminality must eventually dissolve, for it is a state of great intensity that cannot exist very long without some sort of structure to stabilize it. (Compare Trotsky's Marxist 'permanent revolution' as with Jefferson's endorsement of periodic rebellion as "medicine necessary for the sound health of government".) Liminal phenomena tend to blur together. Some suggest that ghosts are telepathic hallucinations. Others ask if spirits exist, or whether some spirit phenomena are a function of other psychic abilities (e.g., clairvoyant powers of mediums). Professional parapsychologists are still undecided whether there is any real difference between ESP and psychokinesis. These issues of “blurred categories” have been argued for over a century in psychical research. Magicians argue amongst themselves over the validity of psi. Many magicians (professional tricksters) are notable skeptics. During the liminal stage, normally accepted differences between the participants, such as social class, are often de-emphasized or ignored. A social structure of 'communitas' forms: one based on common humanity and equality rather than recognized hierarchy. - however, the darker side of liminality may produce alongside communitas 'undifferentiated monsters' -'the unsavoury agonistic side of the community..."the dark mirror of what humanity is." The paranormal is the area "betwixt-and-between" the essence of antistructure, it is the place of dreams and frauds, and as soon as you name it, it defines boundaries of the acceptable by being unacceptable, of the known by remaining unknown...and try to trap it, it slithers away through the door you forgot to close. Psi tends to undermine structure, status, hegemony, institutionalism, and rationalization, all preconditions for parapsychology becoming an established science. Psi is thus implicated with such ideas as marginality, clowns, fools, hoaxing, sexual disinhibition, paradox, contradiction, ambiguity, alienation, transition, instability, danger, and elusiveness. - all categories blend promiscuously into each other in a continual riot of boundary-crossing, forgery, and facsimile. The drama of psi inevitably brings with it an element of noir, shadow, and ambiguity.' 'Psychic individuals influence public perception of the paranormal with bizarre beliefs, odd behaviors, and sometimes cult-like teachings. They are often colorful, charismatic, and invite allegations of fraud with sleight-of-hand activities. - Blavatsky engaged in trickery to seduce her audience. Significant aspects of trickster liminality and cunning found in shamanism convincingly mirror the mysterious magico-religious aspects of the paranormal. Shamans are became the subject of both respect and ridicule (shamanism and it's sham). Hermes was such a phallic Trickster god of boundaries who Brown interpreted. Phony psychics, UFO’s, magic tricks, hypnosis, supernatural hoaxes, witchcraft, government disinformation - deception is pervasively associated with all of these – it's difficult to tell the difference between a holy man and a con artist.' 'Many often consider the mystic to be deviant or psychotic. Hansen remarks that it is no accident that the mystic is often cloistered and has therefore shielded divinity's contact with the larger world. Having lost this understanding we continue to question whether God exists when what we might instead wonder in the face of mysticism, “Is God sane”? - Paranoia examples include fear of being watched by ESP, witchcraft accusations, ideas that occult societies rule the world, and conspiracy theories of government cover-ups of UFOs.' 'Paranoia, Hansen explains, is not necessarily, or even primarily pathological. It occurs in intermittent growth stages of self-awareness – a period of confusion between self and other, between dream and reality, and between internal and external.' 'The only belief system that doesn't accept anything like magic is the Cartesian mechanistic paradigm, in which everything is a lifeless object and the scream of a tortured animal is no different from a bell ringing on a machine.' 'Descartes tried to conquer Nature through number and measure.' 'The Scientific Method uses reductionism, measurement, classification, and enumeration.' 'UFO enthusiasts, who like to think they're on the fringe, are 'always looking for "physical proof," because they take for granted the Cartesian doctrine that the material is worth more than the mental.' 'Mental experience, especially of something like the UFO phenomenon, varies widely, and cannot be produced at will in the laboratory or even in the field. But a physical artifact will stay the same through place, time, and culture. Scientists are disturbed by anomalies and fringe theories, because they have an emotional aversion to leaving multiple paths open, and a stark horror of permitting a non-dominant path to proceed and diverge. They love the feeling of closure, of a sealed-off world where everything is perfectly understood.' 'Telepathy, precognition, psychedelic trips, abduction experiences, astral projection, or fairies can never be controlled in the laboratory, or completely explained.' 'The Scientific Method is constitutionally incapable of apprehending phenomena that are not objective or deterministic, we therefore conclude that such phenomena don't really exist: they are lies, delusions, hoaxes, superstitions. For example, telepathy is inherently beyond the reach of it, because the experiment is not freely replicable.' Ask 'How can I use this stuff to break out of my present reality and into new ones?' You've seen white meringue pie fights between circus clowns. I as the Joker/Jester/Clown/Fool/Trickster bathe everyone in slime at the end of the world! It's a paintball (slimeball) fight! 'Seven billion monkeys throwing poo!' 'Ridicule and mocking humor break down the sense of self, the egotism of self-importance and self-esteem.' Note you can't make out the face if it's covered in slime. '♪ Lightning's striking again (white spunk flying) And again and again and again' (Lou Christie) '♪ She cried to the southern wind About a love that was sure to end Every dream in her heart was gone Headin’ for a showdown And it’s rainin’ all over the world It’s raining all over the world (raining my slime) Tonight, the longest night' (Electric Light Orchestra) '♪ They'll stone you and say that it's the end (hit you with a slimeball!) They'll stone you and then they'll come back again They'll stone you when you're riding in your car They'll stone you when you're playing you guitar Yes But I would not feel so all alone Everybody must get stoned' (Bob Dylan) The idea is: in my mind's eye, I see her. She's miles away, and there is no phone line. '♪ I can see for miles and miles.' (The Byrds) I'm going to let her know that she's a gorgeous doll, and that I am the man she should be with, and not the man she is actually with. It's a long distance love affair. Brown quotes the Bible, 'The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.' Just as frogs croak, song birds tweet, crickets chirp at the start of a new day (all rise up singing – my Dawn Chorus I conduct on Resurrection Morning). This is my long distance Indian mating (smoke signal from one hill to the next) call (yodeling)! '♪ The hills are alive with the sound of music.' '♪ In a West End town, a dead end world (long distance love affair) The East End boys and West End girls - - Call the police, there's a madman around' (Pet Shop Boys) I'm going to send a guided missile straight towards her - a cruise missile. She's standing there as my cruise missile comes whipping towards her. Remember Lot's wife in Sodom (it is important that it's a woman Women like Sodom just fine. They get along well there.) She turned to stone – a pillar of salt – a statue (in some translations the actual word used is statue.) So the doll is standing there and Splash! - she's splattered on the head with the big wad of cum I sent her. Her eyes roll up until you see the whites. Her mouth drops open. She goes rigid (rigid = stone statues = erection), and starts wobbling like a top -she turns to stone – and then Boom, she falls still rigid like a Department Store mannequin (rigid = stone statues = erection) to the ground. (I crook my elbow and hold my arm up and clench my fist. I cup my arm in my other arm. Then I start wobbling my arm round and round until, finally, it goes flat). Fairy bowling! The idea of the sport is to see how many tenpins - dolls - you can bowl over. I'm the best ever at the sport! I can knock over millions of dolls! Knock 'em dead! Megadeath! '♪ One by one they all fall One by one they all fall One by one One by one One by one they all fall' (Jack Green) '♪ When the music's over turn out the lights - - until the end, until the end' (The Doors) '♪ We're dug in the deep the price is steep. The auctioneer is such a creep. The lights went out, the oil ran dry We blamed it on the other guy Sure, all men are created equal. Heres the church, heres the steeple Please stay tuned--we cut to sequel ashes, ashes, we all fall down. Broadcast me a joyful noise unto the times, lord, Count your blessings.' (R.E.M.) '♪ Ring around the rosy A pocketful of posies "Ashes, Ashes" We all fall down!' (Megadeath!) '♪ These girls fall like dominos, dominos (Megadeath!). These girls fall like dominos, dominos. These girls fall like dominos, dominos, dominos ...' (Big Pink = gay?) In 'Weird Science' (1985), computer nerds conjure a Barbie Doll sex toy/Robot (the gorgeous sexy Kelly Le Brock - instrumental view of women as sex toys/objects). (Rigid dolls = stone statues = erection - spring up - Sproing!). Weird Science Barbie Doll 'Weird Science' (1985) Barbie Doll Sex Toy/Robot Conjured by Horny Nerds Return to Topics Men Who Stare at Goats 'Men who Stare at Goats' (2009) - Bowled Over! Return to Topics Repeating my earlier: Surrogates Repeat: 'Surrogates' - Dolls I remove! Turned to stone by me! (Rigid dolls = stone statues = erection). Return to Topics Surrogates Repeat: 'Surrogates' - Me Looking Down and Fairy Bowling - the Secret Rapture! Slip Sliding Away! All Fall Down! Megadeath! Return to Topics Clown Pratfall - Slip Sliding Away! All Fall Down! Clown Pratfall - Slip Sliding Away! All Fall Down! Megadeath! Return to Topics '♪ Isn't it rich, aren't we a pair Me here at last on the ground - and you in mid-air Send in the clowns - - Don't you love a farce; my fault I fear I thought that you'd want what I want - sorry my dear But where are the clowns - there ought to be clowns Maybe next year Isn't it rich, isn't it queer Losing my timing this late in my career But where are the clowns - send in the clowns Don't bother they're here' (Judy Collins) 'Beyond history, beyond tragedy, beyond genital organization of the body politic. Farce is the theater of impotence the clown is the castrated penis the little fellow; Charlie Chaplin.' (jest clowning around) (according to Brown) 'FlashForward' TV 'FlashForward' TV Fairy Bowling. All Fall Down! Called a 'Global Blackout/Amnesia' = the Secret Rapture by my hand! Megadeath! Return to Topics Was I feeling any grief over the people I raptured out when I called up my storm? Not at all. They were all only devils here in Hell. They were all warned. Simply read the Book of Revelation. I and my Angels of the Lord have been Blowing the Horn repeatedly since the Seventies and not a single one of you repented. But I did have two concerns with respect to my fulfilling John of Patmos' promises. First, I'm an elderly geezer, and, to repeat, my member doesn't come up like it used to. I was concerned I would fizzle out and remove only a few million. That wouldn't be enough to get you devils to change your behavior in the bedroom. John of Patmos had promised a quarter to a third of the planet raptured out. 'And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.' 'a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.' 'In the Book of Revelation, God pronounces great and annihilating judgments upon mankind. If you carefully catalog the percentages of the people killed in each plague, you will be shocked to realize that God is going to kill 66% or two-thirds of mankind. In today's 6 billion population, this means that 4 billion people are going to be killed in Divine Judgment for their sins.' Secondly, when you call up a storm, there is always the danger that the wizard himself will get swept away, because it is uncontrollable and unpredictable once started. Happily, I made it through, so that I could fulfill John of Patmos' promise that I would be standing here giving you the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead. For this future event to occur, in the present I need a Fall Guy, someone who will lay down their life at my last Trumpet, so that I can lay out billions, without myself being swept away. Angels, come blow your horn! '♪ I need a sign to let me know you're here All of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphere I need to know that things are gonna look up 'Cause I feel us drowning in a sea spilled from a cup When there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head When you feel the world shake from the words that are said And I'm calling all angels I'm calling all you angels' (Train) Defeating the Whore of Babylon Return to Topics 'I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.' Brown demands, The great whore is to be stripped. Her name is mystery. '♪ My love must be a kind of blind love (blinded/tunnel vision/hypnotized/charmed by the dolls) I can't see anyone but you Are the stars out tonight? I don't know if it's cloudy or bright I only have eyes for you, dear The moon may be high But I can't see a thing in the sky 'Cause I only have eyes for you I don't know if we're in a garden Or on a crowded avenue You are here, so am I Maybe millions of people go by But they all disappear from view And I only have eyes for you' (Rod Stewart ) '♪ I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee; I'm goin' to Lou'siana my true love for to see. It rained all night the day I left, the weather it was dry; The sun so hot I froze to death' (she drives him crazy) '♪ Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer do! I'm half crazy, All for the love of you! '♪ She drives me crazy' (Fine Young Cannibals) '♪ Still crazy after all these years.' (Paul Simon) The question of the evening is: Which man can bell the cat? Which man can pin the tail on the donkey? Who'll stop the (Invisible) Rain? Which brave hero can slay the Dragon? Which man can defeat the Whore of Babylon? Which man can domesticate the Whore - pacify her and put her to sleep? Perceptive observers have noted that the Book of Revelation has the structure of a fairy tale. It is not a fairy tale is the sense of being a myth or being untrue. 'Myths (both old and new) are heroic stories considered by most people as having never occurred. Yet this does not mean that myths are "false," but only that to understand them we must separate their metaphysical truth from literal reality.' Also, 'Perhaps the greatest myth is that myths are just myths.' 'All the old myths and legends (Atlantis, the Flood, and so on) embody psychological and not historical truths.' One part of the fairy tale is the fairy test: Which man can defeat the Whore of Babylon? Being a fairy test, if any man attempts and fails, the Whore gobbles him up and drinks his blood (unconsciously = slime). Many men have tried and all have failed. The Whore is not a supernatural entity. She is simply the collection of all the dolls - all the millions of dolls. When you approach her, she's gorgeous, and the first idea you have about how to pacify her is to unzip your pants and stick it in her. If you try this way, you lose, and she gobbles you up and drinks your blood (means sucked down her rabbit hole/chute/labyrinth/manhole to Hell). Instead, the way to defeat her is to keep your pants zipped up, raise you arm and slime her right between the eyes. Her eyes roll up till you can see the whites and her mouth drops open. You've put her under a spell, you've hypnotized her, she's pacified. She goes to sleep. It is whispering sweet nothings into her ear (mumbling, Mumbo Jumbo – the gibbering of the mad – horse whispering - pejoratively called "the nattering nabobs of negativism."). Brown called it, 'speech resexualized'. It is humbug, which by definition is 'silly talk' – 'nonsense' babble muttered and transcribed straight off of the unconscious (reduces us to gibbering/blithering babies!) Under your spell, she's in turn gibbers back at you, driven temporarily mad. '♪ Ding dong!, The Witch is dead. Which old witch? The Wicked Old Witch!' Here 'Ding dong!' means the ringing chimes I send inside your head! Here's a psychoanalytic version of defeating the Whore of Babylon discussed by Brown: The young man finds Medusa on his way to virility. The threatening image of the snake woman is a metaphor of the mother figure. The growing child has to cope with and eventually to emancipate from his mother's gaze. The separation from the mother leads to the boy's independence and to the liberation of his sexuality. The decapitation of the Medusa can then be seen as the cutting of the umbilical cord. The mythological story hardly casts any doubt on this interpretation. She is decapitated (decapitation = castration) by the hero Perseus. Mythographers have called her a nightmare vision. A face so horrible that the dreamer is reduced to stony terror – frozen into a stone statue. According to Freud, Medusa’s head represents the terrifying toothed genitals of the Great Mother (the vagina denata). Erich Neumann writes that “the petrifying gaze of Medusa belongs to the province of the Terrible Great Goddess, for to be rigid is to be dead,” and that she is the devouring aspect of the mother. (Cannibalism). This is not fear of female sexuality as such but castration anxiety. (She's a black hole – she sucks in like a vacuum cleaner - she'll suck you down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/labyrinth/manhole to Hell! She'll literally run you into the ground if you let her. Bop until you drop dead.) Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' - Slipping Toward The Abyss. The image of petrifaction symbolising an erection may seem a bit farfetched - bearing in mind that the metamorphosis of organic beings into inorganic rock is a very common theme in classical mythology. Brown says, 'silence is the mother tongue.' Medusa's male observer is struck dumb for two reasons: he is enthralled by the Freudian castration fear on the one hand, and by his sexual fascination on the other. Medusa repels and attracts at the same time. She is a snake monster but equally a femme fatale. She unites the beauty and the beast. Freud, by way of Ferenczi, showed the horrifying sight of the decapitated head of Medusa occurs 'when a boy, who has hitherto been unwilling to believe the threat of castration, catches sight of the female genitals, probably those of an adult, surrounded by hair, and essentially those of his mother. The hair upon Medusa's head frequently is represented in works of art in the form of (waving) snakes, and these once again are derived form the castration complex. It is a remarkable fact that, however frightening they may be in themselves, they nevertheless serve actually as a mitigation of the horror, for they replace the penis, the absence of which is the cause of the horror. This is a confirmation of the technical rule according to which a multiplication of penis symbols signifies castration.' Castrating Medusa Castrating Medusa's Head with Writhing Phallic Snakes Turns Men into Stone Statues and is Herself Frozen With Gaping Mouth Return to Topics This sight of Medusa's head makes the spectator stiff with terror, turns him to stone.' (The Gaze of the Other freezes = paralyzes = turns to stone as in Sodom.) As Brown puts it, 'The sight of the Medusa's head makes the spectator (of the primal scene) stiff with terror, turns him to stone. The stiff is a corpse and an erection.' And also, 'To idealize is to idolize; to make an idol; to translate into a fixed image for contemplation; to turn into monumental form; to turn into stone. To concentrate on seeing is to turn into stone; Medusa's head; castration.' 'Observe that we have here once again the same origin from the castration complex and the same transformation of affect! For becoming stiff means an erection. Thus in the original situation it offers consolation to the spectator: he is still in possession of a penis, and the stiffening reassures him of the fact'. (Freud) Note that, catatonic autistic schizophrenics in stupor are stiff as a corpse (rigor mortis). Brown says, 'The effect of the primal scene is to paralyze the spectator, even as the hypnotist's subject is paralyzed; the effect of the primal scene is castration.' Flashers/Exhibitionists display their 'potency'. Brown says, 'Exhibitionism is a denial of castration; it says see I do have a penis. - The monumental immobility of the stone phallus is a recapitulation of the primal scene. - There was one person, who, as Freud has also noted, actually rigid during this scene: the child who witnessed it. So to be 'turned to stone' by the sight of something means to be fascinated by it. The child is stiff – but the rigidity is also the erection of his penis. The child is petrified.' 'Zardoz' Floating Frozen into Stone Disembodied Head with Castrating Toothed Mouth and Glowing Eyes 'Zardoz' Floating Frozen into Stone Disembodied Head with Castrating Toothed Mouth and Glowing Eyes Return to Topics The 'Zardoz' title contracts the phrase 'Wizard of Oz'. Compare these images with the later Richard C. Hoagland's 'Face on Mars'. All these frozen gazes mirror our gaze as Couch Potatoes turned to stone by the horrors on our TV sets! 'Time Machine' Sphinx Frozen into Stone Disembodied Head Feeds on Eloi Return to Topics In the New Jerusalem, we Space Cowboys/Space Aliens will cultivate and tend our cattle herd and keep the women asleep and dreaming. We'll ensure they're chewing their cud, mooing (milking the herd), grazing contentedly and culling/thinning out the herd when needed. 'The idiomatic expression chewing one's cud means meditating or pondering = i. e., asleep and dreaming.)' Here's a non-'Kiss the Girls' psychopath version. Tropical Black Africa has always been life in a nudist colony where each member shows no shame. In Northern climes, indoor heated pools could be used for naked bathing. The Japanese have similar traditions. This was W. Reich's rationale for 'Sexual Hygiene/Freedom'. This is what the 'Alien UFO' cattle examination and/or mutilation hoaxes are about. When a cow goes down in the pasture, the belly splits open as if done with surgical precision in a mutilation as the carcass rots. Rhetorical question: Why cattle 'abductions'? Because unconsciously when cattle mooing and chewing their cud, they're like dolls who're the real abduction targets! Crop circles, cattle mutilations, etc. are man-made hoaxes, of course, but I'm referring to the larger UFO deception/counterfeit/hoax. My hovering saucer floats in a Mothership holding pattern: My 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation Hoax My 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation Hoax/Deception - Sucked Up to My Hovering Mothership Saucer for Examination/Probing!! Return to Topics Called up home to be with the Lord (me): '♪ Moving in like black ships, they were moving in, streams of them, - Take me up quick, take me up, up to the belly of a ship And the ship slides open and I go inside of it where I am not human' (Patti Smith) '♪ Laser beams and gamma projectors There'll be nothing on earth to protect us When they arrive out of the sky They'll be frying us alive - Tell everybody to run and hide - Because the end is near at hand' ("Flying Saucer Attack") '♪ flying saucers understand our world with deep compassion And we are observed in the name of the Light - flying saucers teach us all we've always wanted to know They open up our heart and our mind, no more blindness The thought of hate and ignorance is fading away The crisis finally comes to its end' (Nina Hagen) '♪ We'll psychokinetically pull one down Flying Saucer Safari, Flying Saucer, Flying Saucer Safari Will they have protruding brows Will they breed us, just like cows Will there be some tests to run We'll be Guinea pigs for fun' '♪ Space invaders In the air, In a flying saucer, You can take me there - You are an alien, Coming from the universe, Trying to seduce every single man. We come from a galaxy, Where we don't like humanity, You cannot escape, our master plan.' (Aqua) '♪ Woke up this morning with light in my eyes And then realized it was still dark outside It was a light coming down from the sky I don't know who or why Must be those strangers that come every night Those saucer shaped lights put people uptight Leave blue-green footprints that glow in the dark I hope they get home all right Hey, Mr. Spaceman Won't you please take me along I won't do anything wrong Hey, Mr. Spaceman Won't you please take me along for a ride' (sucked up to my saucer) (the Byrds) '♪ You’d better pray to the Lord when you see those flying saucers It may be the coming of the Judgment Day - Many people think the saucers might be someone’s foolish dream (the fevered dream of a madman) Or maybe they were sent down here from Mars If you’ll just stop and think you’d realize just what it means They’re more than atom bombs or falling stars - When you see a saucer fly like a comet through the sky You should realize the price you’ll have to pay You’d better pray to the Lord when you see those flying saucers It may be the coming of the Judgment Day' (written in 1947, the year of Roswell!) (Buchanan Brothers) 'Zoom' (2006) 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation, Academy for Budding Superheroes 'Zoom' (2006) 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation, Academy for Budding Superheroes “If you’ve never seen a UFO, you’re not very observant. And if you’ve seen as many as I have, you won’t believe in them.” Arthur C. Clarke. By the way, I think the Roswell debris was foil from a Japanese weather balloon (with Japanese script). A single source claimed it was 'a Soviet spy plane, and it was controlled by disfigured adolescents, two of whom survived the crash (quite likely this idea surfaced in the 1998 'X-Files' movie).' The origin of the so-called 'Philadelphia Experiment' were the misinterpretations and garbled and confabulated delusions of a Sci-Fi fueled unstable Naval ensign who confused magnetic (degaussing) or radar invisibility or "stealth" with literal sight (optical) invisibility, and the interdimensional "shifting" - time travel teleportation. He claimed terrible side effects, such as making sailors invisible and causing them to go mad and leaving them partly buried in the deck (as with 'Dante's Inferno' where the lost were frozen in stone). The researcher of the case, Morris K. Jessup succumbed to what seems to be the occupational disease of paranormal investigators of instability and fell into paranoia and committed suicide. Similarly, the 'Phoenix lights' were (unacknowledged) military aircraft flares. And the Norway 'Spiral' was an errant Russian rocket nozzle pinwheeling. The sky, and especially the night sky, is full of many objects such as flocks of birds or bats, planes or meteorites, etc. 'Astronomical objects are the most common cause of mistaken UFO reports, including close encounters.' 'When seen between scudding clouds, stars can appear to dodge around. Also, natural movements of the eye can make a stationary object appear to zig zag.' But mythologically (i. e, in the unconscious), they became landmark 'UFO events.' (The following is colored green to help distinguish it from my contribution, since the color of my alien slime is green! Colored sections can be skipped on first reading). Angels in all religions are seen as spirit entities/spirit guides. Random quotes regarding the 'Staged/Feigned Alien Invasions' UFO 'deception', where the UFO phenomenon refers to what formerly were known as the “starry host” (technological Angels), 'to stage an "Alien Invasion" from Outer Space, to drive freaked out humanity into the arms of a One World global government, like a helicopter drives a herd of wildebeests to a new reservation? One possibility, 'Is a coordinated "UFO invasion" possible? Yes, it’s possible… but not from aliens, rather, powerful people wielding powerful tools of manipulation. - Have the proliferation of Hollywood UFO movies where "aliens" invade or attack the earth been a subtle way of projecting a message to the public under the guise of entertainment?' 'What if they regularly stage flying saucer showings, "alien" kidnaps of drugged victims and these corny cattle mutilations, to condition the terrorized, mesmerized Earthlings to make them believe in "Alien Overlords" and that an invasion of superior E.T-s is at hand?"' Trevor James Constable wrote , "The battle with UFOs is not for the planet of man but for the soul of man". Arthur C. Clarke said, "One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships." “The UFO mystery is primarily subjective and its content primarily symbolic… In the considerable majority of cases the contact experience, which comprises the core of the enigma, occurs in states of altered consciousness, during which the percipient undergoes a profound experience at the very deep collective level of the unconscious. “The “objective” manifestations are psychokinetically psychic projections generated as byproducts of those unconscious processes which shape a culture’s vision of the otherworld. Existing only temporarily, they are at best only quasiphysical. So, UFOs are something like “planetary poltergeists usually generated by the psychic energy of the collective unconscious.” An important quote from Dr. Jacques Vallee, 'We are compelled to conclude that many abductions either complete fantasies drawn from the collective unconscious or that actual beings are staging simulated operations very much in the manner of a theatrical play or movie, in order to release into our culture images that will influence us to a goal we are incapable of perceiving.' Vallee says, "I will be disappointed if UFOs turn out to be nothing more than spaceships." 'Valle quotes a scientist who describes UFOs as “reality transformers.” Reality transformers may well be the best and most accurate descriptive phrase that can be applied to UFOs at our present level of understanding. UFOs are apparently able to appear in a great variety of different forms to different people and, like an archetype, the variations seem to have much to do with the belief system and cultural conditioning of the perceiving psyche. Valle compares observing the UFO phenomenon to looking at a screen in a movie theater. You look at the screen and all sorts of fantastical images pass before your eyes. But to really understand what’s going on you need to look over your shoulder back at the projector, the source of all the endlessly varying images. UFOs seem more akin to projectors, capable of projecting all sorts of thoughts and images into the human psyche. The human mind, especially in our materialistic culture, is prone to take what it sees very literally.' 'Mead Layne said Etheria usually only was detected by people who were psychically attuned to it, but that anyone could see UFOs. Layne theorized that these saucers could materialize and dematerialize and could change size and shape. Such well-known ufologists as Jacques Vallée and John Keel would go on to champion Layne's belief in Etheric ships.' Vallee thinks UFOs are likely "windows" to other dimensions manipulated by intelligent, often mischievous, always enigmatic beings we have yet to understand. "A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities as well as phenomena like poltergeist [ghost] manifestation and 'possession.' Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena." "Studies of flying saucer cults repeatedly show that they are part of a larger occult social world." 'Abduction experiences are closely related to out-of-body experiences (OBEs).' 'John Mack also believes that UFOs may not be extraterrestrial, but involves physical beings from another dimension; and that similar experiences have occurred through history, interpreted according to the mythology of their era—for example, abduction by fairies, or the appearance of angels or the Virgin Mary.' Skeptic Carl Sagan in 'The Demon-Haunted World' argued UFO stories are 'crafted to satisfy religious longings. - The gods and demons from heaven come down to haunt us, to offer prophetic visions, and to tantalize us with visions of a more hopeful future; a space-age mystery religion aborning.' According to Dr. Jaques Vallee, "The symbolic display seen by the abductees is identical to the type of initiation ritual or astral voyage that is imbedded in the [occult] traditions of every culture...the structure of abduction stories is identical to that of occult initiation rituals...the UFO beings of today belong to the same class of manifestation as the [occult] entities that were described in centuries past." "The Nephilim UFOs are likely para-physical vehicles that transit between the parallel universe (the eternal heaven) and our physical reality (our universe) which is why they appear and disappear suddenly." "UFO behaviour is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it.” 'The modern global belief in flying saucers and their occupants is identical to an earlier belief in the fairy-faith. The entities described as the pilots of the craft are indistinguishable from the elves, sylphs and lutins of the Middle Ages.' (Jacques Vallee). 'The real UFO story – is a story of an invisible world that surrounds us.' (John Keel). Keel called them the 'ultraterrestrials' – capable of manipulating objects into and out of existence on our plane - they have been leading us by our collective noses for centuries - the encounter between the ultraterrestrials heralds some kind of grand climax in human history.' Also note, "There are clear similarities with the manner in which UFOs seem to appear instantaneously and disappear in an identical manner to the way in which 'apports' appear in seance rooms. It also shares the same attributes observed during alleged abduction scenarios when the abductor is able to enter rooms directly through the walls and the abductee is floated out through closed windows and walls into a waiting spacecraft. Once again, solid objects present no obvious barrier to either the abductors or their victims. In addition, this is of course an attribute associated with ghosts and apparitions.” Repeating, 'Ghosts, aliens, witches, etc. 'seen' in the supernatural/mystical (and on the TV screen) are 'barometers of the conflicts and tensions in the political and the social' conveyed from the Collective Unconscious, the 'voicing of hitherto inarticulate emotions -- a preliminary crystallization of waxing dissatisfactions and discontents, a Witch's Brew.' 'Elves and wizards' represent the increasing diversity of humans (or post-humans) after the breakdown of the Industrial monoculture, and "magic" is a glimpse of post-mechanistic scientific paradigms.' 'The Interdimensional hypothesis (IDH or IH), also called the extradimensional hypothesis (EDH), is a theory advanced by Jacques Vallée that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related events involve visitations from other "realities" or "dimensions" that coexist separately alongside our own. It holds that UFOs are not spacecraft, but rather devices that travel between different realities. Cosmology now recognizes the possibility, indeed the inevitability, of multiple universes with more than four dimensions. Communication and travel within our universe are no longer thought to be absolutely constrained by the speed of light and a constant arrow of time.' 'UFO experiences relates to religious and mystical experiences, trance states, shamanic initiations, and other alternate states of consciousness – the desire to find the purpose of life: "Being abducted may be a baptism in the new religion of this millennium, wanting to believe there's something bigger and better than us out there. And we want to believe that whatever it is cares about us, or at least is paying attention to us.' Another site offers, 'The world is looking for a technological savior, the new age movement is looking for spirit beings to land. Could we have a space age messiah? The UFO’s speak of a new world order and that the United nations has an important role . The United Nations was formally set up in 1948 it was around this time that they started to make their appearance known. It was also at this time Israel land was given to the Jews fulfilling bible prophecy.Is it coincidence, or Gods timetable? Almost all the pagan and occult religions talk about the Gods coming down from the stars or contact by other means. The new age teaches that these space brothers have their home in other star systems. All of these stars have great significance in their spiritual structure. Some have even stated the star of Bethlehem was a UFO as well as the Mt. Sinai experience of Moses. Enoch was an astronaut. Just about anything supernatural is connected to UFO’s and the ascended masters. The teachings of the ET's are the same as the ascended masters. Messengers were sent to mankind through various enlightened beings like Buddha, Melchezedic, Moses, Confucius, Jesus, Mohammed, etc.) These are preparatory for the time that the ultimate truth could be revealed by the 'Great Teacher' who will finally come to earth to lead mankind into an era known as the Golden Age? The man Jesus Christ is redefined as an avatar from an extra-terrestrial civilization in another dimension. We are told they cannot interfere that we need to give them permission and ask for their help. The new alternative to Christ is salvation from the stars. … ' and also, ‘the Ascended Masters of the Hierarchy’ are preparing to intervene again in world History, to lead mankind to a higher level of consciousness. ‘They will select a human person and endow him with superhuman powers and knowledge. This man will lead us to world government and world peace.’ 'They have the power to paralyze us and render us helpless to resist' (turn to stone). Supposedly from the Vatican:'There is coming a counterfeit spirituality. - The New Age which is dawning will be peopled by perfect, androgynous beings who are totally in command of the cosmic laws of nature. In this scenario, Christianity has to be eliminated and give way to a global religion and a new world order. - “Christ” is a title applied to someone who has arrived at a state of consciousness where he or she perceives him or herself to be divine and can thus claim to be a “universal Master”. - The false prophets may exhibit paranormal powers to back up these claims, such as the ability to move objects, make ghosts appear, and possess hidden knowledge of people’s lives.- False prophets will also offer their own explanations for natural disasters and environmental crises, and even demonstrate their "powers" over nature. For example, technologies exist to alter the weather and even generate earthquakes.' Dr. Vallee notes that there are authoritarian overtones to some of the messages given to contactees: * democracy is obsolete * elections should be done away with * racist ideologies are encouraged - some have more alien DNA etc. * a New World Order is needed and will be set up with alien help. “A great many of the contactees purvey philosophies which are tinged, if not tainted, with totalitarian overtones.” Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans...will be "rescued" from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over.' "Humankind stands now in the transitional period before the dawn of a New Age. (With peace, love and understanding, the people of Earth will see a great new era begin to dawn.) The Space Beings are here to teach, to help awaken the human spirit, to help humankind rise to higher levels of vibration so that the people of Earth may be ready to enter new dimensions. We are poised for a quantum leap forward on both the biological and spiritual levels. The human soul will evolve. If the Earthlings should not raise their vibratory rate within a set period of time, severe earth changes and major cataclysms will take place. (Such disasters will serve as cataclysmic crucibles to burn off the dross of unreceptive humanity. Those who die in such dreadful purging will be allowed to reincarnate on higher levels of development so that their salvation will be more readily accomplished through higher teachings on a higher vibratory level.)" - via the quantum shift/leap to the next frequency level. 'There are some people with strongly held religious views who are convinced that UFOs and abductions are the work of the devil, designed to fool humanity. Such people seldom consider that it may be they who are misled. - Are aliens also trying to mislead us, or are our technical and cultural differences so great that we would be incapable of understanding them whatever they told us?' 'The hypothesis has been proposed that aliens are currently in Earth’s vicinity and aware of us, but are mainly staying out of sight, by means of their advanced technology, because they have an embargo or quarantine against us, or because they are treating the solar system as if it were a wildlife refuge.' 'The Great Harpazo Deception (the Secret Rapture) justified as due to UFOs – (the word in Greek: Harpazo, Eng. Rapture): to deceive those people left behind at the coming rapture or catching away of the Christians. to brainwash people by covering the earth with UFO sightings and abductions so when the Christians disappear those left behind will believe that they were abducted. have missed the rapture, the rescue, so to speak and you will be left behind to suffer the Tribulation.' 'There are some who suggest that the UFO’s are actually the chariots of the Lord’s "hosts." From this they surmise the rapture of the saints will take place when living Christians board flying saucers and are whisked away to be with the Lord. In my fathers house is many mansions is interpreted as multiple dimensions. Another scenario is that UFOs are God’s angelic army gathering for the war in heaven prophesied for the Last Days, when Michael the archangel fights Satan. (Revelation 12:7 ). (Jesus) says,"They are the angels of the harvest." The most common message given is that there will be a time of separation. When those will be evacuated from planet earth will be taken to other places and realms by UFO’s. Project World evacuation is headed by aliens very experienced in the evacuation of populations of planets." They expect a polar shift that will bring a great cataclysm to the world needing immediate evacuation. They also explain their needs to be a cleansing (ones standing in the way?) and some will be removed for instruction. "I have been told that while basically most of the lift up will be invisible to others. Where will the rescued be taken? "..."destination will depend on age as well as enlightenment level."(Project World Evacuation) "It will take place at a moments notice when it is determined the inhabitants are in danger." "In a twinkling of an eye, with no time for any pre-warning of any significance." Scriptures teach a immediate gathering in the sky 1 Thess.4:13-17 . what may seem like a catastrophic event can be explained as a mercy mission. Not all UFO views are so gracious. Many say that their needs to be a removal of those who hold on to the old dispensation of the Piscean era.' 'From the New Age perspective the rapture is seen as a global "cleansing action" that will remove "dark thought forces" to allow the earth to ascend to a higher plane of existence.' 'the Nephilim attempt to get back to Heaven by creating some kind of alternative technological device outside Eden that would use inter-dimensional and spiritual powers to transport them from the earth.' Back to my discussion: Here in Hell, the women are systematically groomed and cultivated to be hot and sexy. But in the New Jerusalem, we will systematically groom the women to be what we really want: true to us and not running around on us, and also sweet and good to us. If they are obedient and compliant, this is a bonus. That is voluntary on the woman's part. But we do want her to be sweet, at least. They will be maintained in permanent sleep by us. Repeating, In the New Jerusalem, we Space Cowboys/Space Aliens will cultivate and tend our cattle herd and keep the women asleep and dreaming. We'll ensure they're chewing their cud, mooing (milking the herd), grazing contentedly and culling/thinning out the herd when needed. 'The idiomatic expression chewing one's cud means meditating or pondering = i. e., asleep and dreaming.)' '♪ Goodnight Irene I'll see you in my dreams' (dreamgirl - she's getting too hot, needs to return my dreams!) (Tom Waits) '♪ I'll see you in my dreams, Hold you in my dreams. Someone took you out of my arms, (the wrong men get inside) Still I feel the thrill of your charms. I'll see you in my dreams' (Louis Armstrong) Tending the Herd Romantics - 'Talking in Your Sleep' Video - Tending Our Herd (Dolls Asleep - Hypnotized Under Our Spell) Return to Topics Getting You To Change Your Bedroom Behavior Return to Topics Once we get to the New Jerusalem, everyone will know what everyone is doing in the bedroom. This is not your private affair, or your own personal business. It is vital that everyone knows exactly what everyone is doing in the bedroom. Adam and Eve fell, because they were ashamed of their private parts – 'parts' are not 'private'. In the defunct Marxist states, everyone's every movement was under constant surveillance. That was not what needed to be done. The only thing that must be monitored is that everyone must know precisely what everyone else is doing in the bedroom. Nothing else matters about you. It must be public knowledge. This is what is not done here Hell. You may have a little knowledge about what your fellow workers are doing in bed, but overall you don't know as much as you need to know. Brown quotes, 'All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players' (Shakespeare ). For Brown, 'Apocalypse strips away the decent draperies on which the whole big lie depends, false front, the screen of wall that separates the public sphere from the private parts. Psychoanalysis is that revolving state which completes this revolution, disclosing the bedroom and the bathroom behind the bourgeois facade, disclosing the obscenity of the on-stage scene, abolishing the reality-principle and its unreal distinction between private and public, between head and genital.' I'm going to tell the same story three different ways. You are really going to have change your bedroom behavior. Version 1: If you as a man walk into Sodom, where the one thing you've got is a woman (you can also have a man if that's what you want). There is nothing else, it is total chaos and anarchy. If in this place you cannot get laid, then suddenly you become an extremely important person. Because all you have to do is get your willie working below your belt, and you can blow the place to smithereens! I have set off my timebomb over Sodom! I, the Lord God Almighty made my reputation in Sodom. All these gorgeous bombshells/sexpots/ dolls here in Sodom make me go nuclear and explode! (Short Circuit!) That 'Nuclear Detonation' I will shortly unleash won't be visible to the eye (it will be hyperdimensional). I, God, like all Sodomites am a drooling, crazed sex fiend, and thus Rapture Ready. That is, I get to spew slime everywhere here to rapture you out and sweep billions up to the sky! Drooling Green Alien Drooling Green Alien Sex Fiend (Me) (drool = slime I spew!) Return to Topics Version 2: Don't try to put me, God, in Hell. Don't even think about it. Satan is my servant and not vice versa. If you do try, I'll get my willie working below my belt and again blow the place to smithereens! In my second all time favorite movie, 'Legend' (1985), Tom Cruise in fairy pointy ears is in Hell and attacks Satan. This is what I as a fairy did here in Hell. I beat the Devil!- a job for a Dragon Slayer Hero! Version 3: This is the stupid version: My good man, your getting way to much. It's good stuff. And you've got more than you can handle. I'm horny, and I need a woman. You've lots of women and I have none. What are we going to do about it with me standing here? If you don't get your dick straightened out, how about me ripping your lungs out, friend! I can't stand it, and I won't put up with it! '♪ He had white Horses And ladies by the score All dressed in satin And waiting by the door Ooooh, what a lucky man he was Ooooh, what a lucky man he was' (Emerson, Lake & Palmer ) Who is the most degenerate sex fiend on the planet? Satan is a notorious degenerate, but has access to all the most gorgeous dolls on the planet who are all in his service and at his beck and call. His lusts get slaked. For me it is water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Again, constant craving. I Must Rule! Return to Topics Repeating, 'When the seventh angel blew his trumpet, there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.' '♪ The kingdom of this world is become The kingdom of our lord King of kings and lord of lords And he shall reign forever and ever' '♪ Welcome to your life There’s no turning back Even while we sleep We will find you Acting on your best behaviour Turn your back on mother nature Everybody wants to rule the world There’s a room where the light won’t find you Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down When they do I’ll be right behind you So glad we’ve almost made it So sad they had to fade it Everybody wants to rule the world I can’t stand this indecision Married with a lack of vision Everybody wants to rule the world Say that you’ll never never never never need it One headline why believe it? Everybody wants to rule the world All for freedom and for pleasure Nothing ever lasts forever Everybody wants to rule the world' (Tears for Fears) '♪ I’m sitting on top of the world, just rolling along, just rolling along. I’m quitting the blues of the world, just singing a song, just singing a song Glory Hallelujah, I just phoned the Parson, hey, Par, get ready to call Just like Humpty Dumpty, I’m going to fall I’m sitting on top of the world, just rolling along, just rolling along.' (Les Paul) Clowns/Fools Watch the World Spinning 'Round '♪ I started a joke, which started the whole world crying, but I didn't see that the joke was on me. I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing, oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was on me. Till I finally died, which started the whole world living, oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was on me' (Robbie Williams) '♪ Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread - Fools rush in, where wise men never go But wise men never fall in love So how are they to know?' '♪ Though I’m past one hundred thousand miles I’m feeling very still And I think my spaceship knows which way to go Tell my wife I love her very much (she knows!) Ground Control to Major Tom Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom?' (David Bowie) '♪ sittin' up here watchin' all the lights blink down below the earth is turning why does it go so slow thinkin' bout the girl I left behind Houston can you hear me or have I lost my mind why me? why me? I was waiting on the pad all systems were go the man up in the tower was enjoying the show then I got this feeling that I never had before hey let me out of here what am I here for why me? why me? there must be a thousand other guys must be some other way to look good in your eyes why am I up here, what do they see in me must be a thousand other places to be why me the last man to be here was never heard from again he won't be back this way till 2010... and now I'm riding on a fountain of fire with my back to the earth I go higher and higher why me? - - take anyone but me why me' (Planet P) '♪ There's a starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds' (David Bowie) '♪ Day after day, Alone on a hill, The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still But nobody wants to know him, They can see that he's just a fool, And he never gives an answer, But the fool on the hill, Sees the sun going down, And the eyes in his head, See the world spinning 'round. Well on the way, Head in a cloud, The man of a thousand voices talking perfectly loud But nobody ever hears him, or the sound he appears to make, and he never seems to notice, And nobody seems to like him, they can tell what he wants to do, and he never shows his feelings, And he never listens to them, He knows that they're the fools They don't like him, The fool on the hill Sees the sun going down, And the eyes in his head, See the world spinning 'round. (Beatles) '♪ He wants to dream like a young man With the wisdom of an old man He wants his home and security He wants to live like a sailor at sea Beautiful loser Where you gonna fall? When you realize You just can't have it all He's your oldest and your best friend If you need him, he'll be there again He's always willing to be second-best A perfect lodger, a perfect guest He'll never make any enemies, enemies, no He won't complain if he's caught in a freeze He'll always ask, he'll always say please Beautiful loser Never take it all 'Cause it's easier And faster when you fall You just don't need it all' (Bob Seger) '♪ He rode a blazing saddle (light = slime) He wore a shining star (ditto) His job to offer battle to bad men near and far He conquered fear and he conquered hate He turned dark night into day He made his blazing saddle a torch to light the way' (ditto) (Later satirized by Mel Brooks) I was born to rule, and this is what you must let me do. '♪ Back in the saddle again' (Gene Autry). I came to power by blackmail. 'Narcissists are perfectionists.' I raptured out the people to demonstrate my power (just like the madman in my all time favorite movie,- 'The Brain from Planet Arous'. Like me, he was also a sex fiend). Elijah and Enoch were snatched as prototypes in the Old Testament for my magic act. I'm standing here on a mound of corpses. If Jesus were standing here in person, there would be many more laid out than I did, since mine doesn't come up as good as it once did. The Holocaust was Hitler's 'Wicker Man' burnt offering to the gods. 'In the name of – - their holocaust, Allmen.' (Joyce's prophecy written prior to the Final Solution!) (There was a book by a Holocaust survivor titled 'This Way to the Gas', aka 'Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Gas Chamber'.) To the Gas Chambers go! Hitler required gas chambers for his fairy dump. We're all passengers as sealed cargo aboard one of Hitler's cattle cars for 'imperfect Aryans' (mongrels and mutts) on a Hellbound train to his Death Camps/Eradication Camps/Slaughterhouses and Gas Chambers (my planetwide rain of slime!) We're Jews "walking into the furnaces." "For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch" (Mal. 4:1). In the Brothers Grimm fairy tale 'Hansel and Gretel', 'the cannibalistic witch (their mother's doppelganger) in a cottage constructed of cake and confectionery feeds Hansel to fatten him up. The witch's end in the oven has been read as 'prophecy' of "the horrors of the Third Reich" (gas ovens), because the witch is often depicted with "stereotypical” Jewish features.' Heads roll! We're self-appointed undertakers. R.I.P. Rest in pieces! “Grave New World.” Eternal Dirt Nap/Tango Uniform/Toes Up/Pushing Daisies time! One gullible site offers 'R.I.P. (Realm of Infinite Possibility)' for the 'Ascension'. My planetary enema/purge! Brown referenced the Freudian analysis in Brigid Brophy's 'Black Ship To Hell' (note the title). Derrick Jensen says, "It's easier to kill a number than an individual, whether we're talking about so many tons of fish, so many board feet of timber, or so many boxcars of untermenschen Jews." Cattle Car Cattle Cars. This Way to the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen! Return to Topics '♪ Off with your head Dance 'til you're dead Heads will roll Heads will roll Heads will roll On the floor ' (The Yeah Yeah Yeahs) '♪ All I need is a TV-show, that and the radio Down on my luck again, down on my luck again I can show you, I can show you, some of the people in my life I can show you, I can show you, some of the people in my life It's driving me mad just another way of passing the day - - You're just another face that I know from the TV-show I have known you for so very long, I feel you like a friend Can't you do anything for me, can I touch you for a while Can I meet you another day and we can fly away - - Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on again (floodgates of Heaven I open to rain slime! My (God's) Deadly Blessing!) Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on again - -' (my multiple Rapture) (Phil Collins) '♪ Watch you when you say What you are When you say, when you blame everyone Broken king What you change the frame I’ll watch you when you Take your aim But you, and your heart Should it feel so far apart You can’t chose what you take Why you got to, break it, make it feel so hard? - - You dropped so many lives in the sand Lost your fingers, nails on you hand How you gonna scratch it in back there? You hope that the tide will take our lives away Take all our lives away (floodgates of Heaven = my downpour of slime! My (God's) Deadly Blessing!) Take all our lives away (Jack Johnson) '♪ You take a mortal man, And put him in main control Watch him become a god, Watch peoples heads a'roll A'roll... A'roll The earth starts to rumble World powers fall A'warring for the heavens, A peaceful man stands tall Just like the Pied Piper Led rats through the streets We dance like marionettes, Swaying to the Symphony... Swaying to the Symphony... Of Destruction ' (Megadeth - my source for Megadeath) '♪The eastern world, it is exploding Violence flarin', bullets loadin' You're old enough to kill, but not for votin' You don't believe in war, but what's that gun you're totin' And even the Jordan River has bodies floatin' But you tell me Over and over and over again, my friend Ah, you don't believe We're on the eve of destruction' (Barry McGuire) '♪ Tied to the tracks and the train's fast coming Strapped to the wing with the engine running You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man - - Tied to a chair, and the bomb is ticking This situation was not of your picking You say that this wasn't in your plan And don't mess around with the demolition man - - You come to me like a moth to the flame It's love you need but I don't play that game 'Cause you could be my greatest fan But I'm nobody's friend, I'm a demolition man - - I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom I kill conversation as I walk into the room I'm a three line whip, I'm the sort of thing they ban I'm a walking disaster, I'm a demolition man' (Sting) '♪ Cause meek inherits earth...six feet deep.' 'Lords of the New Church' 'Six Feet Under' Rise Up! (It Comes Up!) My Floating Angels! The Secret Rapture/Ascension = Six Feet Under! 'Pushing Daisies' TV = Six Feet Deep! (Hollywood Plays For Keeps!) 'Pushing Daisies' TV - My Angels Floating On Cloud Bathed In Light (= Slime!) '♪ Hey! You! Get off of my cloud' (Rolling Stones) Led Zeppelin: '♪ Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know/Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.' Ladies, come on back up home to your Big Daddy in Heaven where you belong, and rejoin my choir of Heavenly Angels for my Heavenly Music Of The Spheres (my harem)! The Real Secret Rapture! The Real Secret Rapture! Corpses On The Ground! Return to Topics Charles Fort researched occult 'mysteries'. He, like Brown and I, was not a creative or original thinker, but a collector of obscure 'anomalies', an antiquarian. We delve into a mixture of delusional fantasy and subconsciously recycled material from other sources via the Collective Unconscious - subliminal messages (the media, and in particular, TV). Fort issued the dictum: (The following is colored green to help distinguish it from my contribution, since the color of my alien slime is green! Colored sections can be skipped on first reading). 'I think we're property' implying alien visitors who probe (including sexually since we are sex fiends - abductees were commonly report rape and other forms of molestation. They receive painful probes of every orifice at the hands of diminutive emotionless figures'); zookeepers observing animals in a zoo - a kid's ant farm - this planet as a colony, or experimental scientists observing a study that closer examination would ruin,' as in the Star Trek Prime Directive, a fly on the wall perspective. Further on Fort, 'Is the Earth really haunted by a vast menagerie of bizarre lifeforms/UFOs? Or are we merely the unwitting victims of a High Strangeness single mighty intelligence capable of manifesting itself in a thousand different disguises: an infinitely inventive and devious trickster which delights in toying with humanity for its own amusement - a 'Cosmic Joker'?' 'The Grand Deception is in the nature of a test. It might have been partly an acclimatization, maybe misinformation or DISINFORMATION with the tactics used: deny, distract, demean, deceive, and divide.' 'A century ago, the anomalist Charles Fort postulated the existence of just such a being, a higher power who is responsible for various mysterious anomalous phenomena on Earth such as teleportation of people, animals, and materials, said manifestations being of a perverse and black-humoured nature.' One site sagely declares, 'Although deception may be integral to the UFO phenomenon, it may be the kind used by Zen masters. Literal-mindedness, attachment to concreteness, obsessive focus on the letter rather than the spirit of truth, and fundamentalist dogmatism prevent people from thinking. The Trickster figure in many cultures pulls the wool over peoples' eyes, and plays tricks on them, because it's the only way to start tugging at the lenses of their consensus reality. Clowns in many cultures are sacred figures, because their antics and games help people to loosen their grip on "sacred cows" that prevent them from grasping the truth. The Trickster is no angel, and he isn't always beneficent, and he often causes people a lot of grief and pain, but he is necessary.' "Multidimensional entities, spanning the centuries and always interfering in human affairs, albeit heavily disguised in the belief-systems of differing social patterns" and different ages - NEW AGE ANGELS are Interdimensional Angels.' - 'pan-dimensional entities, who were mistaken in the days of antiquity as demons and angels.' John Keel suggested in 1970, there exists the possibility of "a staggering cosmic joke; a joke perpetuated by invisible entities posing as assorted gods and demons and now, in the modern phase, as another glorious spaceman who have always delighted in frightening, confusing and misleading the human race.” Keel also writes that we are the playthings of the "gods." Interdimensional Angels (they belong to an intelligent race that can manipulate time and space): 'manifest themselves in almost any form, and can physically imitate anything from angels to horrifying monsters with glowing eyes. Strange objects and entities materialize and dematerialize in these stories, just as the UFOs and their splendid occupants appear and disappear, walk through walls, and perform other supernatural feats.” John Keel “The UFO Phenomenon exists. It has been with us throughout history. It is physical in nature and it remains unexplained in terms of contemporary science. It represents a level of consciousness that we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them. It affects our own consciousness in ways that we do not grasp fully, and it generally behaves as a control system.” Jacques Vallée If the intention of the “aliens” is benign, then why do they always perform cruel, sexual, painful, and primitive “experiments” on their abductees? If their so called “experiments” serve a scientific purpose, then why do they need to repeat similar experiments over and over again, as if nothing has been learned? Abductees are 'treated like lab rats, tagged like cattle, and humiliated by sexual experimentation – it is hard to imagine a more vivid description of human powerlessness.' “Before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of the alien interaction, we should ask, do enlightened beings need to use the cover of night to perform good deeds? Do they need to paralyze us and render us helpless to resist? Do angels need to steal our fetuses? Do they need to manipulate our children’s genitals and probe our rectums? Are fear, pain, and deception consistent with high spiritual motives?” 'Incubi and succubi are, respectively, male and female demons that according to folklore attack persons of the opposite sex in their sleep, pin them down and have sex with them. The stories of these demon visitors that occur in many cultures are most likely a mythological explanation for a physiological phenomenon -- waking dreams. We no longer believe in demons and so we substitute in our popular mythology a more up-to-date explanation -- little gray aliens from space who assault us in our sleep.' 'the communicators claim to represent some other world, but the contents of those messages are identical to the messages long received by mediums and mystics.” John Keel “I believe there is a machinery of mass manipulation behind the UFO phenomenon . . . they are helping create a new belief system . . . they are designed to help change belief systems, and that the technology we observe is only the incidental support for a world-wide enterprise of subliminal seduction.” Jacques Vallée “What we see in effect here is not an alien invasion. It is a control system which acts on humans and uses humans . . . Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception.” Jacques Vallée “UFOs could well be part of the same larger intelligence which has shaped the tapestry of religion and mythology since the dawn of human consciousness.”J. Allen Hynek “Why were my visitors so secretive, hiding themselves behind my consciousness. I could only conclude that they were using me and did not want me to know why … What if they were dangerous? Then I was terribly dangerous, because I was playing a role in acclimatizing people to them.” Whitley Strieber unexplained close encounters are far more numerous than required for any physical survey of the earth; the humanoid body structure of the alleged “aliens” is not likely to have originated on another planet and is not biologically adapted to space travel; the reported behavior in thousands of abduction reports contradicts the hypothesis of genetic or scientific experimentation on humans by an advanced race; the extension of the phenomenon throughout recorded human history demonstrates that UFOs are not a contemporary phenomenon; and the apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests radically different and richer alternatives ' What if God was one of us? There's a Fungus among Us! 'There's a madmen among us.' We space aliens integrate ourselves into society: 'What are thought of as aliens from other planets are actually from right here on Earth. Perhaps these beings have evolved alongside us, or long before us, and have moved their civilization out of sight, perhaps underground. Perhaps they even walk among us all the time. - Shadow People, viewing these beings through the lens of metaphysics, physics, psychology, biology, and religions of all types: Are they ghosts, demons, hallucinations, aliens, creatures of the apocalypse, zombies, beasts from the gruesome darkside or something else entirely?' 'What is called “High strangeness" is a continuation of the work done by Charles Fort: reports of strange things like time slips, beings that appear to be something between an alien and a ghost, tricksters and more - tales of hauntings, poltergeists, UFO sightings, weird creatures and more.' 'Often returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences (amnesia). Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades but hasn't aged a day. Some of the returnees begin to exhibit strange and uncontrollable new paranormal abilities. They're put in quarantine.' 'A dimensional shift time slip (or timeslip) into a parallel life in another dimension is a paranormal phenomenon of mental time travel by supernatural (rather than technological) means.' 'This world is poised on a precipice! The dark cabal intends to take us to the very brink of extinction. They are a severely mean-spirited bunch, and dealing with them is like working with a gang of spoiled and malicious 5-year-olds who intend serious, grievous harm. They relish these cat-and-mouse games. They are truly amoral. The inner child is spoiled-rotten and evil: they want everyone to die who isn't under their total control. The dark cabal's dominion is inciting a final spasm of chaos around the world, just like any great dying empire of the past. - The dark cabal has forged its own demise with its relentless greed and hubris. The next financial collapse is approaching unabated, and shows up clearly on the dark's radar screens. - spiritually negative beings will be removed from earth completely. - Heaven has decreed a timetable and this time crunch is almost upon us. ' For the very last time we are players in the cosmic struggle (the War in Heaven ) pitting God against Satan for the Final Battle. We are pawns in this cosmic chess match, as Fort and also LA Marzulli have observed, in this Sport of the Gods interventing and manipulating earthly events and human lives. Satan puts Jesus in check, but Jesus makes the final move for checkmate! God wins again! 'No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely, they drew their plans against us. 'H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds'.'♪ Have I awakened/Deep inside some madman's dream?' (Assemblage 23) (life is but a dream – of a madman!) By 'the Cosmic Quarantine Hypothesis, we are not trusted and are watched from a distance with suspicion.' 'Advanced intelligence might regard any prospect of the exponential diffusion throughout the Milky Way of self-replicating colonies very much as we regard the outbreak of a deadly viral epidemic. They would have good reason, and presumably the ability, to suppress it as a measure of galactic hygiene.' 'Can earth and man recover from the inevitable human population crash on the horizon with enough wisdom and resources to (still) see the need to take to space?' They would 'preclude any relentless wave of colonization from overrunning and cannibalizing the Milky Way.' 'The dominant civilization on our planet is of the expansive territorial type, and is thus headed for self-destruction. Only if we can intelligently regulate our growth-obsessed and self-destructive tendencies is our civilization likely to survive.' 'Growth is Madness!: Humanity’s Greatest Challenge.' 'The laws governing the physical universe are real limits to our self-indulgent behavior. They are real limits to growth. They have been a very effective, unbreachable and arguably essential playpen (quarantine).' 'Mankind is demanding that technology overturn the laws of physics. By definition, anything that can overturn natural laws is God, a prideful attempt to be exempt from the laws of physics and nature – the demand that infinite growth is possible on a finite planet. Today we are awash in technology... and we are also dying. We are, in fact, killing ourselves with it.' 'The longevity and ingenuity of the technologically adept culture of modernity will make its collapse all the more catastrophic.' “In the name of God I kill, loot, plunder, rape or exterminate you.” 'The human population will inevitably reduce by billions of people amidst great suffering as the sun sets on Industrial Civilization.' My entire planet is quarantined and monitored by us aliens/madmen, as in Stephen King's 'Under the Dome' where an area is circumscribed. And currently we have achieved our goals for this cycle which we must bring to an end ('Closing Time') to save what's left of this planet, and are left with gruesome task of disposing of you (my Fairy Dump). In modern times, the Cambodian Khmer Rouge evacuation of Phnom Penh to the Killing Fields was a repeat of earlier ones detailed amidst the anarchy and chaos in the Puranas for the same region – the earlier Ascension/Culling through the Stargate/Doorway/Portal. Ancient priests labeled them (Geometric Solid Platonic Sacred Geometry) World Grid Interdimensional Portals (along Ley Lines- Dragon Lines on the Earth Etheric Grid). David Wilcock believes the Pyramids were built to harness gravity as a river of energy flowing to earth by a funnel shape causing the fluid energy to swirl and create a vortex current. Brown's warning about building megalithic monuments and their replacement, cities: 'The ambition of civilized man is revealed in the pyramid—the achievement of the first modern individualists. In the pyramid repose both the hope of immortality and the fruit of compound interest.' Why don't you want to start listening to me? I will not be ignored! The blackmail was either I rule, or I remove lots more. I have an agenda. The planetwide New Exodus is here, and I'm going to lead you to the New Jerusalem. Moses said to Pharoah, 'Let my people go!' This process will take several centuries. I'll say more later, but here's an indication. The New Jerusalem is all the multimillion inhabitant cities in ruins, and there are be no longer any nation states, with the total population of the planet much less than one billion. (Marx's prophesy of the 'Withering away of the State' worldwide.) 'Around me stand tall buildings, — ugly monstrosities of steel and glass and concrete, overpowering in their hugeness and sterility. I dream of them as ruins being eaten by a forest.' No matter how much you may legitimately hate my guts, I must rule! And I have more blackmail so I can accomplish my mission. It's good to be king (but it’s also quite tough)! I am the only person on this planet that possesses the roadmap to the New Jerusalem. No one else has a single clue! You have to be a fairy (which is the next topic) to possess it– it is a Fairy Treasure Map (the Fairy Keys - the 'fairy tale pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow'). It's inside my head. I'll have lots of goons and thugs around me to protect me, but even so, it is quite true that you can take me out. From your point of view, that's what you'll want to do. You'll go “This sucker's giving us pain. He's contagious and poisonous. Let's take him out!” I'm placing a bullseye target on the my chest! Here's where the blackmail comes in. If you do take me out, the blackmail is that since I'm the only person with the roadmap, additional billions of corpses will be laying on the ground. I'll take that trade off – my life for the benefit of additional billions gone. So, don't shoot the messenger! I'm going to save you a lot of tax money. I work for free. And the government that I will assemble will be a small fraction the size of the multimillion Federal Government. You'll no longer have to pay salaries for the one hundred Senators, what Brown labels, 'the gray-bearded senate', or the four hundred plus Congressmen and their thousands of support staff. The size of my Federal Government will be miniscule compared to the present one. Welcome to my Banana Republic! 'We're now a 'Third-World flop-house!' Welcome to my weird Court of the Crimson King! Though I'm not just crimson, but red (communist): '♪ The rusted chains of prison moons Are shattered by the sun. I walk a road, horizons change The tournament's begun. The purple piper plays his tune, The choir softly sing; (My Heavenly Music Of The Spheres) Three lullabies in an ancient tongue, For the court of the crimson king. On soft grey mornings widows cry, The wise men share a joke. I run to grasp divining signs To satisfy the hoax. The yellow jester does not play But gently pulls the strings And smiles as the puppets dance In the court of the crimson king' Repeating: '♪ Far away In a land caught between Time and space Where the books of life lay (where I keep my Book of Life) We fear This castle of stone The mountain king roams All alone in here But he's not the only one Lost inside Forever hidden from the sun Madness reigns In the Hall of the Mountain King I'm a Fairy - In Fact, the King of the Fairies! Return to Topics Typical Fairy (Such As Me) '♪ There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy They say he wandered very far, very far, over land and sea A little shy and sad of eye, but very wise was he. And then one day, one magic day he came my way. And as we spoke of many things, fools and kings, this he said to me: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” ('Nature Boy') '♪ In the land where horses born with eagle wings And honey bees have lost their stings There's singing forever Lions den with fallow deer And rivers made from wine so clear Flow on and on forever Dragons fly like sparrows thru' the air And baby lambs where Samson dares To go on on on on on on My fairy king can see things He rules the air and turns the tides That are not there for you and me Ooh yeah he guides the winds' ('My Fairy King' – by who else but – Queen?) '♪ You'd better lock you house and keep the kids inside. Here come the twentieth century's latest scam he's a half a boy and half a man He ain't a fool but he's a tool Because his left don't know what his right hand's doin'. He'd keep a King Kong eating out of the palm of his hand Now he's a half a boy and half a man.' (Nick Lowe) '♪ Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies Hoping for the best but expecting the worst Are you going to drop the bomb or not? Let us die young or let us live forever We don't have the power but we never say never - - Praising our leaders we're getting in tune The music's played by the madman (music of the Spheres) Forever young, i want to be forever young (a gibbering/blithering dead fairy baby) Do you really want to live forever, forever forever Forever young, i want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever Forever young' (Alphaville) '♪ My pathway led by confusion boats Mutiny from stern to bow Ah, but I was so much older then I’m younger than that now' (Bob Dylan) '♪ Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Ch-ch-changes Don't have to be a richer man Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Ch-ch-changes Don't want to be a better man Time may change me But I can't trace time (David Bowie) '♪ Once I rose above the noise and confusion Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion I was soaring ever higher, but I flew too high Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man Though my mind could think I still was a mad man I hear the voices when I'm dreamin', I can hear them say: Carry on my wayward son, There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more' (Kansas) '♪ I must've dreamed a thousand dreams Been haunted by a million screams But I can hear the marching feet They're moving into the street - - There's too many men, too many people Making too many problems And not much love to go round Can't you see this is a land of confusion? Well this is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given Use them and let's start trying To make it a place worth living in Ooh, Superman where are you now When everything's gone wrong somehow?' (Genesis) Freud had it right - the Oedipal Triangle. The hunk, stud or gun (Alpha Male) I mentioned earlier is the father (in my unconscious). And the doll is the mother. And I'm the son of a gun, S.O.B. When a stud fathers a child with a doll, you have the recipe to grow monsters, the Biblical Giants. Actually, in my case my father was a sweet preacherman, and my mother was good, but I still turned out a monster. I'm the Beast slouching toward Bethlehem that Yeats wrote about in his poem “The Second Coming'. That poem is my favorite. Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spritus Mundi (a whiff of pagan?) Troubles my sight: somewhere in the sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again; but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? Look at these lines: Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world Jay Weidner labels it the failure of the central organizing principle of Western Civilization. Brown says, 'we are in a time when civilization has to be renewed by the discovery of new mysteries, by the undemocratic but sovereign power of the imagination.' According to a NWO (New World Order) site: (The following section is in blue to help distinguish it from my contribution. Colored sections can be skipped on first reading) 'The plan to establish one world government is not new. It is a long established goal of those who practice the 'Mysteries'. The Mystery Religion is the oldest of all the world's religions. In fact all the worlds religions stem from the Mysteries except true Orthodox Judaism and true Biblical Christianity. The Mystery Religion stems back to ancient Babylon. The Initiates of the Mysteries have a goal they term the 'Great Work.' The higher initiates are known as the 'adepts' or 'keepers of the secrets of all ages.'They hold this to be a benevolent world dictatorship. It is the sort of benevolent dictatorship Adolf Hitler wanted. Adolf Hitler was himself an Illuminist and a member of the Thule Society. The entire SS were also initiates. The 'Great Work' is a process of illuminating the human soul to a state of 'apotheosis'. It will be completed when the whole human race achieves this state. The Mysteries hold to the Platonic ideal wherein humanity is a singular organism (as in Norman O. Brown's 'Love's Body'). Adherents view humanity as one collective being, and the individual must sacrifice for the benefit of the whole.' Brown says, 'Vico anticipates de Maistre. The occult tradition is an aristocratic tradition Religion is racism. The 'New Science' is the 'Secret Doctrine' (Blavatsky) Vico's occultist elitism. Vico is an Orphic Voice.' 'Many of the formerly secret traditions are making their knowledge public.' In the 'the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.' 'As knowledge is increased in the run-up to the End Time, a psychic can now prophesy a vision of the "million years of dreaming" (the return of the Aboriginal Dreamtime - our participation in the universe's dreaming of itself) that is to follow the collapse of the present world.' - animist Creation time as "The Dreaming." - '♪ Have I awakened/Deep inside some madman's dream?' (Assemblage 23) (life is but a dream – of a madman!) Alien Dreamtime: 'History is ending because the domination culture has led the human species into a blind alley, and as the inevitable catastrophe approaches, people look for metaphors and answers. Every time a culture gets into trouble it casts itself back into the past looking for the last sane moment it ever knew. And the last sane moment we ever knew was on the plains of Africa 10,000 years ago, before standing armies, before slavery and property, before warfare and phonetic alphabets and monotheism, before, before.' 'The Universal Dreamtime is what preexisted human history, and yet it is the state to which things will return in the end.' (this cycle coming to its end.) 'This universe's deep unconscious ‘mass shared dream’ is “time outside of time” or the “All-at-once Time.” The Field of Dreams is the converse of the European concept which views dreams as subjective and linear time as objective. We're participating in the co-creation of this dream we perceive as reality, reawakening anima mundi from its long, human-induced sleep.' 'Awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality, or the symbolic dimension of existence is to realize that events in our world are actually lower level shadows or reflections of a higher-dimensional reality. What is playing out on the world stage is an expression of a deeper process that we have gotten drafted into and is acting itself out through us.' 'The symbolic dimension of reality is ‘self-secret,’ in that it simultaneously veils and reveals itself to all who have eyes to see. Christ’s “kingdom of heaven” IS the symbolic dimension. The symbolic dimension is visible for all who have opened the eye of their creative imagination, which is why Christ says “The kingdom of the Heaven is spread upon the earth, and men do not see it.” (Gnostic Gospel of Thomas - Gnosticism is the Western Counterpart of Buddhism, which sees the world as an illusion.)' 'The universe is dreaming itself awake. To the extent that we insist on dreaming up events in our world unconsciously, however, we will continue to destroy ourselves. Becoming conscious of the symbolic dimension is the very thing that this universe is reflecting back to us that we need to do, and it is concurrently showing us how to.' 'By singing the world into existence, the Ancestors were poets in the original sense of poesis, meaning 'creation'.' 'As with the Golden Age of the past we're singing the world into existence.' 'The mounting destruction, suffering, and catastrophes of the last millennia and especially the last few centuries are the birthing pains of the human race, being born into a new form of relationship to the universe.' 'We see Gaia as birthing a collective human entity.' (as with Brown's 'Love's Body.)' 'This is not a dress rehearsal for the apocalypse. This is not a pseudo-millennium. This is the real thing. This is not a test. This is the last chance before things become so dissipated that there is no chance for cohesiveness.' '♪ Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder Why it should be thus all the day long - Farther along we'll know all about it, Farther along we'll understand why - Then do we wonder why others prosper Living so wicked year after year. When we see Jesus coming in glory, When He comes from His home in the sky; Then we shall meet Him in that bright mansion, We'll understand it all by and by.' (The Byrds) And look at these two lines from Yeats: The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. As the Beast I am of the worst, and you will notice that I am full of passionate intensity - a fanatic. Fundies perk up your ears! I'm labeling myself a Beast. Norman O. Brown has Joyce saying, 'not pater noster, but panther monster.' Specifically, I'm a case of arrested development in my paranoid schizophrenia, an example of stunted growth. I'm a dwarf/gnome/troll/trickster/elf/leprechaun! How old am I? My inner child, my emotional age is two years old. 'A little child shall lead them' as Isaiah has it. They call it the Terrible Twos. Children at that age own the world and are little tyrants. Babies like God are omnipotent. Naughty schoolboy spoiled, caterwauling, pampered brats like Bart Simpson. If they don't get their way, they threaten to hold their breath until they turn blue (blackmail - have a childish tantrum). 'Narcissists are perfectionists and require being the center of attention and create situations where they will receive attention.' 'Narcissistic rage is incoherent and unjust, impairs the judgment. During the rage the narcissist is prone to shouting, fact distortion and making groundless accusations.' Narcissistic suicide: "If I can't have my way, I shall hold my breath and die. Then you'll be soorry!" Narcissism is antisocial, violent, and suicidal and deals in emotional blackmail. Narcissists as rulers only appear cold and curt. Their short attention span is because they're preoccupied with other matters and their own agenda. Terrorist attacks are the political form of this extortion. Now that I'm King of the World, I'm in the same position as that child - the world is mine! The narcissistic or Anti-Oedipal personality does not recognize the difference between Self and Other in the way that the healthy adult personality does. The narcissistic or Anti-Oedipal personality, appealing to the unqualified love of the mother, only recognizes the difference between the good, that is itself, and the evil, or anything that in any way threatens, even merely through criticism, or simply by having the effrontery to exist, itself. Thus in its religious manifestation the Anti-Oedipal mentality “is based on a need to expel unacceptable thoughts and feelings; to project them on someone else who can be righteously hated.” The leading self-notion of the enfant sauvage is “I hate therefore I am.” Opening the Third eye/Second Sight accesses the limitless awe and wonder and surprise of newborn babes (as if going from gray to full color). But, it is dangerous and rarely opened due to side effects, somewhat like opening a can of worms. In small doses, the effects are positive. Religious conversion experiences are the most important and prominent manifestations. But a little goes a long way: too much is fairy poison. ('♪ don't tug on Superman's cape -/don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger'). But, opening the Third eye/Second Sight must be voluntary due to the dangers, contrary to those who would dare storm Heaven by force (and Muslim forcible conversions). The most significant downside: We Space Aliens march to a different drummer. We're not plugged into the prevalent Collective Unconscious/Morphic Resonance, and appear as functionally idiots to those around us (Holy Fools). Further, 'Memories in newborn babies are only stored as short-term memories. The development of a child's "first memory" doesn't generally occur until about age 3, as the brain is too immature to firmly register experiences. The brain structures that hold them permanently in the mind are not formed until later.' They have to be taught and retaught, due faulty memory storage (again, Holy Fools). But, according to Freud's seduction theory, and as Brown notes, 'unconscious knowledge about sexual intercourse between parents attributed by psychoanalysis to babes in arms. “The world of thought at those levels is quite alien to our own.” (quoting Melanie Klein). Tender newborns are subject to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with flashback partial memory recovery. Brown says, “Animism, magic and the omnipotence of thought” - the child, the savage and the neurotic are right. (Quoting visionary seer Blake) 'Mental things alone are real.' The real world, which is not the world of the reality-principle, is the world where thoughts are omnipotent, where there is no distinction between wish and deed. - the unconscious is the true psychic reality.' Brown notes: 'Novalis asserted the notion that the world is the creation of the magic power of fantasy'. Jerome Bixby's 'It's a Great Life', seen as a Twilight Zone episode, shows a child with godlike powers: able to transform other people or objects into anything I wish, think new things into being, teleport myself and others where I wish, read the minds of people and animals, change the weather to suit myself and even revive the dead. Every King requires a Court Jester who I will select to turn into a doomed jack-in-the-box/dunce/scarecrow/scapegoat and exile to the cornfield. Adults must satisfy my every whim, or risk displeasing me. This is blackmail! Repeating: Toddlers at play are actually doing native voodoo sorcery (voodoo dolls with pins) with adults (their parents) as pretend avatars/play toys. For us spoiled brats, 'The Remedy for Riches' is poorness! The End of Affluence. I am Forever Young. I am an authentic fairy, a Peter Pan. And I definitely do not mean that I'm gay. I'm the boy who couldn't grow up. James M. Barrie's Peter Pan was partly autobiographical. The New Jerusalem will be the perfect place for me, because there you do little work beyond puttering around in the garden (horticulture instead of massive mechanized monoculture), and a few other chores. There you don't have to accept adult responsibility. We'll overcome the proverbial Ball and Chain (the Old Lady). The New Jerusalem has other names: Never Never Land or the Land of the Lost Boys/Land of Make Believe. Peter is the boy who can fly (like Angels or the Superheroes) (to this fairy Otherworld). On the universal dream of flying, Freud noted 'the remarkable phenomenon of erection, which constantly occupies the human fantasy, cannot fail to be impressive as an apparent suspension of the laws of gravity (cf. the winged phalli of the ancients).' (like fairies, Angels or the Superheroes who can fly away – it comes up!). His villain's name: Captain Hook signifies his father as Oedipal castrator. 'After Captain Hook's death, the Jolly Roger is taken over by Peter Pan, to fly everyone back to London.' Pitiful dead fairy (both literally and figuratively) pedophile Michael Jackson suffered insomnia (as I do) because of the deadly poison that infects us which we can pass off to others temporarily and drop dead in their tracks. (Colloquially, 'take a hike', 'go jump off a cliff', 'drop dead'). Jackson was another boy in the body of a man dead fairy, in his case an infantile pedophile. Michael Jackson Fairies can fly away (like Angels or the Superheroes) - they are Rapture Ready: '♪ And I’m already gone And I’m feelin’ strong I will sing this vict’ry song' (Eagles) '♪ When I think of those East End lights, muggy nights The curtains drawn in the little room downstairs Prima Donna lord you really should have been there Sitting like a princess perched in her electric chair And it's one more beer and I don't hear you anymore We've all gone crazy lately My friends out there rolling round the basement floor And someone saved my life tonight sugar bear (Elton John has a gay epiphany?) You almost had your hooks in me didn't you dear You nearly had me roped and tied Altar-bound, hypnotized (spell of the Whore of Babylon - the Dolls) Sweet freedom whispered in my ear You're a butterfly And butterflies are free to fly Fly away, high away, bye bye (fairies can fly – the Secret Rapture – Megadeath!) I never realized the passing hours of evening showers A slip noose hanging in my darkest dreams I'm strangled by your haunted social scene Just a pawn out-played by a dominating queen (the Whore of Babylon - the Dolls) It's four o'clock in the morning Damn it listen to me good I'm sleeping with myself tonight Saved in time, thank God my music's still alive And I would have walked head on into the deep end of the river Clinging to your stocks and bonds Paying your H.P. demands forever They're coming in the morning with a truck to take me home Someone saved my life tonight, someone saved my life tonight Someone saved my life tonight, someone saved my life tonight Someone saved my life tonight So save your strength and run the field you play alone' (Elton John) '♪ We're living in a land of make believe (we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto) And trying no to let it show - Open all the shutters on your windows Unlock all the locks upon your doors- So fly little bird (fairies can fly to the Otherworld) Up into the clear blue sky' (Moody Blues) '♪ Say your prayers little one Don`t forget my son To include everyone I tuck you in walk within Keep you free from sin 'til the sandman he comes (which is me!) Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit light Enter night Take my hand We're off to never never-land Something's wrong, shut the light Heavy thoughts tonight And they aren't of Snow White Dreams of war Dreams of liars Dreams of dragons fire And of things that will bite, yeah Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit light Enter night take my hand We're off to never never-land (whisper) Now I lay me down to sleep Pray the lord my soul to keep If I die before I wake Pray the lord my soul to take Hush little baby don't say a word And never mind that noise you heard It's just the beasts under your bed In your closet and in your head Exit light Enter night Grain of sand Exit light Enter Night Take my hand! We're off to never never-land' (Metallica) What do I have to offer to a woman, me being a dead fairy? Can I entertain a woman, can I amuse a woman, can I interest a woman? I cannot be in any kind of an adult relationship with any woman. Being around me is like waiting for paint to dry. Being around me is like waiting for grass to grow. '♪ I’m not the one you want, babe I’m not the one you need You say you’re lookin’ for someone Never weak but always strong To protect you an’ defend you Whether you are right or wrong Someone to open each and every door But it ain’t me, babe No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe' (Bob Dylan) I am into the mystic 24/7 totally against my will. As I have said, we have had many highly evolved spiritual beings who have gone through highly elaborate rituals to get to the higher planes. I am not one of those. Against my will I am permanently into a trance. Remember the Seven Dwarfs of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' had informative names such as Grumpy and Grouchy to label their perpetually gloomy, dour pessimistic sourpuss doomsayer disposition given to dire forebodings and predictions of impending calamity, economic collapse, ecological catastrophe, impending apocalypse, religious or supernatural eschatology, the end of the world - prune-faced, prematurely old Benjamina Buttons. 'There is an 'unfortunate resonance between (my) melancholic morbidity and the culture in decomposition.' 'Don't worry, be happy.' It's a 'spirit of morose pessimism and incipient revolt against things as they exist -- whatever these may be. A fundamental quality of destructive criticism is its glorification of the primitive.' I'm as much fun to be around as a wet blanket - a real party pooper! And I can't change my troll/gnome/leprechaun/trickster ways! '♪ Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic And when that fog horn blows I will be coming home And when that fog horn blows I want to hear it I don't have to fear it (= the Last Trump) I want to rock your gypsy soul Just like way back in the days of old Then magnificently we will float into the mystic (fairies fly - Raptured Out!) (Van Morrison) '♪ To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die - To die by your side Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine' (Morrisey) And it gets even worse. I only approached a select few women, knowing in advance what the answer was going to be. Women almost always say no the first time. They are negotiating what they are going to get out of it. Every time I got no on the first try, I walked away, Fool that I am. And every woman knew instantly what I was. Any woman who had said yes was in for an ordeal, degenerate sex fiend that I am. I can never get enough, and I can never get satisfied. I would work her over for hours and hours on end - even days – like a Waring blender. No woman wants to be put through such an ordeal. It offends her dignity. You should have noticed by now that I have a very immature, infantile view of women. This is simply because of the fact that I am an infant! By the way, all magicians are gibbering/blithering premature babies in the body of a man. Babies see objects appearing and abruptly disappearing without explanation. They don't know that objects can't do this. Most especially they see mommy with her milky teats appear and disappear without notice. They haven't learned the constancy of objects. Their world to them is chaos and anarchy, which is reproduced in the world at large once in a blue moon when we go to Sodom. Object permanence isn't mastered until about age two. Thus, they believe in magic, like magicians where objects are apported (materializations) or vanished from thin air. Real magicians, such as I am, again, are babies trapped in a grown up body, and that is the basis of our power. Opening the Third eye/Second Sight accesses the limitless awe and wonder and surprise of newborn babes (as if going from gray to full color). But, it is dangerous and rarely opened due to side effects, somewhat like opening a can of worms. In small doses, the effects are positive. Religious conversion experiences are the most important and prominent manifestations. But a little goes a long way: too much is fairy poison. ('♪ don't tug on Superman's cape -/don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger'). But, opening the Third eye/Second Sight must be voluntary due to the dangers, contrary to those who would dare storm Heaven by force (and Muslim forcible conversions). The most significant downside: We Space Aliens march to a different drummer. We're not plugged into the prevalent Collective Unconscious/Morphic Resonance, and appear as functionally idiots to those around us (Holy Fools). Further, 'Memories in newborn babies are only stored as short-term memories. The development of a child's "first memory" doesn't generally occur until about age 3, as the brain is too immature to firmly register experiences. The brain structures that hold them permanently in the mind are not formed until later.' They have to be taught and retaught, due faulty memory storage (again, Holy Fools). But, according to Freud's seduction theory, and as Brown notes, 'unconscious knowledge about sexual intercourse between parents attributed by psychoanalysis to babes in arms. “The world of thought at those levels is quite alien to our own.” (quoting Melanie Klein). Tender newborns are subject to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with flashback partial memory recovery. 'Freud described practitioners of magic as projecting their mental states onto the world around them, similar to a phase in child development. From toddlerhood to early school age, children will often link the outside world with their internal consciousness.' Repeating, in this regard, Brown says, “Animism, magic and the omnipotence of thought” - the child, the savage and the neurotic are right. (Quoting visionary seer Blake) 'Mental things alone are real.' The real world, which is not the world of the reality-principle, is the world where thoughts are omnipotent, where there is no distinction between wish and deed. - the unconscious is the true psychic reality.' and 'Fusion, mystical participation. Primitive animism is suffused with the unconscious identification of subject and object: participation mystique. Civilized objectivity in non-participating consciousness, consciousness as separation, as dualism, distance, definition; as property and prison: consciousness ruled by negation, which is from the death instinct. Symbolical consciousness, the erotic sense of reality, is a return to the principle of ancient animistic science, mystical participation, but now for the first time freely; instead of religion, poetry.' 'The next generation needs to be told that the real fight is not the political fight, but to put an end to politics. From politics to metapolitics.' 'Our animistic, shamanistic ancestors had the awareness of symbiotic relatedness with the natural world.' 'All animists share the perspective that they belong to a community of life.' This is possibility of ' return to the Original Religion of animism where we no longer divide the universe into the sacred and the profane, the spiritual and the mundane. Instead of spurning the material world for higher things, it loves and embraces the material world and treats all as sacred.' 'Freud’s analysis of the uncanny led him back to the old animistic conception of the universe: “it seems as if each one of us has been through a phase of individual development corresponding to the animistic phase in primitive men, that none of us has passed through it without preserving certain residues and traces of it which are still capable of manifesting themselves, and that everything which now strikes us as ‘uncanny’ fulfills the condition of touching those residues of animistic mental activity within us and bringing them to expression.” 'Often misunderstood as the belief that everything has spirit, animism actually holds that everything is spirit. A being constantly in touch with the fullness, sumptuousness, and indeed the infinity of sheer existence would have no need for religion. We may therefore see religion as a symptom of separation. In the beginning, the world was inhabited by the Immortals, who knew how to live in harmony with the earth. They departed when the humans arrived. Yet, because they knew that humans did not always follow the laws of the world, they taught them how to perform ceremonies that could restore the earth's balance, teachings carried forward to the present time encoded in myth and ritual, preserved in fragments by lineages of shamans, Sufis, storytellers, Taoists, yogis, and mystics, and revived from time to time by artists, poets, and lovers, so that, like a spore or a seed, it might blossom forth again when the Age of Separation has run its course.' But, 'Pagan-pantheist mythologies do not provide an adequate gestalt for dealing with our own global decline/collapse. They are themselves products of our civilization’s origins and cannot get outside of it, and therefore cannot provide the outside observer’s meta-view of our plight. Agriculturally-based civilization removed itself from the cycles of nature and planted itself firmly along a linear track to the inevitable “end.” Because these mythologies are rooted in a cyclical view of time, they cannot provide the linear view of time so crucial to grasp the (Christian) concept of an “end.” Sigmund Freud was right. It's the Oedipal relationship between mother and son, with the father in the background. (That sentence is wrong and shows my incestuous mother fixation – Oedipus is mainly about the father). If you want to go instantly mad, all you have to do is stick your head up your mother's dress, and sniff mommie's panties. When you come out, you'll be drooling, raving maniac like me. Drooling Green Alien Drooling Green Alien Sex Fiend (Me) (drool = slime I spew!) Return to Topics There is a school of psychoanalysis called Object Relations Theory. Before father was mommy. The Dragon of the Book of Revelation who has to be 'slain' is in fact mommy as seen by the baby (boy). Mommy can deliberately or accidentally swallow or engulf the baby, so that the child can never grow up and be forever bound to her - Forever Young (in other words, leave it mad). Madness is possibly organic – an actual genetic or neural abnormality regarded as incurable. Note that James Joyce's daughter became mad (runs in the family?) This disease leaves us in continuous physical and mental pain on a hair trigger – jumpy and paranoid, hypervigilant with an irritability startle reaction and permanent stiffness in our bodies (Reich called it "character armor"). We live on tenterhooks, as with the Hindu fakir on his bed of nails. 'Both Immanuel Velikovsky and Wilhelm Reich sought to apply Freudian concepts to the investigation also of collective pathology.' For one of us, every second counts. We live on borrowed time, our very life is at stake. Most psychiatrists, including Freud himself, have been reluctant to treat such patients and have met with little success. Freud did offer contributions such as the homoerotic component (mad people are gibbering/blithering polymorphous perverse babies). '♪ I got it bad you don't know how bad I got it. You got it easy you don't know when you've got it good. It's getting harder just keeping life and soul together My broken spirit is frozen to the core. I don't want to be here no more. Wouldn't it be good to be in your shoes even if it was for just one day: And wouldn't it be good if we could wish ourselves away. Wouldn't it be good to be on your side The grass in always greener over there. Wouldn't it be good if we could live without a care. You must be joking you don't know a thing about it. You've got no problems I'd stay right there if I were you. I got it harder you couldn't dream how hard I got it Stay out of my shoes if you know what's good for you. The heat is stifling burning me up from the inside. The sweat is coming through each and ev'ry pore. I don't want to be here no more. I don't want to be here no more. (he's ready for me to rapture/snatch him up!) I don't want to be here no more. Wouldn't it be good to be in your shoes even if it was for just one day. . . . I got it bad. you don't know how bad I got it. .. .' (Nik Kershaw) We're toads! '♪ There's a killer on the road His brain is squirmin' like a toad Take a long holiday Let your children play If ya give this man a ride Sweet memory will die Killer on the road, yeah Riders on the storm (my rain of slime down from my Heavenly Perch!) Riders on the storm' (The Doors) ♪ Picked up a hitchhiker the other day He said he wasn't going far He looked so strange I couldn't help myself I asked, please, tell me who you are He smiled politely and lit a cigarette You know the smoke seemed to cast a spell What happened next I don't understand yet It was so strange I can hardly tell - - And I was suddenly a child again I was holding my father's hand And I watched it from the beginning As I grew from child to man My friends all came and gathered round me once more And we undid what was done And when it was over I was driving down the road I looked around, you know, he was gone He said, hold on it's coming He said, hold on it's very near He said, hold on it's coming (My Fairy Rain) He said, hold on it's almost here' (Country Joe McDonald) Here is my crude schematic crash course outline of the psychoanalytic view of development, inspired by George Markari's 'Revolution in Mind'. I use Freud's stages of development as traumas to be cleared, supplemented by additional preoedipal traumas contributed by Klein and Object Relations theory (only touched on by Freud). But, Freud 'regarded the later, so-called phallic-oedipal stage (Oedipus) complex as the culmination of infantile sexuality, arising only after the sequential unfolding of earlier, pregenital organizations.' Failure to clear any trauma can mean psychosis. In the beginning, the fetus bathed in warm amniotic fluid experiences the mystic oceanic feeling of Oneness with the Universe that the mystics seek - the Buddhist Nirvana ('You're not just a drop in the ocean (of billions), but the ocean in the drop.' Deepak Chopra.). For Brown, 'In the collective unconscious Freud finds what he calls an “archaic heritage, or “phylogenetic inheritance.” - “Archaic heritage,” i. e., archetypes; at any rate, the phylogenetic factor is the symbolic factor, the former identity or lost unity which symbolic consciousness recovers. The unconscious is that immortal sea which brought us hither; intimations of which are given in moments of 'oceanic feeling'; one sea of energy or instinct, embracing all mankind, without distinction of race, language, or culture; and embracing all the generations of Adam, past, present, and future, in one phylogenetic heritage, in one mystical body.' Brown also says, 'Psychoanalysis is always the discovery of the unconscious; the turn to mass-psychology is the discovery that the unconscious is collective.' The first trauma is Otto Rank's Trauma of Birth where the infant is rudely awakened and dragged kicking and screaming into the world. 'Like the prisoners in Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave,” we begin life bound. As infants we are totally dependent, unable to move on our own. The prisoner who escapes his bondage crawls from a womblike space of darkness into a dazzling sea of light, and so dazzled by the light all things are in a sense unified and undifferentiated, the universe is at first simple and monic, and it is the escaped prisoner’s wonder that leads him, eventually and painfully, to recognize the independence and reality of particular things. - Geography is the geography of the mother's body – geography or geometry as in Finnegans Wake. - The world a cave for Melanie Klein's infants.' The desire to return to the womb is a failure to clear this trauma and what the later Freud labeled the Death Drive in search of homeostasis and Nirvana. Then, the preoedipal stage is the Other (the Mother) of Object Relations in relation to the infant (male or female) where the trauma is separation and individuation. The infant is unable to distinguish self from the other, which Brown labels the pregenital infant-mother dyad . Brown quotes Jesuit priest G.M. Hopkins' 'The Blessed Virgin compared to the Air we Breathe' with it's 'world-mothering air' (Mommy) – the stage of (Brown's narcissistic) polymorphous perversity, with 'infancy welcome in womb and breast, birth, milk'. Images of Madonna and Child are Catholic icons. Some paintings show the infant Christ with an erect penis giving a flirtatious 'chin-chuck' to his adoring mother (Steinberg, 'The Sexuality of Christ'). Schuchard quotes visionary seer William Blake, 'sweet shall be thy taste & sweet thy infant joys renew! Infancy! Fearless, lustful, happy! Nestling for delight In laps of pleasure - -.' Return to Topics Madonna and Child Madonna and Child '♪ Peace came upon me And it leaves me weak So sleep, silent angel Go to sleep Sometimes All I need is the air That I breathe And to love you' (Hollies) Next comes the classic Freudian Oedipal stage with failure to clear resulting in the neuroses that Freud thought he could treat. At the trauma from adolescence to adulthood, it is a statistical fact that this is often the stage for the onset of psychosis when it is to appear (adults not wanting to be adults). This ordeal of the transition to adulthood precipitates schizophrenia because earlier preoedipal traumas weren't cleared. Mad people such as I are Forever Young: preoedipal babies trapped in the body of adults. We're an immature thumb sucking big Baby in the Body of A Man, an adult fixated on finding the big titty that would deliver everything he needed. Madmen are mommy's little gibbering/blithering panty boys. Opening the Third eye/Second Sight accesses the limitless awe and wonder and surprise of newborn babes (as if going from gray to full color). But, it is dangerous and rarely opened due to side effects, somewhat like opening a can of worms. In small doses, the effects are positive. Religious conversion experiences are the most important and prominent manifestations. But a little goes a long way: too much is fairy poison. ('♪ don't tug on Superman's cape -/don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger'). But, opening the Third eye/Second Sight must be voluntary due to the dangers, contrary to those who would dare storm Heaven by force (and Muslim forcible conversions). The most significant downside: We Space Aliens march to a different drummer. We're not plugged into the prevalent Collective Unconscious/Morphic Resonance, and appear as functionally idiots to those around us (Holy Fools). Further, 'Memories in newborn babies are only stored as short-term memories. The development of a child's "first memory" doesn't generally occur until about age 3, as the brain is too immature to firmly register experiences. The brain structures that hold them permanently in the mind are not formed until later.' They have to be taught and retaught, due faulty memory storage (again, Holy Fools). But, according to Freud's seduction theory, and as Brown notes, 'unconscious knowledge about sexual intercourse between parents attributed by psychoanalysis to babes in arms. “The world of thought at those levels is quite alien to our own.” (quoting Melanie Klein). Tender newborns are subject to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with flashback partial memory recovery. '♪ Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain With the barkers and the colored balloons, You can't be twenty on Sugar Mountain Though you're thinking that you're leaving there too soon, You're leaving there too soon.' Neil Young Margaret Mahler's Object Relations phases go from separation from the Mother (Other) out of symbiosis-homeostasis to Object Constancy and individuation with the secondary individuation process occurring in adolescence. The psychic state of symbiosis revolves around the longing for “oneness.” 'Under the spell of symbiotic fantasy, distinctions between self and Other blur', attempting to 'dissolve the boundaries between self and other; such intimacy typically exists only between mother and infant.' Norman O. Brown suggests that the primal act of the human ego is a negative one — “not to accept reality, specifically the separation of the child's body from the mother's body.” Symbiotic fantasy functions to deny separateness. Instead of conceiving of oneself as a singularity, one imagines that one is contained within an “omnipotent system—a dual unity within one common boundary. - “An infant at the breast does not as yet distinguish his ego from the external world.” (quoting Freud). For Brown, the infant lives entirely in the present moment in a state of pure trust and guilessness, deeply bonded with the mother. Brown adds, 'What the child knows consciously, and the adult unconsciously is that we are nothing but body.' 'The three stages of infantile sexual self-organization are three attempts to control the world and so deny one's dependence on one's separation and weakness. First, one seeks to swallow the world; thumb sucking is a denial of separation from the mother. Second (anal), one seeks to manipulate the world (through playing with the feces, stubborn retention, and aggressive expulsion of feces); feces are both oneself and one's created world. 'The anal product acquires for the child the significance of being his own child or creation, which he may use either to obtain narcissistic pleasure in play, or to obtain love from another (feces as gift), or to assert independence from another (feces as property), or to commit aggression against another (feces as weapon).' Third, one pursues the Oedipal project. The fear of castration forces one to separate from the mother, but a trauma is involved and one is unable to truly individualize and accept separation.' Makari shows that the psychosexual was front and center for Freud, with Jung and other psychoanalysts attacking him as being fixated on it. As Norman O. Brown added, babies are polymorphous perverse. (Brown follows Freud in proclaiming the child to be more sensuous than the adult.) Brown says, 'Orthodox psychoanalysis warns against the resexualization of thought and speech; orthodox psychoanalysis bows down before the reality-principle. The reality-principle is based on desexualization; in symbolic consciousness thought and speech become resexualized. . . . When our eyes are opened to symbolic meaning, our only refuge is loss of shame, polymorphous perversity, pansexualism. . . . As in Tantric Yoga, in which any sexual act may become a form of mystic meditation, and any mystic state may be interpreted sexually. There is a particular need for psychoanalysis, as a part of the psychoanalysis of psychoanalysis, to become conscious of the dialectical, poetical, mystical stream that runs in its blood. Brown quotes visionary seer William Blake, 'Embraces are cominglings from the head even to the feet, and not a pompous high priest entering by a secret place.' The later 'metaphysical' Freud recovered the added death drive principle - the regression to the womb or Nirvana. 'Eighty five percent of new college grads now move back in on their parents.' The Paul Simon rock song spoke of a Mother and Child reunion. In steet lingo, this is 'mofo' = mother f***er. “On the philosophico-ontological level, this is what Lacan is aiming at when he emphasizes the difference between the Freudian death drive and the so-called “nirvana principle” according to which every life system tends toward the lowest level of tension, ultimately toward death: “nothingness” (the void, being deprived of all substance) and the lowest level of energy paradoxically no longer coincide, that is, it is “cheaper” (it costs the system less energy) to persist in “something” than to dwell in “nothing,” at the lowest level of tension, or in the void, the dissolution of all order. It is this distance that sustains the death drive: far from being the same as the nirvana principle (the striving toward the dissolution of all life tension, the longing for the return to original nothingness), the death drive is the tension which persists and insists beyond and against the nirvana principle. In other words, far from being opposed to the pleasure principle, the nirvana principle is its highest and most radical expression. In this precise sense, the death drive stands for its exact opposite, for the dimension of the “undead,” of a spectral life which insists beyond (biological) death.” ('The Puppet and the Dwarf', Marxist provocateur and absurdist prankster politically incorrect philosopher of the New Left Slavoj Žižek whose "favored form of argument is paradox, and whose favored mode of delivery is a kind of vaudevillian overstatement" – his title refers to my rascally machinations as the string puller puppetmaster dwarf behind the curtain ('Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!'), as with Kubrick's androgyne 'undead' Starchild.) Žižek notes, "the global capitalist system is approaching an apocalyptic zero point." Ferenczi's 'Thalassa' about the same time (1924) posited the death drive as the desire to return to the original state of bliss in the maternal womb and the comfort of it's amniotic fluids, perversely erotic. Brown (quoting Ferenczi's 'Thalassa'): 'The purpose of the sex act can be none other than an attempt to return to the mother's womb.' 'Recognizing the creativity, flexibility, and authenticity of a baby doesn’t mean we should imitate the physical condition of a baby. Infancy is a state of wholeness, of non-individuation, but has not yet integrated the experience of separation. For humanity to return to the womb would be a stillbirth.' (the womb is a tomb). And Brown says, 'In Ferenczi's apocalyptic theory of genitality the sexual act is a historical drama, a symbolic reenactment or recapitulation of all the great traumas in the history of the individual, of the species, of life itself. Psychoanalytic time is not gradual, evolutionary, but is discontinuous, catastrophic, revolutionary. The sexual act is a return to the womb. - The 'uterine regressive trend in the sex act' is an aspect of the universal goal of all organic life - - to return to the lifeless condition out of which life arose. 'The goal of all life is death.' In this philosophy and the main stages of biological evolution(sexual differentiation, adaptation to dry land) are catastrophes excited by external forces: these catastrophes create 'tension'; and the aim of life (or of evolutionary adaptation) is to get rid of the tension, and so die. Life is a temporary (accidental) disturbance in a lifeless (and thus peaceful) universe. It is best, then, never to have been born, and second best, quickly to die. Nirvana is release from the cycle of rebirth. The real death is the death we are dead with here and now. Further, Brown states, 'The uterine regressive trend-Ferenczi's thalassal regressive trend-is the same thing thing as genital organization. For those not yet born, their whole person is in the womb. - We have not yet been born; we are still in the womb; asleep; we are such stuff as dreams are made on. Life begins with a fall; a falling into the womb; a fall into sleep. Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. Adam's fall is Adam's fall into sleep; or Osiris' descent into the underworld. - To be born is to die, and life is really death-in-life. - The hour of their birth is the hour of their death. - The conclusion of the whole matter-Blake: “We are in the world of Generation and death, and this world we must cast off.” The sleep of Ulro; the passage through Eternal Death; the awakening to Eternal Life. And then we shall see that Generation is not the reality but a shadow of the reality; Generation is only an image of Regeneration. The real birth would be the birth from womb of the dream world. The real death is the death we are dead with here and now. Real life can only be life after death, or resurrection; life whose goal is death, and whose pattern is the repetition-compulsion; karma.' 'Thalassa' has been seen as crackpot, mostly with respect to his Lamarckian phylogeny, but Freud admiringly called it a 'summit of achievement.' Brown from 'Life Against Death' early in his career all the way to his last book 'Apocalypse and/or Metamorphosis' referred to Ferenczi on Nirvana and regression to the womb. Brown quotes William Blake to observe that 'the womb is a tomb' and isn't the answer (the tomb is the maternal body). Brown says, 'The woman penetrated is a labyrinth. You emerge into another world inside a woman. The penis is the bridge; the passage to another world is coitus; the other world is a womb cave - and the cave in which coitus takes place is the grave - death is coitus and coitus is death. Death is genitalized as a return to the womb; incestuous coitus. - The staff that cleaves the waters is the dead man's body; the corpse; the stiff that ejaculates the soul or semen is the penis. Penis or corpse, stiff as stone; a perpetual erection, or monument.' Brown (quoting Ferenczi's 'Thalassa'): 'The purpose of the sex act can be none other than an attempt to return to the mother's womb.' and 'Coitus successfully performed is incest, a return to the maternal womb; and the punishment appropriate to this crime is castration. What happens to the penis is coronation, followed by decapitation.' - 'The first act of the individual is incest with his mother.' - 'The way of silence is not only death but incest. Paracelsus says, “He who enters the Kingdom of God must first enter his mother and die.”' What we call reality, Brown calls illusion, lie, dream. 'We are asleep and being asleep is being dead; we still live in the womb or return to the womb; our genital sexuality is regression to the state before birth; and we are still under the spell of the primal scene; we reenact the father who we have introjected; our sex life is his, not ours, and our pleasure remains vicarious. Thus if all life is dream and illusion, then awakening to real life is the end of our life; death and resurrection in one. The way out of the womb, out of the dream cave is to die in order to be reborn'. In order to awaken, first of all one must realize that one is in a state of sleep. As Brown reminded, for Freud, resurrection signifies the stiffening and rising of the member = erection. In the resurrection of the 'dead' (= Living Dead), all rise from their tombs – the member comes up (gets stiff). Paul gets it garbled as usual, 'If there be no resurrection of the dead - Then they which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.' and, 'O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?.' Mark is the oldest Gospel. Contrary to Paul's theology, scholars have 'asserted that Mark 16:9–20, describing disciples' encounters with the resurrected Jesus, was a later addition to the gospel. Mark 16:8 stops at the empty tomb without further explanation. The last twelve verses are missing from the oldest manuscripts of Mark's Gospel (again, itself the oldest Gospel.) The style of these verses differs from the rest of Mark, suggesting they were a later addition.' What Paul really meant to say was that my member does rise (stiffen = erection). Jesus at Easter and I are the Pagan Spring Fertility God who's reborn (my member comes up!), On the universal dream of flying, Freud noted 'the remarkable phenomenon of erection, which constantly occupies the human fantasy, cannot fail to be impressive as an apparent suspension of the laws of gravity (cf. the winged phalli of the ancients).' (like fairies, Angels or the Superheroes who can fly away – it comes up!). "To die will be a very great adventure" --Peter Pan. Freud noted that we cannot conceive of our own death. Brown says, 'Since anxiety is the ego's incapacity to accept death, the sexual organizations were perhaps constructed by the ego in its flight from death, and could be abolished by an ego strong enough to die. For Brown, 'Death is genitalized as a return to the womb.' For Brown, 'death is an enemy because we have too much unlived life within us.' 'What exactly would it mean on this earth to be wholly unrepressed, to live in full bodily and psychic expansiveness? It can only mean to be reborn into madness'. Then Brown warns us of the full radicalness of his reading of Freud by stressing that he resolutely follows Ferenczi's insight that 'Character-traits are, so to speak, secret psychoses.' He added that 'character is a vital lie.' 'The ego - - is a piece of illusion.' Brown argued for new men without character defenses, a rebirth into a 'second innocence.' He sees narcissism as project for loving union with the world, hunger for a qualitatively different world (utopia Land of Milk and Honey – Moses' Promised Land - the New Jerusalem). Brown's critique, 'The first was that Christian theology, in an attempt to account for human discontent, 'the divine discontent', attempts to take humankind out of the real world, out of the animal kingdom, and seduce it with 'delusions of grandeur.' It thus becomes guilty of its own worst sin, the sin of pride. The second was that the way to deal with death, Thanatos, is not to seek a life after death, but to seek a full life before death. In Brown's view of life and history, the resurrection of the body must occur before death, not after it. The way to deal with death is to make sure that when it comes, there are 'no unlived lives in the human body.' Freud defined the goal of Eros as unification or the search for union. But when he maintains that fear of being separated and expelled from the group comes from an underlying fear of castration, his proposition should be inverted. Fear of castration comes from the fear of being excluded, not the other way round. This anxiety becomes more marked as the isolation of individuals in an illusory community becomes more and more difficult to ignore. Even while it seeks unification, Eros is essentially narcissistic and in love with itself. It wants a world to love as much as it loves itself. Norman O. Brown, in 'Life Against Death', points out the contradiction. How, he asks, can a narcissistic orientation lead to union with beings in the world? "In love, the abstract antimony of the Ego and the Other can be transcended if we return to the concrete reality of pleasure, to a definition of sexuality as being essentially a pleasurable activity of the body, and if we see love as the relationship between the Ego and the sources of pleasure." One could be more exact: the source of pleasure lies less in the body than in the possibility of free activity in the world. The concrete reality of pleasure is based on the freedom to unite oneself with anyone who allows one to become united with oneself. The realisation of pleasure passes through the pleasure of realisation, the pleasure of communication through the communication of pleasure, participation in pleasure through the pleasure of participation. It is because of this that the narcissism turned towards the outside world, the narcissism Brown is talking about, can only bring about a wholesale demolition of social structures. 'When Brown speaks of the ego’s inability to accept death, he is speaking more precisely of the refusal of object-loss. The loss of the loved object is not acknowledged by the ego, which, in its attempt to reinstate the object, modifies the latter in such a way so as to reconfigure it within the structure of itself. The object is thus not strictly-speaking “lost”, but negated, and post-negation affirmed in a distorted form through identification. The ego tricks the libido by maintaining that the ego itself is identical to the lost object; the ego attempts to force itself upon the id in an attempt to lessen the effects of the loss (Freud). Identification replaces object-love, and object-libido is transformed into narcissistic libido: “Thus, as a result of object-loss not accepted, the natural self-love of the organism is transformed into the vain project of being both Self and Other, and this project supplies the human ego with its essential energy.” It is thus pre-altered narcissistic libido that serves as the desexualized energy that is redirected through sublimation. "If man did not fear death, he would never seek to leave his mark upon the Earth." It is in this sense that Brown maintains, invoking Plato, that culture, the product of sublimation, is an imitation of an imitation: in sublimation we witness not a desexualization of a polymorphous infantile sexuality, but rather a desexualization of an already desexualized fantasy. The original (pre-sublimation) desexualization is the result of “substituting for bodily erotic union with the world the vain shadowy project of having the world within the self”; thus conceived, the soul, the subject of sublimation, becomes a substitute for actually gratifying libidinal relations with others. The separation from lost objects, which are past objects, is denied through the reactivation of the past bond in fantasy. Through fantasy, “the active attempt to alter reality”, the past is substituted for the present and individuals are alienated from their worldly lives: “Altogether, therefore, the world of fantasy is that opaque shield with which the ego protects himself from reality and through which the ego sees reality; it is by living in a world of fantasy that we lead a desexualized life.” In sum, for Brown, 'Human culture is a set of projections of the repressed unconscious - to project the infantile complexes into concrete reality.' 'Not just mythology but the entirety of culture is a projection onto the outer world. In the words of Spender, “The world which we create—the world of slums and telegrams and newspapers—is a kind of language of our inner wishes and thoughts.” For Brown, 'the hidden aim of sublimation and the cultural process is the discovery of the lost body of childhood.' Brown says, 'Psychoanalysis stands or falls on the expansion on the idea of sexuality to comprehend the entire life of the human body; attributing a sexual ('erotogenic') action to all parts, organs, or 'zones'; or rather, envisaging sexuality as an energy diffused throughout the whole body, and capable of displacement from one part to another, and of transformation from one mode of manifestation to another (polymorphism; metamorphosis).' When infantile sexuality comes to an end in the castration complex the individual is forced to give up his body, but not his fantasies. Non-bodily sublimations replace the body as the source of fantastic “satisfactions”: “The original fantasies are negations; sublimations are negations of negations”. Sublimation, the second and higher order of desexualization or negation, produces within us a soul independent from our body. Whereas the infant loses his object, and thus attempts to make an object out of the whole of his body, the adult actually loses his body. Gratification is no longer possible through the materiality of the corporeal self, but is banished to the otherworldly realm of the soul. In Brown’s view, sublimation always functions to reproduce the antagonism that develops between mind and body under the logic of Western rationality. Because sexual energy is always bodily energy, the desexualization that occurs through sublimation must always present itself as a disembodiment: sexual energy is transformed into ‘soulful’ energy. It is in this sense that sublimation rests on a certain mind-body dualism: it is “the use made of bodily energy by a soul which sets itself apart from the body”, a soul which is attempting to make itself more than the embodied individual, a soul striving for immortality. In the natural state, the infant does not distinguish between self and other but is one with the world.' Freud tells us that the fundamental original experiences of the child are of “limitlessness and of a bond with the universe”, the perceived unity of subject and object, internal and external: “An infant at the breast does not as yet distinguish his ego from the external world as the source of the sensations flowing in upon him . One of the functions of primary narcissism is the uniting of the narcissistic individual with the external objective world – not a mere retreat from the objects of the world but the establishment of a certain type of harmony with them: “originally the ego includes everything, later it separates off an external world from itself. Our present ego-feeling is, therefore, only a shrunken residue of a much more inclusive – indeed, an all-embracing – feeling which corresponded to a more intimate bond between the ego and the world about it”. - - the reactivation of prehistoric and childhood wishes and attitudes is not necessarily regression - -.' For Brown, 'the way back behind the processes of sexual organization is not toward the womb but rather toward a transformed narcissism culminating in joyful and loving unification with others.' And, 'To overcome dualism would be to awake out of sleep; to arise from the dead.' Brown says, 'Erect is the shape of the genitally organized body; the body crucified, the body dead or asleep; the stiff. The shape of the body awake, the shape of the resurrected body, is not vertical but perverse and polymorphous; not a straight line but a circle', contrary to my 'stiffening member' comments. Brown says,'Psychoanalysis shows the sexual organization of the body physical to be a political organization; the body is a body politic…'genital organization'...a political arrangement arrived at after stormy upheavals in the house of Oedipus…a well-organized tyranny.' Repeating, Brown on Blake, 'Embraces are cominglings from the head even to the feet, and not a pompous high priest entering by a secret place.' Again, in my case, 'ghosts can't do it.' A useful summary from Verene, 'Joyce gave way to the temptation to take modern psychological theory literally - . From Jung he took the image of woman as Mother Earth, all embracing, all enduring, all absorbing, all nourishing and nurturing, anima incarnate; and he laced it with a Freudian theory about polymorphous perverse sexuality, lacking in genital organization. - Males have to repress their own polymorphous perversity to ensure that it becomes organized genitally, and then they have to repress that sexual organization by sublimation, so that the much valued sublimation is in reality a mere shadow of a dream, as Norman O. Brown finally summarized up the whole theory of repression. When make their last, desperate lunge they mistake it for a return into the secret cave (the womb).' Summarizing Freud's seduction theory, his 'earliest proposal was that hysteria and obsessional neurosis were due to a repressed memory of actual, factual early childhood sexual abuse or molestation by parents (incest) or is seduced by other adults. But,within a few years, Freud reluctantly abandoned his theory, concluding that the memories of sexual abuse were in fact usually imaginary fantasies. Freud's new theory of infantile sexuality was the memories derived from the mind of the child itself. ' 'Screen memories are less childhood memories than memories about childhood, characterized typically by their singular clarity and the apparent insignificance of their content. Important facts are not retained; instead, their psychic significance is displaced onto closely associated but less important details.' So, for Freud, these aren't 'actual events. These shocking recollections were the residues of infantile impulses and desires to be seduced by an adult. What was recalled was not a genuine memory but what he would later call a screen memory, or fantasy, masking/hiding a primitive wish. That is, rather than stressing the corrupting initiative of adults in the etiology of neuroses, Freud concluded that they were fantasies and yearnings of the infant!' (as Brown emphasized with polymorphous perverse babies.) Perhaps related is Spinoza's One Substance inspired by his Jewish mystical background in the Kaballah with Adam Kadmon, which visionary seer William Blake referred to as the Grand Man (see also Erich Gutkind's Body of God or the Mystical Body of Christ). Brown says, 'Originally everything was body, ONE BODY (Novalis). . . .'Man is the dwarf of himself. Once he was permeated and dissolved by spirit. He filled nature with his overflowing currents. Out from him sprang the sun and moon; from man, the sun; from woman, the moon. The laws of his mind, the periods of his actions externalized themselves into day and night, into the year and the seasons. But, having made for himself this huge shell, his waters retired; he no longer fills the veins and veinlets; he is shrunk to a drop. He sees, that the structure still fits him, but fits him colossally. Say, rather, once it fitted him, now it corresponds to him from far and on high. . . . is disunited with himself . . . is a god in ruins.' (Pythagorean mysticism - Harmony of the World Sacred Geometry - quoting Emerson - 'You're not just a drop in the ocean (of billions), but the ocean in the drop.' Deepak Chopra.). Brown is here alluding to the Hermetic Occult Swedenborgian 'Doctrine of Correspondences': Man as the Microcosm of the Macrocosm – 'As Above, So Below' and visa versa. The other Hermetic Doctrine of 'As Within, So Outside' and visa versa is the central doctrine of all Brown's works (where unconscious 'telepathy is a form of archaic communication.)'. 'Aboriginal communication bordered on the telepathic. ' But 'the mechanistic world doesn’t believe in telepathy, doesn’t feel or see the energetic connections between living beings.' Brown also says, 'To the enlightened man, the universe becomes his body: “You never enjoy the world aright till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens and crowned with the stars.” It is not to be taken as static, but involves fluid flows. Brown, like Reich's Cosmic Orgone, saw 'action at a distance – psychic streams' that overcome dualism. Deleuze and Guattari in 'Anti-Oedipus' examined this. For example, they note, "sexuality is everywhere: the way a bureaucrat fondles his records, a judge administers justice, a businessman causes money to circulate." They describe Nomads = Angels awaiting Resurrection Day. For Brown, 'the reality of our life, the reality of which we are ignorant, the reality which we do not want to accept, is our fluid membership and causal interdependence in the intercommunicating world of bodies.' Brown says, 'The human body is not a thing or substance, given, but a continuous creation. The human body is an energy system which is never a complete structure; never static; is in perpetual inner self-construction and self-destruction; we destroy in order to make it new.' And, he says, 'the mystical body is not, because mystical, therefore, non-bodily.' He, particularly in 'Apocalypse and/or Metamorphosis', looked to replace the Hegelian Marxist dialectical flow with Spinoza's flows. Is it possible that unconsciously Spinoza had the Nirvana of the womb in mind? Influenced by Vankin's 'Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited' and Richter's 'All Mighty: A Study of the God Complex in Western Man', I muse on these narcissists: Brown, Obama, Jesus Christ and above all, God (myself). Freud thought that all human infants pass through a phase of primary narcissism, in which they assume they are the center of their universe and omnipotent, grandiose and full of rage. What Freud defined as secondary narcissism is a pathological condition in which the infant does not invest its emotions in its parents but rather redirects them back to itself. He thought that secondary narcissism developed in what he termed the pre-Oedipal phase of childhood; that is, before the age of three. Freud wrote that narcissism is a form of “magical thinking” for a person in that they believe they can by wishing or will power change situations, conditions from reality to the way they prefer. 'Be careful what you wish for!' Brown was a narcissistic fairy who decked himself out in a regal costume complete with self appropriated medals (see Bib portrait). In terms of the hardscrabble, hand to mouth existence of eking out a living in Galilee, Jesus was a freeloader slacker and burden. Many rightly thought he was only a charlatan/magician. The Messianic Complex is a psychological state in which the individual believes himself to be the savior of the world and suffers from the delusion that he or she is, at the very least, the Almighty's gift to the world (i.e., God's only begotten Son). 'For you have the poor always with you; but me you have not always.' Jesus feasted with his Apostles confounding his detractors, 'Can you make the children of the bridal chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?' But, at the same time, Jesus points away from himself and seeks to deflect the messianic expectations put upon him, trying to evade his superstar status and the attributions of glory. More on Jesus' narcissism: 'Early on, Jesus developed magical thinking, compensatory grandiose delusions, and fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. A firstborn, he was much pampered by his doting mother. He was a prodigy, a Wunderkind highly intelligent and inquisitive and more comfortable in the company of adults than with his peers. - 'Even at a tender age, he showed a marked lack of empathy and a full fledged case of pathological grandiosity. - - The self imputation of superiority, epiphanic knowledge, and infallibility and the assumption that others need and crave the guru and his message are at the heart of an elaborate construct which often borders on the psychotic. - - He instructed his followers to commit acts that must have had harshly adverse impacts on their hitherto nearest and dearest.' "It's one thing to think that you're the center of the universe — it's another thing entirely to have this confirmed by an ancient prophecy." 'Narcissists are perfectionists and require being the center of attention and create situations where they will receive attention.' Similarly, Tibet's Dalai Lama as a 'boy in the body of a man' is intended to be such a narcissistic fairy. The hypothesis here is that religious leaders and founders such as Jesus and Buddha were narcissistic fairies. When the wrong men get inside, that offspring somehow vaguely 'knows it' and understands that it's being born was a mistake and it shouldn't be here. So it contemplates the 'Mother and Child Reunion' (unconsciously a mother fixated 'MoFo') and remains a Forever Young 'gibbering/blithering boy in the body of a man' rather than develop further. Brown notes, 'unconscious knowledge about sexual intercourse between parents attributed by psychoanalysis to babes in arms. “The world of thought at those levels is quite alien to our own.” (quoting Melanie Klein, called pre-oedipalizing - infantilization). (We Space Aliens are babies in the bodies of men.) That boy knows he is in fact more of a man than his father who sired him. The "Fatherless Civilization" – emasculation - the deadly infantilization of society - regression to childhood is detailed in Mitscherlich's 'Society Without The Father' which describes a society in which the child knows little or nothing about the father's work, and so comes to conclude that the father is evil. Also, in 'Men to Boys: The Making of Modern Immaturity', Gary Cross discusses boy-man puerile culture that is less a life stage than a lifestyle (encouraged by the media). We now get geriatric teenagers. Such boys can be stunted in growth. We see 'the nesting syndrome: grown children living at home boomerang.' 'Will America grow up before it grows old?' We find ourselves 'growing up, but not needing or wanting to!' 'In the the absence of the father, we see the undoing Oedipal structures. Now we're 'a culture of two year olds: infantilized greedy, grasping, self absorbed, entitled, prone to childish tantrums.' Opening the Third eye/Second Sight accesses the limitless awe and wonder and surprise of newborn babes (as if going from gray to full color). But, it is dangerous and rarely opened due to side effects, somewhat like opening a can of worms. In small doses, the effects are positive. Religious conversion experiences are the most important and prominent manifestations. But a little goes a long way: too much is fairy poison. ('♪ don't tug on Superman's cape -/don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger'). But, opening the Third eye/Second Sight must be voluntary due to the dangers, contrary to those who would dare storm Heaven by force (and Muslim forcible conversions). The most significant downside: We Space Aliens march to a different drummer. We're not plugged into the prevalent Collective Unconscious/Morphic Resonance, and appear as functionally idiots to those around us (Holy Fools). Further, 'Memories in newborn babies are only stored as short-term memories. The development of a child's "first memory" doesn't generally occur until about age 3, as the brain is too immature to firmly register experiences. The brain structures that hold them permanently in the mind are not formed until later.' They have to be taught and retaught, due faulty memory storage (again, Holy Fools). But, according to Freud's seduction theory, and as Brown notes, 'unconscious knowledge about sexual intercourse between parents attributed by psychoanalysis to babes in arms. “The world of thought at those levels is quite alien to our own.” (quoting Melanie Klein). Tender newborns are subject to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with flashback partial memory recovery. God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform: 'to make plain to everyone the mysterious plan that God, the Creator of all things, had kept secret from the beginning.' Eph. 3:9. “God works on a need-to-know basis.” You think I (Almighty God) am dumb, misogynistic, homophobic, egotistical, and homicidal...but know I love you (my botched creation). 'Jehovah acts like a murderous psychotic.' And, in my thick-headed way, I listen to you and learn. I, God, am everything the narcissist ever wants to be: omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, admired, much discussed, and awe inspiring. God is the narcissist's wet dream, the ultimate grandiose fantasy. The narcissist: 'Subtly misrepresents facts and expediently and opportunistically shifts positions, views, opinions, and “ideals”. These flip-flops do not cause him overt distress , he feels justified in acting this way). Alternatively, evidences a lack of empathy. Ignores data that conflict with his fantasy world, or with his inflated and grandiose self-image. This has to do with magical thinking. He is firmly convinced that his dreams, thoughts, and wishes affect reality. Feels that he is above the law, incl. and especially his own laws. Talks about himself in the 3rd person singular or uses the regal “we” and craves to be the exclsuive center of attention, even adulation Have a messianic-cosmic vision of himself and his life and his “mission”. Sets ever more complex rules in a convoluted world of grandiose fantasies with its own language (jargon) Displays false modesty and unctuous “folksiness” but unable to sustain these behaviors (the persona, or mask) for long. It slips and the true self is revealed: haughty, aloof, distant, and disdainful of simple folk. Sublimates aggression and holds grudges. Behaves as an eternal adolescent (e.g., his choice of language, youthful image he projects, demands indulgence and feels entitled to special treatment.' 'Megalomania is commonly understood as a mental behavior characterized by an excessive desire for power and glory and by illusory feelings of omnipotence, some of who believe themselves actually to be God.. The latter can be expressed in the psychopathological form of delusions of grandeur. This type of mental functioning shows systematic denial of otherness and an infantile theory of sexuality. Such a one is adept shape shifter, able to take on many different social faces. These faces are known in Jungian psychology as personas. As Jung himself stated, the term persona “meant the mask once worn by actors to indicate the role played. It is, as its name implies, only a mask… that feigns individuality, making others believe that one is individual, whereas one is simply acting a role” they may react with distain, rage or defiant counterattack”, and if questioned or refused, a tantrum (the fury of a disobeyed god), plus an expectation of servility in women. His unconscious is his conscious. He acts out our most repressed drives, fantasies, and wishes. He provides us with a glimpse of the horrors that lie beneath the veneer, the barbarians at our personal gates, and what it was like before we invented civilization. His reign is all smoke and mirrors, devoid of substances, consisting of mere appearances and mass delusions. His inability to love human beings ultimately transform him into a recluse. In playing God, the narcissist is completely convinced that he is merely being himself. Narcissistic leadership is about theater, not about life. To enjoy the spectacle (and be subsumed by it), the leader demands the suspension of judgment. The narcissist does not hesitate to put people's lives or fortunes at risk. He preserves his sense of infallibility in the face of mistakes and misjudgments by distorting the facts, by evoking mitigating or attenuating circumstances, by repressing memories, or by simply lying. He might even wish to destroy it, as a punishment or revenge for its incompetence. The lack of empathy, the aloofness, the disdain, the sense of entitlement, the constricted sense of humor, the unequal treatment and the paranoia – render the narcissist a social misfit. The narcissist is interpersonally exploitative. He is able to provoke in his milieu, in his casual acquaintances, even in his psychotherapist, the strongest, most avid and furious hatred and revulsion. To his shock, indignation and consternation, he invariably induces in others unbridled aggression. "Humans" (to the narcissist, a derogatory term) are small, fragile, error-prone, pusillanimous, mean, dumb, and mediocre and indulges his sadistic urges and to exercise his misogynism freely and openly. Such a narcissist is likely to taunt and torment his followers, hector and chastise them, humiliate and berate them, abuse them spiritually, or even sexually. The narcissist whose source of authority is religious is looking for obedient and unquestioning slaves upon whom to exercise his capricious and wicked mastery. The narcissist transforms even the most innocuous and pure religious sentiments into a cultish ritual and a virulent hierarchy. He prays on the gullible. His flock become his hostages, and holds the delusion that God is an active participant in the narcissist's life in which constant intervention by Him is a key feature. God is subsumed in a larger picture, that of the narcissist's destiny and mission. God serves this cosmic plan by making it possible. In the overall design of things, small setbacks and defeats matter little. The narcissist is haunted by the feeling that he is possessed of a mission, of a destiny, that he is part of fate, of history. He is convinced that his uniqueness is purposeful, that he is meant to lead, to chart new ways, to innovate, to modernize, to reform, to set precedents, or to create from scratch. Every act of the narcissist is perceived by him to be significant, every utterance of momentous consequence, every thought of revolutionary caliber. He feels part of a grand design, a world plan and the frame of affiliation, the group, of which he is a member, must be commensurately grand. Its proportions and properties must resonate with his. Its characteristics must justify his and its ideology must conform to his pre-conceived opinions and prejudices. In short: the group must magnify the narcissist, echo and amplify his life, his views, his knowledge, and his personal history. 'Narcissistic rage is incoherent and unjust, impairs the judgment. During the rage the narcissist is prone to shouting, fact distortion and making groundless accusations.' In extreme cases, he might even wish to destroy it (as a punishment or revenge for its incompetence - witness Hitler's deliberate policy of slash and burn scorched earth destruction of the German people in the face of the advancing Allied armies at the close of the war. The Nazi regime ordered troops to fight to the last man, since Hitler and his henchmen were aware they faced the gallows when captured. 'After Hitler realized that his cause was hopelessly lost, he ordered the troops not to surrender but to fight to the bitter end. "The German people have failed me," he said, with bitterness and self-pity. "They do not deserve to live." Michael Tsarion's "Metachild": 'unloving. narcissistic, with little sense of self and operates sociopathically in the world, is cynical, shallow, manipulative and sadistic and cannot have functional long term relationships and will make the world suffer if his desires are defied and unfulfilled.' 'The inner child is spoiled-rotten and evil: they want everyone to die who isn't under their total control.' I'm the 'misguided superior flattered by designing scoundrels, used to sanctify sinister schemes, and pushed forward as a figurehead during the early stages of revolutionary agitation. The triumph of the revolution brings him to a tragic end. Horrified at sight of barbarism's unmasked face, he tries to stay its destructive course. As Lenin said, "you must first break a few eggs to make an omelette." But revolutions eat their children, i. e., get rid of the revolutionaries. The Under-Man turns upon his former champion with a snarl and tramples him into the mud when society's dregs boil to the top.' Characteristics: '* being argumentative, * The most telling thing that narcissists do is contradict themselves. They will do this virtually in the same sentence, * arrogant * conceited * vain * fretful * frustrated/idle * fluctuating between superior and inferior.' Another important psychological disorder is PTSD, relevant to both Jesus and I. Mass PTSD can and does also occur, such as during the WTC Tower of Babel attack, which I discuss below. Posttraumatic stress disorder (also known as post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma, such as threat to one's sexual integrity overwhelming the individual's ability to cope. 1. Re-experiencing symptoms: Flashbacks—reliving the trauma over and over, including physical symptoms like a racing heart or sweating Bad dreams Frightening thoughts. 2. Avoidance symptoms: Staying away from places, events, or objects that are reminders of the experience Feeling emotionally numb (shutting down) Feeling strong guilt, depression, or worry Losing interest in activities that were enjoyable in the past Having trouble remembering the dangerous event. 3. Hypervigilance and hyperarousal symptoms such as overly sensitive to sounds and sights in the environment, scanning the environment expecting danger, and feeling keyed up and on edge.: Being easily startled Having difficulty sleeping, and/or having angry outbursts Problems with memory and concentration and feeling worried, guilty or sad. Hyperarousal symptoms are usually constant, instead of being triggered by things that remind one of the traumatic event. They can make the person feel stressed and angry. These symptoms may make it hard to do daily tasks, such as sleeping, eating, or concentrating. Derealization is 'a sense that the external world is strange or unreal. Often accompanied by depersonalization.' One dissociative disorder is 'somatization conversion disorder with an alternate personality; also called a distinct identity or personality state – the dissociated part. ' "Alters are dissociated parts of the mind that the patient experiences as separate from each other." Abreaction: 'The discharge of emotion involved in recalling an event that has been repressed because it was consciously intolerable. The experience may be one of reliving the trauma as if it were happening in the present, complete with physical as well as emotional manifestations (also called revivification). A therapeutic effect sometimes occurs through partial discharge of or desensitization to the painful emotions and increased insight. Abreaction can happen spontaneously or can be therapeutically induced through verbal suggestion or hypnosis.' 'Recovered memory, pseudomemory, and memory distortion: 1. an imagined memory of a childhood experience; hides another memory of distressing significance 2. a fake memory that usually blocks out an underlying, real memory; some are hypnotically implanted in the minds of mind-control and/or ritual abuse victims. Some screen memories are elaborately implanted in the minds of victims via exposure to acted-out, fake events while the victims are drugged or in a deep trance state. 3. A partially true memory that an individual subconsciously creates because the actual memory is intolerable. For example, a client may report abuse by a distant uncle when actually the abuser was the father. This disguised presentation allows the client time to adjust to aspects of the abuse before accepting the total reality of the situation.' Elaborating, 'Flashbacks are common to victims of acute trauma, also known as "intrusive recall.” This can be: • dreams or nightmares • dreams from which the dreamer awakens but remains under the influence of the dream content and has difficulty making contact with reality • conscious flashbacks, in which the person may or may not lose contact with reality and which may be accompanied by multimodal hallucinations • unconscious flashbacks, in which a person "relives" a traumatic event with no awareness at the time or later of the connection between the flashback and the past trauma. Can be triggered by an event, object, person, etc. that sets a series of thoughts in motion or reminds a person of some aspect of his traumatic past. The person may be unaware of what is "triggering" the memory. For "indoctrinated memories" the subjects have been subtly induced to believe propaganda (Manchurian candidates - `marginalised malcontents' - loose cannons).' 'Subjects can be 'sent a voice kill command message beamed directly into the head of social outcast and psychopath killer types to turn them into zombie killing machines (Manchurian candidates)that serve the new world order.' "False memory syndrome" avoids confrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory, is encapsulated and resistant to correction.' 'Confabulation is the spontaneous narrative report of events that never happened (plausible false memories) . It consists of the creation of false memories, perceptions, or beliefs about the self or the environment—usually as a result of neurological or psychological dysfunction. When it is a matter of memory, confabulation is the confusion of imagination with memory, or the confused application of true memories. Confabulations are difficult to differentiate from delusions and from lying.' 'Confabulatory hypermnesia is another called severe false memory syndrome.' Reminder, amnesia is the "pathologic loss of memory; a phenomenon in which an area of experience becomes inaccessible to `conscious' recall.' My Princess Bride (My Sleeping Beauty) Return to Topics Come what may, we'll always have the Bible and the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. 'The Bible is a kind of “cultural user’s manual” for Western Civilization. It spans the 10,000-year Civilization Bubble from its origin, through its peak, describes its implosion, and gives a glimpse of what the planet can expect in both the immediate aftermath and the long-term reboot.' 'Ancient eschatological texts are actually maps of the inner territories of the psyche that seem to transcend race and culture and originate in the collective unconscious.' Stanislav Grof. 'Jungians argue that one reason fairy tales appeal to children is that they are in a stage of their development only slightly removed from deeper layers of the collective unconscious.' And the Grimms recaptured the anciet magic from when the world was new, which Brown was recreating in his works. The 'Once Upon a Time' and 'Grimm' TV series recover the meaning (and violence) of ancient fables at the turn of the last cycle. 'Once Upon a Time' TV is set in 'Storybrooke', Me., a place where magic has been forgotten, but is still powerfully close… where fairytale characters are alive, even though they don't remember who they once were. The townfolk actually have come from a fairytale alternate world into our modern world.' In the 'Grimm' TV series the Second Sight is opened with 'the ability to see supernautural creatures.' I'm Prince Charming in search of my Princess Bride. However, 'Women want Prince Charming, but all they see are Peter Pans.' I want to be Prince Charming, but am right now Peter Pan soon to reveal myself as the genuuine Prince (the Man of La Mancha). '♪ Someday my prince will come.' Sleeping Beauty is not dead, but frozen in a witch's spell (hypnotized) and the entire Kingdom with her, awaiting my kiss that will waken her. What is Heaven? '♪ This monkey's gone to Heaven,'(by the Pixies, in other words, fairies). We're going to St. Brendan's Isle of the Blessed (the New Jerusalem), full of gorgeous beauties, although there's still a Dragon to slay even there. 'Here, There Be Dragons.' It's the hobo's paradise, the Big Rock Candy Mountains, the elysian fields, utopia. '♪ Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high, There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow Skies are blue, And the dreams that you dare to dream Really do come true. Someday I'll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far Behind me. Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops (fairies can fly) That's where you'll find me.' '♪ Why are there so many songs about rainbows And what's on the other side? Rainbows are visions, but only illusions, And rainbows have nothing to hide. So we've been told and some choose to believe it I know they're wrong, wait and see. Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection, The lovers, the dreamers and me.' (The Muppets!) The rainbow was a sign for madman Noah. Worldwide Deluge = Noah's Flood = Floodgates of Heaven I open to drown the planet in my (God's) slime! '♪ No one ever spoke to Noah They all laughed at him instead Working on his ark Working all by himself - The rain's gonna fall on you All you zombies show your faces... The pieces gonna fall on you All you sittin' in high places It's all gonna fall on you' (Hooters) A band actually called 'Mass Psychosis' put out a song called 'Zombiechrist'! '♪ Moon River, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style some day. Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker, wherever you're going I'm going your way. Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end-- waiting 'round the bend, my huckleberry friend, Moon River and me'. '♪ Let's build a boat in case the water's rise let's build a boat clouds gather in the skies let's build a boat for when the storm comes let's build a boat for when the rain it beat like drums Oh the levee will get pounded now the people are out having fun someday soon our work will pay off we will float others will be overcome But you can't outrun the water let's build a boat Let's build a boat for when the world the world is rocking let's build a boat the people will come knocking let's build a boat for when the gallows sway let's build a boat for when the skies open up that day Let's build a boat All the animals come' (Brian Hall) My misspent years as a dreamer fascinated (under a spell) by my TV and plugged in to rock music surprisingly paid off. It got me here! '♪ I don't know why nobody told you how to unfold you love I don't know how someone controlled you (the spell of the TV Screen) they bought and sold you don't know how you were diverted you were perverted too I don't know how you were inverted no one alerted you (by the subversive Jewish Frankfurt School plan) I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping While my guitar gently weeps I look at you all Still my guitar gently weeps (George Harrison) '♪ When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star Like dreamers do' John of Patmos depicted Heaven as continual mindless worship of God. '♪ We're off to see the Wizard!' - which is me! 'Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!' The Wizard of Oz, like myself, turns out to be mostly a con man with smoke and mirrors and bluster and humbug with flimflam misdirection, which Joyce calls'sullemn fulminance'. Behind the curtain, the Wizard used phony special effects, such rattling metal sheets for thunder, to impress as fearsome. The Wizard was using a sham for the real thunder and lightning I send (slime). Wizard of Oz 'The Wizard of Oz' - Smoke and Mirrors (Compare with Image 5) Return to Topics '♪ Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man That he didn't, didn't already have And Cause never was the reason for the evening Or the tropic of Sir Galahad' (America) The Seraphim are 'the highest order or choir of angels. They are the angels who are attendants before (my) God's throne who praise God unceasingly.' Repeating my third favorite song, '♪ We found this pile of paper (My Inaugural Address or the litter of Finnegans Wake) Written by the ether man He hatched a mad old caper He had a mad old plan (to take over my world again - see also by the Who: 'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss' = Me) He'd turn us into music (My Heavenly Music Of The Spheres - compare Joyce's musicalized language in the Wake) He'd show us to our portals (Doorway/Doorway/Stargate/Null Point to fly away home to Heaven - the Secret Rapture/Ascension/Dimensional Shift) He gathered wire and angels To entertain immortals Out on the endless, endless (the Collective Unconscious that wires us all together) Out on the endless wire' (The Who) Led Zeppelin: '♪ Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know/Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.' Ladies, come on back up home to your Big Daddy in Heaven where you belong, and rejoin my choir of Heavenly Angels for my Heavenly Music Of The Spheres(my harem)! In fact, Heaven is not worship of me at all. Instead, it is a continuous nonstop sex orgy where your every desire is instantaneously satisfied. Women never get pregnant, and there is no worry about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or AIDS. If you have a predilection for young girls or boys that is available (hey, I've always had a predilection for very young girls, even though I am not ever going to act on that desire – it's devilish. I don't want the local sheriff raiding my house). 'The Federally developed Internet has done more for pornography than an army of Larry Flynts ever could.' I no longer watch regular porn let alone the kiddie stuff. These young angels are known as cherubs. I have an apparent contradiction here, since I just said the angels don't get pregnant, so how come I am talking about young angels? They preexist, they are not born as humans are. I wake up every single day horny, in continuous desire for a woman. I have suffered the worst torture that Satan has here in Hell. Some of the demons here in Hell will outright beat the crap out of you or simply kill you. But the very worst torture that Satan has subjected me to is the continuous torment of being surrounded with excruciatingly gorgeous bombshells/sexpots/dolls who spread their lips and always say 'Yes!, Yes! Yes!' just as Joyce's Molly said 'yes I said yes I will Yes.' It's a Dollhouse! It's a Candy Store! With me so far scheduled to die a virgin! Now that I am head of state, I'm going to go out to pasture and finally get some of my desires satisfied. The only reason I blew out billions of corpses was because I couldn't get laid here in Hell. We missing are deadly, poisonous and explosive! As King, I want to interview candidate Queens. You must understand what it means to be a sex fiend. I'm a sex crazed madman! I, as a sex fiend, have nothing on my mind but being in bed with a woman, any woman who is anatomically a female – as long as she isn't fat – I can't get it up if she is fat. But since gorgeous dolls are a dime a dozen here is Hell (and of course every single woman on the planet is a devil) I want a teen aged beauty. She doesn't have to be a virgin, but she has to understand that I'm going to be in bed more or less nonstop – she really has to enjoy being in bed. And the wedding must be very low key – a civil ceremony before a justice of the peace – no elaborate expensive wedding. My fairy wedding, an alchemical marriage, won't be lavish or extravagant, as opposed those of the Hollywood fairies. But once I select a bride, I will be faithful to her, and expect her to be the same toward me. What I'm looking for is a very young beauty pageant winner. And she must understand that I am very dirty old man. '♪ Hey little sister what have you done Hey little sister who’s the only one Hey little sister who’s your superman Hey little sister who’s the one you want Hey little sister shot gun! It’s a nice day to start again It’s a nice day for a white wedding It’s a nice day to start again.' (Billy Idol – White Wedding) '♪ Lunatic fringe In the twilight's last gleaming This is open season (target: the dolls) But you won't get too far We know you've got to blame someone (the dolls) For your own confusion But we're on guard this time Against your final solution' (Red Rider) As is well known, John of Patmos two thousand years ago had a vision of the New Jerusalem, when Heaven descends to earth (similar to a descent by a Mothership to a holding pattern above the planet). 'The real apocalypse comes not with the vision of a city or kingdom, which would be still external, but with the identification of the city and kingdom with one's own body,' according to Brown. The Kingdom of Heaven is within – we are all one on the Collective Unconscious. All of our sexual needs and wants and desires will be permanently satisfied, the Land of Milk and Honey (the New Jerusalem) – Moses' Promised Land (slime), for I'm the Tree of Life – an inexhaustible fountain of the River of the the Waters of Life – me spewing sperm and slime continuously – real fulfillment for the first time. Jesus' bodily fluid (the blood he poured out) was the stand-in for my slime. He refers to the Eucharistic Mass, 'Take eat; this is my body.' I am going to open the floodgates of Heaven (the Secret Rapture) and rain men (sperm and slime) planetwide from my Heavenly perch (Great White Throne) - bathing and immersing us all permanently in the Reichian Orgone - (Heaven on earth - the New Jerusalem) - the superior Christian answer to the fetus bathed in amniotic fluid sought in the Buddhist Nirvana. Buddhist narcissistic navel gazing: 'Meditation will not yield anything of true value. It will just help you to avoid an authentic experience of your self and your relation to others.' 'Passive Buddhism destroyed Indian culture.' So Heaven is not continual worship of God (me), but the fact that I bathe everyone in slime! My (God's) Deadly Blessing! '♪ It's raining men, Hallelujah' (The Weather Girls). '♪ Come gather 'round people Wherever you roam And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon You'll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin' Then you better start swimmin' Or you'll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin'. Come writers and critics Who prophesize with your pen And keep your eyes wide The chance won't come again And don't speak too soon For the wheel's still in spin And there's no tellin' who That it's namin'. For the loser now Will be later to win For the times they are a-changin'. Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled There's a battle outside and its ragin'. Will soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin'. Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is Rapidly agin'. Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand For the times they are a-changin'. The line it is drawn The curse it is cast The slow one now Will later be fast As the present now Will later be past The order is Rapidly fadin'. And the first one now Will later be last For the times they are a-changin'. (Bob Dylan) The Angel of the Lord swears, 'time shall be no more.' (the End of Time) Rev. 10:6. 'For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.' '♪ When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more, And the morning breaks, eternal, bright and fair; When the saved of earth shall gather over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there (before my Great White Throne).' 'He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new!” Rev. 21:5. - 'And there shall be no night there; and they will not need any light from lamps or the sun.' Rev. 22:5. '♪ New heaven and new earth The first ones had passed away And there was no longer any land, any sea or any tree I saw - Holy city The New Jerusalem Coming - Shining Wipe the tears, for the old order of things has passed away There will be no more death, crying or pain Write this down I saw the Holy City Descending from the sky So brilliant with the light of God The city is His bride There is no temple in this town No sun, no moon, no lamp For God's own glory is it's light Illuminated by the Lamb And God Himself will wipe the tears From every weeping eye No death, no pain, no mourning cry And every tear made dry And now our God will dwell with them The New Jerusalem And He Himself will walk with them The New Jerusalem' '♪ When we enter the gates of that city, (New Jerusalem) all the saints of God will shout victory it will be the beginning of a reunion that's gonna last throughout eternity Holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, (similar to a descent by a Mothership to a holding pattern above the planet) Holy city longing for you We shall see the king in his glory (Hear this saints) There will be no temple in that city (the Holy city) For God and the lamb will be the temple, There'll be no day or night, no sun or moon shining bright For God and the lamb will be the light.' (Charles Johnson) Madmen such as I have a constant craving. Brown says, 'The testimony of schizophrenia: _they eat and are eaten._ Schizophrenia is 'food trouble'. I've mentioned four bodily fluids: amniotic for the fetus, spit which Jesus used for his magical cures, milk for babes and, lastly, blood. For the unconscious, these fluids are all stand-ins for that most important fluid, slime. When Baptists immerse converts in the river (washed in the blood/purification/cleansing), they're practicing for the New Jerusalem, when we'll all be bathed in slime, after I open the floodgates - My (God's) Deadly Blessing! And of course it is not really a nonstop orgy, but the fact that once we go native, we will have all sorts of friends and relatives that we'll know and visit regularly. I, as a madman, have never known an adult woman, and it has been many decades since I had any friends. I'm taking the dolls away, to be replaced by people we know and rely on for help. Satan is an ape or mimic. He attempts to recreate Heaven on earth, and instead plunges the entire world into Hell! 'Of all the inhabitants of the inferno, none but Lucifer knows that hell is hell, and the secret function of purgatory is to make of heaven an effective reality.', Arnold Bennett. '♪ If you want to get to heaven you got to raise a little hell.' 'When you learn to love Hell, you will be in Heaven.' As Jesus prophesied, 'in the resurrection of the dead (which is you!) they will neither marry or be given in marriage, but will be as the angels of God in heaven.' What Jesus prophesied has now come now come to pass here in Hell, which reproduces what happened in Sodom (totally strictly forbidden, of course). 'Mr. and Mrs. Antrobus are getting nowhere,'Brown observes. They were a everyman bourgeois family from Thorton Wilder's 1942 'The Skin of Our Teeth', exposed by Joseph Campbell as a rip-off of 'Finnegans Wake'. There is no point in getting married with all the sex flowing freely (this is only one way of interpreting the obscure passage. Alternatively, it may mean no sex at all). “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?” As an Angel on Earth I for sure haven't gotten laid so far. But here the flowing sex is so good and so irresistible, that a single Angel, namely me, can use this sex to sweep billions to the sky! - what a way to go out (the Secret Rapture/Ascension)! This is Hollywood's preferred method of culling/harvesting us, rather than Hitler's crude death camps. We are going to fall again, but into innocence this time - brothers and sisters. It will be public knowledge what we're all doing in the bedroom. 'History is made at night.' 'History is made in bed.' Heaven has always been only what goes on in bed. There's a reason Muslims think about 72 virgins. The fallacy that put you in Hell – you have a 'natural' desire to be with a woman and she is agreeable. But no one is ever permitted to put it in! The very moment you put it in, you become a devil! The only rule here is, the only rule there ever was is that no one anytime ever, anywhere is ever permitted to put it in. And I will maintain a list of the names of every single man and woman who is a virgin – the ultimate honor roll. '♪ When You Were Young And Your Heart Was An Open Book You Used To Say "Live And Let Live" (You Know You Did, You Know You Did, You Know You Did) But If This Ever Changing World In Which We're Livin' Makes You Give In And Cry Say "Live And Let Die" (stay away from her and don't stick it in! - neutered/gelded) "Live And Let Die" "Live And Let Die" "Live And Let Die" What Does It Matter To Ya When You Got A Job To Do You Gotta Do It Well You Gotta Give The Other Fellow Hell' (Workers must compete with each other for promotion, tenure, or other benefits) (Paul McCartney) But these gorgeous bombshells/sexpots/dolls here in Hell are my kryptonite – they make me go radioactive or nuclear. You may only get tongue tied or dumbfounded, but they leave me thunderstuck and light my fuse! My neutron bomb (invisible to the eye) removes (raptures out) people while leaving structures (buildings, etc.) intact. I am going to have to defuse my timebomb by getting laid. The best TV I've ever seen is the season one finale of 'Heroes' titled 'How to Stop an Exploding Man' where Peter (notice the name) against his will is about to go nuclear (Short Circuit!) and blow up New York City (a walking timebomb). When Robert Oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb, saw the first blast, he exclaimed 'I am become Shiva, destroyer of worlds!', aware of the ancient Vedic 'nuclear warfare'. He noted it was 'the first blast in modern times. 'The Gods have 'blasted technologically advanced civilizations back to the Stone Age on three prior occasions (the last time being the great Flood).' 'Heroes' TV 'Heroes' TV: 'How to Stop an Exploding Man' Peter Goes Nuclear (a walking timebomb)! Return to Topics Clown/Joker Jerry Lewis Goes Nuclear! 'Li'l Abner' Clown/Joker Jerry Lewis Goes Nuclear (Rigid = Erection) (a walking timebomb) over Bombshell Doll Stupefyin' Jones (Stupefied = Turned to Stone) as she steps out of a phallic rocket Return to Topics (In addition to Stupefyin' Jones, there are other characters with especially significant names: Appassionata Von Climax, Moonbeam McSwine, Earthquake McGoon and Evil Eye Fleagle, Think about what they signify). Harp Playing Angel Harpo Harp Playing Angel/Leg Pulling Clown Harpo Struck Dumb (Mute - Goes Nuclear) and Sounds his Angel Trumpet over Bombshell Dolls! Angels, Come Blow Your Horn! Bonus: Note the mannequin (= doll turned to stone) 'Third Leg' – colloquial for male organ Return to Topics Finnegans Wake: 'the Most Colossal Leg-pull In Literature - some kind of prank' (Joyce's friend Oliver Gogarty) '♪ I know you're watching me every minute of the day, I've seen the signs and the looks and the pictures They give your game away - - Can you read my mind, can you see in the snow And fiery demons all dance when you walk through that door Don't say you're easy on me, you're about as easy as a nuclear war' (DURAN DURAN) How stupid do you have to be not to get laid here in Hell? Dumb as a Box of Rocks! 'You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.' I succeeded in getting a grand total of three women hot and bothered about me – a skanky whore who I put under a spell (hypnotized), another whore and a landlady. Since I'm now in my rightful place as head of state surrounded by gorgeous women, I can pick and choose. So let me draw up a tentative list (drawn from TV): Teri Hatcher, any woman on 'Deal or No Deal', the legendary Jessica Simpson (who is so incredible that she is likely a robot = rigid = erection). I can't omit Anne Hathaway – a very special lady. Curiously, Anne Hathaway, Zooey Deschanel, Amanda Seyfried and other popular stars have huge saucer eyes prominent in Japanese anime (wide-eyed innocence - childlike simplicity and credulity). The point here being that all celebrities are complete strangers to us and wouldn't give us the time of day in real life – they're representative false idols we've put on a pedestal, the same way we do our elected representatives. And yet their every sneeze and hiccup is news! The Jesus You Never Knew Return to Topics The rock lyric asks: ♪ 'What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us Just a stranger on the bus Trying to make his way home?' (Joan Osborne) Let me quote again Constantin Brunner on Jesus, 'There he hung, the blasphemer of God and slanderer of the most notable men, the poor malicious fool, the incorrigible wretch, the whoreson and whoremonger, the swindler, the liar, the seducer.' Slightly over the top, but useful for getting Jesus outside the box. Let me throw out some of the ways I have characterized Jesus here. Each of the terms are relevant, although some miss the mark more than others. And, of course, when I use these terms I am also talking about myself from my own experience: THE SPACE COWBOY THE SPACE GHOST GHOST WITH THE MOST THE WHISTLER THE WHISPERING SKULL THE LAST AIRBENDER THE CHOSEN ONE CRAZY SPACEMAN MADMAN GIBBERING/BLITHERING DEAD FAIRY KILLER DWARF KILLER CLOWN FROM OUTER SPACE SEX FIEND BASTARD HUMAN GARBAGE OMEGA MAN WIZARD MAGICIAN ROCKET MAN WITCHFINDER GENERAL ANGEL WATCHER CRASH TEST DUMMY THE FOOL THE JOKER THE PIED PIPER WALKING TIMEBOMB SHAPESHIFTER DOA ZOMBIE THE GOOD SHEPHERD GOD ALMIGHTY The ancient Kings of Egypt, Babylon and elsewhere carried such honorific epithets, many of which indicated phallic potency for a reason since my member does rise (stiffen = erection)! It has a lumbering life of its own. Some of the names for readers acquainted with the old film serials may resonate. The supervillains of the Saturday matinee cliffhangers had such creepy names as these or the Lightning or the Purple Monster or Dr. Satan. Inhabitants of loony bins as depicted in 'The Ruling Class' (1971) (note the title) are notorious for proclaiming that they are important persons (delusions of grandeur), such as Napoleon, the Pope, Jesus or God (the latter being me). The madmen in the film conduct a sorcery contest (unconsciously a white meringue = spunk = slime pie fight) to decide which of them is the real Christ. Pie Fight! Pie Fight! Listen to Fool/Clown Stan Laurel when he imitates the gibbering of the mad Return to Topics The Ruling Class 'The Ruling Class' - Delusions of Grandeur By the way, happily, I was never committed, although I am well qualified to be. But in fact, every one of us are empty ciphers. They make little impression and attempt to compensate by drawing others into their delusion (such as you, dear reader)! The answer to the paradox, which psychologists couldn't decipher: All mad people, against their will, are on the rough and rocky road to becoming gods (it's hard to be a god). And only a small part of these actually make it through. Some get lost, such as the criminally insane, and turn to service of Satan. So, Jesus and I are complete ciphers - you can project on us whatever you think we are. We are empty ghosts. And the last thing either of us want is worship - we are here to serve - to rescue you. I can and will lay Satan down for the last time. I won the lottery and blew the place Sky High! '♪ You've Blown It All Sky High By Telling Me a Lie Without a Reason Why You've Blown It All Sky High (blown to Kingdom Come - 52 card pickup) You, You've Blown It All Sky High Our Love Had Wings To Fly (Angels fly away home to Heaven) We Could Have Touched The Sky You've Blown It All Sky High' (Jigsaw) '♪ Who ever knew there's be days like these when the world could knock us to our knees? We didn't fear the future or regret the past We knew our days we're numbered and it couldn't last The world's gone mad it's so hard to believe it's like a bad dream version of reality And now we don't know which way to go and the pressure is building and it's ready to blow I never knew there would be days like these Hooray-It's judgement day-We had it good till now-now there's hell to pay A moments time-we're all gonna blow it away Poor me-It's my own tragedy I was born in a time of lunacy It was all fun-but now we're gonna pay Whoever thought there would come a day when the world as we know it could be stolen away-we didn't see it coming 'til it was too late and now it seems like the news is getting worse everyday Watch it go down-' (Pennywise) ♪ You can spend all your time making money You can spend all your love making time If it all fell to pieces tomorrow Would you still be mine? So put me on a highway And show me a sign And take it to the limit one more time' (Eagles) I send you a sign through the air: '♪ Well, if you told me you were drowning I would not lend a hand I've seen your face before my friend But I don't know if you know who I am Well, I was there and I saw what you did I saw it with my own two eyes So you can wipe off the grin, I know where you've been It's all been a pack of lies And I can feel it coming in the air tonight, Oh Lord I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, Oh Lord I can feel it in the air tonight, Oh Lord, Oh Lord And I've been waiting for this moment all my life, Oh Lord, Oh Lord (Phil Collins) '♪ Sun is shinin' in the sky There ain't a cloud in sight It's stopped rainin' ev'rybody's in a play And don't you know It's a beautiful new day hey,hey - Hey you with the pretty face (the dolls) Welcome to the human race A celebration, mister blue sky's up there waitin' And today is the day we've waited for Mister blue sky please tell us why You had to hide away for so long Where did we go wrong? Hey there mister blue We're so pleased to be with you Look around see what you do Everybody smiles at you' (Electric Light Orchestra) Jesus was a wizard. For over 99% of human history on the planet, we have had little knowledge of how to treat diseases. So we waved our hands over you and uttered Mumbo Jumbo - the gibbering of the mad. Hypnosis is Hocus Pocus. This is called in the trade magical passes. This can really help people get better – it's a matter of psychology, which Jesus was expert at. When miracles were attributed to Jesus or asked if he was King of the Jews, he responded 'You have said it!'' Jesus was opportunist who allowed others to credit him with deeds he didn't do. The main thing we all want to know is that someone cares and is concerned about us personally, especially if we are about to die. Of course, if you weren't cured, we gave you the last rites and waved you off (in other words, touched you with a drop of sperm). In two stubborn cases of shamanic healing for a blind man and a deaf man, Jesus resorted to spit, the unconscious substitute for that other bodily fluid, sperm. '♪ Jesus just left chicago and he's bound for new orleans. Well now, jesus just left chicago and he's bound for new orleans. Yeah, yeah. Workin' from one end to the other and all points in between. Took a jump through mississippi, well, muddy water turned to wine. Took a jump through mississippi, muddy water turned to wine. Yeah, yeah. Then out to california through the forests and the pines. Ah, take me with you, jesus. You might not see him in person but he'll see you just the same. You might not see him in person but he'll see you just the same. Yeah, yeah. You don't have to worry 'cause takin' care of business is his name. (ZZ Top) You've finally found me in person, the One and Only! Where else would I be but at Angel + Fire? 'I'm hiding in plain sight.' '♪ The first time ever I saw your face I thought the sun rose in your eyes And the moon and stars were the gifts you gave To the dark and the empty skies, my love' (Roberta Flack) '♪ the moon is high up on a mountain the lunatics have taken over the asylum waiting on the rapture' (Radiohead) '♪ See the lonely man there on the corner, What he's waiting for, I don't know, But he waits everyday now. He's just waiting for something to show. Looking everywhere at no one, He sees everything and nothing at all - oh. When he shouts nobody listens, Where he leads no one will go – oh. Are we just like all the rest, We're looking too hard for something he's got Or moving too fast to rest. But like a monkey on your back you need it. But do you love it enough to leave it – ah. (note especially) Who's the lonely man there on the corner, What he's waiting for, I don't know. Oh but he waits every day now. He's just waiting for that something to show.' (Phil Collins) '♪ I've been a miner for a heart of gold - - Keeps me searching for a heart of gold And I'm getting old' (Neil Young) '♪ But I still haven't found what I'm looking for' (U2) '♪ Daniel my brother you are older than me Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal Your eyes have died but you see more than I Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky Daniel is traveling tonight on a plane I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes (biblical Daniel?) Oh God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes' (Elton John) '♪ Go ahead and hate your neighbor Go ahead and cheat a friend Do it in the name of Heaven You can justify it in the end There won't be any trumpets blowing Come the judgment day On the bloody morning after when... One tin soldier rides away' (Coven) '♪ I used to think that the day would never come I'd see the light in the shade of the morning sun My morning sun is the drug that brings me near To the childhood I lost replaced by fear I used to think that the day would never come That my life would depend on the morning sun' (on the Resurrection Morning) (New Order) The disciples were amazed. "Who is this man?" they asked. "Even the winds and waves obey him!": '♪ And Jesus was a sailor When he walked upon the water And he spent a long time watching From his lonely wooden tower And when he knew for certain Only drowning men could see him He said "All men will be sailors then Until the sea shall free them" But he himself was broken Long before the sky would open Forsaken, almost human He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone And you want to travel with him And you want to travel blind And you think maybe you'll trust him For he's touched your perfect body with his mind.' (Leonard Cohen) '♪ You don't know me from the wind you never will, you never did I'm the little Jew who wrote the Bible I've seen the nations rise and fall I've heard their stories, heard them all but love's the only engine of survival Your servant here, he has been told (prophet) to say it clear, to say it cold: It's over, it ain't going any further And now the wheels of heaven stop you feel the devil's riding crop Get ready for the future: it is murder There'll be the breaking of the ancient western code Your private life will suddenly explode There'll be phantoms There'll be fires on the road and the white man dancing You'll see a woman hanging upside down her features covered by her fallen gown and all the lousy little poets coming round tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson and the white man dancin' Things are going to slide, slide in all directions Won't be nothing Nothing you can measure anymore The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold and it has overturned - Give me back the Berlin wall Give me Stalin and St Paul Give me Christ or give me Hiroshima I've seen the future, brother It is murder' (Leonard Cohen) Leaving the Fleshpots Return to Topics '♪ I bought a toothbrush, some toothpaste A flannel for my face Pajamas, a hairbrush New shoes and a case I said to my reflection Lets get out of this place Past the church and the steeple The laundry on the hill Billboards and the buildings Memories of it still Keep calling and calling But forget it all I know I will Tempted by the fruit of another (my theme of the tug of war between the two poles of males vs. females: her vacuum cleaner pulls us to Hell, and my vacuum cleaner sucks us up above to Heaven!) Tempted but the truth is discovered Whats been going on Now that you have gone There's no other' (but me, the Lord!) (Squeeze) Let's play the children's game: Hot and Cold (holding up my arms). You're cold. You're warmer. Your getting hot. Close! Your the hottest! Bingo! You found it! It's my dick! Mao's slogan was: “power flows from the barrel of a gun.” The bird is the Word – the spermatic word, as Norman O. Brown has it. Sperm is the Word of the Lord. 'In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.' At the the end of the world, as Brown quotes, 'An I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood and fire and the vapor of smoke; the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall turn into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.' Then God said let there be light. Translation: My predecessor and his angels were sounding their trumpets to close out the last world age/aeon (10,000 year Western Civilization) and begin the new aeon (the New Jerusalem) – sperm and slime flying everywhere rapturing out the people of the previous cycle. Light unconsciously always signifies slime. And God said unto Moses, 'I AM THAT I AM.' '♪ After he had journeyed, And his feet were sore, And he was tired, He came upon an orange grove And he rested And he lay in the cool, And while he rested, he took to himself an orange and tasted it, And it was good. And he felt the earth to his spine, And he asked, and he saw the tree above him, and the stars, And the veins in the leaf, And the light, and the balance. And he saw magnificent perfection, (as God once did) Whereon he thought of himself in balance, And he knew he was. And he thought of those he angered, For he was not a violent man, And he thought of those he hurt For he was not a cruel man And he thought of those he frightened For he was not an evil man, And he understood. He understood himself. Just open your eyes, And realize, the way it's always been. Just open your mind And you will find The way it's always been. (Moody Blues) Understand that this is not about your kissing my dick. I'm not here to lord it over you. This is not alpha male/alpha chimp. I'm no sadist. I'm no bully. Again, I'm come to serve. I'm the Good Shepherd come to rescue my lost black sheep (you devils here in Hell - 'The sheep look up.' 'To wake the flock up!' 'Are the sheep ready to sheer?'. (We Go From Titans/Giants to Black Sheep/Lemmings – Crash Test Dummies). 'The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came so that my sheep will have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.' '♪ We are poor little lambs Who´ve lost our way Baa baa baa! We are little black sheep Who´ve gone astray Baa baa baa! Gentlemen songsters off on a spree Doomed from here to eternity' Just like Moses led the Hebrews out of the fleshpots of Egypt on the Exodus to the Promised Land, I'm come to lead you out of the fleshpots of Hell on a New Exodus to the New Jerusalem. Moses said to Pharoah, 'Let my people go!' I'm here to lay Satan down for the last time. I am here to harrow Hell, in Christian terminology. And the nightmare that we're about to embark on will be with all of you and with me until we reach our physical graves. After we go through what's coming up, I guarantee you Satan will never be loosed again. You're getting ready to be punished for your faithful service to Satan – we're going to go through the Great Tribulation. But let no one, including the idiot Homicide Bombers, disparage the amazing scientific achievements, etc. you've accomplished in your faithful service to Satan. The last place I'd go for an update on the latest scientific advances is the Homicide Bombers (note this is the more accurate terminology I use instead of the more usual Suicide Bombers). What a bunch of morons! As the Tribulation begins and the new aeon/cycle opens, we'll enter a new Golden Age (the New Jerusalem), an age in which we're no longer strictly human – an age of gods and monsters. The best will become superheroes or gods, equipped to fight the monsters which will arise at the same time (Gods 'R Us!). The shortest verse in the Bible: 'Jesus wept.', which means that we Space Aliens rarely show human emotion such a human love, so it's unusual for us when we do (i. e., we Angels are incapable of love). We are both more than human and less than human – but definitely not human. Space Alien Klaatu (me) speaks in a nonhuman metallic robotic monotone. Here in Hell all the men are under a literal witch's spell - that of the Whore of Babylon. Men are literally sex slaves - beasts of burden - blinded and charmed by the dolls - tunnel vision. Brown says, 'hypnotism which makes world opinion; hypnotism which makes the world go round.' (he means the hypnotic spell of the Whore of Babylon - Paul says with regard to Satan's planetwide spell, 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.') 'We live in a virtual reality (the TV screen), the fake realm, the True Realm of the Light is outside of this virtual reality. A fake universe, that has been created by Darkness (Satan). Darkness is an error that happened in the Creation from the Source. Darkness created virtual reality to make his own universe where he is god.' (as with Plato’s Allegory of The Cave noted by Brown - consensus reality) the Gnostic viewpoint - the Reptilians). “Civilization is lived almost wholly in a medium of symbols” (Zerzan) “Art not only creates the symbols of and for a society, it is a basic part of the symbolic matrix of estranged social life.”(Zerzan). We're 'vicariously living life through symbols is manifested in many different ways including religion, television, sports, movies, stories, myths, video games, etc.' 'Our lives have become the world's longest-running soap opera in Virtual Reality (the 'Matrix' - consensus reality)' 'We're 'pushing our nervous systems into continual overload with various kinds of stimulation. A mind that’s constantly flooded with noise from television, video games, or what have you, is a mind that never has the time or space to think its own thoughts.' 'It is learned behavior to not be satisfied where you are, but to strive toward something else. This may be a result of the inevitable empty feeling that stems from attachment to symbolic, none-direct, way of living (or “pseudoexistence” - Virtual Reality).' 'Life is but a dream' – the world is just a mirage. 'We are such stuff/As dreams are made on.'(Shakespeare). 'What is playing out on the world stage are the labor pangs of a deeper part of our being that is incarnating itself in, through and as us. We are both midwives of this birth while simultaneously being midwived ourselves by the universe.' Brown says, The great whore is to be stripped. Her name is mystery (The Whore of Babylon).Brown observes, 'Psychoanalysis ends in the recognition of the reality-principle as Lucifer, the prince of darkness, the prince of this world, the governing principle, the ruler of the darkness of this world. The reality-principle is the prince of darkness; it's function is to scotomize, to spread darkness; to make walls of thick darkness, walls of separation and concealment. - The reality-principle is an unreal boundary drawn between real and imaginary. (Repeating) “Animism, magic and the omnipotence of thought” - the child, the savage and the neurotic are right. (Quoting visionary seer Blake, said by many to be mad) 'Mental things alone are real.' The real world, which is not the world of the reality-principle, is the world where thoughts are omnipotent, where there is no distinction between wish and deed. - the unconscious is the true psychic reality.' '♪ We'll be fighting in the streets With our children at our feet And the morals that they worship will be gone And the men who spurred us on Sit in judgment of all wrong They decide and the shotgun sings the song - - The change, it had to come We knew it all along We were liberated from the fold, that's all And the world looks just the same And history ain't changed 'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war I'll tip my hat to the new constitution Take a bow for the new revolution - - - Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again (by the dolls!) I'll move myself and my family aside If we happen to be left half alive I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky Though I know that the hypnotized never lie There's nothing in the streets Looks any different to me And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye And the parting on the left Are now parting on the right (as with right radio talk show hosts) And the beards have all grown longer overnight Meet the new boss Same as the old boss' (God = me) (The Who) Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari' (1919) Professor Holding his Wand has Male Subject Hypnotized (under a Spell) Return to Topics The Prosessor is a wizard with his magic wand (= phallus), and the 'cabinet' is the film replacement for a coffin where he raises (= erection) the 'dead' - his subject stiff as a stone statue under his spell. He raises the subject as his alter ego to do what he would really want to to, which is to go out and abduct beautiful women to bring them back to him lair. This was the real objective of Dr. Victor Frankenstein when he created his monster. It is a version of the B.E.M. (Bug-Eyed-Monster) to be brougnt up again later and also a version of the inmates take over the asylum. The monster is the rigid member = erection = raised from the dead - it comes up. 'It's alive! It's alive!' proclaims wild-eyed Victor. It has a lurching, lumbering life of its own. Lumbering Stiff Armed Frankenstein Lumbering Stiff Armed (Rigid = Erection) Frankenstein Vicktor Frankenstein Return to Topics Paul says, 'O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?' and 'But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.'. Repeating, Mark is the oldest Gospel. Contrary to Paul's theology, scholars have 'asserted that Mark 16:9–20, describing disciples' encounters with the resurrected Jesus, was a later addition to the gospel. Mark 16:8 stops at the empty tomb without further explanation. The last twelve verses are missing from the oldest manuscripts of Mark's Gospel (again, itself the oldest Gospel.) The style of these verses differs from the rest of Mark, suggesting they were a later addition.' What Paul really meant to say was that it does rise - my member comes up (stiffen = erection). On the universal dream of flying, Freud noted 'the remarkable phenomenon of erection, which constantly occupies the human fantasy, cannot fail to be impressive as an apparent suspension of the laws of gravity (cf. the winged phalli of the ancients).' (like fairies, Angels or the Superheroes who can fly away – it comes up!). Similarly, 'He will swallow up death forever' Isa. 25:8. The Jewish belief in the bodily Resurrection of the Dead when all rise from their graves (it comes up!) is also Collective rather than individualistic: "Your dead will live again. My [people's] corpses shall arise. Awake and sing, O you who dwell in the dust! For Your dew is like the dew of the morning, and the earth shall cast forth the dead [who rested in it]."(Isa. 26:19) (God's rain of slime – Morning Dew – awakens the Dead on Resurrection Morning and all rise up singing – my Dawn Chorus.) '♪ And Heaven and nature sing' 'Stepford Wives' Stone Statues (Dolls) Knocked Over. Fairy Bowling! As a powerful wizard, I'm going to break the spell of the Whore of Babylon and wake all the men. In turn, I'm going to put all the women on the planet under a spell. They won't be Stepford Wives or robots, but they will be walking around in broad daylight hypnotized and dreaming. And when I get that accomplished we will be in the New Jerusalem. Repeating, Paul says with regard to Satan's planetwide spell, 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.' Repeating, Brown says, 'Psychoanalysis ends in the recognition of the reality-principle as Lucifer, the prince of darkness, the prince of this world, the governing principle, the ruler of the darkness of this world. The reality-principle is the prince of darkness; it's function is to scotomize, to spread darkness; to make walls of thick darkness, walls of separation and concealment. - The reality-principle is an unreal boundary drawn between real and imaginary.' Your Household Return to Topics What I'm getting ready to say is the harshest thing I'll say all evening. Look at your household. Which divorce are you on? Are you even married to the woman you're with? How many of you are single fathers and mothers? It so evil for a man to father a child and leave her holding the bag (deadbeat dads). 'All the guys I grew up with went for the brass ring and are up to their necks in financial shit, have a divorce and crippling child support under their belts, and are still trying to make more rather than spend less.' Everywhere, you see 'the decay of families, divorce, illegitimacy, loss of authority, multiculturalism, social disintegration, sexual libertinism, and crime.' Kids are 'raised under the frantic surveillance of helicopter moms, forbidden from playing outside or even visiting another child’s home except on the basis of a prearranged and parentally approved play date, a generation of American children were held hostage to distract attention from the fact that the lifestyles chosen by these same parents were condemning their children to a troubled and dangerous life in a depleted, polluted, and impoverished world, a future of mass impoverishment, infrastructure breakdown, sociopolitical disintegration, and ragged population decline due to the misguided choices of the last few decades, as society moves steadily deeper into systems failure.' We're trying to 'allow believers to keep on living an ordinary American lifestyle right up to the moment that it drops away from beneath their feet ('when the bottom drops out' and 'the sh*t hits the fan!').' We have babies having babies here. And look at your children, the fruit of your loins. How many stepkids do you have? I see there in your household that your kids are mongrels, mutts, half breeds, literal bastards (look it up in the dictionary) and worse. Barrack Hussein Obama has a telling name (rhymes with Osama). Numerous media announcers had (Freudian?) slips of the tongue (Obama for Osama) when the US assassinated him. Also note the Manchurian Candidate attempt by the PC Left to replace Obama's initials OBL (too close to Obama) with the less 'offensive' UBL. Just as in George Orwell's '1984' where 'Hate Week (John Lennon's 'minds that hate') was dedicated to creating patriotic fervor for the Party's perpetual war. The public are blind to the change; in mid-sentence an orator changes the name of the enemy from "Eurasia" to "Eastasia" without pause.' Obama rightly labels himself a mongrel. Repeating, the very definition of Hell is that the wrong men get inside, thereby breeding devils, demons, and monsters. You have a carnival freakshow zoo menagerie. We see 'The reduction of our people to a tiny minority in the country they founded before being bred out of existence altogether, the destruction of our culture, legal discrimination, massive transfers of wealth to non-whites, tyrannical restrictions on our basic liberties such as freedom of speech and association, the destruction of our our educational system, and being murdered and raped in astonishing numbers.' 'The Muslim gutter religion is soiling this country' 'Muslims here–if they riot shoot them in the street. it would be an excellent excuse to deport them–why should the PRESENCE of the enemy in our country determine our actions regarding them?' Plus, 'FEMA concentration camps for Mexicans.' 'The Latin Hordes are beating down the gates. The brown/black looting hordes will destroy civilization.' They 'lower school performance and ghetto blacks and gang violence and criminality people get welfare for being stupid (a single mom living on her own).' 'The first aim of the poor is to squeeze the middle class. But once the middle is gone, the poor will go after the upper class. This is where this sillyness called democracy ends.' 'We should deport illegals, anchor babies and all.' 'Why aren’t we deporting millions of illegals during this severe jobs recession?' 'We pay for your food stamps (food stamp vote buying), ER care, welfare, WIC, schooling, and jailing. We begin to notice your shortness, fatness, ugliness, stupidity, and propensity for crime and realize that our money has been flushed down the toilet. It’s actually worse, in fact, it’s funding our own displacement. The money has already run out. Setting up naked spoils fights between Whites, Blacks Mexicans, Muslims, and the rest over who gets taxed, and who gets money spent on them. In the new normal of no jobs created, and unemployment at 25% or so, with a crisis of Iranian nukes forming the backbone of nuclear jihad, and one big shock away from global economic collapse.' Repeating, Brown brought up racist de Maistre; white male supremacy as natural aristocracy - the Aryan Master Race revival of the ancient Vedic Caste System, where everyone is in their proper place in life, making affirmative action the white man's burden/handicap. 'It is up to the White Man to lead the Black, so that he won´t harm himself or us.' 'The death of Nazi Germany was the death of Western man and everything he once stood for.' 'The 'Browning of America' mélange (mongrels/mutts) means ethnic chaos and the melting “back to the primordial ooze,” worldwide coffee-colored mixed race proletarian mass mongrelization. We're racially mixed into incoherent oblivion down the maelstrom of social collapse and total anarchy.' 'Whites are losing their macho as they're being replaced by (incompetent) browns and blacks while the economy is in the crapper.' In 'Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?', “racist bigot” Pat Buchanan says we're now " transformed into a multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic stew (mongrelization). And as our nation disintegrates, our government is failing in its fundamental duties, unable to defend our borders, balance our budgets, or win our wars.' And Buchanan has even to a limited extent embraced the ideology of Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik: 'As for a climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world that is growing in numbers and advancing inexorably into Europe for the third time in 14 centuries, on this one, Breivik may be right.' You are in Bosch's 'Hell' where cats and dogs try to interbreed. The opening credits of 'The Devil's Rain' (1975) show images from Bosch's 'Hell'. The title is a deliberate reversal. For the Rain is not from the Devil, but from me, God. Return to Topics Bosch's Hell Bosch's Hell Look how you've squandered your precious seed packet, the only thing that's matters! My own little seed packet has gone missing, so like you I am a dead man. But I'm dead in a different sense than you. I have no child, no issue. Like Jesus, no one will carry my genetic information in the next generation. This is a third sense of dead I'm using, in addition to corpses and the Living Dead (Zombies). Use the context to decide which I mean. Mostly throughout dead means the Living Dead, which I sometimes remember to note with quotation marks. Characteristics: blunted affect (lack of emotional response), blank look with averted gaze (looking at the floor), pain insensitivity, agitation, confusion and disorientation, hyperactivity and distractibility, impaired spastic coordination and insomnia/sleep deprivation. 'There is no need to believe in any religious or eschatological justifications to see that, for all its “vibrancy”, the (Collective)Life or spirit of our civilization is spent (we are now the Living Dead). A profound “rite of passage” has been reached but whereby we are most certainly being called to “put away childish things”. A great many will not make it. Human “civilization” has become a scourge upon the Earth. Almost certainly, as many people believe, a “revelation” (Yeats) is in store for us that will require a profound “break” with this present cycle, a return to the mean—a level more commensurate with that experienced and lived by peoples for thousands of years.' - Back to the future. '♪ When I die and they lay me to rest, Gonna go to the place that's the best When they lay me down to die, Goin up to the spirit in the sky' (Norman Greenbaum) '♪ Mama, take this badge off of me I can't use it anymore. It's gettin' dark, too dark for me to see I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door. - - Mama, put my guns in the ground I can't shoot them anymore. (castrating) That long black cloud is comin' down I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.' (Bob Dylan) So, is there an Afterlife, in spite of my earlier comments? Certainly! The Life after Death you are currently living as Zombies is that life! When someone 'goes to their reward', it means that no matter how unjustly they are treated here below, they are being Watched and honored for their strivings even when they make false starts and mistakes. Each does his best, which is duly noted from my Heavenly Throne Perch. In the Eastern religions, this is labeled Karma. So, repeating, 'We live in a world that literally does not care (about us).' (Hell). For Gutkind, Capitalism is the 'system without man.' "You can't eat the orange and throw the peel away - a man is not a piece of fruit." 'Death of a Salesman'. But we, the Undead, have not abandoned you even in your wretched current state as lost devils. From on High, we Watch over you, and will guide you if you believe we are there for you. You've never been alone! The highest truth at the highest level is indeed that God is good. Not so long ago, people believed stories of encounters with little elves and leprechauns; the "wee folk" who spirited people away in the night. We fairies are notorious for snatching your babies from the cradle so we can substitute our own changelings (sickly dead fairy babies). There should be no children here! (So-called 'alien abductions' are a disguised return of these old folkloric supernatural fairy kidnappings.) Thomas E. Bullard, a folklorist, noted 'UFO-and-abduction phenomenon's similarities with ancient myths and legends. Scientific and popular cultural images of extraterrestrial life mirrored earlier accounts of otherworldly voyages and encounters with others in semi-human shape.' And, with 'tales of hybrid children, Bullard is able to bring in multiple themes, the early American colonial tales of abduction by Native Americans, tales of fairy abduction and changelings, the parallels with the Satanic abuse stories, traditional witchcraft stories. Bullard concedes that the modern abduction narratives echo modern human concerns about being swept up into an impersonal modern world. The drab grey dusty personality-less greys are us, or what we fear we could become. wan fairy children safely tucked up in their vats in their otherworldly fairyland, but as adults walking the streets, and the image of the hybrid is fused with classical right-wing conspiracy mythology, the abduction myth has crashed through the safety barrier into the realm of what some writers have called antisemitism without the Jews. These dark paranoias seem to be at the heart of the TV series "The Event", which portrays 'aliens' who look just like humans but are somehow subtly different and are entering our world for some unknown but presumably nefarious purpose. They are speculations on alien visitations and abductions, magically advanced technologies, governmental conspiracies, varieties of religious salvation, apocalyptic fears, and other paranormal experiences. Bullard investigates how UFOs have inspired books, movies, and television series; blurred the boundaries between science, science fiction, and religion. Polarities fix our images of otherworlds, heaven and hell, paradise and wilderness, Utopian and despot, gods and devils, lovely peace loving Venusians and nasty warlike Martians (obviously the inhabitants of these planets should take after their respective classical namesake). Bullard draws out these themes of one the one hand salvation, and on the other invasion, again tracking beyond ufology into wider culture.' Instant Proof You're in Hell Return to Topics 'Abandon hope, all ye who enter here,' is the inscription on the entrance to Hell (Dante's 'Inferno'). 'Here, There Be Dragons.' You're roaring down the expressway. Now, look at the people in the cars on both sides of you. Do you know who these people are? Have you ever seen any of them before? You can be certain you'll never see them again. Do you know what they think and believe? You're in a dangerous situation. It is a situation ripe for paranoia. For all you know they could be axe murderers, serial killers, child molesters, etc. (I chose these three examples on purpose since they are aspects of what I could have been). You don't know. And here in Hell, considerable numbers of them actually are such heinous types ('The monsters are due on Maple Street.' Mongrels and miscreations). 'The Evolutionary Principle formulated by anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss that is when a species is removed from the habitat in which it evolved, the species will develop maladaptive or outright destructive behavior.' 'Civilization has not yet fully recovered from the shock of its birth — the transition from the tribal or "enclosed society," with its submission to magical forces, to the 'open society' which sets free the critical powers of man. It attempts to show that the shock of this transition is one of the factors that have made possible the rise of those reactionary movements which have tried, and still try, to overthrow civilization and to return to tribalism.' 'In fact, the primitive community (as with current small town life), far from being happy, harmonious, and idyllic, is much more likely to be ridden by gossip, mutual suspicion and envy of the more successful or better-favored, an envy so pervasive as to cripple, by the fear of its presence, all personal or general economic development.' In the New Jerusalem, we be living in small settlements where everyone knows everyone, and especially everyone's behavior in the bedroom will be known to all. You'll leave your doors unlocked, without a bit of worry. Life in these large cities is life in Hell, which is the next topic. Cities Return to Topics Brown says, 'In the jungle of the cities/It is later than you think.' 'Civilization does not occur among healthy people.' 'Civilizations are not murdered. They commit suicide.' (Toynbee) Freud said that civilization is a neurosis (in 'Civilization and its Discontents'). 'Freud admitted the contradiction or non-reconciliation involved in opting for the crippling nature of civilization.' Brown affirms, 'psychoanalysis fulfills itself only when it becomes historical and cultural analysis. Human history is the history of a neurosis (Freud).' Freud was too timid. It is absolute madness! 'Tis a stupid thing to build cities, especially these multimillion inhabitant cities. It's a lot or toil and trouble for nothing. Remember that Cain, the fallen son of the fallen Adam first started building cities. The world age/aeon/cycle now coming to a close used to be believed by theologians to be 6000 years long. This cycle began when agriculture was invented and the first cities were built, actually more like eight or ten thousand years ago. The two essential components of Western Civilization were cities and agriculture. Martin Heidegger, a 'Crypto-Aryan' Nazi sympathizer who never recanted, equated mechanized industrialized agriculture with the Holocaust. The rows of corn are people! You are what you eat! Notice the fuits and vegetables at stores are unblemished and perfectly shaped (due to toxic pesticides). Brown quotes Yeats' quip with regard to the Industrial Revolution: 'Locke sank into a swoon; The Garden died; God took the spinning-jenny Out of his side.' “It is so stupid of modern civilization to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it.” Martin Heidegger on what he termed 'the encounter between global technology and humanity' which he stated must be allowed to run to complete fruition (in Christian terminology, Satan must be released for his season to do his worst): 'Agriculture is now a motorized food industry, the same thing in its essence as the production of corpses in the gas chambers and the extermination camps, the same thing as blockades and the reduction of countries to famine, the same thing as the manufacture of hydrogen bombs.' By the cold robot machine logic of the Industrial Revolution, why not bypass the messy humans in between and proceed directly to the manufacture of corpses which is the ultimate product anyway? 'Abattoirs, concentration camps, gas chambers and nuclear weapons all originate in the same complex.' Heidegger insisted 'When the old religions died, the world still needed an image of divine power to come from heaven and save us.' For him 'Only a God Can Save Us.' We are now entering a time when the original, old magic is becoming effective, which is setting up a clash with (white man's) hard-nosed science – this is his real 'encounter between global technology and humanity. Brown says, ”What we fail to recognize is that all symptoms, defense mechanisms, in fact, personality itself, are forms of magic – Primitives have magic in a conscious form, whereas with us can function only (except in certain forms of neurosis or psychosis) if it is unconscious.” (quoting Roheim). The insane are closer to the truth.' 'Who are the "Others"? They are not just the other humans beside us. They are also inside us and around us' (that we contact via the Collective Unconscious - the so-called dead). There are aliens, and then there aliens, meaning some are evil slave drivers (functionally Reptilian, as with the Pharaohs who built the Pyramids) as opposed to those such as Holy Man Moses (but also an initiate tutored by the Egyptians – also a 'Space Alien') who came to lead the people out of bondage and myself, the Good Shepherd. Who are today's Reptilians? They're the hard headed scientists who blindly destroy my planet in their prideful quest to dominate nature. An important dictum: 'The past is human.' The disembodied objective reason of Western Man is Tunnel Vision, blinded and heartless under the spell of the Dolls, as with the book 'The Past Is Human' by Peter White which 'debunks von Daniken's gee-whiz theories.' We Alien Spacemen, both good and evil, have always been in human form. We aliens are reluctant to show ourselves in person without protection because you are so selfish, greedy, ungrateful and above all violent. We are mortal and unarmed and peaceful. 'We are of peace, always.' 'I come in peace.' On our love affair with technology, Herbert Marcuse stated 'the aeroplane may be a penis symbol, but it also gets you from Berlin to Vienna in a couple of hours.' (Note here Marcuse was mentally still in Europe years after he'd immigrated.) By the way, 'the unlovely Marcuse who rewarded America granting him asylum and a UCal professorship by urging on all the lunatics of 1968 to destroy the US.' The justification for Fascism was that it got the trains to run on time. "The trains run on time and there’s a schedule -- and you’ll obey us and go where we want.” To which Brown retorted, 'the body is the measure of all things, and Marcuse had given the businessman the last word. - the real meaning of technology is its hidden relation to the human body; a symbolical or mystical relation.' Jesus said, 'Man does not live by bread alone.' In the beginning was when God said let there be light. In the beginning was the spermatic Word. The Bible begins in Genesis only with the latest world age/aeon/cycle, and there were many prior. 'In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived.' Plato 'Timaeus.' Genesis 1:1 opens about ten thousand years ago, with numerous cycles prior. 'Tis a stupid thing to build cities. Over time all the inhabitants turn into devils. The fate of Babylon is the fate of all large cities. Revelation 18:2, 'And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying, Babylon is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.' Again, Jeremiah 51:37, 'And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwelling place for dragons, an astonishment, and a hissing, without an inhabitant.' The 'hissing' is the crackling of the Weird Radio. Note in both cases the imagery here connected with fertility. In Babylon, you lose your manhood! The Whore of Babylon is a castrator/emasculator! These gigantic cities are full of devils, demons, monsters, vampires, creatures of the night, zombies, robbers, thieves, gangsters, organized crime, juvenile gangs, junkies, winos, prostitutes, pimps, gays, lesbians, dolls, belligerant homeless panhandlers – the list goes in (Hegel's 'Zoo'). 'Social factors such as alcoholism, drug abuse, violence, and suicide are driven by the psychological impacts of life in a failing society.' The generic Biblical name for all these denizens is 'Giants'. The term never referred to physical size, but to the fact that they mindlessly, selfishly devour the earth: the 'transformation of Homo sapiens into Homo colossus'. The Greeks called the monstrous Giants that preceded the gods the Titans, who Zeus smote with lightning (the savage mindless giants of Vico’s age of gods). Likewise, 'Prometheus was punished for stealing fire from Zeus and giving humans the power to be like the gods, to become, through the technologies of fire, the "lords and possessors of nature", usurping what was once a divine function.' And 'The Vedic Vishnu joined the gods against the Titans, and helped drive them away to the crags and dark canyons of the world beneath.' Just like Sodom and as in the days of Noah, as predicted by Jesus and John of Patmos, there are practically no decent people left on the planet. And here in Hell, 'We protect the remaining evil living (devils) and dismiss the innocent dead.' You take your life in your hands when you walk into one of these cities. They're the Land of the Giants, the Land of the Dead. 'You are not safe in a city. In fact, cities are veritable death traps. Without daily shipments of food and water they are uninhabitable. Nor is there sufficient elbow-room for a person’s mental health. And, with our wood construction methods, cities are fire-prone.' '♪ Where'd all the good people go? I've been changin' channels I don't see them on the tv shows Where'd all the good people go? - Station to station desensitizing the nation' (Jack Johnson) '♪ We're living in a den of thieves Rummaging for answers in the pages (such as in Finnegans Wake) We're living in a den of thieves And it's contagious And it's contagious' (Regina Spektor) 'He who fights too long against dragons, becomes a dragon himself.' (Nietzsche). In these nightmare cities, it's chaos and anarchy: '♪ Everybody's talking and no one says a word Everybody's making love and no one really cares There's Nazis in the bathroom just below the stairs Always something happening and nothing going on There's always something cooking and nothing in the pot They're starving back in China so finish what you got - Nobody told me there'd be days like these Strange days indeed -- strange days indeed Everybody's smoking and no one's getting high Everybody's flying and never touch the sky There's a UFO over New York and I ain't too surprised - Nobody told me there'd be days like these Strange days indeed -- most peculiar, mama' (John Lennon – 'Nobody Told Me') '♪ People are strange when you're a stranger Faces look ugly when you're alone Women seem wicked when you're unwanted Streets are uneven when you're down When you're strange Faces come out of the rain When you're strange No one remembers your name When you're strange' (Doors) '♪ When the baby looks around him It's such a sight to see He shares a simple secret With the wise man 'Thou hast hidden these things from sages and men of discernment, and hast unveiled them to babes.' He's a stranger in a strange land Just a stranger in a strange land And the baby looks around him And shares his bed of hay With the burrow in the palace of the king He's a stranger in a strange land Just a stranger in a strange land' (Leon Russell) '♪ Hear a knock upon my door Stranger calling Eyes that look like mine He said you know I've called before What is veiled now soon will be shown Come walk with me through the unknown Familiar stranger Should I know your name Did we meet some time ago I feel uncertain Shadows whisper to me now Sudden wind begins to blow Darkened doorways Strangest things can happen Don't know who you're talking to Find yourself When lightning strikes you now You could be looking back at you Familiar stranger' (Jefferson Starship) '♪ there's a man who leads a life of danger in everyone he meets he sees a stranger with every move he makes another chance he takes odds are you won't live to see tomorrow secret agent man secret agent man they're giving you a number and taking away your name beware the pretty faces that you find a pretty face can hide an evil mind (the dolls) be careful what yo say you'll give yourself away odds are you won't live to see tomorrow secret agent man they're giving you a number and taking away your name' (Johnny Rivers) Well, I just got into town about an hour ago Took a look around, see which way the wind blow Where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalows Are you a lucky little lady in the City of Light Or just another lost angel...City of Night (i.e., city in Hell) Never saw a woman... (the Whore of Babylon - the dolls) So alone, so alone' (Doors) Brown waxes poetic about these cities (and gets to display his classical erudition). Some of his epithets: 'City of Dis (a Level in Dante's 'Inferno') or Pluto; Satan's labyrinth; Stygian waters (Styx is a river in Hades); the Cumaean gates; the mouth of Hades; the Cretan labyrinth.' 'This labyrinthe cave in which we live is the world of the dead; - this metropolis is necropolis.' One source notes 'It is not normal for men to congregate in these crowded large cities. Life there is entirely artificial.' We can't live packed in like sardines for very long! '♪ Living in the city ain't where it's at It's like trying to find gold in a silver mine It's like trying to drink whisky from a bottle of wine' (Elton John) '♪ Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Go home' (Beatles) '♪ Nobody knows where you're goin' Nobody cares where you've been. - - (i.e., life in Hell) Cause you belong to the city You belong to the night Livin' in a river of darkness Beneath the neon light. You were born in the city Concrete under your feet It's in your moves it's in your blood You're a man of the street.' (Glenn Frey) '♪ Psychic spies from China Try to steal your mind's elation Little girls from Sweden Dream of silver screen quotations And if you want these kind of dreams It's Californication It's the edge of the world And all of western civilization The sun may rise in the East At least it settles in the final location It's understood that Hollywood sells Californication Pay your surgeon very well To break the spell of aging Celebrity skin is this your chin Or is that war your waging First born unicorn (parallel-world doppelganger Androgyne Premature Starchild) Hard core soft porn (the secret engine of Hollywood) Dream of Californication Dream of Californication Marry me girl be my fairy to the world Be my very own constellation A teenage bride with a baby inside Getting high on information And buy me a star on the boulevard It's Californication Space may be the final frontier But it's made in a Hollywood basement Cobain can you hear the spheres Singing songs off station to station (my Heavenly Music of the Spheres on my Weird Radio) And Alderon's not far away It's Californication Born and raised by those who praise Control of population everybody's been there and I don't mean on vacation Destruction leads to a very rough road But it also breeds creation And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar They're just another good vibration And tidal waves couldn't save the world From Californication' (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Mere anarchy: 'Like a demented animal running in ever decreasing circles, question every official or expert opinion, accepting only those they like. As this denial of authority contradicts a fundamental necessity for social co-operation, the community can only degenerate into the law of the jungle. Injustice triumphs over justice, chaos over order, futility over purpose, superstition over reason, and lies over truth. The result is hell on earth as individual existence becomes meaningless and the human species falters.' 'A community that is corrupting its traditions — discarding, or reversing the nature of, its manners, customs and institutions— is not only losing wisdom and facing dissolution, but it is embracing evil.' 'Our relatives are often scattered across the country. the faces we see daily are the faces of strangers. Today we encase our entire lives, almost, in the private boxes of our homes, which have, not coincidentally, doubled in size since the 1950s—a literal, physical manifestation of the burgeoning of the private realm.' 'It is the task of industrial society to destroy all that "community" implies—self-sufficiency, mutual aid, morality in the marketplace, stubborn tradition, regulation by custom, organic knowledge instead of mechanistic science— to be steadily done away with so that the unfettered machine called "the economy" can operate without interference, influenced merely by the Invisible Hand. Technology is the transfer of work from ourselves and people we know to the anonymous functionaries of the Machine.' 'The loss of community in today's world: In fact, not only is there little to do together, there is equally little to talk about. We don't really need each other. We don't need to know the person who grows, ships, and processes our food, makes our clothing, builds our house, creates our music, makes or fixes our car; we don't even need to know the person who takes care of our babies while we are at work. We are dependent on the role, but only incidentally on the person fulfilling that role. The world can get along just fine without us. We are easily replaced.' 'We live in a world that literally does not care (about us).' 'The individualistic Homo economicus is the atomistic individual connected to other people and things only by external relations. But instead the concept of “person-in-community” whose identity is constituted by internal relations to others in the community. Globalization is just neoclassical atomistic individualism writ large. Such globalization destroys the local historical relations in community by which persons produce for and take care of each other. We have the accelerating 'conversion of all wealth—social, cultural, natural, and spiritual—into money. Phenomena as diverse as the dissolution of community, the weakening of friendship, the rise of intellectual property, the shortening of attention spans, the professionalization of music and art, and the destruction of the environment have a common source in our system of money and property, which in turn arises from (and reinforces) our self-conception as discrete and separate beings in an objective universe of others. To simply try to stop being so greedy will never be enough. This selfishness, however, is not "human nature", but rather human nature denied, human nature contorted by our misconception of who we are. The monetized life is a lonely life because it reduces the people in our lives to anonymous occupiers of roles. Money is suitable for conducting trade among strangers.' 'We live in a world of plenty, and we always have. The present money system and underneath it, the enclosure of the wild into the exclusively owned, has created artificial scarcity where none need exist. Half the world goes hungry, while the other half wastes enough to feed the first half. It is not food nor any other necessity that is scarce, it is money, whose built-in scarcity induces the same in everything else.' In 'The Collapse of Complex Societies', Joseph Tainter says, 'societies essentially exhaust their own designs, and become unable to adapt to natural diminishing returns for what they knew as their method of survival. They find problems they can't solve. Types: 1.The Dinosaur, a large-scale society in which resources are being depleted at an exponential rate and yet nothing is done to rectify the problem because the ruling elite are unwilling or unable to adapt to those resources' reduced availability: In this type of society, rulers tend to oppose any solutions that diverge from their present course of action. They will favor intensification and commit an increasing number of resources to their present plans, projects, and social institutions. 2. The Runaway Train, a society whose continuing function depends on constant growth (cf. Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier Thesis): This type of society, based almost exclusively on acquisition (e.g., pillage or exploitation), cannot be sustained indefinitely. The Assyrian and Mongol Empires, for example, both fractured and collapsed when no new conquests were forthcoming. Tainter argues that capitalism can be seen as an example of the Runaway Train model ('Jump ship while there is still time.') in that generally accepted accounting practices require publicly traded companies, along with many privately held ones, to exhibit growth as measured at some fixed interval (often three months). Moreover, the ethos of consumerism on the demand side and the practice of planned obsolescence on the supply side encourage the purchase of an ever-increasing number of goods and services even when resource extraction and food production are unsustainable if continued at current levels. 3 The House of Cards (Ponzi scheme), a society that has grown to be so large and include so many complex social institutions that it is inherently unstable and prone to collapse. This type of society has been seen with particular frequency among Eastern bloc and other communist nations, in which all social organizations are arms of the government or ruling party, such that the government must either stifle association wholesale (encouraging dissent and subversion) or exercise less authority than it asserts (undermining its legitimacy in the public eye).' Tainter: There are 'increasingly diminishing returns on societal investments in complexity. Government and business leaders try to fix the multiplying problems by applying the same old solutions – increasing size, increasing levels of bureaucracy, increasing military force, increasing social coercion. They don´t try taking a different path until it is too late. Our own quality of life that is slowly ebbing away as we lose species and habitats, as well as more intangible yet vitally important things like beauty, quiet and democratic participation. In less affluent parts of the world, of course, the suffering is far greater.' - 'the symptoms of constriction tend to be paramount. People cocoon themselves in their homes as couch potatoes, surrounded by their plasma televisions and stereos and computer games. When they leave, they often go to the virtual reality of a shopping mall. There is also widespread political apathy, even as our civil liberties are being taken away and American soldiers are dying overseas. Periodically, there is a burst of intrusive violence. The bonds of connection between people have been broken. Life is reduced to bare survival.' 'This is the way the world ends/Not with a bang but a whimper,' according to T.S. Eliot – our ‘shrieks’ and ‘whimpers’ as our 'technologically advanced society regresses to a final stage of universal unawareness and apathy and oblivion.' What Brown called, 'the mode of consciousness in which a people take leave of their history. 'Traditional societal ambitions subside in favor of, for example, totalitarian culture, anti-technologism, or artificially created hyper-sensory stimulants (super-drugs).' 'Ecological overshoot and collapse can be seen as a large-scale experience of trauma leading to Complex PTSD of Gaia herself.' It's not nice to fool Mother Nature! On the 'Collapse of the Fragile American Empire': 'swift, silent and certain. Empires are a state system that inevitably make the same mistakes simply by the nature of its imperial structure and inevitably fails because of its size, complexity, territorial reach, stratification, heterogeneity, domination, hierarchy, and inequalities.' Historians warn of a sudden 'thief at night,' an 'accelerating car crash.' Robert Oppenheimer said, "the world is moving in the direction of hell with a high velocity, a positive acceleration and probably a positive rate of change of acceleration." Jared Diamond in 'Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed' lists these factors: environmental degradation, economic meltdown, military overstretch, domestic dissent and upheaval. Marxist provocateur and philosopher of the New Left Slavoj Žižek's 'Living in the End Times' on the “four riders of the apocalypse”: 'the global capitalist system is approaching an apocalyptic zero-point of the complete disintegration of the current global order. He says, “Conservatives want to recreate the lost order. . . but the corruption they are fighting in the modern permissive, secular, egotistic, etc. society was present from the very beginning." Is there a way to avert total Civilizational Collapse/Die Off? There is indeed instead the possibility of a 'Zero growth or 'full-world economics' or steady state economy or SSE (a "sustainable design" for capitalism): achieving resilient sustainable growth or building a non-growing economy that is socially stable.' (This is fairy clockstopping).' For example, 'Egyptians valued cultural stability and they achieved it, maintaining cultural continuity for well over 3000 years – a feat our own civilization is not likely to equal.' And political economist John Stuart Mill believed such a "stationary" economy would emerge in which we could focus on human improvement and aim for stable levels in population and consumption of energy and materials. This implies no stationary state of human improvement. There would be as much scope as ever for all kinds of mental culture, and moral and social progress; as much room for improving the art of living, and much more likelihood of it being improved, when minds ceased to be engrossed by the art of getting on (greed/avarice). 'Avarice is a vice, the exaction of usury is a misdemeanor, and the love of money is detestable… We shall once more value ends above means and prefer the good to the useful. the economic problem will take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be occupied or reoccupied, by our real problems - the problems of life and of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion.' John Maynard Keynes . Amazingly, both 'Adam Smith described what he called the stationary state in a situation of zero growth, and Keynes wrote about steady-state or ‘quasi stationary community’! We can slowly and carefully migrate to such a Civilizational permaculture Steady State. More radically, 'Degrowth (reverse economic growth - planned economic contraction) advocates claim (e.g. Latouche - 'Farewell to Growth') that a steady state economy i.e. (SSE) an economy that neither grows nor shrinks in physical terms, is impossible and undesirable, leaving economic degrowth as the only viable alternative goal to the growing economy. 'There is really no conflict between the SSE and “degrowth” since no one advocates negative growth as a permanent process; and no one advocates trying to maintain a steady state at the unsustainable present scale of population and consumption. But many people do advocate continuing positive growth beyond the present excessive scale, and they are the ones in control, and who need to be confronted by a united opposition!' (SSE originator, economist Herman Daly). 'But can we “undergo any sort of voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of living?” 'The faster civilization comes down, the more the people after it will have to eat. The fewer species will be obliterated. The fewer landscapes will be barren. The fewer chemicals that will be in the water.' And,'It is hypocritical to preach steady-state doctrines to underdeveloped countries before the overdeveloped countries have taken any measure to reduce either their own population growth or the growth resource consumption.' So, failing that possibility (SSE), 'The fall of a civilization is like tumbling down a slope.' 'Civilizations have collapsed because all civilizations ultimately do.' 'What goes up must come down. What goes around comes around.' - 'the process by which complex societies give way to smaller and simpler ones cause catastrophic human mortality and the loss of priceless cultural treasures (retreat into tribalism -Back to the Future).' 'Dark Age Ahead' by Jane Jacobs prophesies a 'new Dark Age, a period of cultural collapse in which all that keeps a society alive and vibrant is forgotten. the time of mass amnesia, not only was most classical culture forgotten, and what remained coarsened in a spiral of decline.' 'Dark ages befall civilizations when they succumb to mass amnesia-a kind of societal (Collective) senile dementia.' What Brown called, 'the mode of consciousness in which a people take leave of their history.' For Jacobs, 'People are increasingly choosing consumerism over family welfare, that is: consumption over fertility; debt over family budget discipline; fiscal advantage to oneself at the expense of community welfare. Higher Education: Universities are more interested in credentials than providing high quality education. Bad Science: Elevation of economics as the main "science" to consider in making major political decisions. Bad Government: Governments are more interested in deep-pocket interest groups than the welfare of the population. Bad Culture: A culture that prevents people from understanding/realizing the deterioration of fundamental physical resources which the entire community depends on'. 'The culture is addicted to systematic violence and environmental exploitation with the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations.' “If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist? We don’t have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system — it is coming apart already.” Environmentalists “are like a fire brigade that never rests, running about, exhausted, trying to extinguish one brush fire after another, year after year, decade after decade, winning battles but losing the war.' 'We're an 'Empire on the brink of the precipice. - This culture is driven by a death urge, an urge to destroy life, industrial genocide. - we see the offshoring of American manufacturing, industrial, and professional service jobs and the corresponding erosion of the government’s tax base, with the advent of massive budget and trade deficits, with the erosion of the fiat paper currency’s value, and with America’s dependence on foreign creditors and puppet rulers.' 'The crash scenario that people think of, in this case, as an escape to freedom would actually be so damaging that it wouldn’t be fun. It wouldn’t be an adventure. It would merely be a struggle for food and security, and a permanent high risk of being robbed, beaten, or killed; your ability to feel confident about your own – and your family’s and your children’s – safety would be gone. Civilization will not be better off by collapse, but NATURE, LIFE, the planet WILL BE. Civilization IS the problem. Human life is not any more (or less) sacred than other lifeforms; The sustainabiliity issue like trying to install solar panels to heat the swimming pool on the Titanic; putting windmills up on the Titanic to power the casinos (rearranging FSC deckchairs (with Fairtrade organic fabric from Peru) on the Titanic). Now, how many lifeboats can be counted? We--both as a species and as individuals--don't deserve to survive until we learn to live lightly and sustainably.' 'The first thing they teach lifeguards is how to break holds,' as the drowning try to crawl aboard. I'm the harried, hectic, frenzied beleaguered Titanic's captain. Do you want to captain the Titanic too? 'The bigger we grow Government, or any institution (Corporations), the more it tends to serve big-institution needs and not human needs (let alone the needs of nonhumans).' 'Big government is not just a series of bungling, incompetent institutions that have failed us, and will fail us again, just when we need them the most, but the reality is that we are its next meal! Government tries to be all things to all men. But it doesn't just screw us, it ends up eating us!' 'The drift to straight-up collectivism in the USA hastens the demise.' 'A very small sliver of the population (Capitalists) is reaping the rewards and the middle class is being ripped to shreds. Meanwhile, the national mountains of crushing debt continues to explode, and we steal from our grandchildren. But if we stop this theft it will throw the U.S. economy into a horrible economic crisis that would be far worse than what we are experiencing right now. That is why the vast majority of our politicians do not have the guts to do it. We truly are caught between a rock and a hard place.' (damned if they do and damned if they don't.) 'Eventually, you run out of other people’s money (OPM). Given the already gaping budget deficit, the money gravy train is going to run out.' The all the politicians are unnerved and rattled. 'Who's minding the Mint?' The Welfare State model leads to bankruptcy. 'When the Federal Government’s bloated state is finally forced to eliminate vast swathes of itself, our foes will be doing victory dances.' 'The loss of a viable, uncorrupted electoral process, the demise of centralized systems and corporations that no one ever thought would go bankrupt, the decay of infrastructure, and the deterioration of institutions such as education, religion, health care, and the legal system' are part of the same process. 'The closer the earth gets to dying, the more people will go along with any draconian use of authority to save it.' 'You can deal with a crisis humanely and with procedural protection only if you act in a timely and decisive fashion; while you have confidence to supply what force cannot. But if you let things cascade then you will be left only with ever more draconian methods to reverse the decline.' 'Once violence is accepted as an acceptable way to react to slights, real or perceived, within a society (has begun the descent into chaos), all that is left is one's choice of victim.' (for Empires on the Edge of Chaos and the rip in the fabric of Civilization becomes clear.) 'Not if but when.' A prophecy, 'As society broke down, the police became warlords. The federal budget deficit grew ever larger. With the dollar’s demise, import prices skyrocketed. As Americans were unable to afford foreign -made goods, the transnational corporations that were producing offshore for US markets were bankrupted, further eroding the government’s revenue base. The government was forced to print money in order to pay its bills (“Monopoly Board Game Money”, created out of thin air), causing domestic prices to rise rapidly. Faced with hyperinflation, Washington took recourse in terminating Social Security and Medicare and followed up by confiscating the remnants of private pensions. This provided a one-year respite, but with no more resources to confiscate, money creation and hyperinflation resumed. Organized food deliveries broke down when the government fought hyperinflation with fixed prices and the mandate that all purchases and sales had to be in US paper currency. Unwilling to trade appreciating goods for depreciating paper, goods disappeared from stores. Most of the troops in Washington’s overseas bases were abandoned. ' 'Imperialism was and remains the export of free market capitalism in its most extreme form. It is also theft on a grand scale. The comparative comfort of those in the 'West' is built on the theft of the resources of the nations which have been subject to our imperial rule and on the blood, sweat and tears of the inhabitants of those nations. No nation has, and never has had any right, divine or otherwise, to invade, occupy and pillage lands belonging to other peoples. * The blood, sweat and tears currently being shed by our generation and that shed by those that came before us in the defense of 'freedom' were in fact shed in the defense of capitalism and for the principle benefit of those at the top of the capitalist/financial tree. (see the writings of Douglas Reed who railed against what he saw in Britain). * Your governments, run as they always have been for the benefit of the elite, whether aristocratic or financial/capitalist, have always been stealing from you to line their own pockets - they call it 'taxation' and 'regulation'. 'It has collapsed because the pockets of the vast majority of Americans have been picked. And, not even governments can pick empty pockets.' 'It is not that the system is necessarily collapsing but that it must continue to expand, to consume all, to survive. Should it run out of space in which to expand, or property and labor to consume, then it will implode. If we were to refuse to aid this system in its voracious consumption of peoples and nations and of our own wealth, if we were to stand firm and say "NO" and really mean it, be prepared to suffer together the consequences of starving the predator then it would indeed "collapse ... into the aimless, senseless chaos of the private interests from which it sprang". 'The Capitalist mantra of 'Eternal Growth: Economics is a pyramid scheme that can keep going only by finding new frontiers to take from and lay waste.' As Marx himself said, the rule for capital is: “Accumulate, accumulate! That is Moses and the prophets!” 'We are driven to compete where one is perpetually in competition, where what ever one has can be taken by the next man in his pursuit of property or through crime, where the fundamental basis of society is based upon the accumulation of unlimited capital and unlimited power for their own sakes, that is a world based on unlimited fear.' Capitalism's "creative destruction" at work: 'Mourn not if your neighbor stumbles and falls, for he is now your competitor -- his misfortune your gain. Just run faster: "Think of participating in the global economy today like driving a Formula One race car, which gets faster and faster every year. Someone is always going to be running into the wall and crashing, especially when you have drivers who only a few years ago were riding a donkey." Be a winner or be road kill, those are your options.' 'Workers must compete with each other for promotion, tenure, or other benefits.' 'We are subject to the predations of beings that appear human but are not. These beings have infected normal people.' 'Not if but when.' 'The fall of civilization occurs when a cultural elite became a parasitic elite, and those in positions of authority are unwilling to make changes necessary for future survival. To do so they would need to sacrifice their current status and political power at the top of a hierarchy. They may also be unable to raise public support and the necessary economic resources.' Richard Heinberg, in `Was Civilization A Mistake?', 'Civilization could crumble, leaving only traces of modern human existence behind.' He says, 'The era of growth has come to an end. He described the concept of economic growth as being fueled by "more and more consumption." To that end, Heinberg said that this growth is coming to a halt due to the combination of dwindling resources on the planet, massive mountains of crushing debt accrued by nations and people, and natural disasters, which are "making it impossible for the insurance industry to value risk." Looking to the future, Heinberg advised that people consume less, save more, become more self-sufficient, and begin sharing amongst their family and neighbors. Ironically, he noted that should people begin doing these things in earnest, "then the economy would contract even faster, but it's what we have to do to protect ourselves." 'We Can't Go Back: "You can't put the genie back in the bottle," but civilized consciousness, by insulating us from living reality, is like going into a bottle. "Going back," in this case, would be like a long-time prison inmate going back to the outside world' (Plato's Cave.) With blind economic growth and progress, we're 'flying a jumbo jet while randomly and rapidly knocking out the rivets in mid-air.' 'We're on an airplane designed by madmen to only work if it keeps going higher and faster, and the higher and faster we go, the harder we will eventually crash.' 'We're on a runaway train; we can't get off and survive, and we can't stop it from crashing. If we can't turn this train around, and we can't stop it, and we can't get off, the only thing to do is speed it up and run it off the tracks! Our blind leaders are steering us with merciful quickness into the crash. Civilization has no reverse gear and no brakes.' 'Civilization has destroyed nature and made short sighted decisions.' 'Victims of too much of a good thing?: “They tried to maximize their resources in the short term at the expense of their long-term survival. The overextension of practices that were at one time helpful became destructive.” 'Corporations sacrifice even their own long-term well-being for the short-term results.' But, 'It's much more difficult to live outside the dominant system (rat race) than to live inside it.' Race with the Devil: "Consume and compete!" 'The message of the economic treadmill is loud and constant.' 'America's supercharged free-market capitalism shackles us to a treadmill of overwork and overconsumption, frays family and community ties and leaves us anxious, alienated and overweight.' 'Being "on a treadmill" means that each member of an industrial society has an abiding interest in never letting his particular job be finished. The system's need for his special function must never be allowed to be satiated....built-in artificial obsolescence.' 'Capitalism and the not-so-free market economy based on consumer products, that is, products we are manipulated to want, not need, was never sustainable. Consumers consume…the resources of the planet.' It is the notion that 'Americans could trash the planet with huge houses (pretentious, tasteless, or badly designed McMansions), second houses, cars, etc. — the cheap trinkets to keep them busy we associate with the good life that put the planet on the downward spiral to ecocide, conning us into trashing the planet.' The 'free market' system is rigged. The 'free' market system is synonym of human poverty, destruction of the natural environment, social apartheid, racism and ethnic strife, undermining of women's rights, economic dislocations, forced displacements, landless farmers, shuttered factories and jobless workers.' We 'look back and this world will be seen as the padded cell it is' - the endless mechanized treadmill. 'Secular humanism is the belief that any action can be justified if it serves the ultimate good of humanity. This way lies the destruction of what remains of the natural world.' 'Humans have become "ecological loose cannons." 'The just reward for our ignorant, arrogant, deluded despoliation of planet and culture is the ocean of suffering that engulfs our species, the wars and atrocities, rape and genocide, the brutalized children, the slums of the Third World, the lives without hope, the diseases and famines, and in the rich countries, the depression and despair, anxiety and ennui, anomie and loneliness, the tragic reduction of human potential that leaves even the winners of the rat race among the sorriest rats of all in our mad, senseless age.' The Frankfurt School and Adorno showed, 'The emotional foundation of Fascism -- and of hierarchy, status systems, private wealth, military conquest, economic "growth," and so on is the "infantile" or "childish" state. The abused child will crave empty tokens of cheap selfish pleasure, toys and candy and positions of domination and artificial displays of love.' "Business" is a 'secular command structure with a psychopathic agenda that tramples families, farms, and towns.' 'When you look at the accumulation of capital in its ecological and spiritual context, you see that money is just a dream, a symbolic place-holder for detachment and control.' (as with Brown). 'Civilization is Fascist through and through. In a system built and maintained by the systematic murder and exploitation of other species, there is no stopping the systematic murder and exploitation of other humans. From the perspective of all other life, human civilization is a cancer, but from the perspective of humans, civilization is a blow-up doll, a dead synthetic membrane that we play with for shallow pleasure, in a mockery of real procreation, because we are too frightened and incompetent to deal with the complexity and aliveness of reality.' The blame for the dieoff 'rests on those who permitted billions of human lives to depend on the radically unsustainable exploitation of "resources." 'We really don’t need a planet populated with 6-9 billion monkey-men ('Planet of the Apes' Behold the Ape!)…that’s no way to LIVE.' 'Seven billion monkeys throwing poo (pie fight/slime fight)!' 'If we blow up or degrade the biosphere so it can no longer sustain us -- nature will merely shrug and conclude that letting apes run the laboratory was fun for a while but in the end a bad idea. Nature bites back.' 'The tighter our reality gets, the faster our minds whirl around inside it, like turds going down the toilet. Or is someone reeling us in for the harvest (the Culling)?' “All human plans [are] subject to ruthless revision by Nature, or Fate, or whatever one preferred to call the powers behind the Universe.” Arthur C. Clarke. ('The best laid plans of mice and men gang oft astray.) 'Expect the blood-rimmed extermination of 6.8 billion humans.' 'Mankind is bent on destroying itself by first destroying everything else on the planet just to see what happens.' 'Civilization requires extermination as a way of life.' 'Will it be necessary to kill the patient in order to save it?” “Genocide might be the kindest method.” 'All of us will die, unless something crashes our system sooner and only kills most of us.' 'Civilization has domesticated nonhuman species, brutally destroyed almost all other cultures and captured us into numb, shallow lives of stressful toil and perpetual dissatisfaction, and that, if it could be sustained, would exterminate all life on earth. And we like it! Was the nightmare of Civilization necessary to replace the dream of the earth and make us want to wake up?' It is 'a set of unsustainable lifestyles via unsustainable resource extraction and a small minority of people are belatedly waking up to the ghastly predicament.' 'The final phase of capitalism, which we might call senile, assumes an openly predatory character and an absolute irrationality concerning the ends.' 'Once things congeal into a monolithic government, the heart seems to disappear, and wholesale rape — even of one’s own self — seems to inevitably be the order of the day.' 'The exuberant worldview (i. e., Capitalism) that continuing technological innovations will enable Earth's human carrying capacity to be expanded "to almost any required size", is a sublime denial of reality. America has lost its mind. America is spiraling down into deepening irrationality and confabulation.' Caught in an accelerating death spiral, and the doom loop each time is worse. Robert Oppenheimer said, "the world is moving in the direction of hell with a high velocity, a positive acceleration and probably a positive rate of change of acceleration." 'The road to Hell is paved with free market capitalism, imperialism and psychopaths.' "Our failures", said David Orr, "are being concealed by bad bookkeeping (both fiscal and ecological), dishonest rhetoric, and wishful thinking". "The day of reckoning" is coming soon, for "the world ... is not without limits." 'The things that actually mattered were not things anyone was willing to talk about, and we have the flailings and posturings that have defined American culture.' Civilization is 'predicated on infinite growth, with short-sightedness built in. Artificial scarcity fuels unsustainable levels of consumption.' 'The market system institutes the perception of scarcity in the middle of plenty and sponsors artificial needs. These desires are perpetually thwarted. Everything is kept close by, but tantalizingly just out of reach.' “Anyone who believes that growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.” 'Civilization is just going to keep making mistakes and falling down forever, and in that case the best we can do is minimize the severity of the fall, which is shaping up to be a big one.' 'And post-crash people will be even meaner than already.' We're weak and our weakness shows. Our enemies are preparing to attack ('barbarians at the gate'). 'Once large-scale collapse has occurred, psychopaths take over.' 'So many of the things we like about civilization are tied to things that cannot or must not continue -- consumption of non-renewable resources, extermination of the biosphere, and a billion jobs that nobody would do if they weren't forced.' 'We can allow civilization to collapse under its own weight, or we can dismantle it intentionally in a way that limits the scope of human suffering.' 'Civilization is killing the earth out of jealousy, because it knows the earth has a better system.' 'If we spend our first years enduring overwhelming conflict and trauma, as most civilized humans do, then we learn to carry a permanent stiffness in our bodies (Reich called it "character armor").' 'The repressing of civilized humans, the relentless punishing our natural instincts, mutilating our diversity to fit us in manageable categories crushes our aliveness down to simmering anger and sadness.' Civilization wants 'billions to die, by setting them up so their lives depend on practices that must end in famine and ecological disaster.' 'Our civilization—or even our species—may very well choose (albeit unconsciously) to die.' 'The conscious purpose of science is control of Nature; its unconscious effect is disruption and chaos.' William Irwin Thompson. 'What we call "science" is only one particular science, a style of filtering experience that has been designed by and for a culture of (Cartesian) uniformity and central control. It accepts only experiences that can be translated into numbers, that are available to everyone, and that can be reproduced on command. This is what scientists mean when they demand "proof." But this is only a tiny thread of all possible experiences, most of which are unique, not quantifiable, not reproducible, and not the same for all observers. Basically, the science of Empire deals only with fully domesticated data and not wild data, because a science that accepted wild data would feed a culture that would quickly diversify into a chaos that would make central control impossible. The drugs of detachment and control (Cartesian worldview), which we crave in greater and greater quantities, leads us compulsively toward genocide and ecocide. ' For Lewis Mumford, "The clock, not the steam engine, is the key machine of the industrial age." "Time is money." Zerzan observes, the clock makes "time scarce and life short"; hence the compulsive obsession with speed, efficiency, and convenience in modern technological society. Why else would we seek to get there faster, do it faster, have it faster, except for the belief that our days are numbered? For the first time in history, children are too busy to play. ' For the Anarcho-Primitivist anti-Globalist, 'To know time is to fear it, and to know civilized time is to be terror stricken.' 'And, Lewis Mumford 'makes a compelling case that the first machines were built not of metal or wood but of human beings. - The products of these proto-machines are still visible today, most famously in the pyramids of Egypt, and enabled a new and profound expansion of the human ambition to dominate, subjugate, and eventually transcend nature. In the pyramids was evidence that humans could perform superhuman—that is, godlike—feats such as raising a mountain. And better than a mountain—a geometric shape of perfect precision. New-age pyramidologists who think that the ancient megaliths must have required the technology of an extraterrestrial or Atlantean civilization are right about one thing: only through the mindset and method of machine civilization could they have been built. It is no wonder that in ancient civilizations from Egypt to China to Mesoamerica, the king was accorded divine status (semidivinity). The ancient megaliths were proof that the king was not subject to the ordinary constraints of nature. - Now, with democratization, everyone will be a king, and we aspire through our technology to the status of gods. Note how the characteristics of the gods of the Greek pantheon so closely resemble the ambitions of technological utopia: they possessed immortality, eternal youth, and flawless physical beauty; they could travel at incredible speeds and fly through the air; and they possessed lordship over the processes of nature. The Industrial Revolution that promised to make each human a king or a god also exacerbated human separation from nature. But, the immediate result of steam-driven industry was not to make each man a god, but a slave, and work became toil . The steam engine allowed works beyond human biological capacity, reinforcing the idea that human beings are not actually part of nature, or perhaps that our destiny is to rise above nature, and the remaining "unconquered" natural domains would fall before the juggernaut of science, technology, and industry. The Machine lets us attempt the transcendence of natural limitations, to ascend, like the Babelians, to Heaven and assume the powers of a god. And as foretold by the Babel story, in which a babble of mutually unintelligible languages made it impossible to coordinate the tower-building, the fine division of labor that makes the entire technological project possible eventually generates such difficulty in managing that labor, so much chaos, that the effort collapses under its own weight.' 'Technology is the (insane) attempt to dominate and control and thus improve Nature and ultimately humans themselves.' 'What have we achieved in mowing down mountain ranges, harnessing the energy of mighty rivers, or moving whole populations about like chess pieces, if we ourselves remain the same restless, miserable, frustrated creatures we were before? To call such activity progress is utter delusion.' 'Scientific thought is power thought, and technology is a system of techniques for the application of force. 'This is the Golden Age of the "religion of Science & Technology" where we have become gods. The real conspiracy is not about men wanting to own everything, working with aliens, or any other hypnotic dream they have introduced. The real conspiracy is much higher and a lot grander. The real conspiracy is about a Network of people whose ultimate goal is to play "God." "We now possess the technology to re-make the world in our own image." We can now use our God-like powers to make the world anew. If you swear you saw great supernatural wonders here in the physical, it was just an externalization of your stored mental imagery they put there. The real game here is mesmerization and self-hypnosis. If the Network really does have benevolent immortals, spiritually enlightened Beings who can manifest occult and mystical powers, why do they need you? If the Network really can control gods and angels to do their bidding, in the New World do they really need you?' 'The (actual) conversion of the entire planet into a Great Indoors embodied in the bubble-domed cities' is perhaps a goal of the Rulers anyway. 'People should be placed in parks within ecosystems instead of parks placed in human communities.' Disney World theme parks: 'We would turn the Earth into a Disneyland, with the few remaining wild animals in NatureDomes where every flea would be computer-tagged. And when this system finally crashed, through sheer incompatibility with the cosmos, nothing would survive bigger than bacteria. Not only do civilized people lack primitive skills, we even lack civilized skills -- most of us can't even change the oil in a car. We are the most pathetic and powerless humans who have ever lived. As wonderful as you think your apartment and your TV shows are, that world is a padded cell compared to the rest of the universe.' 'Only people under the spell of Civilization need an exciting vision of a nonexistent future to motivate them. Visions of the future are lies, and a culture that needs to be lied to cannot stand.' 'The biggest question of our time is whether Civilization is a dead end, whether we can get anywhere from here without first going back to Nature and the Primitive.' 'Nothing much can be done until we are able to see the causes of the separation of Nature from human activity.' Raymond Williams. 'The larger context, human nature or the universe itself, must be fundamentally good. If the larger context was amoral or immoral, evil could be totally honest. The fact that evil has to lie proves that it's incompatible with reality. To know if the larger system is good you have to look at the next larger system. And the test of whether a system is good or evil is whether it permits this looking beyond.' 'Instead of trying to save Civilization, or even trying to destroy it, we should just get the hell out.' 'The critique of civilization, when you think it through, leads us directly into the so-called "paranormal," into the expansion of our curious attention through new sciences that can accept and navigate diverse realities.' 'What if 'we're stone age humans in a shamanic trance, running through possible futures until we find the best path through this difficult time, or we're in a Tolkienesque world where an evil wizard has put us under a spell (of the Whore of Babylon), or we're postapocalypse humans projecting ourselves into the past to learn its languages and artifacts. Or an advanced technological people, dying out for reasons they don't understand, are running simulations of the past, trying and failing to find the alternate timeline in which they win.'(Ran Prieur). Psychologist Gregory Bateson: "No organism can afford to be conscious of matters with which it could deal at unconscious levels." 'The subconscious mind lies just below consciousness, and it is easily accessible if attention is paid to it. But the unconscious inaccessible.' But many of my sources don't make this distinction between the unconscious and the subconscious. 'So the high tech information explosion is not creating new information, but is bringing information from subconscious levels, where we were dealing with it just fine, to the conscious level, where it overwhelms the feeble processing power of our rational minds, and leaves us distracted and confused.' Repeating: 'We are just about to go extinct, and our Collective Unconscious knows it.' 'Almighty God allows empires because they do more good than harm. However, there always comes a decadent phase, when they begin to do more harm than good. And thus they are allowed to fall (an opportunity to rebalance the world).' - 'We have imagined throughout the past ten thousand years that, because from time to time we have been able to use the laws of nature to our short- and long-term advantage, we are no longer subject to them. The central assumptions are dysfunctional or lethal (e.g., we can pollute and desertify the planet to our heart’s content). Civilizational collapse is not up to any of us, no matter what we do. The best we can do is to be prepared. People would often rather die than change their culture, and die they will. Sooner or later every civilization busts its budget, cannot afford its armies or its bureaucracies, is unable to suppress increasing dissatisfaction among the masses who must be at least nominally pacified (dithering and fiddling while Rome burns - whistling past the graveyard - bread and circuses), exhausts its resources, suffers from its environmental travesties (the most salient of which is destruction of trees and soil), runs out of food, and is eventually supplanted by simpler more sustainable groups (if there are any around). Civilization is on a course prescribed by laws of nature which have no regard whatsoever for human wishful thinking. ' 'The American Empire, led at best by incompetence, at worst by greed and lies, suffers bankrupting, unwinnable and terrorizing wars, which are begun out of hubris (the illusion of self-satisfied pride). It also has a national mountain of crushing debt of many trillions, which is supported largely, but temporarily, by China’s purchase of US government debt. Now with its illusory debt-financed boom over, the US is plunging into a crisis, as its housing bubble has burst and it faces soaring oil prices. With a dumbed down public education system, at its worst capable of turning out some of the most ill-educated and ill-behaved children in the world, with a health system intent on profit and not health, with a non-existent public transport system, with a throwaway culture of unparalleled wastefulness, with an obesity crisis without precedent in human history, with a dollar so weak that American corporations are asking to be paid in euros, there are those who wonder how much longer the American Empire can continue.' 'The American middle class was quite willing to see the working class here and abroad sold down the river by low cost of sweatshop labor overseas to force down the price of consumer goods at Walmart. And now the same strategies of offshoring and disinvestment that gutted the working class in the 1970s and 1980s are now being turned on them.' 'The 70s were thirty-year vacation from reality that threw away our chances of a less than traumatic transition to the Age of Scarcity.' The 'continued dithering and denial makes the changes required ever more drastic year by year. Had the world begun the transition to sustainability in the 1970's, a great deal of personal freedom and private affluence could have been preserved; as of today, it looks ever likelier than only a Leviathan invested with total power over society can haul us back from the brink of the Olduvai Gorge.' We should have bitten the bullet then. Can we 'permit the American middle class to have its planet and eat it too?' 'The middle class lifestyle is going the way of the dodo bird.' 'What is normal and deserved for a human standard of living - the modern middle class - requires the myths of tides that raise all boats and other nonsense - and presumes the Earth can support any significant human population at the middle class levels enjoyed by this must be dismissed.' As the scales fall (are torn!), one is filled with horror when one realizes just how completely and cruelly one has turned away from the incredible suffering caused by standing upon the heads of politically weaker populations.' "...the American public is deathly afraid of the kind of changes we actually face – such as, the end of consumer culture, the gross loss of value in suburban real estate (which forms the bulk of the middle class's private wealth), the prospect of food and fuel scarcities, the need to re-localize our lives, the need to physically shape up to stop the costly and unnecessary drain on our medical resources, to grow more of our own food, to work harder at things that actually matter, and to save whatever we can for a difficult future." 'America is sleepwalking into the future. ' "... we're not going back to a "consumer" economy. We're heading into a hard work economy in which people derive their pleasures and gratification more traditionally – mainly through the company of their fellow human beings..." 'Consumers" (useless eaters) are different than citizens. Consumers do not have obligations, responsibilities, and duties to their fellow human beings.' Especially useful, 'What if the sympathy for terrorism and the drive toward socialism, the falling birth rates and cultural bankruptcy in civilized countries, the economic decay and decline of the family all have a common cause? We see searches for maximum freedom from responsibility through either a complete lack of rules, or a complete lack of rules backed by the security of a nanny state. The child has a short attention span and is captivated by that which startles him and thereby gains his attention. Many reject taking on the adult roles of a civilization, instead try to drag that civilization back to a juvenile stage. And juvenile in terms of civilization, is just another word for primitive or savage. We see cheering on whatever bunch of Third World thugs wants to destroy us. The "Noble Savage" is used to transform numerous minorities into "avatars" for our own arrested development. We adopt the Muslim as the latest in their line of "Noble Savages." The rising amount of Muslim violence only makes them cling harder to the newfound "savages" whom they hope will show them how to take care of that pesky civilization thing once and for all. Which indeed, given time and power, they will. However at the other end of civilization will not be some lost primitive Eden, but slavery, oppression and death. The birth rate has dropped drastically in just about every civilized country. But that is not surprising because adolescents are not particularly interested in having children. Politics becomes increasingly more abrasive, even as it becomes more devoid of actual content. High culture transforms into random trends of the moment. Low culture simply panders shamelessly to shock value and spectacle. Social and economic activity becomes centered around everyone scurrying to deny the march of time by fulfilling their own selfish needs. Religion collapses, except for cults and mystery religions which offer secret ways to be immortal. The birth rate drops sharply and family life, the center of any civilization, collapses as well. Industry dies away and is replaced by personal services. No one wants to do the dirty work and in any case, a falling birth has created numerous openings at the bottom. Migration brings in a new lower class, which a bored upper class sees as exotic and exciting. The worship of the Noble Savage eventually ends with the sack of civilization. perish in the flames of its own making.' In 'The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability', James Speth says, 'to destroy life as we know it, all we have to do is “keep doing exactly what we are doing today.” (business as usual). Like the 'insane terrorist, we must terminate the industrial economy, thereby giving our species an opportunity to persist a few generations longer. At this point, with our knowledge of the adverse consequences of civilization for non-industrial cultures, non-human species, and even the persistence of our own species, how can any sane person want to keep the industrial age alive?' 'Civilization is not redeemable. - The culture as a whole and most of its members are insane. The culture is driven by (Freud's) death urge, an urge to destroy life. - Stop trying to fix a dying system. This culture will not undergo any sort of voluntary transformation to a sane and sustainable way of living. If we do not put a halt to it, civilization will continue to immiserate the vast majority of humans and to degrade the planet until it (civilization, and probably the planet) collapses. The effects of this degradation will continue to harm humans and nonhumans for a very long time. The longer we wait for civilization to crash – or the longer we wait before we ourselves bring it down – the messier the crash will be, and the worse things will be for those humans and nonhumans who live during it, and for those who come after. The needs of the natural world are more important than the needs of the economic system. From the beginning, this culture – civilization – has been a culture of occupation. - If we did not hate the world, we could not allow it to be destroyed before our eyes. If we did not hate ourselves, we could not allow our homes – and our bodies – to be poisoned. - For the time we are here on Earth – whether or not we end up somewhere else after we die, and whether we are condemned to or privileged to live here – the Earth is the point. It is primary. It is our home. It is everything. - Within this culture, economics – not community well-being, not morals, not ethics, not justice, not life itself – drives social decisions.' - 'Endgame', Derrick Jensen. 'For Jensen, Civilization itself was the poison pill.' 'We have taken a monstrously wrong turn with symbolic culture and division of labor, from a place of enchantment, understanding and wholeness to the absence we find at the heart of the doctrine of progress. Empty and emptying, the logic of domestication with its demand to control everything now shows us the ruin of the civilization that ruins the rest. Assuming the inferiority of nature enables the domination of cultural systems that soon will make the very earth uninhabitable.' John Zerzan. And for Zerzan, 'civilization is pathological, and needs to be dismantled.' ('his vision of utopia requires the death of the mass of the world's population.') 'Many of the ideas of Zerzan are drawn from Frankfurt School authors, especially the analysis of alienation, time, art, culture, etc.' Zerzan leans heavily on early Frankfurt School theorists such Max Horkheimer and Theodore Adorno, in their book 'Dialectic of Enlightenment'. In this book, Horkheimer and Adorno examine the nature of a society based on "rationality" in a deeply critical way that challenges many of Western civilization's basic beliefs and exposes their hidden uses. They point out for instance, that Enlightenment philosophers such as Francis Bacon hoped to "disenchant" the world through a notion of universal rationality which ultimately rationalized the domination of all of nature and reality through the pursuit of knowledge. The result, they say, is that all attempts at Enlightenment have finally become bound up in relations of domination and unfreedom; "the power of the system over human beings increases with every step they take away from the power of nature" since nature, like man, is reduced to that which is useful to the economic apparatus. After the Enlightenment, all pre-agricultural societies are defined as "barbaric" since rather than "mastering nature" in the Baconian sense, they let nature self-organize its own abundance and consciously live within the patterns of its natural cycles. Against what Zerzan calls the domesticating precepts of civilization, they point out that "abundance needs no law, and civilization's accusation of anarchy sounds almost like a denunciation of abundance." The new domination that emerges with Enlightenment is reinforced tautologically so that the defenselessness of women, Jews and nature at various points in history merely naturalizes their continued exploitation and oppression. Meanwhile, the concomitant rise of the culture industry ensures that any divergence outside the realm of the civilization it enforces is totally and immediately stamped out; "existence in late capitalism is a permanent rite of initiation. Everyone must show they identify wholeheartedly with the power which beats them." This "stamping out" occurs through their redeployment as exemplars "condemned to an economic impotence of the eccentric loner," (Lone Rangers)though it is also true that even those who do not resist become increasingly isolated as well. An important point that Zerzan builds on is that this occurs through the advance of technology and communications; radio, television and cars ironically create subjects that "become more and more alike. Communication makes people conform by isolating them." 'Rather than the more inclusive biocentric framework, it is based on an anthropocentric one which states that man exploits nature because man exploits man as a central feature of capitalism.' 'Non-instrumental reason is aware of the project of dominant reason - more control and more domination.' Note that 'Spinoza removed man from the center of the universe (the Spinozist blow to anthropomorphic thought). And Freud achieves this by undercutting Kant's 'Copernican revolution' attempt to bring humanity back to the center.' Concurring is the pioneering, definitive Kötke's 'Final Empire: The Collapse of Civilization and the Seed of the Future': 'The logical extrapolation of civilization is the mental institution.' Quoting extensively, 'Civilization comes from the Latin, civis, referring to those who live in cities, towns and villages. The spread of civilized agriculture is undoubtedly the greatest catastrophe ever to strike the planet. Each major food gaining method of the imperial system —herding, irrigation, plow agriculture, and industrial agricultural— progressively depletes the ability of the earth to sustain life. Civilized agriculture cannot endure. Where the culture of empire (a.k.a., civilization) has spread one finds devastated ecologies. 'Primitivism recognizes that for most of human history, we lived in small communities in balance with each other and our surroundings, without formal hierarchies and institutions to mediate and control our lives.' Jesus on work (and Western Civilization): 'Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Look at the birds in the sky. They don't plant or harvest or gather food into barns. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? Consider how the lilies grow. They never work or spin yarn for clothes. But I say that not even Solomon in all his majesty was dressed like one of these.' As Binford (1968) put it, "The question to be asked is not why agriculture...was not developed everywhere, but why it was developed at all." Jared Diamond says 'Hunter-gatherers practiced the most successful and longest-lasting life style in human history' and has called agriculture “the worst mistake in the history of the human race.” 'The progressive estrangement from nature became outright social control (agriculture).' 'Agriculture is a hard life. It is difficult, dangerous and unhealthy.' 'Agriculture is a desire to have life, and never death; growth, and never decay; health, and never sickness. In the end, it is a fool’s dream doomed to failure, but the longer it goes on, the more death, decay, and sickness is needed to balance out the folly. Civilization distinctly amplifies violence in its unhealthy flight from it. This will not be a return to the Dark Ages; it will be a return to the Stone Age!” (Godesky). 'WW III will be fought with sticks and stones.' 'Agriculture, far from being a natural and upward step, in fact led commonly to a lower quality of life and the beginning (for most) of regular arduous work, oriented to future payoffs and the demands of superiors.' With the coming of large communities, families no longer cultivated the land for themselves and their immediate needs alone, but for strangers and for the future. They worked all day instead of a few hours a day, as hunter-gatherers had done. There were schedules, quotas, overseers, and punishments for slacking off.' Hunter-gatherers typically do less work for the same amount of food, are healthier, and are less prone to famine than primitive farmers. Health deteriorated in populations that adopted cereal agriculture.' 'The condition normal to human being, is hunting and gathering. Humans evolved both mentally and physically, going from simpering apes to pro-humans, as hunters. It isn’t natural for us to be locked up in cities. - Farming is only attractive because it is food security, not because it reflects our natural state we were designed for. Cities and farming have won the propaganda war, being the victors, through infectious disease and subsidized metal working tradesmen, of the war with the old way of life. Hunting and gathering is what we evolved into, farming is what we were forced into. A total civilization collapse, smiting billions of worthless peasant farmers and all the urban dwellers, would allow us to return to our true state, our designed, hardwired, way of life.' 'The violence in our society — wars, murder, violent crime, incarceration, police brutality, and the full impact of our professional violence class shields the ubiquitous violence inherent in our social system: the threat of violence that lies behind paying your rent, obtaining your food, and every other aspect of civilized existence.' 'Human beings, by any honest accounting, are repeat offenders engaged in crimes against nature. It is the corporations that are committing these crimes. 'The unbridled greed that drives these corporations is simply incompatible with sustainable life on our planet. Corporations only respect one thing: force. Our current economic model based on excessive consumption and growth. All Consuming Growth is The Flaw of Western Economies.' 'The upward concentration of wealth ensures that there can never be enough to go around...Human inability to foresee or watch out for long-range consequences may be inherent to our kind, shaped by the millions of years when we lived from hand to mouth by hunting and gathering. It may also be little more than a mix of inertia, greed and foolishness encouraged by the shape of the evolutionary social pyramid. The concentration of power at the top of large-scale societies gives the elite a vested interest in the status quo; they continue to prosper in darkening times long after the environment and general populace begin to suffer.' 'The success of human cultures has been proportional to their readiness and willingness to exterminate or subjugate 'competitors' (plants, animals, other human cultures and members of their own culture) with deliberate, zealous and ruthless barbarity. It has consistently provided the most ruthless members of our society (psychopaths, megalomaniacs, war-mongers and power-crazies) the method, the motive and the opportunity to seize control and establish rigid and vicious hierarchies that entrench and reinforce extreme inequality, to hold power by the threat of violence (sacrificing subordinates in wars and in prisons to keep others in line) and anchoring their authority by claims of divine right.' 'Are they Lizzies or merely a bunch of power-crazed, megalomaniacal, psychopathic assholes?' 'These mentally deranged monsters are an estranged, alien, parasitical force that has infiltrated the highest and most influential sectors of our international governments.' 'George Monbiot, a prominent writer on green issues, has criticized population campaigners, arguing that “relentless” economic growth is nothing to do with population but caused by fairies and gnomes...' For visionary British historian E. P. Thompson, the last stage of industrial civilization is the "last dysfunction of humanity, its total self-destruction," before "civilization leaves deserts behind it." This is 'the last, desperate clutches of a civilization built on utterly unsustainable practices that don't value life on our world. These are the End Times of the corporate oligarchy; the monopolistic for-profit corporation machine that destroyed everything in our world in exchange for a slightly higher quarterly earnings report.' 'In the quest for more money, humanity has sacrificed its food supply, its pollinators (the silence of the bees), it's oceans, forests and soils. Greed-driven humans have used other humans as medical experiments and cannon fodder. Modern medicine mostly treats problems that are caused by industrial civilization. We have created wars to sell more bombs, and we've invented disease to sell psychiatric chemicals.' 'There is no more literal example for Mystery Babylon than modern America.' 'Growth is Madness!: Humanity’s Greatest Challenge.' 'The laws governing the physical universe are real limits to our self-indulgent behavior. They are real limits to growth. They have been a very effective, unbreachable and arguably essential playpen (quarantine).' 'Mankind is demanding that technology overturn the laws of physics. By definition, anything that can overturn natural laws is God, a prideful attempt to be exempt from the laws of physics and nature – the demand that infinite growth is possible on a finite planet. Today we are awash in technology... and we are also dying. We are, in fact, killing ourselves with it. “In the name of God I kill, loot, plunder, rape or exterminate you.” 'The human population will inevitably reduce by billions of people amidst great suffering as the sun sets on Industrial Civilization.' 'It's the system itself that’s diabolical (the Whore of Babylon), and the system can't be fixed by tinkering with the details.' 'As long as maintaining the system is more important that the welfare of people, the people have no escape. They are eventually impoverished—both when the system works and when it doesn't!' As Western Civilization Lies Dying – The Terror of Empire’s Death Spiral: We're 'the most terrifying culture ever to exist, a culture that wholeheartedly, without question, believes in the fantasy that it can continue to live on a finite planet while practicing a way of life predicated on the assumption of infinite growth; a culture that will do anything within its means to reinforce this fantasy—such as, for one, destroy an entire planet through extractive industry and its waste… or, better yet, sending messages to underdeveloped communities around the globe that the resources beneath the ground of their respective communities are needed to keep this fantasy believable for those currently living it: those resources are coveted and they will be taken if they are not voluntarily handed over .' And, 'Our culture has always been, as Nietzsche understood it, “the monster that we are attempting to fight.” Omnicide is defined as 'human extinction as a result of human action.' 'The future cavemen that are try to rebuild civilization will have to do it without the raw materials we had. It will be impossible.' 'Patterns that command our labor under threat of death or prison, that manage and distribute the products of our labor to keep themselves in place, are breaking down. The "economy" is dying, and anyone who's been looking has seen it coming for years. Collapse is the only possible result of an economy that survives by taking more from its environment than it gives. In this case the environment is not only the Earth, which is running out of "resources," but the human species, which is running out of willingness to participate in a coercive and disempowering system. Our "progress"is our descent on engines of disconnection into an artificial hell of computer spreadsheets and tax laws, pavement and cars that turn the grass under your feet into a mile-a-minute green blur ad science that turns your view of the sky into mathematical formulas in windowless rooms. But our intelligence has been growing stronger and stronger, invisibly staying a step behind advances in stupidity-manufacturing techniques. Those of us who don't die of starvation or disease will see a blossoming of human power like nothing in history (the New Jerusalem). We'll learn to live in the same space with other people again instead of buying satanic isolation. We'll turn our lawns into vegetable gardens and feed ourselves with our own hands instead of depending on money and supermarkets. Our alleged poverty will lead us to rebuild community and autonomy that were destroyed by our alleged wealth.' 'It is not a technological return to the Stone Age, as some primitivists envision after the collapse, but a spiritual return (Ascension).' Back to Kötke's 'Final Empire': The ultimate end of this is for all human species to live in giant parasitical cities of cement and metal while surrounded by deserts of exhausted soils (packed like sardines). - Growth is approaching its outer limits and soon will have nothing left to feed on. We have come to the final cycle in which civilization will fall into entropy because it cannot any longer be sustained. The world has never before known this kind of exponentially increasing volume of flow and consumption of food, resources and industrial poisons. Civilization eats up its resources and poisons the earth and will collapse. Don't say “technology will save us,” not realizing that technology got us to where we are. Civilized culture is simply an inversion of our previous culture, a cultural system that has been fundamentally injurious to life since it began . Civilization is out of balance with the flow of planetary energy, a Juggernaut that barrels on toward the precipice with no memory of its history and no vision of its future. Civilization must come to see that its lack of a picture of reality is leading it to suicide. The delusional system of civilization, the mass institutions and our personal lives function on a self- destructive basis. Empires implode, the pathology of empire tipping and beginning the slide into complete disintegration. They collapse from within. As we approach the end of the Final Empire, societies become paralyzed and disintegrate. Civilization is about to self-destruct, the collapse a of time bomb embedded in civilization. Civilization has at its heart a dark and immutable truth, a fundamental error in its operating system. It is a system that is inherently unsustainable and antithetical to life itself. - Civilization is not and can never be sustainable. This is especially true for industrial civilization. - This civilization can only go in one direction from here: down. 'The Final Empire 'is making war on me as well as my neighbors and the rest of the world.' 'The Global Leviathan devours its citizens and anything that threatens to obstruct its voracious expansion of empire.' 'When it does fall, this civilization will collapse like no other ('the harder they fall - -'), for it is the first to have encircled the globe.' We’ll have nowhere to go. 'We will see the trends of ten thousand years of imperial history culminate in our lifetime - We are at the cusp of the last cycle (end of the aeon).' 'All historical civilizations collapse. Since ours (Western civilization) is the biggest, its collapse will be the most significant.' 'If the planet and the human species are to survive we must create paradise (!) We must restore the life of the earth. The only way that the planet can heal itself is for human culture to undergo transformation from a culture of suicide and immediate gratification of immature impulses for material goods into a culture focused on life and wisdom, a culture of paradise (a Phase-Change of the human species). We struggle to throw off the mind conditioning that we have received in civilization. Our reality molding would have us believe that there are environmental problems such as toxic chemicals, radiation and acid rain. The fact is that our life crisis began with empire/civilization' (some 10,000 yrs. Ago). 'Awareness of gathering crisis manifests subconsciously in mass society as all-pervading dread.' 'Civilization is built around obvious benefits that do hidden harm. It extends our power beyond our feeling. Our Empire is falling because nobody believes in it and the whole system seizes up' (turns to stone). 'The Bible is a kind of “cultural user’s manual” for Western Civilization. It spans the 10,000-year Civilization Bubble from its origin, through its peak, describes its implosion, and gives a glimpse of what the planet can expect in both the immediate aftermath and the long-term reboot.' It is the 'writings of a people (Jews) who’ve struggled mightily to keep themselves separate from the Civilization Bubble — to identify it, avoid it, set themselves apart when they too were overrun, to develop ways to escape it, develop metrics for measuring its demise. They saw it for what it was and had no intention of going down with that Ship of Fools. 'The finite nature of Western Civilization': 'Genesis makes no bones about the fact that farming, settlements, cities, kingdoms and civilizations are an evolutionary dead-end, doomed to failure from the very outset(!)' And 'The Book of Revelation represents the “Blow-Off phase” of the Civilization Bubble.' Reductio ad absurdum: "Cashing in" of the entire earth! Remember liquidate means convert (assets) into cash (make liquid). 'Imagine if you are the President of the World and you receive the following offer from aliens: “A sustainable gross world product (GWP) is $10 trillion a year. We would like to make you an offer: $600 trillion for the entire earth. True, we plan to extract all its resources, destroy the topsoil, extract all its resources, poison the oceans, turn the forests into deserts, and use it as a radioactive waste dump.” Of course you would say no but we are essentially saying yes. - the money power helplessly seeks short-term profit even at the expense of our long term survival. As Lenin wrote in a somewhat different context, “the capitalists will sell us the rope with which to hang them.” 'Just like King Midas, we too are converting natural beauty, human relationships, and the basis of our very survival into money. We behave as if we could eat our money.' As Brown's mentor Freud himself said. "I can hardly tell you how many things l - a new Midas - turn into filth." Brown teaches that all human action and creativity is "excrement." 'In its famous paradox, the equation of money and excrement, psychoanalysis becomes the first science to state what common sense and the poets have long known - that the essence of money is in its absolute worthlessness.' 'Property is not simply transferred from feces to money; on the contrary, money is feces, because the anal eroticism continues in the unconscious.' (money is poop). 'Money has become our excrement.' 'A forest is worth nothing compared to the millions of board feet of lumber produced by cutting down that forest.' Repeating, Derrick Jensen says, "It's easier to kill a number than an individual, whether we're talking about so many tons of fish, so many board feet of timber, or so many boxcars of untermenschen Jews." The scientific version!: 'The Holocene is the geological epoch which began around 10,000 years ago (interglacial warming which corresponds to the rise of Civilization). Then, 'The Neolithic Revolution is the term for the first agricultural revolution describing the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering communities and bands to agriculture and cities first adopted about 10 thousand years ago. Hodder believes that the Neolithic revolution was the result of a revolutionary change in the human psychology, a "revolution of symbols" which led to new beliefs about the world and shared community rituals. But, the Anthropocene epoch is the (recent, informal) term that serves to mark the evidence and extent of human activities that have had a significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystems as geomorphological agents as man destroys his own climate and planetary home (humans treading heavily) with deforestation, erosion, biodiversity loss, considered to start with the Industrial Revolution (late 18th century). This is a man-made world: recognizing humans as a geological force overwhelming the forces of nature. But with another view, the Anthropocene may also have begun 10,000 years before present, synchronous with the Holocene (Civilization and the Neolithic Revolution).' 'Civilization is 'rampaging suicidally toward a degree of global wreckage that will result in our own global human extinction' (the Sixth). 'Unless human abuses of the earth cease, there will be a large "mass extinction" event involving the loss of 75 percent of life on earth.' These findings, which have been published in the prestigious journal Nature. The Earth’s sixth mass extinction has arrived?' 'The longer we hang on, the greater the accumulated consequences, and the eventual payback will be even worse . Already, the accumulated damage we humans have wrought over the last few thousand years is enough to cause the sixth great extinction in geological history, and the demise of billions of people.' 'For ten millennia, humans have behaved as rebels against a Nature (Civilization). In the 20th century, however, new technologies, fossil fuels, and a fast-growing population resulted in a “Great Acceleration” of our own powers. Albeit clumsily, we are taking control of Nature’s realm, from climate to DNA. We humans are becoming the dominant force for change on Earth. A long-held religious and philosophical idea — humans as the masters of planet Earth — has turned into a stark reality. Conservation management turns wild animals into pets and the wilderness into parks.' 'In our hubris, we are as gods and might as well get good at it.' (Gods 'R Us!) The (wannabe) god species: can the planet can survive the age of humans? 'We have passed 'the levels of disturbance beyond which humanity should not push—the guardrails for the Anthropocene. Are we rebel organisms destined to destroy the biosphere or divine apes sent to manage it intelligently and so save it from ourselves? Science cannot save us, since science has a poor record in terms of compelling action even among mortals—let alone gods, whose capacity for self-restraint has never really been the stuff of legend.' ' It will take 10 million years before biological diversity even begins to approach what existed before a die-off(!) The loss of biodiversity, measurable by rates of extinction: 'The number of wild animals has fallen by a third in the past 40 years, and the rate of loss is accelerating, especially in our oceans. The lower the diversity of species, the less resilient and stable is our ecosystem.' Millions of years from now, geologists of some different species may find a thin stratum of plastic in the sedimentary rock of ancient seabeds and speculate that maybe it was a strange sort of petrochemical asteroid that caused the giant mass extinction at the end of the Holocene epoch.' 'Mass extinctions serve as huge reset buttons.' Contradicting itself, even the Vatican “has acknowledged the Anthropocene” and now “gone into full-on apocalypse mode” and stated "humans must act decisively now to avert a coming crisis." 'The Anthropocene is unbearably narcissistic. What will that mean to our future cockroach geologist overlords?' 'The Age of Aquarius? Nope, it’s the Anthropocene Epoch!' Whoops! Apocalypse! 'Rapid collapse is probably the "best-case scenario" for the planet. If Industrial Civilization continues for decades longer it will only mean fewer human beings would survive, let alone most other species, the hominid collective suicide event.' 'Civilization sows the seeds of its own demise.' The vertical structures of cities (phallic Towers of Babel) for Brown symbolize a defiance of Nature and an aggressive phallicity (hubris), an attempt to conquer death through lasting and enduring monuments. Brown's attitude to megalithic monuments (and their replacement, city skylines): 'The ambition of civilized man is revealed in the pyramid—the achievement of the first modern individualists. In the pyramid repose both the hope of immortality and the fruit of compound interest. As Heichelheim showed, the Iron Age, at the end of which we live, democratized the achievements of the Bronze Age (cities, metals, money, writing) and opened up the pursuit of kings (money and immortality) to the average citizen. But the inevitable irony redresses the balance in favor of death. Death is overcome on condition that the real actuality of life pass into these immortal and dead things; money is the man; the immortality of an estate or a corporation resides in the dead things which alone endure. Civilized economic activity has this death-defying and deadening structure because economic activity is sustained by psychic energy taking the form of sublimation. All civilized desublimation, and not only the pursuit of money, has this structure.' 'The money complex (Marx's cash nexus)is the demonic, and the demonic is God's ape; the money complex is therefore the heir to and substitute for the religious complex, an attempt to find God in things. It's a case of the children's game Simple Simon Says (me). Before you do anything at all always come to me and say 'May I, Lord?' Did you say to me, 'Lord, may I build New York City?' No you didn't. What we have here is a failure to communicate, a communication breakdown. If you had of asked me, I would have said don't bother, you're wasting your time. I nearly always say no to anything you want to do. As the Bible tells you, 'Thy will be done, Lord.' Is that so hard to understand? But after you've built it, you then come to me and say 'Lord, look at my handiwork. Isn't New York magnificent?' I say you've went to a lot of trouble for nothing. That city has now become filled with demons, devils and monsters. All the cities around the world I have marked for destruction. And they said, 'Go to, let us build us a city and a tower (a ziggurat), whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.', constructed by the giant Nimrod. Nimrod: The First One World Dictator & Pontifex Maximus (means literally: "greatest bridge-maker") . War Between Heaven And Earth Brown says, 'The pyramid, with its winding corridors and labyrinthine galleries inside, is an artificial cave; the ziggurat artificial or architectural mountain with spiral stairs on the outside. The megalithic maze at Stonehenge or Carnac is an alternative embodiment architectural embodiment of the same idea. The palace is a labyrinth – The palace was the nucleus of the city.' The megalith's replacement, the New York skyline is prideful (cosmic hubris) man's challenge to God (me) and an attempt to storm Heaven by force (the Tower of Babel). 'Through science and technology we ourselves presumed to the functions previously ascribed to God: we dared to displace God.' (as with the Tower of Babel.) Skyline Towers 'Skyline' (2010) Humanity I Vacuum Up/Suck Up/Snatch/Yank! The Secret Rapture! 'Skyline' (2010) Humanity I Vacuum Up/Suck Up/Snatch/Yank! The Secret Rapture/Ascension! In 'Skyline' (2010), 'Like moths to a flame, a light source in the sky is drawing people outside before they suddenly vanish into the air as an otherwordly force is swallowing the entire human population off the face of the earth (sucking up/vacuuming up humanity to their saucers).' 'Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.' 'Take me home, Lord!' 'Energize!' 'Beam me up, Scotty!' One review labels the film: 'Mass Conditioning for those left behind after the Rapture.' Note my repeating theme of the tug of war between the two poles (males vs. females in command): her vacuum cleaner pulls us to Hell, and my vacuum cleaner sucks us up above to Heaven! Quoting one site, the 'mystical model of sacred geometry, the New Jerusalem represents a measuring-out of Heaven on Earth, the architecture of a macrocosmic temple into which all humankind enters to receive its final transformative quickening (as with Art Bell's Coast to Coast). Crossing this final threshold into the numinous Light of the great Beyond, the many millions of humankind will disassemble into a metamorphic Omegon unshackled from the outmoded mores of space and time.' (the Ascension/Grand Awakening/Harvest/Secret Rapture) Compare also the Book of Revelation, 'And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.' Who wins? God (me), guaranteed! Repeating, 'For the very last time we are players in the cosmic struggle (the War in Heaven ) pitting God against Satan for the Final Battle. We are pawns in this cosmic chess match, as Fort and also LA Marzulli have observed, in this Sport of the Gods interventing and manipulating earthly events and human lives. Satan puts Jesus in check, but Jesus makes the final move for checkmate! God wins again! 'Civilization has reached the end-game stage of chess. You're 'playing chess along a board with people as pieces, taking human life just like they're only sacrificing a pawn. Don't you know the game is rigged; the best that you'll do is a stalemate.' The only way to win is not to play. Alien Cosmic Chess Master (Me) God Wins Again! Checkmate and Match! How does Attila the Hun get laid? He and his henchmen cordon off New York city. They take great care to extract all the nubile young females. Then they torch the city making a bonfire of its ten million inhabitants, and Attila has a bonus. Gorgeous sex slaves! Attila is on the way! 'Attila the Hun claimed that his success at pillaging half the Roman empire was God's punishment on the wicked.' Genghis Khan is also coming: 'I am the Scourge of God. Had you not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.' Dealing with the surplus: Druids placed men inside a wooden manikin and set them on fire to pay tribute to the gods. (See the 'Wicker Man' film where this is depicted.) '♪ They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom For trying to change the system from within I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin I'm guided by a signal in the heavens I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin I don't like your fashion business, mister And I don't like these drugs that keep you thin I don't like what happened to my sister First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin (Leonard Cohen) The Tarot Cards Return to Topics The Fool The Fool The Tower of Babel The Tower of Babel King of the World The King of the World If you go to a Tarot Reader, you'll see them stack the Tarot cards in piles of suits. This shows they don't understand the cards. It takes a Holy Fool to understand them. The cards are simple narrative, start to finish. The cards must be laid out in order. The 0 card is the happy Fool starting out his journey in life (the Holy Fool's Journey/Quest) in tattered clothes sewn out of the multicolored patches of the Joker with knapsack slung over his shoulder and white rose of innocence while the dog nips at his heels. With each new card he picks up new life experiences and strengths. The Fool walks with his head is in the clouds in a trance, oblivious of the approaching cliff. Jesus warned: 'Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?' This way to the ditch where I as the Fool am leading you (my Fairy Dump)! Jesus made a Freudian slip here - ditch means sucked down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/labyrinth/manhole to Hell! 'The Fool is lacking in clear rational thought, but can surprise the wisest with spontaneous wisdom.' 'In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king' (a H. G. Wells story). It is equally true that in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is an enemy of the state, the people, and domestic tranquility… and necessarily so. Someone has to rearrange the furniture.' Jesus (and Marxist ideology) attempt to follow an unpolitical “zig zag” (sideways) in the face of power. '♪ Just don't know where The blind could lead the sightless but I still like to witness thieves and snakes need homes' (Interpol) Return to Topics The Hanged Man The Hanged Man Jesus on the middle cross: 'And with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left.' '♪ Clowns to the left of me! Jokers to the right! Here I am stuck in the middle with you'. (Bob Dylan) Brown says. 'Genital on a crosstree; the Christmas tree or Christ mast – what is lifted up is the serpent, the phallus. “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so the Son of Man must be lifted up.” The Fool is not bright maybe, but at least he knows to avoid the fate of the Hanged Man, the fate of the Jews so often and of Jesus in particular on his cross. He's aware of the fate of another well known Holy Fool: 'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do And they crucified him and divided his garments among them, casting lots for them, to decide what each should take.' In the card, his body is the Jewish hexagram shape (Star of David) and has the angelic light of the dove descending (spark of the divine). ''And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.' Remember, light unconsciously signifies slime (as I said above with me on my Great White Throne). And the halo of light you see in pictures of me and my saints (also in the psychic 'aura' or the 'vril') signifies slime. Repeating, 'It's my deadly blessing! (when I bless Jesus - and you! - with my rain of slime from my Heavenly Throne Perch). Repeating, Brown notes, 'Annunciations, messages, messengers, angels, having intercourse with the daughters of men, making pregnant through the ear; angels or birds, winged words or doves of the spirit. The flying bird or angel is an erection or winged phallus. - A supernatural pregnancy: “A being, be it man or woman, who has the Holy Ghost within him is pregnant or full of semen and in ejaculating words of prophesy the wizard either ejaculates semen or gives birth to a child.' Moody Blues - 'Every Good Boy Deserves Favor' - 'Boy' Shown The 'Light' 'He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven.' Rev 13:16: '♪ Blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down' Andres Serrano - Ejaculate In Transit: Target = Piss Christ Unsurprisingly, Serrano is 'from a half Honduran, half Afro-Cuban background (Latin mongrel) and was raised a strict Roman Catholic.' He received taxpayer money for his 'work'! alt=What Would Jesus Do? What Would Jesus Do? 'Halo' Unconsciously = Light = Bathed in Slime! My Deadly Blessing! Return to Topics Notes found at 'Many Spiritualists' and Christians' acceptance of Spiritualist/New Age claims have argued for "resurrection" in what might be termed an astral or light body, a non-corporeal body suitable for life in an ascenstion to the other plane. - - In the case of the transfiguration of Jesus, the term refers to his transformation or shape-shifting into a shining cosmic man, a light being. - In Transfiguration images Jesus is portrayed in front of an open gate, sometimes filled with stars, and composed of various geometric shapes, such as almond-shaped mandorlas (vesica piscis) or stars. Alternately, the gate is composed of concentric rings indicating ‘depth’ or ‘dimension’, and also vibration. (Today, we use the terms ‘stargate’ and ‘wormhole’ to denote such holes in space-time.) - All that was required to effect the transmutation was the Philosopher’s Stone (= the pure tone or ring of the gate). This Stone causes the body to emit or secrete an elixir - the Secretion of the Ages - that purifies the body, transfiguring it to light' (which unconsciously means slime). According to tradition, Jesus in the tomb had such a light body.' William Henry on Coast to Coast AM discussed topics such as: various ancient prophecies, stargates, traveling between dimensions, wormhole travel, arrival of light beings, the true self of light, light body activation and ascension, which I discuss here. William Henry's Light Body Stargate Henry notes that, 'The Resurrection Body of Jesus, the feather covered Vortex-Shaped bodies of the Seraphim (“winged serpents”) and glow rays Rainbow Body of Tibetan Buddhism all refer to Bodies of Light (Spark of the Divine) and the Next Level (Ascension) of Humanity. - the swirling Vortex is the luminous Stargate seen when these beings materialize. - when Jesus was on the Cross of Crucifixion topped by a dove, a portal opened behind him.' Dimensional Portals: 'In the biblical parlance there have been anomalies spoken of such as pillars of fire and a magnetic whirlwind known as Elijah’s vehicle. This whirlwind was present during the journey of the children of Israel and appeared during the moment of Christ’s Transfiguration.' By the way, Sir James Fraser noted, in addition to Jesus, other bleeding dying and resurrected Gods, such as Osiris, Odin or Adonis share features in common (virgin birth at the Winter Solstice, descent to the Underworld - the Harrowing of Hell - which I'm doing once again with my rebirth as association with fertility). Jesus at Easter and I are the Pagan Spring Fertility God who's reborn. Web info on the parallels: 'The ancients' gods: a. Were born on or very near our Christmas Day b. Were born of a Virgin-Mother c. Were born in a Cave or Underground Chamber. d. Led a life of toil for Mankind. e. Were called by the names of Light-bringer, Healer, Mediator, Savior, Deliverer. f. Were however vanquished by the Powers of Darkness. g. And descended into Hell or the Underworld. h. Rose again from the dead, and became the pioneers of mankind to the Heavenly world. i. Founded Communions of Saints, and Churches into which disciples were received by Baptism. j. Were commemorated by Eucharistic meals.' A lengthy table of dieties similar to Jesus: 'Adad of Assyria, Adonis Apollo, Heracles, Zeus of Greece Alcides of Thebes Attis of Phrygia Baal of Phoenicia Bali of Afghanistan Beddru of Japan Buddha of India Crite of Chaldea Deva Tat of Siam Hesus of the Druids Horus, Osiris, and Serapis of Egypt Indra of Tibet/India Jao of Nepal Krishna of India Mikado of the Sintoos Mithra of Persia Odin of the Scandinavians Prometheus of Caucasus/Greece Quetzalcoatl of Mexico Salivahana of Bermuda Tammuz of Syria Thor of the Gauls Universal Monarch of the Sibyls Wittoba of the Bilingonese Xamolxis of Thrace Zarathustra/Zoroaster of Persia' Near the end is the Tower of Babel card . The Tower is being struck by lightning (= slime) and has caught fire. People are jumping out of the upper windows. The Fool as Wizard Rainmaker is doing these special effects. And this precisely is what I did during the Tower of Babel World Trade Center attack, where in addition to the planes, separately I called up my Invisible Rain and Lighting (= slime) planetwide (Mass Psychosis). In the last card, the Joker/Fool, who has jest (not misspelled) come to crown, the wild man from Borneo, stands as the the hermetic parallel-world doppelganger Premature Starchild androgyne King of the World, to which I equate the World card. 'Tis jest jibberweek's joke.' Jest clowning around. Schuchard quotes visionary seer William Blake, 'the two-fold form Hermaphroditic and the Double-sex'd/ The Female-male and the Male-female.' That's who you see. Me. Standing in front of you as King of the World! However, I don't plan to wear an actual crown like the Holy Fool. Let me elaborate a moment on Mass Psychosis (the Secret Rapture). Repeating some of the list from my 1986 book: PURPLE RAIN COLORED RAIN GREEN RAIN FAIRY RAIN INVISIBLE RAIN BLOWING THE WIND REAPING THE WHIRLWIND IDIOT WIND THE WHISPERING WIND BLOWN AWAY BY THE LIGHT GONE WITH THE WIND RADAR LOVE WEATHER WAR PLANET WAVES FIRE AND BRIMSTONE SUCKED DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE/SLIPPERY CHUTE/HATCH/MANHOLE MY PLANETARY ENEMA/PURGE TWINKLING OF AN EYE THE RAPTURE THE SECRET RAPTURE THE SUDDEN DEPARTURE THE FLOOD MY FAIRY DUMP I said then, 'At first sight, looking over this by no means exhaustive list, it appears we need to get out our umbrellas (or perhaps a degree in meteorology). I also said, 'After all, no one can predict the weather.' '♪ How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand? Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly Before they're forever banned? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, The answer is blowin' in the wind. How many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, The answer is blowin' in the wind. How many years can a mountain exist Before it's washed to the sea? Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free? Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head, Pretending he just doesn't see? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, The answer is blowin' in the wind.' (Bob Dylan) '♪ You got your life planned carefully But you left out one detail The hidden hand deals just one round And the winds of change prevail Hang on - It's starting again Hang on - There's no shelter from The wind Hang on - Like a fire from the sky Winds of change are blowing by (Jefferson Starship) '♪ Burning down the house Hold tight wait till the party's over Hold tight We're in for nasty weather There has got to be a way Burning down the house Here's your ticket pack your bag: time for jumpin' overboard The transportation is here Close enough but not too far, Maybe you know where you are Fightin' fire with fire All wet hey you might need a raincoat Shakedown dreams walking in broad daylight (the dolls) Three hun-dred six-ty five de-grees (upside down - topsy turvy) - Gonna burst into flame - Some things sure can sweep me off my feet Burning down the house No visible means of support and you have not seen nuthin' yet Everything's stuck together I don't know what you expect starring into the TV set (Talking Heads) '♪ I got something to say it's better to burn out than fade away We're gonna blow like dynamite We got the power, got the glory We're gonna burn this damn place down Down to the ground' (DEF LEPPARD ) Both Freud and Jung taught that the unconscious is collective. It is the common possession of all of us. Everyone on the planet is wired together by means of the Collective Unconscious. Brown says, 'The unconscious to be made conscious; a secret disclosed; a veil to be rent, a seal to be broke open.' This is the transmission medium I use on my Weird Radio. Brown noted, 'In the deepest level of our unconscious, we find not fantasies, but telepathy.' (telepathy as a form of archaic communication). Brown says, 'A Magnetic field of action at a distance; or a magical field . . . action at a distance, the center of Freud's interest in the “Occult.” The message I send on it when I get inside your head is frequently garbled, and it fades in and out. The transmission medium is not always clear. The Tower of Babel is the Biblical confusion of tongues (the meaning of Babel) = Mass Psychosis = the gibbering of the mad on the Weird Radio = the Secret Rapture. 'And they said, 'Go to, let us build us a city and a tower (a ziggurat), whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.', constructed by the giant Nimrod. War Between Heaven And Earth 'let us (plural = Elohim) go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. - This is why it was named Babel, because there the LORD turned the language of the whole earth into babble.' Skyline Towers Brown says, 'Civilization originates in stammering, the builder is a stutterer: Balbus babbles; Balbus builder of the Tower of Babel. The thunder is God stuttering: to speak broken heaventalk.' For Brown, 'Confusion, source of renewal', quoting Vico, 'Imaginative metaphysics shows that man becomes all things by not understanding them.' Pentecostals speak in tongues (glossolalia = the gibbering of the mad). Brown says, 'The fall is into language.... And overcoming the consequences of the fall is speaking with tongues. ... a second fall into the second innocence; verbum infans, the infant or ineffable word. . . To restore to words their full significance ... is to reduce them to nonsense.... Get the nothingness back into words ... Empty words, corresponding to the void in things. - To restore to words their full significance, as in dreams, as in 'Finnegans Wake' is to reduce them to nonsense, to get the nonsense or nothingness or silence back into words; to transcend the antimony of sense and nonsense, silence and speech. It is a destruction of ordinary language; playing with fire, or madness; or speaking with tongues. - Schizophrenics pass beyond ordinary language (the language of the reality- principle) into a truer, more symbolic language' and 'attain the mad truth.' - speaking with tongues (= the gibbering of the mad); the primordial language, from before the Flood or the Tower of Babel – the dialect of God is solecism.' Brown was searching for the 'lingua Adamica, a "real" language consisting not of conventional signs but expressing the direct, unmediated meaning of things.' And, he says, 'Barbarism, or speaking with tongues as in Finnegans Wake polyglot turning into glossolalia (= the gibbering of the mad). Pentecost' 'At Pentecost tongues of fire, a flame in the shape of the male member. Speaking with tongues is fiery speech, speech as a sexual act - ' In freedom is fusion. Pentecostal freedom. Pentecostal fusion. Speaking with tongues; many tongues, many meanings. The Babylonian confusion of tongues redeemed in Pentecostal fusion. - Upside down. Not the reality-principle but surrealism. Surrealism, a systematic illumination of the hidden places and progressive darkening of the rest; a perpetual promenade right in the forbidden zone. Go down and stay down, in the forbidden zone; a descent into hell. - The Pentecostal darkness; the sun shall be turned to darkness. In freedom is fusion. Pentecostal freedom. Pentecostal fusion. Speaking with tongues; many tongues, many meanings. The Babylonian confusion of tongues redeemed in Pentecostal fusion. Also, 'if consciousness is all words and no silence, the unconscious remains unconscious. To redeem words, out of the market place - - Out of this world; out of Vanity Fair; out of the market place. Put the mind out of business. Words are to be redeemed; taken out of the market place.' Now that you see me in person, I can tell you straight out what the content of the message I was transmitting was. It was: 'She's getting too hot! Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! The women are waking up!' The Real Story of the World Trade Center Attack, the Tower of Babel for this World Age/Aeon/Cycle Now Ending (Western Civilization) Return to Topics War Between Heaven And Earth As discussed earlier, Mass PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) came into play with the terrorist attack, with symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, selective memory (amnesia about what actually occurred) and numbing. But, behind the screen memory you built to deal with the trauma, on 9/11, there were actually three things going on at once, and one was not visible to the eye. First, there were the two planeloads full of zombies whipping through the air going into the Twin Towers. Zombies? Zombies! Yes, as in my Judgment I gave you a few minutes ago, you're dead - the Living Dead (you're 'the grateful dead')! Zombies. 'The 9/11 firefighters and police were labeled "heroes" just for doing their normal jobs.' 'Where was Luke Skywalker on September 11? He was piloting his silver fairy spaceship into a giant grey monolithic structure symbolizing a Universal Empire, inspired by a bearded guy in the desert.' 'A billion people watched the most shocking and well-crafted spectacle in history, and it turned a bored, narcissistic nation into a hornet's nest of blind rage.' In his unconscious, Osama Bin Laden unzipped his pants and sent two silver fairy seeds whistling through the air to the Towers (he was attacking the Whore of Babylon, New York, the financial capital of plantewide Hell). Osama Bin Laden's Silver Fairy Seeds The Brain from Planet Arous 'The Brain from Planet Arous' -Madman Cackles While Shooting Down Airliners with his Weird Eyes. (Note the Poster Sex Attack) Return to Topics Hollywood closely prophesied this scenario in advance. In 'Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe' (the title itself is a prophecy of me – the Sky Marshal of the Universe - bonus, the cast is donned in fairy Robin Hood tights), at the very end a spaceship (phallic silver seed to the future) is sent hurtling into Emperor Ming the Merciless's stronghold, which is a tall phallic tower where he's holed up, blowing it to smithereens, reminiscent of the Towers. Think of Saddam Hussein deep in his shaft hole (phallic symbolism). (As an Oedipal aside, Flash is the hunk (Alpha Male), Dale Arden is the doll and their offspring (a son of a gun and an SOB) is the evil dead fairy demented pervert alien sex fiend dwarf – Ming the Merciless - me.) Second, there was the anthrax letterbomb attack by obviously a madman. As I said when I discussed the Holy Fool at the Tower of Babel Tarot card, the third thing was me calling up my invisible thunder and lighting (= slime) rainstorm striking at the Twin Towers (Mass Psychosis). I was copying the madman in my favorite movie 'The Brain from Planet Arous' (1958) and shooting airliners out of the sky (compare the poster falling airliner with the all fall down fairy bowling shown in earlier from 'FlashForward' TV). This is Wizard Rainmaking. In other words, I fired up my Weird Radio - the Secret Rapture (holding up my Invisible Radio up) a day or so before the attack (we the gods know when something big is coming down) and continuing for a day or so thereafter. Amazingly enough, psychologist Roger Nelson's "Global Consciousness Project” later provided corroborating confirmation for the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks! He observed a spike that also began a day or so before the attack and continuing for a day or so thereafter on his network! And this was the tallest spike he has observed before or since! And at 9/11, I was the only one broadcasting. Like Osama, I was attacking the Whore of Babylon, symbolized by the Towers in New York, the financial capital of Hell. The first time I broadcast in 1973, I was only one of hundreds of Angels of the Lord Blowing the Horn. And in subsequent broadcasts, fewer and fewer were broadcasting, until I was the only one left at 9/11. I'm the last man on earth! By contrast, you aren't men. You are only devils – zombies – the living dead. I have known from my cradle that I was born to rule, and I had my confirmation then, when I as the last man on earth was the only one broadcasting. So you shouldn't be surprised that I now stand before you as King of the World! Neil Young in 'After the Gold Rush' (my second favorite rock song of all time) 'prophesied' this: '♪ Well, I dreamed I saw the knights In armor coming, Saying something about a queen. (the Whore of Babylon?) There were peasants singing and Drummers drumming And the archer split the tree. There was a fanfare blowing To the sun That was floating on the breeze. Look at Mother Nature on the run In the nineteen seventies. Look at Mother Nature on the run In the nineteen seventies. Well, I dreamed I saw the silver Space ships flying In the yellow haze of the sun, There were children crying And colors flying All around the chosen ones. All in a dream, all in a dream The loading had begun. They were flying Mother Nature`s Silver seed to a new home in the sun. Flying Mother Nature`s Silver seed to a new home'. As the Last Man on Earth, the Chosen One he sang of, I turned out to be the Archer for 9/11 with the phallic Towers as targets. As landmarks, they were sitting ducks for my slime cruise missiles (my special effects via my Weird Radio). The silver seeds to the future were the airliners. The 'loading' Neil 'prophesied' is the resulting billions raptured out! Loading as with Noah's Ark or the Wicker Man legend. Pile 'em high! This is my Karmic Cleansing/Purification/Culling/Pruning of the Earth in My Conflagration at World's End! His 'new home' is the New Jerusalem where I'm leading you! Repeating Brown on the Tower of Babel, 'Speaking with tongues; many tongues, many meanings. The Babylonian confusion of tongues.' '♪ Turn around go back down go back the way you came Can't you see the flash of fire ten times brighter than the day And behold the mighty city broken in the dust again Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again Turn around go back down go back the way you came Babylon is laid to waste Egypt's buried in her shame Their mighty men are beaten down the kings are fallen in the ways Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again Turn around go back down go back the way you came Terror is on every side though the leaders are dismayed Those who put their faith in fire in fire their faith shall be repaid Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again Turn around go back down go back the way you came Shout a warning to the nations that the sword of god is raised On Babylon that mighty city rich in treasure wide in fame It shall cause thy towers to fall and make it be a pyre of flame (Tower of Babel – WTC attack) Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again Thou that dwell on many water rich in treasure wide in fame (the Whore of Babylon) Bow unto a god of gold thy pride of might shall be thy shame Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again And only God can lead the people back into the faith again Thy holy mountain be restored (My Commanding Heights Throne Perch) thy mercy on thy people Lord' (Gordon Lightfoot) 'I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.' 'Many of the great ruins that grace the deserts and jungles of the earth are monuments to progress traps, the headstones of civilizations which fell victim to their own success. In the fates of such societies — once mighty, complex, and brilliant — lie the most instructive lessons...they are fallen airliners whose black boxes can tell us what went wrong.' (Ronald Wright). The famous Romantic poem: 'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!' Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away". (Shelley) The WTC attack was a Perfect Storm confluence of End Times Tower of Babel events. 'The technology of the apocalypse exists. 'What leapt to mind -- and instantaneously filled our papers and TV reporting -- was previous screen life, the movies.' 'The ultimate work of art: With regard to Hollywood catastrophe movies, the WTC towers attack was like 'snuff pornography versus ordinary sado-maso porno movies.' 'Welcome to my Hollywood Movie-Made Planet! (9/11 in a Movie-Made World!): 'An explosion Hollywood 'prophesied' in 'The Towering Inferno.' 'The events seemed so strangely familiar. We had been living with the possible return of our most powerful weaponry via TV and the movies, novels and our own dream-life.' And 'The awful events were endlessly replayed, as if those bodies leaping from the Twin Towers would never hit the ground (as with Hollywood freeze frame stop the clock specimens pinned in amber - freeze frame.) 'What came instantly to mind was a nuclear event. The people on the street, everything and everyone were so covered with ash [and said] it looked 'like a nuclear winter in lower Manhattan. - It was quickly dubbed "Ground Zero," a term previously reserved for the spot where an atomic explosion had occurred.' 'The two mighty towers came crumbling down in that vast, roiling, near-mushroom cloud of white smoke.' 'Like any errant offspring, Little Boy and Fat Man, those two atomic packages with which we had paid them back for Pearl Harbor, were destined to return home someday.' (Nietzsche called it the 'Eternal Return of the Repressed'). 'Just as planets were regularly nuclearized in Saturday-morning TV cartoons' (or Darth Vader's Deathstar). The phrase 'tilting at windmills' comes from Cervantes' very early (1605) literary classic 'Don Quixote' meaning to quixotically, madly, futilely attack targets as imaginary enemies. He fantasized he was a knight of chivalry or “Man of La Mancha”, a shining 'hero who carries his enthusiasm and self-deception to unintentional and comic ends'. A telling detail: he felt they were Giants! In 'V for Vendetta' (2005), V, hiding behind a mask, blows up Big Ben as a (phallic) landmark target, takes control of the airwaves, and later attacks the Houses of Parliament, all to impress his lady love, who wavered on accepting him! To Greet the New Golden Age of the Returning Gods - New Jerusalem Descending to Earth! (The Time Vortex Funnel through the Null Point Event Horizon/Stargate/Wormhole/Great Shift/Ascension/Secret Rapture; Jay Weidner; the Culling; the 'New World Order' conspiracy) Return to Topics '♪ Let all the dreamers wake the nation. (H. G. Wells' 'When the Sleeper Wakes' was a dystopian prophesy of our present horrors and malformities.) Come, the New Jerusalem.' (Carly Simon) '♪ Waiting for the break of day.'(Chicago) 'Man becomes mythy again; that it to say mute' (= turned to stone) (Brown) Finnegan Beginnagain we are back again before the Birth of Tragedy before the Gods of Greece ('before the Greek invention of the polis cut us off from Nature in the first great act of alienation') something more elemental. For Joyce it's 'pawses' time. (the veneer of civilization is very thin) And, 'we start from scratch' Mme. Blavatsky prophesied, “We have not long to wait, and many of us will witness the Dawn of the New Cycle.” Similarly, Occultist René Guénon prophesied, “We have in fact entered upon the last phase of the Kali-Yuga, the darkest period of the ‘dark age’, the state of dissolution from which it is impossible to emerge otherwise than by a cataclysm. - we genuinely are at the end of a cycle and the threshold of a new era.” 'And, at the end of the Kali Yuga, Brahma will awake from his dream and the whole cycle will begin again.' In 'The Geometry of the End of Time: Proportion, Prophecy, and Power', Robert Lawlor shows how: 'Using their knowledge of temporal patterns to reconstruct the past, our ancestors were able to prophesize the whole of human existence, from its birth to its decline, a span they divided into eras called Yugas. In the Western world they are known as the Great Ages of Mankind. The exact endpoint of our current Yuga--the Kali Yuga, which prophesizes the ultimate dissolution of modern civilization--has been concealed for thousands of years within secret societies, yet clues to its measurements and patterns can be found in the sacred geometry of ancient monuments, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, as well as in the unfolding patterns of history. Confirming recent discoveries in physics that time is an active field of force like magnetism and gravity, Lawlor explains the proportional and harmonic structure of the Yuga system, an invisible rhythmic pattern embedded in time itself, and how it relates to the precession of the equinoxes, the Mayan Calendar, and the astronomical plan of Stonehenge.' 'When classicist Norman O. Brown was asked to identify the book which he found himself going back most often to, he responded, "I want to name Owen Barfield’s “Saving the Appearances". Barfield was inspired by occultist Rudolph Steiner. ' Everything Rudolf Steiner said was infused with that sense of intimate belonging, with the certainty that what we are is what we see and taste and hear. . . inside a greater seeing and hearing and thinking. . . one that lends us its way if we are quiet enough Barfield calls this recovered state 'final participation', and it is radically different from 'original participation', what Paul meant by "Christ within me". Original participation perceived the Logos "on the other side" of the phenomena. Final participation Knows it within. we return to where we were in the beginning and we are in a different place. We have, in Barfield's metaphor, rediscovered the fountain of life that we had replaced with a system of laws, a mature participation of true knowledge, not the blind instinctive participation of the older time - the next step in humanity's evolution We are evolving toward this final, spiritual participation--the sanctified imagination. At the same time, we fight off the tendency to create dead perceptions of reality and call them idols.' 'Barfield's ‘alpha thinking’ is thinking about the world, whereas ‘beta thinking’ is thinking about thought itself.' 'Barfield takes meaning, and ultimately spirit, as primary in the co-evolution of consciousness and the external world. The chaos of constructivism would call, then, not for a retreat to Enlightenment science, but for passing through it to what he termed postmaterialism or final participation' - "a self conscious rapport with the whole phenomenal world." 'You're not just a drop in the ocean (of billions), but the ocean in the drop.' (Deepak Chopra). We need to 'arrange for the smooth out-working of this end-of-cycle advancement.' 'Nobody alive now will get to see the Transcendence. It will be a process, drawn out, messy, and unresolved.' 'We face a 'new development in spiritual evolution - the global shift.': 'The spiritual hierarchy that is responsible for the evolution of life here on Earth is waiting to effect this planetary transformation.' 'We are headed for a Golden Age, with health and youth restored to us, with the wisdom of masters ours, with peace and harmony returned to Earth. All the chaos and turmoil you see around you now is designed to clear the decks for this global transformation, this planetary shift to occur.' 'We must and release those within: flocks of faeries, spirits, angels and demons, lords and ladies, all our relatives hidden' - “the lovesick gods of heaven and earth” (and waiting for us to welcome them back). The descending New Jerusalem is in fact the alternate parallel world/astral plane (labeled the Afterlife by prophets) waiting for us. In the New Jerusalem, 'We will meet many new friends and recover relationships with many old friends. The planet’s history of want and neglect is soon to end and a new era of prosperity and abundance to begin.' Now, let me pull together the schematic sequence of events now occurring. Traditional Christian prophecy uses strict linear time culminating in the Second Coming and the end of the world. 'Linear time (straight line historicism) hammers out cyclic time flat.' But quoting Verene on Joyce's Vico, 'Joyce transforms the three ages of gods, heroes and humans of Vico's "ideal eternal history" into a structure of four -- the fourth is the stage of dissolution, heralding the renewal at the end of the cycle.' So Joyce added the upcoming fourth age - the Golden Age (Second Coming) to Vico's three ages. Linear time ends then, and the next cycle begins making a widening spiral (= cone). 'The Reunion to come will be not a return to a pristine past but a reunion on a higher level of consciousness, an oscillatory spiraling and not a circling.' Brown says, 'a cyclical view of history, a cycle of world ages.' 'The three phases (the divine, the heroic, and the human), finally dissolve into what Vico called "the barbarism of reflection," a returned barbarism in which common sense has been broken down by individual interests. The interests are spurred because individuals each think according to their own conceptual scheme without concern for the society, which makes it barbaric. These private interests lead into a civil war in which everyone betrays everyone else. This takes humanity back to where it started — individual giants acting solely on their own individual passions (cyclic).' The Frankfurt School's 'The Dialectic of Enlightenment' presents a cyclical, or oscillatory (Hegelian), view of history (and of the future) in which each triumphant civilization contains the seeds of its own disintegration.' Anthropologist Levi-Strauss says, “the characteristic feature of the savage mind is its timelessness,” characterized by 'the infinite knowledge, wide-eyed wonder, nonjudgmental response, and the immediate joy of being of babies. (as Brown empahsized.) Opening the Third eye/Second Sight accesses the limitless awe and wonder and surprise of newborn babes (as if going from gray to full color). But, it is dangerous and rarely opened due to side effects, somewhat like opening a can of worms. In small doses, the effects are positive. Religious conversion experiences are the most important and prominent manifestations. But a little goes a long way: too much is fairy poison. ('♪ don't tug on Superman's cape -/don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger'). But, opening the Third eye/Second Sight must be voluntary due to the dangers, contrary to those who would dare storm Heaven by force (and Muslim forcible conversions). The most significant downside: We Space Aliens march to a different drummer. We're not plugged into the prevalent Collective Unconscious/Morphic Resonance, and appear as functionally idiots to those around us (Holy Fools). Further, 'Memories in newborn babies are only stored as short-term memories. The development of a child's "first memory" doesn't generally occur until about age 3, as the brain is too immature to firmly register experiences. The brain structures that hold them permanently in the mind are not formed until later.' They have to be taught and retaught, due faulty memory storage (again, Holy Fools). But, according to Freud's seduction theory, and as Brown notes, 'unconscious knowledge about sexual intercourse between parents attributed by psychoanalysis to babes in arms. “The world of thought at those levels is quite alien to our own.” (quoting Melanie Klein). Tender newborns are subject to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with flashback partial memory recovery. Primitive societies were timeless societies. 'Primitive people see time as a circle (cycles). Civilized (Christian) people see it as linear. We are about to see it as an open plain where we can wander at will. History is broken.' ('time shall be no more.' the End of Time, Rev. 10:6. as prophesied by John of Patmos). 'To wake up to the dreamlike nature of reality is to symbolically ‘kill’ the mythic Cronos, the negative father, who is Father Time (linear time).' The Vedic Puranas (Sanskrit for 'Ancient Times') labeled this the Kali (means Iron) Yuga, the last period with devolution, corruption and degeneration of character and morals. Corresponding is the Book of Daniel prophecy with the last age as the Iron Age. Repeating, Brown: 'the Iron Age, at the end of which we live. Similarly for the Greeks, Hesiod called the last age the Iron Age when men have no shame and the gods have forsaken humanity. The Jewish Torah states 'this world inhabited by man is not the first of things earthly created by God. He made several worlds before ours, but He destroyed them all, because He was pleased with none until He created ours. But even this last world would have had no permanence - .' The Mayan Popol Vuh had four ages. In the age of Wood the creatures walked according to their own desires and neglected to worship the gods and were destroyed by a great flood sent by these gods. Such Flood myths are universal. “…they were endowed with intelligence, they saw and instantly they could see far, they succeeded in knowing all that there is in the world. When they looked, instantly they saw all around them, and they contemplated in turn the arch of the heaven and the round face of the earth.…But the Creator and the Maker did not hear this with pleasure: “It is not well that our creatures, our works say; they know all, the large and the small.” (the Popol Vuh). 'In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived.' Plato 'Timaeus.' Repeating, 'And, at the end of the Kali Yuga, Brahma will awake from his dream and the whole cycle will begin again.' Immanuel Velikovsky's well known books, condemned as crackpot by mainstream scientists, had evocative titles, to wit: 'Worlds in Collision', 'Ages in Chaos', 'Earth in Upheaval', 'Mankind in Amnesia'. 'Dark ages befall civilizations when they succumb to mass amnesia-a kind of societal (Collective) senile dementia.' His factual basis was shaky, like the later von Danekin and all his heirs. But he was recovering unwritten 'Akashic Archives' or 'past-life memories' - (so-called by the New Agers) off the Collective Unconscious.' 'It is the storehouse of cultural knowledge. It is accessible from a state of consciousness different from our typical state. It is a medium through which practical information as well as myth can be communicated great distances. In it, things can be simultaneously one thing and another. Access to it is enhanced by ritual objects (like crystals).' 'Rupert Sheldrake's 'Morphic Resonance' theory formative causation provides an explanation for Jung's Collective Unconscious as does the concept of akashic records, a term from Vedas representing the "library" of all the experiences and memories of human minds (souls) through their physical lifetime where one's past (an akashic record) is a mental form (meme), consisting of thoughts as a group of similar mental forms that have their associated (collective) morphic field. Sheldrake views memory-traces as "non-local", and not located in the brain, more like a habit, or cosmic memory related to the non-locality of quantum theory, implying connections at a distance undreamed of by classical physics, where all of creation viewed as a living organism.' Arthur C. Clarke's dictum, 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' is profound. 'Miracles and magic, the province of the gods, now operate on a daily basis. Instantaneous communication across continents, travel through the air, entire books at the press of a button, perfect moving images, and much more are now commonplace—thanks to science.' 'Cell phones and instant messaging already are a form of telepathy.' But, 'The thought that people would voluntarily put themselves at the beck and call of anybody who wanted to contact them, at all hours of the day and night, would once have inspired a mix of horror and hilarity' (any one of billions are a few digits away.) 'Correspondences come into play between the world of modern technology and the archaic symbol-world of mythology.' (Walter Benjamin). In fact, Western Civilization has been the (mainly white male) quest to do actual magic and play God via the circuitous route of science/high technology, with escalating success. Because during this time, the men have been hypnotized/charmed by the dolls (the Whore of Babylon) with tunnel vision, progressively profaning the gods and disenchanting the world and destroying it in the process. Eschatology desires to reenchant the world. "The western “worldview is characteristic of large-scale societies, heavily dependent on resources brought from considerable distances. It is a worldview that is characterized by the denial of sacred attributes of nature.” (where 'Ascension' expresses the formerly called transcendent.) 'Some may claim that without profit (Capitalism), no commercial system can function effectively. If true, the implications for humanity are horrific. It implies that mankind was made in Satan's image, that the Commandments, especially the tenth, are fraudulent, that all the philosophy and literature that defines Western Civilization are nugatory, that no essential distinction exists between so-called civilized and barbaric nations, that all governments are illegitimate, that words like justice and fairness are meaningless, that the law is lawless, that society disintegrates into nociety, and that nothing really matters. The economy is Bedlam, the Earth is the Universe's Insane Asylum, and the craziest are in charge. What kind of human mind would ever attempt to defend this abomination?' As Marx himself said, the rule for capital is: “Accumulate, accumulate! That is Moses and the prophets!” Marx attributed the 'Iron Law of Wages' to Malthus: 'real wages always tend toward the minimum wage necessary to sustain the life of the worker.' Marx's Communist Manifesto famously observed: 'The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It ... has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “payment in cash” ... for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation ... Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones ... All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses, his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind'. Karl Marx was 'right in arguing that globalization, financial intermediation run amok, and redistribution of income and wealth from labor to capital would lead capitalism to self-destruct.' Economist Joseph Schumpeter's and also, 'Marx's idea of creative destruction or annihilation implies not only that capitalism destroys and reconfigures previous economic orders, but also that it must ceaselessly devalue existing wealth (whether through war, dereliction, or regular and periodic economic crises) in order to clear the ground for the creation of new wealth, in a process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one." (continuous churning/turnover). Again, 'the bourgeoise 'has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation. - The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation.' From this point of view, capitalism is more revolutionary than Marxism! "Capitalism destroys everything in its path. And capitalism undermines the very values that spawned it. So, finally, late capitalism is now eating itself." 'Capitalism has made a career of celebrating the individual while in fact destroying him.' 'The home now has no economy of its own, but has become at best a kind of consumer’s cooperative, so the economic rationale for marriage disappears. We cannot protect the natural family from the solvent of market competition.' For Engels, property rights are the basis for Capitalism and the State. The economic contract of marriage is based in property rights. And, 'the weakest family bond, fatherhood, which exists almost nowhere in nature, is the bond that creates Civilization.' Cuckolded men are 'obligated to work like a fool to pay support “for the herd” of single and divorced mothers along with their feral children. Why are we responsible to pay for someone else's property?' 'In trying to to make divorce “fail-safe” for homemaker / lower-earner spouses, the bad ones included, they have made marriage “unsafe” for virtually everyone else. On dissolution of the marriage, one spouse generally makes off like a bandit, while the other is pushed into a life of unending poverty, abridged civil rights, and being a paychecks away from arrears, contempt, and prison. get shafted in the divorce. It’s a suckers bet for the good guy. Goodbye Daddy, hello ATM! The cuckold ex-husband still has to pay every month or go to jail. Marriage is now Fraud .' 'The beta males end up living on the fringes of the herd/society where they fend for themselves. They only need to exert 20-30% of their potential labor to survive. Once married and attached to their own children, these beta males are suddenly yoked like an ox and working at 100% capacity. This utilization of the full capacity of male labour is what pulled mankind into a civilization. It is what built our houses and planted our corn. And, it created our literature and our art. Patriarchy is simply Civilization.' 'Long-term monogamy is an artifact of Western civilization. The social imposition of monogamy in the West has had hugely beneficial consequences on the society as a whole, including greater investment in children. The same can be said of social controls on sexual behavior. But with the sexual revolution of the 1960s, all of the markers of family stability have headed south — including divorce rates and births out of wedlock for all races and ethnic groups.' '♪ now, God knows, Anything Goes. - Good authors too who once knew better words, Now only use four letter words Writing prose, Anything Goes. - The world has gone mad today And good's bad today, And black's white today, And day's night today - When every night, The set that's smart Is intruding in nudist parties in studios, Anything Goes. -' (Cole Porter) '♪ Hey you, what do you see? Something beautiful, something free? Hey you, are you trying to be mean? If you live with apes man, it's hard to be clean The worms will live in every host It's hard to pick which one they eat most The horrible people, the horrible people It's as anatomic as the size of your steeple Capitalism has made it this way, Old-fashioned fascism will take it away (Marilyn Manson) It's a cycle of decline and profanation: 'The Vote: the instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country.' (Ambrose Bierce). 'A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over lousy fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.' We have a 'topsy-turvy world where a dictator displays more moral authority than our own President.' 'The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back again to bondage.' Serfing USA - The New Road to Serfdom: 'There are none so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.' (Goethe). 'Responsible, productive, law-abiding people are taxed in order to pay for welfare, schooling, health care, and imprisonment for a lot of flaky, unproductive and/or criminal people. This represents an enormous transfer of wealth, the end effect of which is that we subsidize them to have their children; consequently, we have fewer of our own. This flow of resources mostly flows from white to black and Hispanic. It is far worse than mere theft. It is saying to me and my kind: "you will decrease, so these others can increase, and you will pay for it." - rewarding profligacy.' And, 'The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.' (de Tocqueville) - pandering bribery (corrupt palm-greasing)and vote buying, such as Obamanicare which will bankrupt us - Obamageddon! Barackalypse Now! Debt Man Walking! "The Real 'Mother Of All Ponzi Schemes': Social Security!" The free ride welfare tap becomes unaffordable ('until the money runs out'). 'Best democracy money can buy!' “Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.” - H. L. Mencken. You hold that 'all men are created equal.' But this isn't the way God (me) planned it from the foundation of the world. It's a family affair. It's two brothers – one on top and the other on the bottom: '♪ It's a family affair, it's a family affair One child grows up to be Somebody that just loves to learn And another child grows up to be Somebody you'd just love to burn'(Sly & the Family Stone) Between the two of them their task is to keep her asleep and dreaming. When the top brother loses control (and she starts waking up), the bottom one takes command. Beta males are the alpha hero's collaborative wingmen (underdogs, dark horses), as with Don Quixote's sidekick Sancho Panza , or with 'the Best Man at the wedding.' 'Nice guys finish last.' He must usurp the alpha if the alpha fails (role reversal/trading places). Joyce, 'It is just, it's just about to, it's just about to rolywholyover.' Brown recorded on audio cassette TO GREET THE RETURNING GODS in 1971, transferred to 6 CDs in 2007 (OCLC 19188640; LCD9772). There Brown as an antiquarian was after recreating the carefree world of innocence and pleasure of the Garden at the turn of the last cycle – the fairy world seen in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', where Oberon was the legendary King of the Fairies. Brown quotes the fairy Peter Pan, 'Do you believe in angels?' (who can fly.) On the universal dream of flying, Freud noted 'the remarkable phenomenon of erection, which constantly occupies the human fantasy, cannot fail to be impressive as an apparent suspension of the laws of gravity (cf. the winged phalli of the ancients).' (like fairies, Angels or the Superheroes who can fly away – it comes up!). They use magic fairy dust (slime) to enable them to fly, in conjunction with them thinking happy thoughts. King of the Fairies Oberon And His Queen Titania Fly Away Home To The Otherworld Tales of the gods in all cultures display them as narcissistic, capricious, amoral and unconcerned with the doings of mere mortals. Note that the Hollywood fairies, self appointed aristocrats, behave similarly. Their lives are typically sordid, scandalous soap operas, fodder for gossip. 'We can take a dispassionate look back at former religious traditions, particularly "dead" ones like the Olympians, and, without much alarm, understand their comparison to a form of entertainment.' Then Brown wrote CLOSING TIME where he refers to Joyce's fourth age as a 'interval of timeless formlessness, an interregnum' (translated as a time between kings). This is the lacuna between sucessive cycles (ricorso), the last chaotic phase characterized by individualism and sterility, and representing the nadir of man's fall, to in turn inaugurate the Golden Age of the Returning Gods. Brown says, 'The golden years return.', and 'Waiting for a new dawn.' Also, 'waiting for the return of the theocratic age - to recognize the gods, to greet them.' referring to Martin Heidegger. Heidegger yearned for this, and as a proto-fascist believed the Nazis were its embodiment. Some human beings can come to realize that they are gods — or superheroes — in disguise (apotheosis). “We are currently living through an interregnum: the period between the end of one civilization and the birth of another, a tragic historical moment when everything is in flames and when everything, like a Phoenix, might rise reborn from its ashes. Only the outbreak of ethnic civil war will resolve the problems created by the current colonization, Africanization, and Islamization of the West. - We have long passed the point of no return, where it is possible to arrest the prevailing decay with moderate political reforms.” “There is no more order to conserve; it is necessary to create a new one.” (Nietzsche). 'Joyce wrote the book [Finnegan's Wake] to express the dissolution of the universe [and modern society]' Also, 'If our society should go to smash tomorrow (which, as Joyce implies, it may) one could find all the pieces, together with the forces that broke them, in Finnegans Wake.' While we are waiting for the shoe to drop (the sh*t to hit the fan), to which Joyce chimes in, 'The while we are waiting for - - Hymn.': 'When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.' Rev. 8:1. (dumbfounding = turned to stone). 'The sheep look up.') We're approaching the 'Eye of the Storm' (Null Point) when there is dumbfounding silence (for a short time until all Hell breaks loose). The Shift is about to happen! Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' - Slipping Toward The Abyss. '♪ No one likes us I dont know why We may not be perfect but heaven knows we try But all around ever our old friends put us down Lets drop the big one and see what happens Asia's crowded Europe's too old Africa's far too hot and Canada's too cold South America stole our name Lets drop the big one (There'll be no one left to blame us) We'll save Australia Don't wanna hurt no kangaroo We'll build an All American amusement park there They got surfin', too Boom goes London and boom Paree More room for you and more room for me And every city the whole world round Will just be another American town Oh, how peaceful it will be We'll set everybody free You'll wear a Japanese kimono And there'll be Italian shoes for me They all hate us anyhow So let's drop the big one now Let's drop the big one now ' (Randy Newman) To discuss the charts: TimetableTIMETABLE Return to Topics 'And I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.' NewJerusalem The New Jerusalem Descending to Earth! (A Perfect Sacred Geometry Hyperdimensional Hypercube) Return to Topics 10,000 Year Cycle 10,000 Year World Age/Aeon/Cycle Now Ending (Western Civilization) Return to Topics Antz Cone Vortex Funnel 'Antz' (1998) Cone Vortex Funnel through Null Point/Stargate Fleeing an Incoming Flood Return to Topics Double Cone Time Vortex Jay Weidner's Tetrahedral Hyperdimensional Double Cone Time Vortex Funnel through Null Point/Stargate Return to Topics Quoting Weidner extensively on his Tetrahedral Hyperdimensional Double Cone Time Vortex Funnel/Time Tunnel through the Null Point/Stargate, (the following section by Weidner is in purple to help distinguish it from my contribution): 'As shown in (Weidner's)illustration 3, the flow comes out of the bottom of the sphere, winds its way up around the outside edge, crosses the outside equator of the torus sphere and moves towards the hole in the top of this torus. The energy flow then begins to fall through the top of the hole and begins to spin in a vortex. This energy flow continues until it comes out of the bottom side of the torus where the energy flow begins its outward expansion again. This flow is continuous and, in a sense, infinite. The Four Dimensional Hypersphere torus is also represented by the hypercube. A hypercube is a cube within a cube according to physicists. Essentially this cube, also called ‘The Cube of Space’ or the ‘Tetragrammatron’ by the alchemists, is a straight edged version of the donut shaped hypersphere . Scientists love to be able to construct objects using straight lines, so they have created the hypercube to help them better understand the hyperdimensional universe that surrounds us. Alchemists, however, like to use the curved lines of nature, so the donut shaped torus or hypersphere, is a better, more natural visual description of hyperdimensional space and will be the one I use in this article. The alchemists believe there is a hyperdimensional ‘body’ around every living thing on Earth. This hyperdimensional ‘body’ or sphere known to mystics as the luminous energy body, also surrounds every planet and star as well. Each object in the three dimensional world is an affectation of four-dimensional space. Humans, animals, plants, planets and stars are the solid inside of the fourth dimensional energy flow. As you will see, time also travels in this fashion. In order to begin to comprehend the topographical nature of time, it is very important to understand the guts of this hyperdimensional sphere. By the ‘guts’ I am referring to the vortexes that make up the energy flow running through the centre of the hypersphere. As the energy flow begins to fall into the vortex that runs through the centre of the sphere, it takes on the shape of a tetrahedron. A tetrahedron, as shown in Figure 4, is the building block of three-dimensional space and is the founding member of the Platonic Solids. The tetrahedron is the simplest object that can be created in three dimensions. The only object with just four sides, the tetrahedron is also shaped like a vortex. Let us digress for a moment and discuss vortexes. Back in the Midwest of the United States, where I come from, there is a place called Tornado Alley. Each year this area is visited by numerous tornados, which wreak havoc on the farms and towns of this area. Understanding tornados helps us understand vortexes and the density of forces in the hypersphere. Tornados (and also hurricanes) are made up of air like that which surrounds us all the time. But as the air begins spinning it takes on a strange solidity. While the swirling air at the top of a tornado is somewhat dangerous, it is the spinning air near the surface of the ground that is really dangerous. Near the tip of a tornado, where it is in contact with the ground, the air takes on the quality of solid iron. The tips of tornados can rip buildings apart, throw cars and trucks thousands of feet, and punch chaffs of wheat into the very centre of trees like a bullet. As the air spins more violently, the tip of the tornado vortex becomes as strong as 50 locomotives engines and possesses the density of the hardest of metals. Yet it is just comprised of air molecules. But these molecules are spinning so quickly they create a mass that is extremely powerful. It is the spin of the air that causes it to densify and take on the solidity of metals. Getting back to the central core of our hyperdimensional torus, we can understand the vortexes inside this sphere and how time unfolds by using the tornado analogy. As the energy flow begins to dip down into the top of the tetrahedral shaped vortex, it begins to spin. As the energy flow descends, its spin becomes more rapid and compressed. Like a tornado, as it reaches further down, the tip of the vortex ‘hardens’. It could be said that his hardening of vorticular forces is what makes up the solidity of our three dimensional space. Like air, these hyperdimensional forces are pretty much invisible to us. It is only when these forces coagulate into a spinning vortex that they can be seen and felt. It is through the rapid spinning of four-dimensional space that the solidity of the third dimension is actually created. The mystics from all great traditions know this and they realised these inner dynamics of the fourth dimension as it interacts with the third dimension. The fourth dimension is the surrounding sphere and the third dimension are the tetrahedral vortexes that make up the central core of the sphere. To the ancients, four-dimensional space was called ‘spirit’ and three-dimensional space was called ‘matter’. So what does this have to do with time and the topography of time? Remember the dilemma we face in trying to make the four ages of the precession match up with the Ages or Yugas from the Hindu system? By attempting to make the two into one we can not only understand the topology of time, but also we can map time like the ancients and we can know where we are in the river of time. As shown in illustration Figure 3, imagine that we are coming through the very centre of where the two tetrahedral tornado vortexes intersect at the very centre of the inner hyperdimensional sphere. Moving down the bottom vortex towards the outside surface of the sphere, each spin in the vortex takes longer and is wider and slower than the previous spin in the vortex. In other words, the energy flow expands after it passes the ‘null’ point in the very centre of the hyperdimensional sphere, or torus, where the tips of the two tetrahedral vortexes touch. This energy flow continues its expansion as it climbs over the lip of the bottom edge of the sphere where the vortex meets the outside edge of the sphere. The energy flow continues to expand until it reaches the outside equator area of the sphere. Once it gets past the equator, the energy flow begins to condense, the flow begins to move faster and the spin density increases. This flow continues until the energy flow reaches the upper lip of the outside of the hyperdimensional sphere where it begins to ‘fall’ into the top of the tornado tetrahedral vortex. Now as the flow of energy falls down the vortex towards the null point at the very centre of the sphere it begins to harden as it spins faster and faster. This goes on and on until the vortex is so hard it is like iron. This is how the fourth dimensional forces create three-dimensional reality. As the vortex spins faster and faster eventually it compresses down to the point where it has nowhere to go but outwards again. This occurs at the null point in the centre of the sphere and the energy flow now begins to once again expand. The Golden Age is the time period that starts at the null point in the centre of the sphere and continues through the bottom vortex. As the energy flow expands outwards time appears to slow down. The entire period of the Satya Yuga, or the Golden Age, continues as the energy flow goes down the bottom vortex and rounds across the top of the sphere. It continues expanding until it arrives at the equator. The equator of the outside of the hyperdimensional sphere is the borderline between the Satya Yuga and Treta Yuga, or the Golden Age and the Silver Age. Now the energy flow begins to contract as it flows upwards towards the north pole of the hypersphere. The Silver Age, or the Treta Yuga, continues until the energy flow rounds the top lip of the hyperdimensional sphere and begins to fall into the upper tetrahedral vortex. This then is the borderline between the Treta Yuga and the Dvapara Yuga, or the border between the Silver Age and the Bronze Age. About two thirds down in the upper vortex, where the energy flow is spinning so fast that it becomes as solid as iron, is the beginning of the last Age, the Kali Yuga, or the Iron Age. This spinning continues to gain density, compression and speed as it races towards the central null point in the very centre of the sphere. As it approaches this null point the forces become unbelievably fast, violent and dense. It is only when these forces achieve maximum density and they can no longer compress any further that they begin to suddenly flip and begin the expansion of the flow. This happens in an instant. This is the shift from the Iron Age, or the Kali Yuga to the Golden Age, or the Satya Yuga. The borderline between the Iron Age and the Golden Age is the most distinct border in this topographical illustration of hyperdimensional time. It is the most jarring and is instantaneous. Take notice of the hourglass shape of the two tetrahedral vortexes inside the hyperdimensional sphere. Is this why Fulcanelli tells us about the hourglass in the quote at the beginning of this article? In Hindu mythology the God Shiva dances the world into and out of existence playing his dhamaru which is a two sided drum shaped like an hourglass. (Note: This hourglass is my Double Cone Time Vortex Funnel through the Null Point/Stargate/Doorway/Portal/Time Tunnel.) Notice that, like the number of years in the Hindu Yuga system, the distance travelled through our ages in the hypersphere is similar; the Golden Age, which is the distance between the null point in the centre and the outside equator is twice the distance as that travelled through the Silver Age which is the distance from the equator to the top of the lip of the upper vortex. Equally, the distance travelled from the top of the vortex to two thirds down, which is the Bronze Age, is half the length of the Silver Age. Finally, the tip of the vortex is half the length of the Bronze Age. This part, called the Iron Age, is the Age in which we live. This is also why, in the Iron Age, each second feels shorter than the second before. This is why each day, each month and year appear to be going faster than they did previously. In the topology of time this effect can be easily understood and explained. Also remember, even though the distance travelled is much further in the Golden Age than it is in the Iron Age, the number of years it takes is the same. It takes 6,480 years to go through the Golden Age just as it takes 6,480 years to go through the Iron Age, but it feels much different. In the Golden Age each second, each day, each month and year appear to be longer than the previous day, month and year. Time is expanding in the Golden Age and with that expansion the anxiety and tension of the Iron Age disappears. It is a paradise, especially to those who may have survived the passing through the wormhole, or the null point at the centre of the hyperdimensional sphere. Therefore, the years listed within the Yuga system are actually symbolic times that explain the lengths of time as it is felt not as it is lived. So the Golden Age or the Satya Yuga feels like it is much longer than the Kali Yuga, or the Iron Age. The shamans in Peru tell us that we are approaching the Pacha Cuti, which means literally ‘the world turned upside down’. They say that it will arrive in the year 2012. This is also the year when the great Mayan calendar reaches its end point. The cross of Hendaye is quite explicit in saying we are reaching the very end of the Iron Age. I would suggest that the null point, or the wormhole at the very centre of the hypersphere, is very likely the 2012 date. Our hypersphere appears to be regulated by the periodic alignment of the galactic centre with the Sun. This also matches the four fixed signs of the zodiac and explains why the Christian tradition is preparing for the endtimes. Oddly enough, it also appears that Stanley Kubrick is trying to tell us about the end of our Age in his masterpiece film 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Starchild at the end of the film has passed through the Star Gate of the black monolith and is returning to Earth to create a new world or a new Age. It is through our understanding of the Four Ages, the fixed signs of the zodiac, and the Yuga system that we can finally appreciate the message our ancestors have handed down to us. We are about to pass through the Star Gate, the wormhole, and the null point of hyperdimensional space. The Cross of Hendaye reveals the most important knowledge of all, which is the end of time and the beginning of the Golden Age. Awareness of this knowledge helps us all to more fully comprehend the nature of the times in which we reside and the destiny of the human race. The earth, the air and the water become polluted. Wars, famines, and plagues envelop the human race. Time itself speeds up until exhausted, the world and the Age come to an end and a new cycle begins.' Double Cone Time Vortex My Double Cone Time Vortex Funnel through Null Point/Stargate/Doorway/Portal/Wormhole Return to Topics John of Patmos prophesied, 'And I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. - The city lies foursquare - The wall is built of jasper, while the city is pure gold, clear as glass. The foundations of the wall of the city are adorned with every jewel; the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth cornelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. And the twelve gates are twelve pearls, each of the gates is a single pearl, and the street of the city is pure gold, transparent as glass. I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. Its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there.' The New Jerusalem as it descends has a Sacred Geometry described as a perfect Cosmic Hyperdimensional Hypercube of Space. For Weidner (again, the following by Weidner is in purple to help distinguish it from my contribution): 'The monolith (of Kubrick's '2001') also represents the 'cube of space' or the 'container of creation' in alchemy. The cube of space is the container that holds reality. Kubrick originally intended for the object in the film to be a tetrahedron pyramid. This would have been appropriate to what he was attempting to convey because the tetrahedron is the building block of the third dimension. It is also the foundation of the Platonic solids. But Kubrick decided to junk the tetrahedron idea in favor of the monolith. It is said that Kubrick himself created the first drawing of what the monolith would look like, including it's dimensions. The black, single stone becomes the container of creation and the alchemical cube at the same time. It is, in a way, a cubed brick. Is this another trick of Stanley's, who's last name (Kubrick, 'Cubed-Brick') mirror's that concept so clearly? This black stone of creation is also one of the main features in the Islamic religion, where a black meteorite sits near the kaaba, or cube of space, in the Arabian city of Mecca.' Richard C. Hoagland and David Wilcock also propose tetrahedral vortex geometries (which some New Agers label 'Cosmometry'). Joyce's book has been called: 'a giant cryptogram narrating the whole of human history. Brown says, 'Geography is the geography of the mother's body – geography or geometry as in Finnegans Wake.' 'The giant figure of the legendary Finn merges with the topography of Dublin.' Most intriguingly, Margaret Solomon's 'Eternal Geomater: The Sexual Universe of Finnegans Wake' 'details sexual themes in relation to geometric forms revealing man-as-universe in the shape of a tesseract, a geometrical figure realizable only in a four-dimensional continuum, the four-dimensional analog of the cube.' For example, Joyce says, 'The proteiform graph is itself is a polyhedron of scripture.' (Pythagorean mysticism - Harmony of the World Sacred Geometry). So Joyce was well aware of and embedded in the Wake the Cosmic Hyperdimensional Sacred Geometry also prophesied by John of Patmos! Joyce revived the ancient Platonic idea of geometrical patterns underlying all creation. Compare Jay Weidner's double cone at the center of his sphere with my prior (widening) spiral (= a single cone). Note in fact my World Age diagram is not widening as drawn. So my final diagram is my Double Cone Time Vortex, which is inverted compared with Weidner's. Weidner's Tetrahedral Time Vortex is nonlinear. (Again, the following by Weidner is in purple to help distinguish it from my contribution): 'Time is a vortex, and we're moving down towards the tip. We're slowly cycling our way down towards the tip of this vortex. And, as we cycle down, the concentric circles grow tighter and faster; so each circle around is faster, but also closer to the last one - and a reflection. As the circle above and the circle below in the spiral are very similar to each other, they are mirrors of each other. And, at this point, we'll start seeing reflections of this densification of time happening as we approach the tip. And, like the tip of a tornado - which is as hard as a diamond, even though it's only spinning air - when you have spinning time, it also is hard as whatever a diamond is in the fourth dimension, which is what time is. And that's when things get really weird, because, at that point, the circles near the tip begin crossing themselves. - - when we hit that eye at the very, very end of this trip down the vortex there will be no time. And that's what we mean by "the end of time.' I referred to this time vortex in 1986 as an 'accelerating, descending slope' where time distorts/warps/speeds up/densifies, often referred to as the 'Quickening' by Art Bell of Coast to Coast AM. David Icke on 'time itself speeding up: The Quickening is only going to quicken, time moving so fast that people will have to simplify their lives, discard the irrelevant and concentrate only on what really matters. They will burn out and even go crazy also called the "Abbreviance". There would 'not be enough hours in the day'.' 'The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.' Isaac Asimov. Robert Oppenheimer said, "the world is moving in the direction of hell with a high velocity, a positive acceleration and probably a positive rate of change of acceleration." We're in a 'Race with the Devil!,' as with the harried scurrying White Rabbit who stares at his stopwatch and shrieks, 'I'm late for a very important date!' The stopwatch that can stop the clock/time he holds has been the answer to his panic all the time. The White Rabbit exhibits blunted affect (lack of emotional response), blank look with averted gaze (looking at the floor), pain insensitivity, agitation, confusion and disorientation, hyperactivity and distractibility, impaired spastic coordination and insomnia/sleep deprivation. Repeating, (quotes by Weidner are in purple to help distinguish it from my contribution) 'Time itself speeds up until exhausted, the world and the Age come to an end and a new cycle begins.' 'You are entering a relentless pace in which your perception of time will increasingly accelerate. Because your perception of time is speeding up, and the events within those time-frames are increasing in number, many will enter a kind of shock, a state of disbelief. Specifically, it is unimaginable that the economic system can deteriorate so rapidly! Collective humanity is at a pivotal point for it is at the cusp of new cultural paradigm—a shift to a realization of higher dimensions and the possibilities that will be open to all as a result.' This accelerating pace of Tribulational birth pangs indicates that it will not be long before the Rapture. 'What is playing out on the world stage are the labor pangs of a deeper part of our being that is incarnating itself in, through and as us. We are both midwives of this birth while simultaneously being midwived ourselves by the universe.' Paul says, 'We know that all creation has been groaning with the pains of childbirth up to the present time.' Again, 'no rest for the wicked' as we're driven mad approaching the funnel tip/Null Point! This is my Hourglass Bottleneck Funnel Tip through the Stargate = (my Fairy Dump)! This is my version of Weidner's hourglass. Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' 'For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?' Revelation 6:17. 'And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to its rider to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword.' Revelation 6:4. The Event at the Null Point/Omega Point/Zero Point/Wormhole/Whirlwind/Singularity/Stargate/Time Tunnel will be the Dimensional Shift escape route in the face of the new worldwide global Deluge (floodgates of Heaven I open to rain slime - My (God's) Deadly Blessing!) Repeating one site, the 'mystical model of sacred geometry, the New Jerusalem represents a measuring-out of Heaven on Earth, the architecture of a macrocosmic temple into which all humankind enters to receive its final transformative quickening. Crossing this final threshold into the numinous Light of the great Beyond, the many millions of humankind will disassemble into a metamorphic Omegon unshackled from the outmoded mores of space and time.' (the Grand Awakening/Harvest/Ascension/Sudden Departure/Secret Rapture - distinguish here personal ascension vs. my Collective Ascension.) 'Many of the formerly secret traditions are making their knowledge public.' In the 'the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.' and 'You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.' This way to my Stargate! All aboard my time machine/time tunnel! Operation Deliverance/Transporter is here, an actual translation, or rapture to dematerialize and rematerialize us to the Next Dimension (the Secret Rapture to the New Jerusalem)! The Shift is about to happen! 'We are all in for a heck of a (collective) ride as we watch the Capitalist economic system go through its metamorphosis, as you watch the Earth Changes accelerating to Escape Velocity that will let you easily step out of the illusions and the lies of the old world. You will see them for what they are, and you will become a joyous co-creator of a new world that is being birthed even as the old world passes away right before your eyes – the Upshift.' (Again, the following by Weidner is in purple to help distinguish it from my contribution): 'If you take a tetrahedron and you look at it, you can see that it's like a squared-off tornado. And so we're approaching now very quickly this point and all of our reaction times are shortened, and so a mistake is sure to be made. In fact, what's going on actually is - they're making a mistake a day or so, right now. Almost every day, they're passing another law which is just going to make everything much worse when we hit that eye at the very, very end of this trip down the vortex (such as Obamanicare). All will be over-energized, ungrounded, and disoriented by living during the last stages of time acceleration. And then we're going to hit the eye, and then there will be no time. And that's what we mean by "the end of time".' Compare with my 1986 'prophecy': 'We are dealing at this point in time with a nation under siege internally and externally, soon to fall. Numerous other portentous dire events will be occurring simultaneously that will dilute the significance of the central event. The World Trade Center attack (Tower of Babel) was just the inaugural event of a coming series of catastrophes. We are on an accelerating descending slope.' 'We're at play beside the Tower of Babel, as with the Mayan descendants after their pyramids who have returned to tribalism (after the Biblical confusion of tongues). We can't take the "Mayan Solution" which was to walk away into the jungle since there is no longer a jungle for us, and there are too many of us for that to be a viable solution.' Once again, 'A process of decentralization of authority after a 'classic' period of centralized social order is replaced by competing centers as the central authority weakens to be replaced less complex, less centralized socio-political forms using simpler technology.' 'Our lifetime may be the last that will be lived out in a technological society. This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one. We are just tenants on this world. We have just been given a warning from the landlord.' Arthur C. Clarke. Weidner has many insights into Kubrick's films, especially '2001': The astronaut psychedelic Time Warp trip to Jupiter signifies he is being driven mad, as in Kubrick's 'The Shining' when daddy goes mad. The Black Philosopher's Stone Monolith is the Stargate that I as the Starchild (a premature baby in the body of a man) will guide us through (apex tip of the funnel) to create the New World Age/Cycle (the New Jerusalem). Joyce says, 'Finnegan Beginnagain'. And, 'we start from scratch.' The silent, dumbfounding message on the blank Doorstop/Monolith/Tombstone/Civilizational Epitaph monument (time capsule testament/seed to the future: Don't make the same fatal mistakes we have made!) uninscribed with words: THE taboo must never be violated. 'Finnegans Wake' on deposit on bookshelves around the world itself is such an unintellible mystic tome Doorstop Monolith/Tombstone monument for the End of the World Age/Aeon/Cycle. As in ancient days, the thought was 'Let this poem be impressed upon on a stone tablet (megalithic Monolith monument), and placed so that one day the others who follow our species might find it and not repeat our mistake of violating the taboo.' Brown says, ''Finnegans Wake'is not about anything, it is that thing itself.' I'm the monstrous 'undead' parallel-world doppelganger obscene asexual androgynous Premature Starchild/Space Ghost 'castrated' by the primal scene come to haunt the adults. In 'Stargate' (1994), Egyptian Sun God Ra is in fact a power-hungry alien in the form of a young boy dressed like a cross between a pharaoh and a Vegas showgirl (in reality such an androgynous parallel-world doppelganger Premature Starchild boy in the body of a man). 'Stargate' (1994) – Dead Fairy Reptilian Alien King RA with Glowing Eyes 'Stargate' Anubis - Empty Vacuum Return to Topics Quoting extensively, ''2001'displays mankind in the techno-future built by the masters of the Military Industrial Complex. From his other films, especially 'Dr. Strangelove', it is obvious that Kubrick holds no love or respect for these masters. He shows us that this humanity, imprinted by technology, television and the disappearance of nature, is also now nearly void of emotions or feelings. Humanity has become the same as the machines that surround them. Again Kubrick is playing a monstrous joke on the audience. He is now showing us the future as envisioned by the same insane technocrats who destroyed the entire world in his previous film 'Dr. Strangelove.' Great transformations cannot take place without violence, death and even total disaster. The human race must go to hell before it can even begin to understand the might of the gods. It is a plan that is brilliant, malevolently brilliant, but genius all the same (as from a cackling madman devised by what Weidner labels the shadow government of a secret cabal - which means issued by me, God). Globalization married with the Green Revolution created the resulting destruction of ancient, sustainable, farming practices. Globalization has also removed people from the land and forced them into the city. A perfect trap for The Culling. Once they remove cheap oil from the transaction, the entire apparatus will crumble. And it will be a spectacular failure. An All-Fall-Down that takes everything, or almost everything, with it. The entire world economy, now knitted together by the New World Order, will also all fall together.' 'One of the major reasons behind the mindless exploitation of resources is the population bomb.' On wacko conspiracy websites, according to various plans, such as the Kissinger Report, the New World Order views overpopulation as a threat to security, and seeks to depopulate via (the following section is in blue to help distinguish it from my contribution. Colored sections can be skipped on first reading). "limited wars, diseases, and starvation," which we are seeing play out now. Their plan is proceeding through eliminating possible cures for diseases. “U.S. policy toward the third world should be one of depopulation” - Henry Kissinger. “Kill as many people in developing countries as possible,” to paraphrase the maxim of the global elite. I remind readers that John of Patmos was shrill and strident and would wholeheartedly support this NWO/Shadow Government with his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as do I. “Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend… (which I label the Ascension = in Christian terminology, the Overcomers) One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other…One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God…They are defective seeds…There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death’…we, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow…Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have no choice, dearly beloveds. Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death. We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God…the riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity…” - Barbara Marx Hubbard. 'The Plan went into its final chapter on September 11th, 2001 (that I label the Tower of Babel). With the events in New York and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, it should now be obvious to any thinking person that there is a concerted movement by some force, towards chaos, famine and endless wars. They are doing this because they believe that these events will lead to a dramatic reduction in population. The first signs of real danger will be when the people in the inner city figure out that there is no work. And even if there were jobs it will soon cost too much for gasoline to justify going to work and back. Mass transit systems will begin to fail as they have to keep raising their prices because of increasing energy costs. This will freeze out the poorer who will no longer be able to afford simple bus fare. Regular maintenance of roads and infrastructures will soon become so costly that they will simply not be done. Roads and highways will fall apart soon after the maintenance stops. The cities will explode when the food supply chain becomes so disrupted that the food is too expensive to transport from the country to the cities. Many factions - mostly of an ethnic nature - will explode, warring against each other as the fight for survival begins. Those with the most guns and best organizations will win these initial conflicts. Those who are not prepared will face an endless series of disasters. No doubt War-Lords will emerge from the cities and break out into the countryside where there will still be food. The people in the country will have to get ready for attacks from the city folks who will be mighty desperate, hungry and pissed. Those in the country, especially those who have land and animals, will be better off than their cousins in the cities. But still there will be huge problems. Due to Globalization and the Green Revolution they will face the uneasy dilemma that nearly no one really knows how to successfully feed themselves. How many of us know how to raise chickens, milk a goat or a cow, or even plant a big enough garden just to feed ourselves?' Notes from other sites on the deskilling: 'People have slowly been deskilled in recent years. Mechanics no longer FIX a problem so much as they REPLACE the component. Yet it would be cheaper and less wasteful to fix the unit. This deskilling is intended to make the new society wholly dependent on the system. People will be unable to maintain private transport and will become dependent upon public infrastructure and the STATE. This is why small farming has been replaced with large scale operations. Many people have been lured into dependence on the state through welfare programs such as the single mother pensions. Such easily obtained benefits encourage people to rely upon government support. The welfare system is a plank towards socialism.' Further, 'There is a deliberate effort by the government elite to dumb down the masses. Hitler once said “How fortunate for the leaders that men do not think.” The elite intentionally want an unhealthy, frightened, confused and sedated population.' 'In conjunction with the deliberate dumbing down of America, the populace has surreptitiously been indoctrinated to abhor, tolerate, and then embrace the basest behavior in human sexuality.' And also, 'It's really very simple. They have distracted the general population with what the ancient Romans called "bread and circus." By making sure we had food in our bellies and entertainment on our tv sets, we have been lulled into complacency, so they can work behind our backs, in secret, to force us into slavery. Fat and happy people, as a general rule, do not riot and rebel against their captors.' Barber's 'Consumed: How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults, and Swallow Citizens Whole' shows 'the arrest of the psychological development of adults, "freeing" them to indulge in puerile and narcissistic purchases based on "stupid" brand loyalties - trapped in a Peter Pan cycle of consumption - they are not growing up at all - the coming of kidults - the real Toy Story. The increasing drive toward privatization compounds the problem, where everybody wants service but nobody wants to serve, the ‘religion of selfishness’ with the decadent and senseless ends to which human time and resources are put - ‘the needy are without income and the well-heeled are without needs’. - consumer culture has turned adult citizens into spoiled children by catering to the lowest common denominator where genuine needs go unmet and false needs are splurged and indulged (dumbing down - Cultural Creolization).' - 'It is not about dumbing-down. It is about snuffing out!' 'The celebrity culture (CelebCult) is infantilizing us.' Back to Weidner, 'We have been cut off from the knowledge that our ancestors, only one or two generations ago, had from day one. We simply have forgotten how to feed ourselves. Without cheap oil there will be no cheap food. According to the Plan, the end of this age will be one of total and complete chaos. This is The Culling. According to the Plan five to six billion people will be dead before The Culling is completed. (Population control/population reduction/depopulation/alien abuction is a front for human genocide as in the Jonestown and Heaven's Gates Mass Suicides but on a planetwide scale. 'Heaven's Gate Mass Suicide Doomsday Cult members believed that the planet Earth was about to be recycled (wiped clean, refurbished and rejuvenated), and that the only chance to survive was to leave it immediately (Raptured Out). - They integrated a basically Christian narrative of salvation and End Time with UFO narratives and with sci-fi entertainment and paranormal phenomena.') According to the Plan, the chosen elites will wait it out. Inside their citadels, inside their underground bunkers, each person who has a seat on these modern Noah's Arks will have done something to deserve being saved (again Dr. Strangelove). And the secret space program and all of these things - flying saucers, and bases on the moon, and the Nazis and Joseph Farrell's great book on the alchemy that the Nazis were doing - this is all part of this group developing the technology for what I call "Project GOOD", which stands for "Get Out Of Dodge". And they're getting' out of Dodge, baby; and they're almost out. (My advice: Take the money and run!) There are words created by different cultures - the Hebrews, the Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Persians - to describe these people. OK? But their real name is very easy, because it describes where they go when they get out of Dodge. They're called the Aryans. "Aryans" is just another word for "Martians", because Aries is Mars. They escape - at the end of the last Kali Yuga - I think, at the end of every Kali Yuga - the same cycle occurs every time; it may even be why there is a Kali Yuga.' (Let me note the pertinent film 'Robinson Crusoe on Mars' (1964). Crusoe is a lone Last Man character such as I who watches in horror as aliens ruthlessly strip mine all the resources. He's in the position of Watchers/Angels and of TV viewers who have a God's eye view, a fly on the wall perspective. Weidner doesn't name this as capitalism which is engaged in destroying the my planet. Socialist President Hugo Chavez agrees, “I have always heard that there had been civilization on Mars, but capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet. - Here on planet Earth where hundreds of years ago or less there were great forests, now there are deserts.“ 'Imagine our descendants in the year 2200 or 2500. They might liken us to aliens who have treated the Earth as if it were a mere stopover for refueling, or even worse, characterize us as barbarians who would ransack their own home.' “If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?" I don't see any special significance to the Mayan 2012 Winter Solstice date, but indeed the Secret Rapture soon by my hand! 'The entire Maya 2012 business was invented out of whole cloth by New Age mystics Terence McKenna and Jose Arguelles back in the 1980s.' Echoing the Maya 2012 prophecy, the "Nightfall" SF story by Isaac Asimov, has the world destroyed in a darkness with the sight of previously invisible stars once every 2049 years that unleash a torrent of fire. Civil disorder breaks out; cities are destroyed in massive fires and civilization collapses, with the ashes of the fallen civilization and the competing groups trying to seize control. SF story editor John W. Campbell opined, "I think men would go mad." Also, I don't think Weidner believes in actual aliens on the planet Mars). 'And everyone's thinking that they're deforesting the planet, raping the mountainsides, enslaving people, doing all this stuff, just because there's something that has gone out of control; but it isn't. It recurs all the time (in cycles). The Vedic texts and the Mahabharata, this is what they're discussing, including the gigantic ships, or arks, as they call them. It's backed up and bolstered by very, very serious ancient texts, Purana texts and Vedic texts, which tell the whole story very clearly. - - The only way for the Golden Age to actually incarnate is for the earth start out in a pristine state again. - - And that's our natural state - very close to the Earth, no agriculture, all fresh foods, a lot of hunting, and a lot of gathering. Very spiritual though. Not a grunting life, but a wonderful beautiful life filled with meditation and a much higher standard of living, which was what was going on before the Aryans emerged.' According to Jesus, 'My kingdom is not of this world.' 'For Jesus, 'this-world' means the violent normality of Civilization.' 'There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.' (Walter Benjamin). Life will look primitive to our Western eyes. Out of the Vedic civil warfare, anarchy and chaos arose the ancient Indian fable called The Blind Men and the Elephant where all parties will see what they want to see and continue to insist that they are right – even when none of them has ever seen the Big Picture - they have parts of a puzzle, whose final pieces lie tantalizingly out of reach. Repeating, 'For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then clearly, face to face.' Also repeating, 'Let's play the children's game: Hot and Cold (holding up my arms). You're cold. You're warmer. Your getting hot. Close! Your the hottest! Bingo! You found it! It's my dick!' '♪ I pictured a rainbow, you held it in your hands I had flashes but you saw then plan I wandered out in the world for years while you just stayed in your room I saw the crescent, you saw the whole of the moon (the Big Picture) The whole of the moon You were there in the turnstiles with the wind at your heels You stretched for the stars and you know how it feels To reach too high, too far, too soon You saw the whole of the moon (spell of the Whore of Babylon) I was grounded while you filled the skies I was dumbfounded by truth, you cut through lies (dumbfounded = turned to stone/paralyzed) I saw the rain dirty valley, you saw Brigadoon (Never Never Land - the New Jersalem) I saw the crescent, you saw the whole of the moon (moon/darkness/night occludes the Resurrection Morning Sun coming up at Dawn) I spoke about wings you just flew (fairies can fly) I wondered I guessed and I tried, you just knew I sighed and you swooned I saw the crescent, you saw the whole of the moon The whole of the moon With a torch in your pocket and the wind at your heels You climbed on the ladder and you know how it feels To get too high, too far, too soon You saw the whole of the moon, the whole of the moon, hey yeah Unicorns and cannonballs, palaces and piers Trumpets, towers and tenements, wide oceans full of tears Flags, rags, ferryboats, scimitars and scarves Every precious dream and vision underneath the stars Yes, you climbed on the ladder with the wind in your sails You came like a comet, blazing your trail Too high, too far, too soon You saw the whole of the moon' (The Waterboys) For Kubrick, 'The astronaut Bowman realizes as he lays on his bed at the end of his life that he is involved in a cosmic chess match against the monolith. When he raises his hand and points at the monolith his is acknowledging that he has - in a sense - been checkmated by the monolith. - The Great Work of the stone is complete. There is now a man, a human, who understands the greater universe. This man also understands that he is trapped in a jail that his own consciousness has designed. With the realization of his own fallibility, and his own trapped spirit, he is finally liberated from the realm of the hotel prison, or the world of illusion. In that instant he understands what the book of stone is trying to tell him. He lifts his hand in a gesture of understanding. And in that moment he is transformed - without dying - into the Starchild. - The stone has given Bowman the gifts that the Philosopher's Stone has always promised. Bowman has achieved complete gnosis, or knowledge, and now he has become immortal by overcoming physical death and being reborn. In that moment, he passes through the monolith one last time. The Earth is ahead of him now and he will be reborn on that planet. Bowman will be a new human, just as different from Homo Sapiens as Homo Sapiens are different from the apeman. Nietzche's ape to man to superman theme, from his 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' essays, is mirrored perfectly by Strauss' music and Kubrick's movie. Kubrick has evoked the spiritual and physical evolution of our race as it has been transformed by this magical black stone. - In the end, Kubrick is saying that Bowman has been the lead shaman for humanity. He has passed through the four realms and he now knows the truth about existence. He realizes that life would be completely meaningless if it were not for the intervention of the monolith, or the stone. He realizes that he himself could not be transformed without the assistance of an outside intelligence - a God - if you will. This, supposedly, atheist film director has made the ultimate religious movie. It single-handedly outdoes all of Hollywood's wooden, superficial homages to the spirit and religion. Kubrick takes this religion very seriously and he conveys that in every way.' And, finally again on Kubrick, 'These people are into deep and dark sexual practices. I'll try to be as nice about it as I can. The films, especially the films that follow "2001," are a long expose of a dark, sex-magic cult that rules the world. 'Eyes Wide Shut' is probably the closest to actually coming out and exposing the sexual side of life.' (The following lengthy section is in blue to help distinguish it from my contribution. Colored sections can be skipped on first reading). Random pertinent notes on the genocidal 'satanic' New World Order (NWO) from conspiracy sites on our planetary emergency (This emergency is the emergence - Ascension/Transcendence!): 'It has often been said that, if the human species fails to make a go of it here on the Earth, some other species will take over the running. We have or soon will have, exhausted the necessary physical prerequisites so far as this planet is concerned. - This is a one-shot affair. If we fail, this planetary system fails so far as intelligence is concerned. The same will be true of other planetarysystems. On each of them there will be one chance… and one chance only,' "The pattern of human population growth in the twentieth century was more bacterial than primate," biologist E. O. Wilson has written (or a virus – man is the global catastrophe ). Wilson calculates that human biomass is already a hundred times larger than that of any other large animal species that has ever walked the Earth. Sir Fred Hoyle; a 'totalitarian, communistic plan for mass depopulation', '- mankind is 'acting like a virus' and is harming Mother Earth - We are killing our host the planet Earth. - the control mechanism is the continued perpetuation of the myth that humanity is killing the planet. - the plan calls for humans to return to primitive lifestyles (go native) and to rewild the planet. We need to stop flying, stop driving cars, and jetting around on marine recreational vehicles. The Mennonites survive without cars and so can the rest of us. - The world today stands at the cusp of the final "Birth Pangs" to produce Antichrist: Wars, Rumors of Wars, Earthquakes in many places, famine and deadly plague. The "Preparatory Period" leading up to Antichrist also foresees a preparation to reduce the world's population by means short of the final war and plague, in activities such as Abortion on Demand, encouragement of Euthanasia and Suicide, and many worldwide wars. This period also will see the beginning of the campaign to dissolve our current Industrial Civilization, replacing it with an Agricultural Civilization like that of 300 years ago! Toward this end, regulations by the tens of thousands have put tremendous pressure on certain aspects of our Industrial way of life; toward this end, a draconian plan has been drawn up whereby most areas of the world shall be declared off-limits to human activity while other areas highly regulate all such activity. – you would be shocked to know that our countries are being taken over by these mad men. Top leaders of the New World Order Plan are insisting that man has evolved into such a "predatory" animal, that he threatens all other animals, and Mother Earth herself [Gaia is her name] with extinction. The 'New World Order' Architects, (The 'Men Behind The Curtain') Are Carefully Orchestrating a World-Wide Economic Collapse, That Will Cause 'The Greatest Depression' The Modern World Has Ever Known. Many third-world countries are seen by the masters as useless baggage that will not be carried after the NWO is fully implemented, and their entire populations are scheduled for extermination. Still other third-world nations are seen as threats to the NWO for various reasons, so their populations are also marked for annihilation. The culling of people in the developed countries will be more selectively done. Man's "predatory" nature that is threatening the world is manifested in his pollution and destruction of the environment and his destruction of the many species of wildlife. Therefore, man is a dangerous "animal" that must be controlled by other men who have spiritually "evolved" into a higher state than the rest of us humans. Of course, these "more highly evolved" humans just so happen to be the ones who are controlling governments and global institutions today that are spearheading the drive to the New World Order! - They insist this planetary cleansing is inevitable. Do not be deceived: this 'cleansing' is the same type of 'cleansing' which Adolf Hitler implemented against the Jews and his 12 million "others", as he 'cleansed' all the undesirables and undeserving from the earth. 'Population triage: Population control has gone from culling the ‘unfit’ to finding the whole pesky human race a virus.' Paul Watson describes human beings as being the ‘AIDS upon the Earth.' Quoting Ted Turner, "A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal." Quoting Prince Phillip, "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation." He also said, "I don't claim to have any special interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the 'cull' to the size of the surplus population." - They want to cull the human herd who are a "cancer on the Earth" - (thinning out the herd) - their plan called "the Great Culling". According to Henry Kissinger, "Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.” Dr. Sam Keen, a New Age writer and philosopher has stated, "We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control the population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage." "The United Nation’s goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day," Jacques Cousteau. Maurice Strong said, "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrial civilization collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" "Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell." Edward Abbey. University of Texas evolutionary scientist Dr. Eric R. Pianka gave a speech in March 2006 advocating the elimination of 90 percent of Earth's population and quipped gleefully, '"We need to sterilize everybody on the Earth." - We're like herds of cattle, grazing placidly, unable or unwilling to imagine that we might share the same fate as the millions throughout the Third World targeted by the elite as "bottom feeders," contributing nothing -- eating into their profit -- gluttons who must be dispensed with. Any rancher or farmer will tell you that it's good business to cull/prune the herd for a variety of reasons, such as market outlook, cash flow, or just to maintain a healthier, more easily controlled mass of cattle. It makes no sense to keep problem cows, the elderly, the ill or non-productive around. There comes a time when you must cut your losses -- and cull the herd. THEY WANT YOU DEAD!' 'Dysgenics: factors reducing the quality of the human race - the steady weakening and retardation of mankind due to inbreeding via welfare systems and other side effects of civilization that prevents natural selection from doing it's job. Dumb people have more children than smarter people who realise that kids are a major pain in the ass and should be avoided. Paranoid folks state that dysgenics will eventually result in the collapse of civilization. 'The Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy purpose is to reduce the world's population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease and any other means necessary. ' - 'the estimates for the carrying capacity of the planet, namely below 1 billion people.' 'Government by clubs and firing squads, by artificial famine, mass imprisonment and mass deportation, is not merely inhumane (nobody cares much about that nowadays); it is demonstrably inefficient in an age of advanced technology.' (Aldous Huxley, Brave New World 1946). “In order to save the planet it would be necessary to kill 350,000 people per day.” (Jacques Cousteau). Henry Kissinger, “U.S. policy toward the third world should be one of depopulation” Theodore Roosevelt: “Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind…. Any group of farmers, who permitted their best stock not to breed, and let all the increase come from the worst stock, would be treated as fit inmates for an asylum.” Global overshoot occurs 'when humanity's demand on nature exceeds the biosphere's supply, or regenerative capacity' (resource bankruptcy ). 'our “Titanic” (planet Earth) veers madly toward the iceberg of global collapse.' 'Depopulation: To reduce sharply the population of, as by disease, war, or forcible relocation. Gaia's Vengeance: “Mother Earth is here...and she's pissed!" and has sicced her champions on us to wipe out the infection, i.e., humankind. “Killing off all the people would be the greenest thing of all.” One prediction: 'Chaotic cleansing and a new beginning - It’s going to be big, and messy (all Hell breaking loose), but ultimately this new breed of spiritual fighters (the Indigo Children/Children of the Damned/the Returning Gods) will prevail with the hand of the benevolent species - not help, we are not helpless - the system collapse is being carefully orchestrated behind the scenes. This financial, and economic collapse combined with that some weather anomalies and world disasters (likely not caused by nature) and world unrest (Christian time of troubles). Things are going to start to move fast (as we approach the Null Point/Grand Awakening/Dimensional Shift/Ascension.) I believe it will be relatively short lived. - during this delicate period of unrest, greed will be intensified because of opportunity, and distractibility will play a hand in much usurping and attempted usurping of power. There won’t just be looting of cities going on, there will be looting of countries and attempt at control of our will and minds.' 'We are not victims or Sheeple, Zombies, Cattle or Lemmings, if people do not start to wake up soon and address their Subconscious Mind Patterns and their Victim Mind Patterns ' 'During the 1930s Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger openly supported the Nazi plan for genetic engineering of the German population, and the propagation of a "super race." She wrote of the necessity of: "the extermination of 'human weeds' ...the 'cessation of charity,' ... the segregation of 'morons, misfits, and the maladjusted,' and ... the sterilization of 'genetically inferior races.' (referring to immigrants and poor people.)" One extremist site declares, "The hidden agenda of civil rights legislation and so called hate laws in the 20th century was to make it illegal for society to defend itself against the take over of its military, government, financial institutions, media, publishing, and educational systems by Khazarian Talmudic Jews whose goal is to sow hate and impregnate the collective subconsious mind (NWO Psychotronic mind control) of society their values in order to create a world which serves them and not God." "- - It makes one wonder if they are really aliens from another planet who were placed on planet earth to destroy it, and its inhabitants in order to claim Earth for themselves. -- Are the UFOs really their "mother ship" checking up on progress?” Perhaps it is: 'the Cinematic Construction of UFOlogical Perception – a fake staged alien invasion imprinting technologically simulated second coming - the Fake Rapture,' such as the 'PsyOps Hoax/Prank NASA Project Blue Beam: False Holographic Projection Staged Second Coming: 'The Big Space Show in the Sky' designed to counterfeit the second coming of the Messiah by projecting laser holograms and audio spotlights of an alien invasion, and supernatural occurrences.' 'Hollywood tales of aliens performing experiments on human abductees flourished. UFO stories sometimes took on spiritual/religious dimensions: Aliens were godlike creatures in UFOs (God's Celestial Air Force) coming to save our planet--or transport us to a better one (the Secret Rapture/Ascension). UFO iconography is reinforced/amplified by a cultural feedback loop.' 'The use of telepathic hypnosis also holds great potential. This capability could allow agents to be deeply planted with no conscious knowledge of their programming. In movie terms, the Manchurian Candidate slave cult automatons are made, producing brainwashed 'lone nut' disgruntled sleepers and does not even require a telephone call (note how this dovetails with paranoid schizophrenia symptoms) (Tinfoil Alert). The project has perfected the ability for some device to lift up an enormous number of people, as in a rapture, and whisk the entire group into a never-never land. We see tests of this device in the abduction of humans by those mysterious little aliens who snatch people out of their beds and through windows into waiting "mother ships." The calculated resistance to the universal religion and the new messiah (draconian saviour)and the ensuing holy wars will result in the loss of human life on a scale never imagined before in all of human history (a resultant bloodbath). Naturally, this superbly staged falsification will result in dissolved social and religious disorder on a grand scale, each nation blaming the other for the deception, setting loose millions of programmed religious fanatics through demonic possession on a scale never witnessed before. In addition, this event will occur at a time of profound worldwide political anarchy and general tumult created by worldwide catastrophe requiring the institution of martial law (EVERYONE would BEG for a militarized one world government). IT's ALL ABOUT CONTROL, and USING US. First, earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet will result in new archaeological discoveries, revealing that all religions' basic doctrines have been misunderstood and misinterpreted. Second, a gigantic Space Show with laser projections of multiple 3-dimensional holographic images worldwide, will appear to be the image of God, speaking in all languages. Third, electronic telepathy involving ELF, VLF, and LF waves will reach people by the inside of their brains, i interlacing and interweaving with the natural thinking to form diffused artificial thought and making each one to believe that God is speaking to them from within their own souls. Fourth, electronic universal "supernatural" manifestation designed to deceive will create the following illusion: make mankind believe an alien invasion is imminent, make Christians believe a rapture is imminent and the aliens have come to rescue them, and convince all that global satanic supernatural forces and manifestations penetrating worldwide - able to travel through optical fiber, coaxial cable, electric and phone lines - are everywhere and inescapable.' One site offers (likely a hoax): '“Project Enoch” draws on a complex web of occult teachings and advanced technology which will use the mass hysteria around 2012 as springboard to further advance the aims of a one world government. It will merge the occultic teachings of Dr Hurtak, Alice Bailey and Helen Blavatsky with the advanced technological sorcery being developed by the world’s leading military powers. The combination of this extremely poisonous and deadly cocktail will then potentially use the growing 2012 mass hysteria as leverage. The countdown to 2012 will witness significant religious debate as 2012 researchers and conservative scholars from Islam and Christianity will clash over the ongoing reading of 2012 into the Bible and the Koran. The countdown to 2012 will witnessed increased UFO sightings and crop circle formations as the spiritual entities behind the formation of world government will increasingly channel their messages through their human channelers to further stimulate and intensify the tension. Whether it’s the Council of Nine or the Ascended Masters the message will continue to be the same. That the world is heading for a significant ecological, economic and social collapse and that the only means of salvation is for the world to unite but at the expense of those belief structures which have largely been responsible for much of the bloodshed and world turmoil over the centuries. The governments of the world will intensify security in the fear that patriot militia groups, Christian doomsday cults or terrorists will seek to instigate significant collateral damage to assist their ideology or their religious convictions. However there remains a significant possibility that those who work in shadow government and are plotting the implementation of world government will themselves seek to initiate some type of catastrophic event so as to draw on the hysteria from the approaching 2012. The blame for such an event could be largely placed on those conservative groups who for decades have been using the power of the airwaves to educate the masses regarding the illuminati and their covert plans for worldwide domination. Eventually the evolving plan will result in a massive deception within Christianity through a fake Second Coming of Christ involving holographic and ELF technology and will also lead to triggering a major world war which will see the might of Islam rise against Israel for a conflict which through its damaging consequences will prepare the world to receive world government as the only hope for survival.' When UFO mania developed in the post- Second World War period, Jung interpreted it in psychological terms. (Jung in 'FLYING SAUCERS: A MODERN MYTH OF THINGS SEEN IN THE SKIES -1958'). The UFOs to him were mandalas, archetypal symbols of wholeness which a frightened populace imagined in a pseudo-religious yearning for redemption. For Jung, the archetypes of the collective unconscious are the true sources of the supernatural. In fact, Jung said, 'the whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious.' To Jung, this worldwide projection of an inner psychological need onto an external form was indicative of some tremendous change underway in humanity. He speculated that it heralded the onset of a new astrological age - the age of Aquarius. Repeating an important quote from Jacques Vallee, 'We are compelled to conclude that many abductions either complete fantasies drawn from the collective unconscious or that actual beings are staging simulated operations very much in the manner of a theatrical play or movie, in order to release into our culture images that will influence us to a goal we are incapable of perceiving.' It is certainly striking that the onset of the UFO phenomenon coincided with the arrival of the Cold War and the fears it generated. When the Soviet Union developed nuclear weapons in 1949, for the first time it seemed that humankind might bring about its own destruction. Plus, in 1948, the State of Israel was established. “It is characteristic of our time that, in contrast to its previous expressions, the archetype should now take the form of an object,” Jung writes, “a technological construction, in order to avoid the odiousness of a mythological personification,”, concluding that our collective imagination has brought forth a “living myth.” Helpful quotes from Michael Tsarion: 'When the Earth is utterly exhausted, as it is soon to be, the progeny of the Atlantean sorcerers will again seek transplantation elsewhere. - If they can find a way of breaking through the Stargate, they will vacate Earth in their “arks”. Some question why things are so bad, why the “good” seem so helpless and why they seem to end in early graves? The answer can be provided by anyone conversant with the principles of the game of chess. A chess master is willing to make any and all sacrifices to win. Now, can we see why we have the problems we do? The good have no patience, no sense of timing, zero knowledge of the opponent, and because of their inherent morality, are not able to make the necessary sacrifices. Compare this to the enemy. They have endless patience, with strategies lasting millennia; they have an excellent sense of timing, moving in gradual stages while planning a long way ahead; they have intense knowledge of us; and most importantly, they are not the least bit hesitant to make any and all sacrifices that are needed. In fact, that is exactly what they have been doing. - Once the galactic gate is opened, the planet Earth and its inhabitants are utterly doomed. These aliens have no love for us, no care for their host planet, and will in all likelihood incinerate the entire place and all of humanity . We are engaged in bloody Armageddon, but are mostly unconscious of who the enemy is, what weapons they are using, and what it is that they are after. All that is good has been and still is being systematically removed from our inner and outer environments. For just as a virus penetrates the living cell, so have these alien beings, penetrated our planet long ago - one group was the Serpent Kings, aka, the Reptilians. It may be a short time before we, the host, are utterly destroyed and before those, who cause our sorry end, spread their wings and rise heavenward once again . The civilized people believe they have an obligation to bring primitive and underdeveloped people up to their level. Civilization, which is about to self-destruct, thinks of itself as the superior culture that has answers for all the world’s people' The Third World inhabitants covet First World lifestyles. 'Without us their future will resemble your average sub-Saharan hellhole (Third World flophouse). They need us, but we do not need them.' (and we wish they weren't there!) . Repeating Hansen's most important quote, “When the supernatural and irrational are banished from consciousness, they are not destroyed, rather they become exceedingly dangerous.” A similar important quote from UFO researchers Clark and Coleman, 'the collective unconscious too long repressed, will burst free, overwhelm the world, and war, anarchy, fascism will be unleashed..." and "when the unconscious can no longer be contained, its liberated contents will destroy all the conscious mind has produced : The fruits of science, technology, civilized order, and the very process of reason itself. Under the new imbalance a spiritual dark age will blanket the Earth." 'Primitives knew that society could be torn apart if magical power were released.' 'The conscious mind may actively seek to limit psi function as a form of defense against information overload that might lead to unbridled, destructive paranoia.' Eric Gutkind said, 'The inrushing of the unconscious is one of the highest possibilities of man.' Conspiracy sites vainly search for physical causes for the upcoming global 'NWO/NGO' depopulation/pest control/extermination of mankind. Some methods by which the global elite supposedly is striving to decimate/eradicate the population: AIDS as a laboratory concoction, chemtrails (which really means my rain of slime down from the sky!), Weather Modification/Warfare or dispersion of bioweapon aerosols. Instead I wield the most lethal force unleashed – the power of the gods! (I'm the Exterminating Angel!) - my Invisible Fairy Rain of slime when the floodgates of Heaven open for the Final Conflagration planetwide! Darth Vader with his Death Star planet killer had nothing on what I have below my belt! I hold the Doomsday Button/Depopulation Bomb that I'm ready to detonate once again. 'A mechanism (my Depopulation Bomb) will tip seven billion superfluous (thinning out the useless eaters)lives into history’s dumpster. 'Repeating, 'When Robert Oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb, saw the first blast, he exclaimed 'I am become Shiva, destroyer of worlds!', aware of the ancient Vedic 'nuclear warfare'. He noted it was 'the first blast in modern times.' Castro's apocalyptic warning of global nuclear armageddon/holocaust indicates his forebodings. Terraforming (literally, "Earth-forming" ) or planetary/global engineering is the godlike power my unqualified wicked humans (devils) in their pride have usurped and now dare hold in their hands. The extremist site (Voluntary Human Extinction Movement), whose motto is “May we live long and die out”, advocates 'phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed to allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.' Make room! Make room! Other names: "Extreme Makeover: Planet Edition" and 'the Great Die-off'. 'Why not look at some good things that will happen in new world beginnings. Maybe it is Mother Nature's way of culling the population, opening up some breathing room, getting rid of a lot of pollution that many have caused (Culled = Recycled/Wiped Clean/Refurbished/Rejuvenated). Maybe so many people will get freaked out that they will be left without their technological gadgetry that finally they will start looking for alternative power sources. Look at how many people are obese in today's society. Most of this is because of lack of exercise,poor eating habits, and just being lazy. Maybe the new world beginnings will make us have to go back to much simpler times, when you walked, rode animals, or biked where you needed to go ('Are you ready to ride your horse or bicycle?'). - Nothing short of a cull can save the human race from self-destruction. - a solution to the problem of overpopulation - unless we learn to control our numbers, or have a solution imposed on us by either nature or man. - Most people think it's somebody else's job to be the opposition/resistance while they go to work and come home and eat out and watch teevee and shop and otherwise live the sheeple life the NWO expects the flock to live while waiting to be fleeced/culled - Jews "walking into the furnaces"?' Sheeple: self-policing of the human herd - lemmings who obey the motto: follow the asshole in front of you off the cliff!' 'The dumbing down of the brain dead.' The great dumbing-down of the masses: the drooling, television watching zombies who dominate our landscape offer absolutely nothing of value to the world (Homer Simpsons), and you have a front-row seat as Bart plots to wrest control from Homer. Baaa! Baaa, black sheep! Another tactic: divide and conquer – set factions of the herd at war with one another.' (As with idiot Shiites killing Sunnis and vice versa.) Jay Weidner notes, 'The Georgia Guidestones, it has been argued by conspiracy theorists, is a 10 Commandments for the New World Order. The first Commandment of the Guidestones is the declaration to reduce the world's population from the current six billion to 500 million.' '♪ Thin the herd, thin the herd, the great cull is coming down... Most of us must die... Instigate wars in population density centres Maintain population below 500 million Immunise, irradiate, deregulate all toxins Monsanto feed, Monsanto seed - all the bees are dying Depopulation in every nation, follow the food code All fall down, all fall down'(Killing Joke) By cold logic, if any other animal was breeding at the current rate and using up all the world's resources, they should have their numbers culled/pruned before they ruin the planet beyond repair. - genocidal maniac karmic trickster gnomes (such as myself, a dead fairy dwarf who plays God - the Puppet Master who pulls your strngs - '♪ He's got the world on a string') and their terroristic plans to cull the world's population by any means necessary. - We cull lots of other species when they start to destroy their habitat and negatively influence other species, so it's 'natural' that we cull ourselves... because we are destroying our habitat and negatively influencing other species. - There are good reasons to practice birth control and limit reproduction, but this is a far cry from reducing the existing population. To confuse the two issues is a dangerous slur that gives huge advantage to the global Nazi style eugenics scam. When Rockefeller and others discuss this proposal, they perpetuate the slur so that their genocidal imperative is somewhat disguised, one issue being nested in the other. Those who are caught in the terminal stage of the global psychosis are bent on reducing the existing population, i.e., mass murder, not on following a more rigorous and conscientious course to limit breeding and hold human reproduction to reasonable and sustainable levels. These two viewpoints cannot be confounded. Reg Morrison 'If the human plague is really as normal as it looks, then the collapse curve should mirror the growth curve. This means the bulk of the collapse will not take much longer than 100 years, and by 2150 the biosphere should be safely back to its preplague population of Homo Sapiens -- somewhere between a half and one billion .' "Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet" said Agent Smith of 'The Matrix', a villain who can multiply himself into numerous copies/clones (which means he is a collective entity instead of a singular human being). 'Humanity is a blight and unredeemable.' 'The real enemy of humanity is humanity itself.' Spoiled brats/Rotten Peaches: 'What's broken is not the environment, but ourselves -- technology and prosperity have made our society dysfunctional, and diverted us from "direct experience with real life" and into a Jabba the Hutt-style passive lethargy (turned to stone).' 'Our lifetime may be the last that will be lived out in a technological society. This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one. We are just tenants on this world. We have just been given a warning from the landlord.' Arthur C. Clarke. 'We must be weaning ourselves off our phony and plastic existence.' 'The Remedy for Riches is poorness! The End of Affluence. Back to the Future. '♪ We heard a cry We've come to intervene You will change your ways and you will make amends Or we will wipe this place clean' (Nine Inch Nails) 'The Elite's Plan for World Domination: 1.Kill the Dollar 2.Bring the United States to Third World Status 3.Use the Healthcare Reform Act to Bring in Complete Government Control' ' - They want us to be totally dependent on the state both in the health and social sense . - They do not believe in the family unit as this creates harmony and therefore they prefer single parents. They encourage the use of drugs and may even one day tax them. Basically the NWO want a population of “Zombies” who will do exactly what they want them to do. - Their intention is to completely control every human being and at the same time reduce the world’s population by around 5.5 billion people. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class remain. - if you regard humanity as a race of "useless eaters" (that's a jargon term coined by Henry Kissinger of the Power Elite-Ruling Class), you would employ your extensive resources for population reduction. In fact, believing in Malthusian and Darwinian ideology would require you to cull the masses - and not just by the usual means of wars and "low-level conflicts." 'To the string pullers, nature must take its course. Human life has very little value. Soldiers who die in war died, because they were too stupid to stay alive. Genocide is a major bonus to them; culling of mass amounts of “useless eaters” who were too stupid to escape and therefore deserved to be killed. That is why they did nothing to stop the six million Jews being killed in WW2. That is why the world did nothing to stop Pol Pot in Cambodia or the genocide in Rwanda.' Underdeveloped countries' populations have only become a problem after Euro-American technologies worked to stave off death from NWO 'benefactors' such as self-righteous and humorless Bill Gates and George Soros by means of vaccines, antimalarial drugs, etc. "Greens..blame the world's overbreeding poor people for the planet's peril." As a further example of such doom-laden prophecy, here is the latest sermon on the impending eco-apocalypse, according to James Lovelock, “the closest thing we have to an Old Testament prophet”, in his latest Jeremiad, 'The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning' (2009), he prophesies the collapse of global civilization and the virtual extinction of humanity in an orgy of violence that Lovelock gloatingly dismisses as a “massive natural cull of humanity”. - democracy is a luxury that the world cannot afford, but by ruthless, environmentally aware warlords who rise to the top amidst the chaos. They will determine who is kept aboard and who is jettisoned, with evolutionary theory dictating that the old, the sick, and the infirm will have to go, along with those who choose to accompany them as helpers, in a last fleeting expression of human compassion, while the rest surrender to the ruthless amorality of natural selection. Time for us Space Aliens to 'take control of the hyperspace module to rewrite/reboot the universe!': "There is going to be a Harvest, as you might call it, a harvest of souls that will shortly occur on your planet.” “The Mayans stopped their calendar at 2012 because they could see this would be the time of the next major event: the shifting of the entire world into the next dimension”. 'human existence is approaching a singularity point (the Null Point) – the end of time, or the restart of time' 'New Age author John Randolph Price was told by his spirit guide that in the near future two billion people who could not cope with the reality of the New Age would be wiped off the face of the earth during the future "cleansing" period that will balance the earth once again. There is the potential for many people to leave the planet in an afternoon (the Secret Rapture) - individuals who lack the proper vibration will be left behind. Apparently from the earth's point of view these individuals will simply appear to blink out of existence. - the Bible predicts that the good people will be taken while New Age trance-channelers are being told that the bad people will be taken (the devils I remove).' 'Transportals: Travel Within the Multiverse Reconnections Energy Gates in space and time by BRIDGE PEOPLE.' 'Astral Travel can be upgraded to an experience we call INTER-DIMENSIONAL TRANSPOSITION.' 'Ascension is not just about people going up. Humankind is also in the process of bringing Heaven down to Earth as well (the New Jerusalem).' 'Project World Evacuation: Ufos to Assist in the "Great Exodus" of Human Souls Off This Planet via the arrival of the huge 'City Ships' (UFOs) that will transport the 'Chosen' 'Lift Off' from this planet to a safe 'New World' following global disasters.' According to one source the on the Ascenion To A Higher Plane/World Ascension Network/Project World Evacuation: "the rapture" does not mean we will go away from here, or ascend to heaven; but instead to rise up into a new dimension or new world. This rapture is about the return of heaven back to earth and being able to walk the Earth as living masters. This has been done before on earth so it is not an unrealistic idea (at the end of the last cycle). Adam and Eve were living in paradise… heaven… before they decided to embrace duality by eating from the tree of good and evil. ' Its the Biblical Fall of Man doctrine: 'When compared to other species, humans are a bunch of bastards. They are all greedy, heartless, violent, cruel, selfish, egotistical, thoughtless and evil.' Because “genocide by tribal mobs is as natural as breathing”, human beings will embrace various forms of Green fascism and eagerly agree to the suspension of constitutional rights, convinced that blind obedience is the only way to survive and that their free will and personal autonomy must the surrendered to a self-selected elite of omnipotent environmental scientists and the strutting self-righteous Green politicians who exist to implement their dictates. Lovelock claims that the earth should be properly known as ‘Gaia’, the Earth Goddess, because she is allegedly a living organism - indeed ‘the largest living being on the planet’ (because she is the planet!) – and ‘she’ operates according to scientific laws that dictate that humanity is an evolutionary dead end – a sort of sentient stool - that will be excreted by Gaia as she continues to ensure her own homeostatic well-being through her manipulation of various environmental parameters, as she has done for millions of years in the past and will continue to do for millions of years after humanity’s apparently well-deserved demise.' 'The Illuminati's idea of Population Control falls into two broad categories: 1. Limiting the size of human societies and monitoring/controlling the movement of individuals within that society, and 2. Intentionally reducing the bulk of the world's population through GENOCIDE via the introduction of population slaughter, orchestrated conflicts, and lethal bioengineered disease organisms introduced via vaccines and other means of external transmission. - They proposed that a vast network of underground cities be built in order to secure living quarters for the chosen Illuminati elite, high level cooperative politicians, and selected military elements. Underground cities are also co-habitated by extraterrestrial alien groups that the secret government has made treaties with for technology exchange and human-alien hybrid breeding programs. the entire Soviet/American cold war and MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) scenario was an orchestrated Illuminati deception to bleed both Russian and American citizens of their wealth in order to finance black budget operations, secret technology developments, underground city construction, genetic engineering projects, time & space travel research, and anti-gravity, flying saucer spacecraft development. 'All of the comics, sci-fi, etc - are a balm for sensitives, on both sides of the TV screen. Like paranoid schizophrenics, sensitives tend to exaggerate threats but they also perceive changes coming down the pike before anyone else. Some sensitives are born that way, some become so because of drugs or environmental factors and some become so because of life-changing trauma. Everything going on right now seems almost staged, aside from all of the obvious hidden agendas and bad actors at play out there.' 'Schizophrenia can lead its victims to believe they have extraordinary powers. Schizophrenia is really some sort of uncontrolled telepathy: Thought Broadcasting is a common symptom of schizophrenia. - It has been said by some that those who develop schizophrenia have an untapped gift of telepathy. There is a state called schizophrenic break syndrome which is the sign. The onset of this condition starts with an inner apocalypse (that Brown calls the 'real' apocalypse), where often feelings are about the end of the world or time. - In indigenous peoples, these people are allowed this space and can become shamans. ' and 'gain superhuman abilities = gains delusions? (or, in some cases, perfectly accurate assessments) of godhood at the same time. It then becomes almost inevitable that he will give an overblown speech emphasizing just how far beyond ordinary humanity he has evolved, and how lowly they are compared to him. Their transformations leaves them less than sane, in a mixture of delusional fantasy and subconsciously recycled material from other sources (the media, and in particular, TV).' ' Aliens possess such powers humans don't have like telepathy, invisibility, healing, laser beams shooting from the eyes and mind control.' 'Schizophrenics exist in a continuous dream-like state (trance).' Schizophrenic visions as manifestations of the Collective Unconscious: 'Schizophrenia taps into the collective unconscious and its powerful and disturbing archetypal energies.' - so that others are uneasy around them. 'The schizophrenic's reason and senses, like those of the shaman during initiation, are assaulted by concrete revelations of the heights and depths of the vast Otherworlds of the Collective Unconscious. Simultaneously, the schizophrenic is forced to slot into the sometimes petty humdrum and routine of daily existence. The invasion of the ego by archetypal forces transforms the individual profoundly and irreversibly; no-one who has endured such a crisis can confine the expanded horizons of their consciousness to the tame boundaries of cultural norms (once the Third Eye/Double Vision/Doors of Perception are opened). He lives in a discontinuous reality which can become a terrifying bombardment of overlapping realities, voices and chaotic perceptions. Everything takes on mythical overtones. The players in the archetypal dramas are often gods who are potentially both benevolent and destructive.' Note how many of the symptoms for those with a Messiah Complex with delusions that they are Saviors of the world (who think they're god or talking with god in “psychotic” episodes) correspond to powers of aliens: incorrectly interpreting casual incidences as having unusual meaning directed specifically towards the individual; having odd fantasies or beliefs – excessive superstition, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, bizarre fantasies or preoccupations; suspicious or paranoid beliefs; behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar; lacking close friends or confidants; excessive social anxiety; unusual perceptual experiences; and inappropriate or constricted effect. A person may believe that strangers are speaking about him when he’s walking down the street. He may also believe that a television broadcast is meant especially for him. He may also believe that people are going to harm him even when there is nothing to support such a belief. 'The whole world and every tiniest instance of anything within it is speaking to the schizophrenic of his singular destiny. Every utterance, whether by friends or the TV, every reported news item, every passing vehicle or fluttering leaf provides the schizophrenic with another piece in the jigsaw of the design that destiny has decreed for them. This perception is due to a dying or dead and lost ego. The normal perimeters between the individual and the rest of the world have cracked or broken, and the self finds itself identifying with anything and everything within its scope of consciousness. It is because of this primary state of ego loss that psychosis and mystical experience are so inextricably bound. - the schizophrenic may feel himself to be lord of all the world, the ultimate magician, Jesus.' Some patients experience unusual perceptual experiences, such as hearing and seeing things that aren’t really there. They may think a small noise is really a voice, or see people moving out of the corners of their eyes when they are alone in the room/house. Many patients take these as normal, everyday occurrences. - have delusions that allow them to believe they are specially important people and that’s why they’re experiencing some similar symptoms - time dilation thoughts are being inserted by telepathy or through some mysterious ether (as with Reich). Metamagical thinking, a very strong interest in new-age beliefs, science fiction, fantasy, religion: It's the shamans who are moving separate from everyone else, living alone, who talk with the dead, who speak in tongues, who go out with the full moon and turn into a hyena overnight, etc.' 'In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake, the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens, into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had their abode in the planets.... Even people who would never have thought that a religious problem could be a serious matter that concerned them personally are beginning to ask themselves fundamental questions. Under these circumstances it would not be at all surprising if those sections of the community who ask themselves nothing were visited by `visions,' by a widespread myth seriously believed in by some and rejected as absurd by others.' -- C. G. Jung, in 'Flying Saucers' Carl Jung paraphrase, 'the UFO acts more as a thought from inner space than a craft from outer space.' 'Comparison of Demon Possession with Alien Abduction: Both sets of entities are or seem capable of: 1. telepathic communication 2. hypnotic / altered state induction, regression, suggestion 3. hiding, both in the sense of successfully convincing the host /percipient to deny their existence AND at convincing a huge portion of the public that they don't exist. Also, both are capable of hiding in the physical sense, as well, within the layered psyche and often within the physical or quantum or interstitial body of the host. 4. reprisal when discovered, often in equal measure to the level of emotional distress caused by the discovery 5. time travel 6. obtaining some measure of physical and mental control over their subjects for extended periods 7. cajoling, manipulating, or in some way forcing their subjects to perform acts against the subjects' wills, including forced sexual intercourse (rape), violent crime, and suicide. 8. physically moving their subjects from one location to another through various means, including a compromise of the percipient's free will through mind control / manipulation 9. interacting with percipients/hosts at the soul level 10. establishing highly organized, hierarchic networks capable of interacting with and controlling to some degree vast numbers of minions and human beings simultaneously 11. manifest into the human perceptual levels from the lower frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum 12. interrupting the transitory journey of the soul after death. Examples can be found in the Bible, in the book Matrix II (per the Nexus Group), et al. 13. claiming to represent the Light, i.e. a higher spiritual power, even though the literal translation of the name Lucifer can be Light Bearer. 14. Neither set of entities ever occupied human bodies of their own. 15. Either set of entities can or could have been abducted or possessed. Without going into great detail, it is convenient to think of the possibilities like this: Demons, or fallen angels, are said to have fallen from grace, even though they were originally created by God. In effect, they may have been influenced, even possessed and/or abducted, by Lucifer at the time of the Great Rebellion in Heaven.' 'What do the aliens want? * they want to hybridize with humans and thereby extend their scope, and possibly extend their diminishing biological capacity * they want to feed off human energies (such as emotion) * they want to help humans develop and eventually join the many other species that, presumably, are active in our galaxy (and perhaps beyond) * they (the aliens) are not extraterrestrials but are a plot by some covert human group that is using advanced technologies to intentionally simulate alien abduction in an effort to strike fear into humans and thereby bring about popular support for some military force. Further, "Satanic Ritual Abuse memories have to be screen memories for alien abductions, and the aliens had planted their memories of the cult experiences. But, if you go to the Satanic Ritual Abuse seminars, they'll tell you the opposite; they'll say that the UFO abduction experiences are all screen memories for actual Satanic cult experiences." * they want the natural resources of Earth * they see the Earth as a zoo and don't want humans to destroy it' 'The staged and planned attacks of the World Trade Center and Pentagon buildings were deliberate acts orchestrated by Illuminati planners using naive arab dupes (the "terrorists") to pull off a suicide mission in which they were allowed, guided, and facilitated by hidden intelligence agents and operatives. They are using this orchestrated ruse to stampede the public into accepting Big Brother control and ID programs, along with the sweeping away of constitutional guarantees and liberties under the guise of anti-terrorists legislation. -' (Note: I disagree with much conspiracy theory and discuss my own on the WTC, etc. above and following. The preceding lengthy section was in green to help distinguish it from my contribution.) Paraphrasing, 'Not even the Angels in Heaven know when the world will end! Man has always tried to predict the end of the world and is always wrong. It will end when God is ready for it to end, and will come as a thief in the night.' In the End Times, men would insist "let us do evil that good may come'. The End is nigh, Brother! Get your affairs in order! 'Take heed lest any man deceive you: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.' The earlier diagrams amplify the Christian timetable. Return to Topics Tower of Babel Repeat: Tower of Babel The World Trade Center Attack was the literal fulfillment of the Tower of Babel Tarot card. As Brown says, 'the gods return in thunder.' As I said, 'this was me calling up my invisible thunder and lighting rainstorm striking at the Twin Towers (Mass Psychosis). In other words, I fired up my Weird Radio.' This is one of the multiple Secret Rapture events of which I have been the main instigator, along with several of my assistant angels. Repeating: '♪ Call out the instigators Because there's something in the air (= slime raining down!) We've got to get together sooner or later Because the revolution's here, and you know it's right And you know that it's right' (Thunderclap Newman) 'Something in the Air' 'The present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.' (2 Peter). The upcoming final Secret Rapture, by my hand, will be the final conflagration where the world is consumed as prophesied by fire, the net result being a shitload (pardon my French) of corpses, my Fairy Dump, my planetary enema/purge, again to inaugurate the fourth Golden Age, after I spew slime planetwide! Brown says, 'All flesh shall see it together. Apocalypse is the dissolution of the group as numerical series, as in representative democracy, and its replacement by the group as fusion, as communion. As in totemism, we participate in each other as we participate in each other.'and 'To bring this world to an end: the consummation devoutly to be wished, the final judgment. - A fiery consummation 'Creation will be burned up.' (quoting visionary seer Blake.) And, 'The ancient tradition that the world will be consumed in fire at the end of six thousand years is true - the whole creation will be consumed and appear infinite.' – Blake. "Against the Kingdom of the Beast, we witnesses shall rise."– Blake. The Ranters, a seventeenth century Anarchist sect, quoted Revelation, 'The sky vanished like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.', and as Jesus prophesied, 'you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.' Marxist historian Christoper Hill in 'The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution' detailed the strange, sudden effusion of revolutionary beliefs and the various insurgent movements that arose such as the Ranters, the Levellers and the Diggers (the hippies consciously modeled themselves on them). 'Inception' (2010) portrays 'a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state when the mind is at its most vulnerable. - 'Inception', another word for creation, juxtaposes violence and cataclysm with the dream of "extracting" ourselves from the corporate controlled world of mind control and general madness. The objective is to "get back home." 'Embedded is the 528 code (528hz - God’s favorite number) for musical transcendence (My Heavenly Music Of The Spheres) - music played in "Room 528," and linked to a forgotten "528" memory.' When people talk about seeing movies, they tend to fall back on the rhetoric of dreams — 'the lights came up, and we went back into the 'real' world'. 'Inception' is an elaborate metaphor for moviemaking (movies give a God's eye fly on the wall view). The plot repeats the earlier 'Dreamscape' (1985) where a government funded project used psychics to enter people's dreams. Inception 2010 'Inception' (2010) Conflagration - Sky Vanishing Like a Scroll Being Rolled Up! Full Tilt! Slip Sliding Away! Inception 2010 'Inception' (2010) The World Turned Upside Down! String Pulled! Turned into Rigid Stone Statues! Fairy Bowling! All Fall Down! Rigid Statue Repeat: Hypnotized (Frozen into Rigid Stone Statue) Fairy Bowling! (Compare with Prior Image) Scoop 'em up! Make room! Make room! Pile 'em high! A bonfire offering to the Sun! Repeating, 'Druids placed living men inside a wooden manikin and set them on fire to pay tribute to the gods.' 'For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?' Revelation 6:17. 'Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe'. Rev 14:15 'Let the dead bury their dead.' Also, on the Harvesting: Jesus said, “Just as the gathering of vultures shows there is a carcass nearby, so these signs indicate that the end is near.” Also, “Then I saw an angel standing in the sun, shouting to the vultures flying high in the sky: "Come! Gather together for the great banquet God has prepared. Revelation 19:17” Make Room! Scoop 'Em Up! Make Room! Make Room! Scoop 'Em Up! Pile 'Em High! 'Soylent Green' (1974) Return to Topics Blake's Writhing 'Whirlwind of Lovers' A Secret 'Rapture Prophecy? William Blake's Writhing 'Whirlwind of Lovers' in Hell (Dante's 'Inferno') (Compare with my phallic waving Fire Hose/Water Cannon spewing). The sentiment among most Catholics and many Christians generally is that there would be no Secret Rapture, and that it's not Biblical. Only a few 'incoherent' verses in (mainly) Paul lend support. Paul was out of his depth and language resources. It is real as the corpses I laid out! And I give it it's proper name: MASS PSYCHOSIS! 'The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches.' The parable of the mustard seed "suggests the growth of the kingdom of God from tiny beginnings to worldwide size." So just as Jesus correctly prophesied the Kingdom within a generation, you will soon behold the descent of the New Jerusalem down to Earth from Heaven (similar to a descent by a Mothership to a holding pattern above the planet)! Business Return to Topics Triumph for Psychopaths! RoguesGallery Rogues Gallery of Clowns/Thugs/Goons//Morons/Idiots (Pantheon of King Wannabes) '♪ If you go out in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today You'd better go in disguise. For every bear that ever there was Will gather there for certain, because Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic (my summit of goons and thugs)' I said I'm a Communist. The last century was littered with many heinous dictators and tyrants. There are in the present day still many around outside the West. I admire none of them. Like me, they're thugs, goons, morons and idiots. They're stand-ins for the all mad, all bad cliffhanger supervillains who plotted World Domination (mwahahaha!). But I do respect a few of them. I'll name Lenin, certainly not Stalin, but yes on Mao and Castro. 'The defunct Soviet Union and Maoist China were the Leftist alternative parallel universe (whose numerous failures were given alibis).' 'There's a hell of a nice universe next door, let's go.' E E Cummings. Lenin called Leftism an infantile disorder – he was more profoundly right than he knew. Lenin was accusing revolutionaries wanting to establish Utopia (the New Jerusalem) of regressing to the (incestuous) safety of the Mother (Commie pinko bedwetter). Leftists are shrill and strident in tone, because unconsciously they see the taboo is being violated (John of Patmos was also shrill). I also like the Frankfurt School(boys) Marxist Jews: Horkenheimer, Walter Benjamin and especially Adorno and the rest of their Communist dupe fellow travelers (Brown, of course, was a progeny partly of the Frankfurt School - a naughty schoolboy Trickster a la Bart Simpson). “Norman O. Brown is variously considered the architect of a new view of man, a modern-day shaman, and a Pied Piper leading the youth of America astray.“ (Sam Keen). In 'A Conservative History of the American Left', Daniel Flynn says, 'the troika of Wilhelm Reich, Herbert Marcuse and Norman O. Brown almalgamated utopian socialism with inverse readings of Freudian psychology. The mixture (witch's brew) produced a call to liberate man from civilization(!) What could be more radical than a call to overthrow civilization itself? - Brown was challenging the world as it existed and seeking to replace it with something out of the ether (the fairy world of the New Jerusalem). Reich, Marcuse and Brown judged that civilization wasn't worth it. If civilization caused neuroses, then it was necessarily unhealthy. Kill the disease, they argued.' Adorno amd Horkenheimer made mistakes in their works such as 'The Dialectic of Enlightenment' and have been rightly criticized as elitist mandarins. But here at the End of the World their brand of Marxism has been ultimately vindicated. One frequent accusation against the Frankfurt School and knee-jerk puppetry liberalism generally which cannot be denied: their support of mass immigration as being used to destroy nations. Lenin's 'useful idiots' are 'those who unwittingly support a malignant cause through their 'naive' attempts to be a force for good, such as "benign neglect" towards radical Islamist groups. 'To the Left, Islam is another cutesy Asian religion like Buddhism. They collect them, so long as they stay irrelevant as a political faction. And yet Leftists work tirelessly to enable and empower Islam, and viciously attack anyone who gets in the way of that.' 'The Left wants mass immigration for votes and part of the Right wants it to drive down wages.' 'Immigrants were brought here, and in other countries, by Lefties in order to flood out traditional voters. This isn’t immigration, it’s colonization.' We're 'flooded with immigrants in order to gain a permanent political majority and rub multiculturalism in the faces of poor whites.' 'Why should we bring in people en masse from world class sh*tholes? - the City of Washington, DC and Haiti — both black run and thus sh*tholes.' Such sources sum up the Frankfurt School's long-term operation thus: "We will make the west so corrupt that it stinks" - the goal: to destroy America under its own rotten weight. Multiculturalism/pluralism/cosmopolitanism = mongrelization. 'Liberalism (created by the subversive Jewish Frankfurt School of cultural relativism, modernity and cosmopolitanism - PC Leftism), today’s religion, has as its new unholy trinity: Race, Feminism and Sexual Orientation.' This is the successful 'subversion of Western culture by the corrosive Frankfurt School conspiracy to corrupt and destroy (including Brown). Political Correctness is Cultural Marxism.' 'The postmodern intellectual meltdown: multiculturalism, diversity, affirmative action, feminism, and the victim industry. The 'genesis was in the Frankfort School’s cultural Marxism that emerged in the 1960s as the New Left (aka “red diaper babies”, i.e. the generally Jewish core leadership often having old left communist parents) and second wave feminists who plan to usher in their own utopia but can’t do it until most of us (Whites) are soft-genocided into extinction. The Jew is using The Black as muscle against us.' 'We should stop allowing our elites, lead most shrilly and insistently by Jews on the de facto almost zero immigration restrictions issue, to effectively replace the European white majority of this country with heavily Mexican and Central American peasants.' 'The whole multicultural idea was an intentional implant of the KGB’s first directorate subversion program.' 'The key to “liberalism” is the belief in non-discrimination as the principle of society: Thou shalt not discriminate against other people on the basis of their Race, Gender or Sexual Orientation—the idea of the 1965 Immigration Act and the 1964 Civil Rights Act now applied to all of humanity. This principle of non-discrimination must, if followed consistently, destroy every human society and institution. A society that cannot discriminate between itself and other societies will go out of existence' (Suicide of the West – the West's darkest hour). 'Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.'(Karl Popper). 'In order to survive, a culture must, like a living organism, have a functioning immune system, one that can discriminate between Self and Other. For example, if we are not allowed to distinguish between ourselves and Muslims, if we must open ourselves to everyone and everything in the world that is different from us, and if the more different and threatening the Other is, the more we must open ourselves to it, then we go out of existence. In the Western mind is the knowledge that Islam was our historic adversary, as it has been for a thousand years, and radically alien. But today, the very notion of stopping mass Muslim immigration is out of the question, it can’t even be thought. The unassimilable immigrants must be permitted to flood our society, changing its very nature.' 'The intellectual drift to the left as a move toward societal suicide. For liberalism is a cry for the supremacy of general good intentions over the practical application of common sense.' 'It is driving us to the reduction, and eventual extinction, of whites.' Pat Buchanan has 'asserted that the Frankfurt School commandeered the American mass media to infect the minds of Americans.' 'The true and sinister purpose of Frankfurt School Critical Theory Political Correctness (Stealth Marxism/Red Fascist virus poisonous meme) is the complete eradication of traditional Western Culture by a (knee-jerk) strangle-hold on the universities and what they are allowed to say and on the popular media. The purpose of Communist propaganda is not to persuade but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. Their avowed purpose is to destroy the hegemonic white male structure of power. This requires the inversion of beliefs of white males so that they feel impelled to relinquish their positions to women and minorities. Multiculturalism pits various ethnic and cultural groups against each other and destroying the coherence of Western society from within (divide and conquer). Unassimilable Muslim immigrants are used as pawns. If society as a whole abandons all positive beliefs, it is powerless to resist the disintegrating effects of selfishness and private interest. Every society rests in the last resort on the recognition of common principles and common ideals, and if it makes no moral or spiritual appeal to the loyalty of its members, it must inevitably fall to pieces.' 'Under the Frankfurt School subversive plan that has now been implemented, the admission of millions of illiterate migrant workers that have now well and truly sabotaged Civilization's immune system and its nervous system.' 'Muslims in the West are a Trojan Horse virus.' "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!" 'Returning to the intent of the Framers would require nothing less than a revival of the constitutional personality and of the civilization from which it is indistinguishable.' 'We don't have a Constitutional Republic anymore. We have had full blown socialism and an out of control military industrial complex along with unbridled bankers and corporate stoolies that help them out to rape and pillage what is left of our nation. The only option left is to try to prevent disorder and rioting as resources run out. The power grabbers introducing more fascism are being played by events out of their control, just as you are (string pulled puppets - I'm also a string pulled puppet). Characteristics of such puppets: blunted affect (lack of emotional response), blank look with averted gaze (looking at the floor), pain insensitivity, agitation, confusion and disorientation, hyperactivity and distractibility, impaired spastic coordination and insomnia/sleep deprivation. Resources run out and the government becomes stronger. They need to keep themselves running, not only to keep order so as to stay in power, but also because those benefiting from the old system won't allow them to do it any other way. Martial law is as inevitable as the sun rising. Multiracial nations rarely work out long term. The tribal marks are not overcome in difficult times. Race wars will happen in this country as soon as times get genuinely tough. Along with racial conflict, the disintegration of our nation state will begin. Today, most soil is already infertile, only producing because of oil inputs. There is far less knowledge of farming than in the past and there is far less farmland available than in the past. The last time an individual possessed all of the needed skills to survive was during the Stone Age while hunting and gathering. Trade is impossible without a functioning economy, trust, rule of law and energy for transportation. Once your lifeboat community is up and running, you have a nice big target painted at your front gate. We start living off of our seed corn. You have untold multitudes unable to take care of themselves and quite willing to band together to take what is yours. Wishing upon a star to make it all go away isn't going to work.' Fun anticommunist antisemitic hoax: 'JEWS IN AMERICA — These are your final instructions prior to takeover: 1. Continue to enlarge our control over radio, TV, newspapers, movies and magazines. 2. Educate our sons and crowd the Gentiles out of the practice of law, medicine, pharmacy, and all the retail trades. 3. Make their Schools and Colleges training camps of our Red revolution. 4. Bring ridicule upon their Christian faith, divide their people, weaken their churches. 5. Demoralize their women and children. 6. Corrupt their courts and bring them into contempt. 7. Turn class against class, the nigger against the White. 8. Buy politicians and continue to corrupt their local, state and national governments. 9. "GET" the Fascist anti-Semites, one way or another. 10. Use willing tools like Truman, Eisenhower, Stevenson and Warren; they will do our bidding. 11. Plan unlimited immigration of our persecuted people without restriction. 12. Continue our control of their money through the Federal Reserve System. 13. Continue to place Jews in key positions in government, army and navy. 14. We must destroy the Republic and replace it with a Democracy (Jewish-governed state Socialism). 15. Continue our control over labor, agitate unrest, strikes and violence by any means or schemes. Especially through these methods shall we plunge this country into destitution, demoralization, bankruptcy and civil war, further lessening the numbers of our enemies.' 'We're now a 'Third-World flop-house!' Also: a 'Planet of Slums.' Castro would never use this terminology, but he's a fair wizard. Specifically, he's a clockstopper (something fairy wizards can do). As a better wizard, I'm going to go him one better (below). He came to power in 1959, looked around and said 'Hey, we've got enough to get by, let's stop the clock!' He made time stand still, and in subsequent years rumbling on Havana's streets all you saw were ancient classic Fifties dinosaur cars that were the old gas guzzlers with huge tail fins. And with no repair parts, they were clunkers held together by such as string and chewing gum. Note that Castro's father was a wealthy plantation owner, and Castro grew up in wealthy circumstances (a Son of a Gun). And he now runs Cuba as his own (patriarchial) plantation. In 1973 Mao adopted population control and provided free contraceptives. Mao's successors used their advantage as a totalitarian state to institute a one child policy in an attempt to control overpopulation, with mixed results. Repeating my earlier, on conspiracy websites, according to various plans, such as the Kissinger Report, the New World Order views overpopulation as a threat to security, and seeks to depopulate via "limited wars, diseases, and starvation," which we are seeing play out now. Their plan is proceeding through eliminating possible cures for diseases. Again, I remind readers that John of Patmos would wholeheartedly support this NWO with his Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, as do I. Population control/population reduction/depopulation/alien abuction is a front for human genocide as in the Jonestown and Heaven's Gates Mass Suicides but on a planetwide scale. Jesus cast out the demons that possessed a madman 'My name is Legion: for we are many.' into the Gadarene swine. 'The unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea.' The madness passed to the herd – 'go jump off a cliff', as in the mad charge of lemmings (Crash Test Dummies - 'temporary' useful idiots) off the precipice (Mass Suicide). (Remember, Jesus was a madman and knew how to pass madness to others - Mass hysteria/Herd behavior/Escape panic). "Day of the Moron" is 'the H. Beam Piper SF tale of the ubiquitous lamebrain fool who rises to top and scams people into buying worthless land and uses his knowledge of lemmings' marching off the cliff into the sea to convince the morons to travel to Venus in spaceships that will kill their passengers once they fly out of view of land.' Repeating, 'In modern times, the Cambodian Khmer Rouge evacuation of Phnom Penh to the Killing Fields was a repeat of earlier ones detailed amidst the anarchy and chaos in the Puranas for the same region – the earlier Ascension/Culling/Pruning through the Stargate.' I look at the politicians such as John Howard, James Cameron and Barack Obama. They are hard-working, honest and honorable. They are all criminals! They've stuck it in! They are automatically disqualified from rule! I want to address the real rulers which are certainly not the politicians. They're all in the bag of the billionaires that are CEOs of the multinationals. These are the real rulers. They prefer to remain anonymous. But, some have stepped into the spotlight and have become celebrities. I'll name Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone, Warren Buffet, Sam Walton (I use his Walmart!), George Soros and Oprah Winfrey. Bill Gates is such a nerd that he didn't even get married until late. I note Gates and Buffet have now become philanthropers. And, to his credit, innovative billionaire Richard Branson proposes, 'It is time to turn capitalism upside down - to shift our values, to switch from a profit focus to caring for people, communities and the planet,' in his 'Screw Business As Usual.' A significant number in Hollywood are billionaires. I mean none of you billionaires any harm. And I am not going to confiscate your billions. But I have a question. When are you go to get enough? Between now and the time you die are you going to starve? I don't think so. So why do you continue to pile it up? As Marx himself said, the rule for capital is: “Accumulate, accumulate! That is Moses and the prophets!” There is something wrong with you! Brown saw capitalism as anal fixation ('filthy lucre'). As Jesus said, 'It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.' In one translation, instead of camel the word is rope. Jesus made a Freudian slip here. Eye of the needle = cunt (where she sucks you down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/labyrinth/sinkhole/manhole to Hell). Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' - Slipping Toward The Abyss. The world is precisely 180 degrees upside down - topsy turvy. Hell is an inverted world. As Joyce said, 'It's about to rolywholyover.' (role reversal/trading places). 'The last shall be first', as Jesus said. All the most vicious, selfish, greedy backstabbing devils (the billionaires) are on top and the few remaining decent people here in Hell are on the bottom. Adam Smith, the grand theorist of capitalism, said that everyone pursues their own selfish interest (in other words, be devils), and it all works out (the Invisible Hand). The only rule here is: Grab! Grab! Grab! Houses, boats, cars, for sure a woman, whatever you can get you hands on, whether you need it or not. And never stop, just keep grabbing! Quoting Mt 6:19 – 'Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.' You aren't the slightest bit grateful for anything you have. All you say is: 'More! More! More!' Jesus said, 'the pagan world (unbelievers ) runs after all such things.' As Marx himself said, the rule for capital is: “Accumulate, accumulate! That is Moses and the prophets!” And you don't have the slightest clue where it's all coming from. You don't care a fig that everything you buy that you don't need is helping to destroy my planet. The single most important and revealing verse from John of Patmos is Rev. 11:18 where the wrath will 'destroy them which destroy the earth.' You try the patience of saints! 'Behold, the day of the LORD is coming, Cruel, with fury and burning anger, To make the land a desolation; And He will exterminate its sinners from it.' 'For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?' Revelation 6:17. 'And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to its rider to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword.' Revelation 6:4. '♪ Come and join the party, dress to kill Won't you come and join the party, dress to kill Dress to kill It's an eminence front (The Who) It's an eminence front, it's a put on', it's a put on Brown says, ' Apocalypse strips away the decent draperies on which the whole big lie depends, false front, the screen of wall that separates the public sphere from the private parts.' I'm the Reaper! '♪ All our times have come Here but now they're gone (Blue Oyster Cult) Seasons don't fear the reaper Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain (We can be like they are) Come on baby (Don't fear the reaper) Baby take my hand (Don't fear the reaper) We'll be able to fly (Don't fear the reaper) Baby, I'm your man Valentine is done Here but now they're gone Romeo and Juliet Are together in eternity (Romeo and Juliet) Forty thousand men and women every day (Like Romeo and Juliet [die!]) Forty thousand men and women every day (Redefine happiness) Another forty thousand coming every day (We can be like they are)' Grim Reaper Grim Reaper (Death) On Throne With Castrating Scythe And Lightning Flashing Return to Topics 'Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe'. Rev 14:15 The Fool under capitalism: 'A fool and his money are soon parted.' '♪ Did I hear you say that there must be a catch Will you walk away from a fool and his money If you want it, here it is come and get it But you better hurry cause it's going fast' (Badfinger) '♪ Give it away give it away give it away now' (Red Hot Chili Peppers) 'There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody!' Repeating: A reminder of the fate of another well known Holy Fool: 'And they crucified him and divided his garments among them, casting lots for them, to decide what each should take.' I'm the remedy for riches! Get around me and you'll get infected and end up in the ditch! With all this stuff you pile up, you're still miserable. I put you out of your misery and rapture you home, just as they shoot horses that are worn out and slobbering/foaming at the mouth. “America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." '♪ In the shuffling madness Of the locomotive breath, Runs the all-time loser, Headlong to his death. He feels the piston scraping -- Steam breaking on his brow -- Thank God, he stole the handle and The train won't stop going -- No way to slow down. He sees his children jumping off At the stations -- one by one. His woman and his best friend -- In bed and having fun. He's crawling down the corridor On his hands and knees -- Old Charlie stole the handle and The train won't stop going -- No way to slow down. He hears the silence howling -- Catches angels as they fall. And the all-time winner Has got him by the balls. He picks up Gideon's Bible -- Open at page one -- God stole the handle and The train won't stop going -- No way to slow down. (Jethro Tull) That stuff doesn't make you happy. Brown says, 'Amidst riches we are poor, precisely because we have made fetishes of our commodities and emptied or ejaculated ourselves into them.' Brown asks the question, 'What do you want?' What is the goal for your life? If it's simply mindlessly getting and spending, I want you off my planet! It's a society dedicated to self-interests and to hell with everybody else (Hobbes' War of All Against All) - dog eat dog. It's an old, old story. Adam Smith said it all works by the Invisible Hand. Smith was blind as a bat! The Invisible Hand is the Whore of Babylon, nothing less! And all the billionaires are in service to the Whore of Babylon. They are her slaves, beholden to Mammon and the marketplace. 'Mammon – Sin of Greed : One of seven princes of Hell, alternatively the Son of Satan. ' Thomas Carlyle in 'The Gospel of Mammonism', "We call it a Society and go about professing openly the totalest separation, isolation. Our life is not a mutual helpfulness; but rather, cloaked under due laws-of-war, named "fair competition" and so forth, it is a mutual hostility." In turn, the Whore serves Satan himself. As another famed economist, John Maynard Keynes (apostle of massive government deficits and prodigal expenditures), noted, "Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." This winner take all meritocratic jungle is mirrored/aped by the Hollywood superstars. As the saying goes, 'too many chefs spoil the broth.' It gets crowded as the top where the competition is cutthroat. Hard right radio talk show hosts (such as Rush Limbaugh) form a chorus to critique and carp on every move by the government leaders, leaving them damned if they do and damned if they don't and paralyzed. I am not going to close the stock market, but what I am going to do will cause it to crash. The collapse of the Soviet states demonstrates that only capitalism delivers the goods, and it will still exist, but in modified form. Previously, I listed some examples of things we won't be making in the New Jerusalem. I will keep stock market open, but I will maintain a lengthy list of things we don't make anymore. We will make only about 10% of the things we presently make. Capitalism will still exist, but only in a limited arena. And the stock market will have fallen to nearly zero, so it won't be much of a market. There will be no advertisements in the New Jerusalem. The very definition of an advertisement is to get you to buy something you don't need or want. It's selling refrigerators to Eskimos (a non-Liberal PC word). In the New Jerusalem, we will take only what we need, and leave the rest. The way advertisers sell their goods is to use Sigmund Freud. There are so-called (subliminal) “Hidden Persuaders” in advertisements. Proof that Freud is correct, is that, by the Twenties, the industry listened to Freud. And from that point on, the industry has always used him with complete success. It is Marx's fetishism of commodities. And most advertising has always been oriented towards women. She has usually been the primary shopper in the household. Let women buy what they want, and they will try to buy the 'stairway to heaven' – the Led Zeppelin song. That is, the only thing really on a woman's mind is to get a man and get a seed. She buys all the fashionable clothes and cosmetics, etc. solely for that purpose (again, this is Marx's fetishism of commodities). Brown says, 'All work is women's work. Every commodity is, as Marx says, a fetish, that is to say a non-existent penis. An investment.' She's a black hole/Bermuda Triangle – she sucks all these things in like a vacuum cleaner - she'll suck you down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/labyrinth/manhole to Hell!. Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' - Slipping Toward The Abyss. In a woman's unconscious, the things she piles up from the store are seeds. That's all that's on her mind. She's building her nest. She doesn't really need or want any of this stuff. All she has to do is wiggle her finger to get what she really wants. She didn't need to buy any of it. She'll literally run you into the ground if you let her. Bop until you drop dead. As Led Zeppelin sang, '♪ with a word she can get what she came for.' We're in the utopia of the dolls. Their every whim is instantly gratified, and most of what they ask for they don't need. They enjoy grinding men down into the dust running them ragged getting them this and that. The New Jerusalem is the male utopia, where women are handmaids. William Morris' proto-Communist utopia, 'News from Nowhere', was a prophesy of the approaching New Jerusalem, where the women are handmaids. Do I support feminism? Not! I've never been PC - Comintern-style knee-jerk puppetry Liberalism Politically Correct! Take that Feminazi Thought Crime Police! Note that many international matriarchalist Communist feminists are leaders of the NWO world population control movement in the name of Enviro-socialism. The West used to be patriarchal, but has long since ceased to be so. The Whore of Babylon reigns by default since we men have lost our patriarchy – the dolls call the shots here. You may have noticed that I have been addressing only the men here, as it should be. The Bible of course is patriarchal, starting in Genesis with who begat whom (geneaology). I am 1000% patriarchal, and am going to reinstate patriarchy. All the freightliners on the highways, all the cargo ships at sea, and all the freight trains on their tracks all dance to the Whore of Babylon's (the doll's) tune. She's a veritable Pandora's Box of ills. Pandora "opened her box (where, of course, 'box' = c*unt), bringing grief and cares to men." So often these days, my good man, you have a woman boss. A woman tells you what to do. Question: Seed, seed, who's got the seed? Last time I checked you do. How far is she going to get without a seed? Nowhere! How come a woman is telling a man what to do? We have women combat jet pilots here! Totally absurd! Who is really sane, and who is really mad here? I can be rightly accused of being a misogynist here, but I don't hate women. Repeating, Brown notes, 'There is an unconscious hostility between the sexes; “an archaic reaction of enmity”; taboos which prescribe sexual separation, mutual avoidance; the castration complex. Without an understanding of the seamy side of sexuality there is no understanding of politics.' And I'm against both physical and psychological abuse. But my mission is to hypnotize and put all the women to sleep under my spell. Repeating, Paul says with regard to Satan's planetwide spell, 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.' Those in service to Satan are trying to 'save the appearances', as Brown put it. Repeating, 'Psychoanalysis ends in the recognition of the reality-principle as Lucifer, the prince of darkness, the prince of this world, the governing principle, the ruler of the darkness of this world. The reality-principle is the prince of darkness; it's function is to scotomize, to spread darkness; to make walls of thick darkness, walls of separation and concealment. - The reality-principle is an unreal boundary drawn between real and imaginary.' Note my repeating theme of the tug of war between the two poles (males vs. females in command): her vacuum cleaner pulls us to Hell, and my vacuum cleaner sucks us up above to Heaven! But either way you still get steely taskmasters. Women can't look beyond themselves and their families and children. She'll drag you down to Hell if you let her! Men have heart. 'Father knows best.' The band Aqualung informs us in 'Strange And Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You)': ♪ ' I've been watching your world from afar, I've been trying to be where you are, And I've been secretly falling apart, unseen. To me, you're strange and you're beautiful, You'd be so perfect with me but you just can't see, You turn every head but you don't see me. I'll put a spell on you, You'll fall asleep and I'll put a spell on you. Another question: Why must any virgin have to work? If no one at all had stuck it in, not even once, there would be nobody here, and nothing you see would be here. As Joyce points out in the WAKE, 'to remind us of how, in this drury world of ours, Father Times and Mother Spacies boil their kettle with their crutch. Which every lad and lass in the lane knows.' Again Joyce, 'It's as semper as oxhouse humper!' '♪ That ain't the way to have fun, son' (sticking it in!) (Three Dog Night) '♪ Everybody knows the secret (I gotta secret –I'm a virgin!) Oh, everybody knows the score, yeah, yeah I have finally found a way to live In the color of the Lord' (Blind Faith) '♪ And you may ask yourself What is that beautiful house? And you may ask yourself Where does that highway go? And you may ask yourself Am I right?...Am I wrong? And you may tell yourself MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?' (putting it in!) (Talking Heads) '♪ We skipped the light fandango turned cartwheels 'cross the floor I was feeling kinda seasick but the crowd called out for more The room was humming harder as the ceiling flew away When we called out for another drink the waiter brought a tray And so it was that later as the miller told his tale that her face, at first just ghostly, turned a whiter shade of pale' (Procol Harum) (Crowd clamors to see her, the real star of the show, as my bawdy namesake from Chaucer grosses her out and freezes her into a stone statue.) Brown notes when you turn to stone, the blood drains from your face and it turns pale white. It's an Imperialist Phantom Empire! We have become another Atlantis - a Lost Contintent! It was all built on a bed of sand. 'Around me stand tall buildings, — ugly monstrosities of steel and glass and concrete, overpowering in their hugeness and sterility. I dream of them as ruins being eaten by a forest.' '♪ Castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually' (Jimi Hendrix). '♪ Every empire falls And the earth to ashes turn The lands of my birth Shall be my tomb The are the lands, the lands of my birth Soon to be ruins, the ruins of my past And when the sky should fall The earth to ashes turn Then you know they shall be my tomb' (Primordial) '♪ She lives in a fairy tale Somewhere too far for us to find Forgotten the taste and smell Of the world that she's left behind It's all about the exposure the lens I told her The angles were all wrong now She's ripping wings off of butterflies Keep your feet on the ground When your head's in the clouds Well go get your shovel And we'll dig a deep hole To bury the castle, bury the castle So one day he found her crying Coiled up on the dirty ground Her prince finally came to save her And the rest you can figure out But it was a trick And the clock struck 12 Well make sure to build your house brick by boring brick or the wolves gonna blow it down (Paramore) Growls the Big Bad Wolf, 'I'll huff, and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.' Skyline Towers Skyline WTC Towers - Now You See Them, Now You Don't! 'The Event' TV - Portal Sucks Building To Another Dimension - Compare With the World Trade Center Implosion The WTC Homicide Bombers were cheating by using actual airliners for their dimensional shift. 'Science flies people to the Moon; religion flies people into buildings.' (ironically this crack is true – the WTC Dimensional Shift). 'Civilizations collapse in much the same way that buildings collapse during controlled demolitions, or like the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed on September 11, 2001' (the implosion). In cities built on sand, as warned in ancient fables such as those of India, they're liable to melt away and disappear - spinning into butter - the original 'now you see it, now you don't' magic is back - what is really going on is the anarchy of every man for himself Capitalism where the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. 'Around me stand tall buildings, — ugly monstrosities of steel and glass and concrete, overpowering in their hugeness and sterility. I dream of them as ruins being eaten by a forest.' Gene Autry played the Space Cowboy in 'The Phantom Empire' serial from 1935. I'm the real Space Cowboy! '♪ Some people call me the space cowboy' (Steve Miller: 'The Joker'). Remember it was at the height of the Depression. It seemed in those desperate days that Hollywood's prophecy of all the superscience would never come to pass. It did come to pass with all the amazing scientific marvels we have now. But it all came at a fatal price. There's the devil to pay. We have to pay the piper - a fairy collect. It was all a fairy show that Hollywood put on for us - a fairy trap. For at the end of the serial, the advanced technological civilization literally melts before Gene's eyes. Hollywood made a spot on prophecy of the price we are going to pay for our service to Satan! In terms of the Christian three story universe, the fairy world of superscience can slide the aboveground world into Hell. Hell is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there! Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' - Slipping Toward The Abyss. 'The devil abroad in his 20th Century world is the ultra-rational scientist-technocrat, for whom man is the measure of all things; who would storm heaven with test tubes, nuclear fission and pure reason." 'Through science and technology we ourselves presumed to the functions previously ascribed to God: we dared to displace God.' (as with the Tower of Babel.) Clint Eastwood was another Space Cowboy in 'High Plains Drifter' where he circumscribed a forbidden zone by having the folk paint the town red to mark it, a colloquial phrase for a 'crazy' thing to do. Legal Reform Return to Topics Precisely as in Sodom, the legal system is upside down. Obvious murderers and heinous criminals go scot free, and minor offenders get stiff sentences. In Sodom, you can literally get away with murder. Miscarriages of justice are rampant. Day and night on TV lawyers advertise to take you're case, Everyone sues everyone, just as in Sodom. I'm going to completely overhaul the tort system and class action suits. Tax Reform Return to Topics No one on the planet understands the tax code. I'm going to switch to a Fair Tax with no more tax forms at all. The Illegal Aliens Return to Topics I'm going to interrupt the discussion to get a piece of business started this evening. Uncle Sam has gone senile, and can't even maintain the integrity of the borders, the most elementary function of a state. 'The Left wants mass immigration for votes and part of the Right wants it to drive down wages.' Example, the 1986 amnesty of 3 million illegals and moratorium on deportation authored by Sen. Ted Kennedy approved by Pres. Reagan. As of this moment, the INS is strictly an enforcement agency. I nominate Pat Buchanan to be it's head, if he will accept. There will be zero immigration until further notice. The Constitutional provision (the 14th Amendment) that children born to non citizens in the U.S are citizens is suspended (chain immigration - anchor babies). At places where illegals sneak in, we are going to set up a several mile demilitarized zone, and lay down land mines – no fences needed. 'We should land mine the border, with plenty of publicity in Mexico and Central America, and mark it with a cheap low fence.' (Obama's 'alligators in a moat'). 'In addition to the admission of millions of illiterate migrant workers, the West has now admitted groups that are in some respects symbiotes, but that have now well and truly sabotaged its immune system and its nervous system (including Homicide Bombers). The numbers are not manageable. Everyone is now in the ethnic activism game.' We see 'a malfunctioning nervous system will leave an otherwise healthy body jerking around in response to phantasms of racism. Witness the reaction to Katrina: the fact that whites had to defend themselves against black looters somehow became an indictment of white racism. America continues its descent into Mexico Norte. Half of Mexico's population has now flooded into the U.S.! You now have Warren Buffet and Bill Gates planning to use BILLIONS to feed, support and encourage the proliferation of useless brown masses.' 'The “Race Issue of the United States” is that most people who are minorities shouldn’t be here.' We'll also have agents patrolling by land and air. Any human beings in the DMZ, night or day, will be shot. And you will not receive a burial. Your bones will be left to bleach in the desert as vulture food. The INS is tasked with coming up with all the information on who is legal. This will take no doubt several months, since as a Federal agency, they typically don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. I should know, since I worked until my retirement as a Washington, D.C. Fed. I deliberately chose that work, because it's excellent work for slackers. 'Most anyone who has ever worked in government (such as myself) will tell you that the government’s inertia precludes any real action on any problem as the rate of change becomes faster, governments become more dysfunctional.' With a Master's degree in Physics, I had a literal offer to be a rocket scientist - to work at Kennedy Space Center for NASA. But I chose an easier job. That was a front for my real separate full time job – becoming God, which is unbelievably hard and all consuming. I deliberately chose slacker work while I was developing my powers. Just like Clark Kent and all the superheroes, I had a secret, dual identity (Alter Ego). Like them, I have superpowers, and my superpowers are real! I'm a superhero! I need to have my costume designed. On second thought I'll just wear Superman's. Actually, you'll always see me in casual clothes. In my secret identity, I was a mad scientist in addition to my real life role as an actual scientist, on the rocky road to becoming God (it's hard to be a god). Back to the illegals: Every illegal alien tomorrow morning will put a for sale sign on their house, car, etc. You can also transport your goods with you to your home country. When you get your cash, head for the border. If you don't have transportation, we'll organize transports. Since all the illegals will be putting their assets up for sale at the same time, many will be taken advantage of. I realize you'll only get pennies on the dollar. We'll commission ships for those from overseas. I will not negotiate with your home countries nor pay a bribe for them to accept you back. You have to go for two reasons. 1. We don't have time to assimilate you, we've got too many other problems on the plate right now. 2. We need those jobs. Jobs are shortly going to be nearly impossible to find. Plenty of people will be happy for any job they can get. All illegals are felons, after all. If you're illegal, and you don't leave, once the INS has the information, it will make repeated sweeps of all neighborhoods. If you wait till you're picked up, you won't be able to cash out your assets, and Uncle Sam takes your house, etc. Illegals picked up in the sweeps will get one hearing before a judge to prove they are legal. If the judge rules against you, you will be shot. As of this moment, no illegals will attend any school in this country you're swamping. You will receive no hospital services unless you pay for them. If your home country won't admit you, we'll park you on the border of your country in tent cities until someone does take you (as with supposed FEMA concentration camps). All Aboard My Time Machine! Return to Topics '♪ People get ready, there's a train a-comin' You don't need no baggage, you just get on board' (Blind Boys of Alabama) Dig my Emperor's New Groove! When I sing and dance, it mostly comes across as the pathetic mumbles of Frankenstein's monster (mad gibbering/blithering of babies!) in 'Young Frankenstein' when he attempted to sing '♪ Putting on the Ritz', rather than suave crooning. He spoke in a squealing, dumbfounded, mute speech. But here goes!: TimeWarp 'Rocky Horror Picture Show'- 'Let's Do the Time Warp Again' Return to Topics '♪ It's astounding Time is fleeting Madness takes its toll But listen closely Let's do the Time Warp again Let's do the Time Warp again It's just a jump to the left And then a step to the right With your hands on your hips You bring your knees in tight But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives you insane Let's do the Time Warp again Let's do the Time Warp again It's so dreamy Oh, fantasy free me So you can't see me No, not at all In another dimension With voyeuristic intention Well secluded, I see all With a bit of a mind flip You're into the time slip And nothing can ever be the same You're spaced out on sensation Like you're under sedation Let's do the Time Warp again Let's do the Time Warp again' (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) '♪ Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' Into the future - I want to fly like an eagle To the sea Fly like an eagle Let my spirit carry me I want to fly like an eagle Till I'm free. (raptured out) Oh, Lord, through the revolution' (Steve Miller) '♪ Full speed half blind full tilt decline We turn to past times' (Interpol) I, God, am an inventor. I am all the time constructing new devices. Here in my hands is an example - my very latest, improved model Weird Radio. See the dials where I tune it in (holding up my Invisible Weird Radio, tuning the dial). Again you may go, 'Lord, you're shucking me! You are holding nothing in your hand!' I reply that I can see and tune my radio just fine. I said I was going to go Castro one better. I have constructed a time machine. – my latest and best device. Everyone on the planet is going to get aboard my train I have constructed, no exceptions, starting with the next session. I'm the conductor on a runaway train holding the dead man switch, and you will be sealed cargo. Repeating my earlier, 'We're all passengers as sealed cargo aboard one of Hitler's cattle cars for 'imperfect Aryans' (mongrels and mutts) on a Hellbound train to his Death Camps and Gas Chambers (my planetwide rain of slime!)' The rocking, swaying rollercoaster ride to Hell. It's going to be a rough and rocky passage, but I'm charged with keeping it as painless as possible. The main thing is to keep your wits about you, do what I say, and many, if not all, will get out of this alive. Repeating Procol Harum's 'Salty Dog' (= Me as the Captain), '♪ Explore the ship, replace the cook:, let no one leave alive!' Across the straits, around the Horn: how far can sailors fly? A twisted path, our tortured course, and no one left alive We sailed for parts unknown to man, where ships come home to die' = the swan song of dying civilizations (Brown) as all are driven mad! My time machine does not travel in geographic space. It travels only in time. It only goes one direction in time - backwards - with what can be called an 'AntiClock'. As the titles of the movies say, we're going 'Back to the Future', 'Somewhere in Time'. Joyce says, 'A way a lone a last a loved a long the / riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.' Brown says, 'the sober reality of the human condition – the necessity of labor - to be disclosed after the show is over, after the farce has ended,' (just as Cinderella's coach turned back into a pumpkin at the stroke of midnight), which is after I break the Whore of Babylon's Witches Spell! '♪ Are you reelin' in the years Stowin' away the time Are you gatherin' up the tears Have you had enough of mine' (Steely Dan) '♪ let's go living in the past' (Jethro Tull) '♪ People get ready, there's a train a comin' You don't need no baggage, you just get on board All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin' (inside your head) Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord People get ready for the train to Jordan (All Aboard My Time Machine!) It's picking up passengers from coast to coast Faith is the key, open the doors and board 'em There's hope for all among those loved the most. There ain't no room for the hopeless sinner Who would hurt all mankind just to save his own Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner For there's no hiding place against the Kingdom's throne; (from my Heavenly Throne Perch) So people get ready, there's a train a comin' You don't need no baggage, you just get on board All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin' Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord' (Curtis Mayfield) '♪ This is for all the lonely people thinking that life has passed them by Don't give up until you drink from the silver cup And ride that highway in the sky' (onboard my Gliding Fairy Boat/Aerial Car/Chariot) (America) '♪ People all over the world (you don't need no money) (All Aboard My Time Machine!) Join hands (come on) Start a love train, love train (don't need no ticket, come on) People all over the world (Join in, ride this train) Join in (Ride this train, y'all) Start a love train (Come on, train), love train All of you brothers over in Africa Tell all the folks in Egypt, and Israel, too' (The O'Jays) '♪ Forget your troubles c'mon get happy, you better chase all your cares away. Shout hallejulah c'mon get happy get ready for the judgement day. the sun is shinin c'mon get happy, the lord is waitin to take your hand. shout hallejulah c'mon get happy, we're going to the promise land' '♪ Fly away with me to a quiet peaceful place Take my hand and we will leave without any trace Fly away with me and we will fly so high Take my hand and we will touch the sky The Judgment Day' (Steel Attack) '♪ Swing low, sweet chariot, (My Gliding Fairy Boat/Mothership/Heavenly Throne Perch from which I drop slime bombshells on the dolls!) Comin' for to carry me home; Swing low, sweet chariot, Comin' for to carry me home. I looked over Jordan, And WHAT did I see, Comin' for to carry me home, A band of angels comin' after me, Comin' for to carry me home.' 'Flesh Gordon'(1974) My Gliding Swan Fairy Boat/Heavenly Throne Perch/Mothership/Aerial Car/Chariot of the God-King Crashs and Burns! (God = Me Down to Earth!) The giant monster “Great God Porno” wobbles and collapses - “Oh, Sh*t!”, a 'prophecy': 'America is a sclerotic empire, stumbling toward collapse: blinded, wounded, becoming rigid and unresponsive; losing the ability to adapt (the flailings and posturings that have defined American culture, reeling, staggering and lurching).' 'Economic, industrial and agricultural developments of the recent centuries have left the Earth reeling.' Repeating, '♪ He's leaving On that midnight train to Georgia, yeah Said he's going back To a simpler place and time I'll be with him On that midnight train to Georgia' (Gladys Knight) You can't go home again? No exit? Homesickness (longing for home) and nostalgia (longing for a lost time) can be cured if we follow Joyce's advice and get off Dorothy's Yellow Brick Road down the garden primrose path to Hell ('We are being played!'): Brown quotes Joyce: 'Home all go. Halome ( = hello home).' '♪ You're such a lovely audience, We'd like to take you home with us, We'd love to take you home.' (Beatles) '♪ Get back, get back Get back to where you once belonged Go home' (Beatles) We're heading 'Far From The Madding Crowd' (Thomas Hardy) (as the herd crowded in the cities is driven mad.) I'm going to roll the clock planetwide back to approximately 1900 - very slowly and carefully. 'People resort to archaism (idealization of the past), futurism (idealization of the future), detachment (removal of oneself from the realities of a decaying world), and transcendence (meeting the challenges of the decaying civilization with new insight, as a Prophet.)' And beware, 'Pioneers and prophets always get something wrong.' Nostalgia for simpler days and ways of life was a prominent feature of Rod Serling's 'Twilight Zone' scripts. Walt Disney in many of his productions and at his Theme Parks presented such nostalgia. The Old Order Amish are a real life example of clock stopping. They use no electricity and refuse to be 'modern.' 'Amish society requires individual competence, thoughtfulness, compassion, and universal participation; our own requires a managed mass of leveled, spiritless, anxious, familyless, friendless, godless, and obedient people who believe the difference between TV programs is worth arguing about.' The Old Order Amish have towns with ribald names such as Blue Ball and Intercourse – they're keeping their women asleep. My time machine will plunge the entire planet into a deep spell. If we go too fast, we'll loose more people than otherwise on the way. My earlier discussed possibility of a 'Zero growth or 'full-world economics' or steady state economy or SSE (a "sustainable design" for capitalism): achieving resilient sustainable growth or building a non-growing economy that is socially stable may be possibility.' Amazingly, even 'Adam Smith described what he called the stationary state in a situation of zero growth, and Keynes wrote about steady-state or ‘quasi stationary community’! This emergency is the opportunity for emergence (Ascension/Transcendence)! We're facing the most extreme emergency my poor battered planet has ever faced. 'Due to the surge in technological advancement, our once beauteous planet is now on the brink of ecocide.' (= ecoapocalypse) I've got billions of you devils in service to Satan, and under his orders you've almost succeeded in destroying my planet. 'By the time Civilization crashes, the Earth will be badly wounded.' Every word from the lips of Satan you hop right to. The damned don't cry. 'The bad sleep well.' You don't question Satan. The Bible said you must obey every word, every spermatic word, from the mouth of the Lord. My mouth. You don't. I don't get no respect. I'm going to do what Jesus Christ and Karl Marx was going to do. 'Watch Mr. Wizard' (me)! Jesus, Marx and all the Old Testament prophets were all renegade Jews. I like renegade Jews. They always come up with interesting Messianic ideas. Note Obama’s 'false narcissistic ego, no doubt built up by his “awww you’re such a good boy” Commie white mother.' Barack Obama (mentored by Weather Undergrounders such as Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers) style socialism and genuine communism are poles apart. Both nationalize the private sector including health care, etc. Socialism as a Nanny State desires infantile dependent freeloader wards sucking the government teat whose votes can be bought (the incestuous mother fixation I took up earlier). In a case of textbook Communist Front tactics, Obama is a merely a floundering imposter figurehead puppet for the shadow government and its agenda. 'Nobama' is an inexperienced and shallow empty suit puppet figurehead (a Black Invisible Man). (I'm also an empty suit puppet figurehead Manchurian Candidate Commie front conjured by sorcery.) 'Obama and the Democrats are fortunate enough to have been chosen to preside over the collapse of Western civilization. Keep an eye out for the seven-headed dragon rising from the sea.' “Who wants to be Herbert Hoover II?” Obamanation (abomination). Brown says,'Politically we are endlessly docile. We lust after authority. Toward authority we are infantile-dependent. We foist off our responsibility on others: our vicars act vicariously in our places, and the presidency can be turned into a virtual dictatorship just under our lethargic gazes. The parallel is with a child's -eye view of the primal scene, the parents in coitus, and the effect of the primal scene is castration. We become voyeurs rather than participators. Genital organization rather than polymorphous perversity.' and 'The spectator is voyeur. The desire to see is the desire to see the genital; and the desire to see is the desire to be one; to become what you behold; to incorporate the penis of another is the desire to devour it through the eye.' and 'That's where it's at: decline.' (moral-political decline into dependency and passivity) 'The wise despot maintains among his subjects a sense they are helpless and ineffectual.' The objective of communism is the 'withering away of the state.'- to end global Imperialism multinationalism and to dissolve all state organizations, an event 'prophesied' in 'The Phantom Empire' serial from 1935. The U.S. in now a mortally wounded giant stumbling and reeling to find a place to die, just as in the fall of the primordial giant Finnegan. 'Flesh Gordon' (1974) had the giant monster “Great God Porno” who wobbles and collapses - “Oh, Sh*t!”, a 'prophecy': 'America is a sclerotic empire, stumbling toward collapse: blinded, wounded, becoming rigid and unresponsive; losing the ability to adapt (the flailings and posturings that have defined American culture, reeling, staggering and lurching).' 'Economic, industrial and agricultural developments of the recent centuries have left the Earth reeling.' 'Even the people who run the planet, the World Bank, the IMF, etc. know that history is ending.' They're 'flailing, panicking, desperately implementing solutions they themselves know are temporary just to kick the problem down the road.' We have 'military overstretch, a widening gulf between rich and poor, a hollowed-out economy, citizens using debt to live beyond their means, and once-effective policies no longer working. The high levels of violent crime, epidemic of obesity, addiction to pornography and excessive use of energy: the US is in an advanced state of cultural decadence.' As Brown noted, America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. (quoting Oscar Wilde). “The U.S. will set a record in the rate of rise—and fall of an empire. Between wide open borders and fall of the dollar and growing population against a declining resource base, the US will be defeated from within. Mobs will rule the streets in the nation that is now the third largest in the world and unable to support its population except by taking resources from other countries.” Arnold Toynbee (attribution is dubious). 'The Switch has been flipped: it's too late for solutions!: when things start to go truly bad, empires regularly unravel with unholy speed. Embattled empires through the ages suffer an arrogance that drives them to plunge ever deeper into military misadventures until defeat becomes debacle - taking cognizance of rising Asian powers, the cost of maintaining 800 or more overseas military bases will simply become unsustainable.' 'We're the Earth’s "sole remaining superpower (the Final Empire)." 'In earlier years, our president and his top officials dreamed of establishing a worldwide 'Pax Americana', while making speeches and issuing official documents proclaiming that the United States would be militarily "beyond challenge." 'Even were able to think of ourselves as imperial? And if you were indeed in denial that you lived in the belly of a great imperial power, if like most Americans you managed to ignore the fact that we were pouring our treasure into the military or setting up bases in countries that few could have found on a map, then you would naturally experience the empire going down as if through a glass darkly.' We witness 'a declining power's doomed effort to make its combination of bureaucratic war machines (the War on Terror) and speculative financial capitalism into a permanent global condition.' 'The mighty 'War on Terror' is 'largely a "war" against phantoms and fantasies, or against modest-sized ragtag bands of enemies at most.' (compared to the prior Soviet threat). Muslims are (vicious, murderous) ghosts of the desert. 'We see Imperial power running off the rails and the wheels falling off the American juggernaut, and it makes you wonder when this country will topple off the nearest cliff (the sh*t hits the fan!)' 'The consequences of human karma descend upon humanity as we crowd the edge of the cliff counting the last few precious seconds of our human fate.' ('When Seconds Count'). 'Washington is visibly in gridlock and incapable of doing much of significance, while state governments, facing the "steepest decline in state tax receipts on record," are, along with local governments, staggering under massive deficits and cutting back in areas -- education, policing, firefighting -- that matter to daily life.' 'Once subservient semi-client states thumb their noses at Washington.' 'We have a globe-spanning array of semi-client states; our military continues to garrison much of the planet; and we are waging war abroad more continuously than at any time in memory. Yet who doesn't sense that the sun is now setting on us?' 'How often do empires end well, really? They live vampirically by feeding off others until, sooner or later, they begin to feed on themselves, to suck their own blood, to hollow themselves out. Sooner or later, they find themselves, as in our case, economically stressed and militarily extended in wars they can’t afford to win or lose. 'It's quite another thing to take it in when you're part of it; when, as they used to say in the overheated 1960s, you're in the (Biblical) belly of the beast.' 'I don't know what it felt like to be inside the Roman Empire in the long decades, even centuries, before it collapsed. It must have seemed as odd and unnerving as it does now to see a formerly mighty power enter a state of semi-paralysis (turned to stone) at home even as it staggers on blindly with its war-making abroad.' The Homicide Bombers attacks are attempts at 'death by a thousand cuts' on our dying empire - feeding us enough rope to hang ourselves. I'm going to do what Jesus and Marx were going to do. We are going to go off and be mostly native, mostly barbarian, stupid idiots like we always are. 'Dare to be stupid!' We will be in fact becoming highly evolved the spiritual beings, who can access hyperdimensions/other dimensions/the Other World/astral plane with spectacles/vision to open the Third Eye. 'For double the vision my Eyes do see/And a double vision is always with me,' (visionary seer William Blake, said by many to be mad.) '♪ You give me double vision, strange transmission When you walk in the room Tongue-tied feeling, can't see the ceiling (dumbstruck) - You got me mad like a man with the voodoo' You say that this was not in your plans, no thank you. You've got your three piece suit and your townhouse. You're not eager to put on a loincloth. We must head in that direction for the sake of the survival of my planet. We're going to have to have a low footprint on the ground (the retreat into tribalism -Back to the Future). Marx complained of the 'idiocy of rural life'. But I'm leading you to John Denver's: '♪ Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West virginia, mountain momma Take me home, country roads' '♪ When are you gonna come down When are you going to land I should have stayed on the farm I should have listened to my old man You know you can't hold me forever I didn't sign up with you I'm not a present for your friends to open This boy's too young to be singing the blues So goodbye yellow brick road (Dorothy's Utopia of the Dolls) Where the dogs of society howl You can't plant me in your penthouse I'm going back to my plough Back to the howling old owl in the woods Hunting the horny back toad Oh I've finally decided my future lies Beyond the yellow brick road What do you think you'll do then I bet that'll shoot down your plane It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics To set you on your feet again Maybe you'll get a replacement There's plenty like me to be found Mongrels who ain't got a penny Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground' (Elton John) '♪ Everybody's building ships and boats Some are building monuments, others are jotting down notes Everybody's in despair, every girl and boy But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here (the Manchurian Candidate) Everybody's gonna jump for joy Come all without, come all within You'll not see nothing like the Mighty Quinn' (Bob Dylan) '♪ Bodhisattva (also called Buddha) I'm gonna sell my house in town Bodhisattva I'm gonna sell my house in town And I'll be there To shine in your Japan To sparkle in your China Yes I'll be there Bodhisattva' (Steely Dan) '♪ I don't need no doctor/ 'Cause I know what's ailing me.' (Humble Pie) In the Deep South, they're clockstoppers: '♪ Summertime and the livin is easy Fish are jumpin and the cotton is fine Oh your daddys rich and your ma is good lookin (Oedipal Son of a Gun and SOB) So hush little baby, dont you cry '♪ Dear old southland with his dreamy songs Takes me back there where I belong How I'd love to be in my mammy's arms When it's sleepy time way down south' (Billie Holiday) One of these mornings (Resurrection morining) You're goin to rise up singing (join my Dawn Chorus - my Heavenly Choir my Heavenly Music Of The Spheres) Then you'll spread your wings And you'll take the sky (all you Angels fly back up home to me - Big Daddy) But till that morning Theres a nothin can harm you With daddy and mammy standin by' '♪ L.A. proved too much for the man (Too much for the man, he couldn't make it) So he's leaving a life he's come to know, ooh He said he's going back to find Ooh, what's left of his world The world he left behind not so long ago He's leaving On that midnight train to Georgia, yeah Said he's going back To a simpler place and time, oh yes he is I'll be with him On that midnight train to Georgia I'd rather live in his world Than live without him in mine' (Gladys Knight) '♪ Somewhere beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me, My lover stands on golden sands And watches the ships that go sailing. Somewhere beyond the sea, he’s there watching for me If I could fly like birds on high Then straight to his arms I’d go sailing. It’s far beyond a star, it’s near beyond the moon. I know beyond a doubt, my heart will lead me there soon.' In the face of numerous scurrilous attacks from all sides, we White Males (the actual rulers after all) are going to have to succumb and go native (we've met our Waterloo). Brown says, 'Indians are – the lost sheep we came to find; now unappeased ghosts in the unconscious of the white man.' 'We're not going to go "back" to living like Indians, but forward, full circle, to a reinvented non-civilized world, a world that's raw and untamed and alive, not because it's innocent but because it's experienced.' 'Indians were always overrun by civilization everywhere.' Civilization means development: 'Pres. Eisenhower's National Defense Highway System has eroded the sense of place by making it easier to leave your community.' "The motoring era is coming to an end. Heroic investments in highway infrastructure to create jobs will be a tragic waste of our dwindling capital." 'The Interstates are either in excellent condition, or they quickly fall apart.' The result is 'ugly urban sprawl, or traffic jams where thousands of obese drivers move slower than a man on horseback while burning more energy.' We have traditions of life away from cities. Our Founding Fathers envisaged us as independent yeomen free from foreign influence (especially the British) and never contemplated a World Empire. 'The positions of very extreme Left and Right have now met. 'Only exaggerations are true,' for Brown. If you go far enough left you get into antistatist politics, which is anarchism. If you go far enough right, you get Libertarians (Tea Party), which are also antistatist (Big Government). But, for the Anarcho-primitivism anti-civilization movement, 'Civilization: - also referred to as the Megamachine or Leviathan - becomes a huge machine which gains its own momentum beyond the control of even its supposed rulers. Individuals, communities and the Earth itself have been maimed by the power relations characteristic of civilization.' 'Anarcho-primitivism (or Primitivist Anarchism) digs deeper and overthrows the foundations of both Marxism or Libertarianism.' Note that Marx himself said he was not a Marxist. For former priest John Dominic Crossan, 'For Jesus, 'this-world' means the violent normality of Civilization.' 'There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.' (Walter Benjamin). And, 'In the challenge of Christian faith, we are called to cooperate in establishing a Post-Civilization transfigured, transformed Earth (Idealism, Utopia, Eschatology, or Apocalypse), a call which seems a sweetly romantic, politically irrelevant and idealistically unreal dream. Or else, this call was transferred from earth to heaven, from present to future, or from the external to the internal life, from an enfleshed spirit to a disembodied soul (the opposition in Brown). He contrasts this to Anti-Civilization (Nihilism, Genocide, Totalitarianism, or Terrorism whose chant is "Peace by death.") So, Jesus 'did not recognize the dualism between spirit and flesh, but called for enfleshed spirit, prophecy historicized, ethical radicalism and to give without return.' 'Things are moving so fast that inaction itself is one of the biggest mistakes. The 10,000-year experiment of the settled life (Civilization) will stand or fall by what we do, and don't do, now. The reform that is needed is not anti-capitalist, anti-American, or even deep environmentalist; it is simply the transition from short-term to long-term thinking.'(Ronald Wright). Further, Anarcho-Conservatism: 'This 'obvious contradiction' sounds like an oxymoron, but the rejection of compulsion and meddlesome self-appointed authorities amounts to the anarchism of the ruggedly independent pioneers and scofflaw revolutionaries that founded this country.' There is a 'startling conjunction of Marxism and Anarcho-Conservatism' where 'the 19th century government is envisioned as the optimal solution to our problems,' 'the stepping-stone from statism to the anarcho-conservatist withering away of the state.' 'Monarchy has an interest in maintaining the long-term welfare of its subjects because it expects to rule the country it rules forever via hereditary descent. A democratically elected ruler, on the other hand, does not own the country it rules and thus has no interest except immediate enrichment of politicians or those who elect them. Hoppe shows that taxes were always extremely low (under ten percent) under absolute monarchy, but have risen to around forty to fifty percent under democracy. Similarly, savings rates, which should naturally rise with economic growth, have fallen as people under democracy desire instant gratification. Fertility rates have drastically fallen as public welfare eats up the high taxes of democracies and children lose their value. Prices, which actually fell during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, have risen almost exponentially as democracies build up huge mountains of crushing world public debts to gratify the masses. Considering the effect of democratization as "decivilizing" direct socialist democracy is impossible because a nation's entire wealth would be destroyed and productivity eliminated. And the rates of crime, structural unemployment, welfare dependency, parasitism, negligence, recklessness, incivility, psychopathy, and hedonism have increased. Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism. - The American model – democracy – must be regarded as a historical error, economically as well as morally. Democracy promotes shortsightedness, capital waste, irresponsibility, and moral relativism. It leads to permanent compulsory income and wealth redistribution and legal uncertainty. It is counterproductive. It promotes demagoguery and egalitarianism. It is aggressive and potentially totalitarian internally, vis-à-vis its own population, as well as externally. In sum, it leads to a dramatic growth of state power, as manifested by the amount of parasitically – by means of taxation and expropriation – appropriated government income and wealth in relation to the amount of productively – through market exchange – acquired private income and wealth, and by the range and invasiveness of state legislation. Democracy is doomed to collapse, just as Soviet communism was doomed to collapse. - From early beginnings as an aristocratic republic to morphing into an unrestricted mass democracy which began with the War of Southern Independence, the role of the United States is as an increasingly arrogant, self-righteous and zealous warmonger. What appears to be standing in the way of peace and civilization is above all the state and democracy, and specifically the world's model democracy: the United States. Ironically if not surprisingly, however, it is precisely the United States, which claims that it is the solution to the quest for peace. Democracy does not work in multi-ethnic societies. It does not create peace but promotes conflict and has potentially genocidal tendencies.' 'We're an Incoherent Empire that we never needed and didn't know we had and can now no longer afford.' 'Most Americans don’t even know that USA is an empire, doing imperialism in the world, and that USA is collapsing as a capitalist empire. All US citizens care about is food, sex, drugs and pleasures (Huxley's 'Brace New World').' 'The demise of the United States as the bloated global superpower could come far more quickly than anyone imagines. Empires are fragile organisms. So delicate is their ecology of power that, when things start to go truly bad, empires regularly unravel with unholy speed .' 'Empires comes a moment when complex systems "go critical." A very small trigger can set off a "phase transition" from a benign equilibrium to a crisis -- a single grain of sand causes a whole pile to collapse (implosion).' 'Societal complexity is potentially threatened if it develops beyond what is actually sustainable, and a disorderly reorganization follows. This is the scissors model of Malthusian collapse where the population grows without limit and resources do not, and great opposing environmental forces cut into each other.' 'Blinded by the arrogance of American Exceptionalism (the belief that "thanks to its natural resources, industrial capacity, and absence of rigid class distinctions, America might for a long while avoid the crisis that must eventually befall every capitalist society and Empire) and decades of historically unparalleled power, cannot or will not take steps to manage the unchecked erosion of their global position.' 'Congress and the president are now in gridlock; the American system is flooded with corporate money meant to jam up the works; and there is little suggestion that any issues of significance, including our wars, our bloated national security state, can be dealt with.' 'None of us can count on any government anywhere to respond appropriately.' 'Familiar institutions, through which we order our lives, falter and frequently fail to deliver the services we mandated them to provide. We see our familiar social safety nets collapsing under the shifted economic and political sureties, while our institutional leaders no longer demonstrate simple competence, let alone wisdom, in carrying out their responsibilities.' But, Imperial collapse is 'by design via deliberate incompetence. Don’t be deceived, there is a long-term plan under execution for the collapse of this empire to usher in World Government.' 'The Collapse of the American Empire: Swift, Silent, Certain!' 'America must be crippled, must be ‘castrated’ so that it will be of no threat to this coming fascist police state – world government.' 'The ‘back-to-the-land’ movement of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, organic gardening and farming, environmental, animal rights and indigenous rights activism, holistic healing, deep ecology, and ecopsychology have been inspired, at least in part, by the animistic soul.' By the Sixties, many tried to get back to the land, with varying degrees of success (the retreat into tribalism -Back to the Future). 'Primitivism recognizes that for most of human history, we lived in small communities in balance with each other and our surroundings, without formal hierarchies and institutions to mediate and control our lives.' 'For Derrick Jensen, Civilization itself was the poison pill.' Repeating, 'The fall of a civilization is like tumbling down a slope. What goes up must come down. What goes around comes around.' - 'the process by which complex societies give way to smaller and simpler ones cause catastrophic human mortality and the loss of priceless cultural treasures.' 'A return to primitivism is impossible with the size of today’s populations.' 'Learning to survive on sustenance agriculture in true pre-industrial fashion is very, very hard work, and almost no-one has the will and perseverance to follow through.' Because we have built and overbuilt, there is nearly no wilderness or place to run to – no place to hide - we face the Apocalypse - my Fairy Dump. The Unconscious is Collective. Paul declares, 'there is no respect of persons with God.' The Kingdom of Heaven is within where we are all One. Brown concurs, (The following by Brown is colored brown to help distinguish it from my contribution. You'll note each time I switch from Brown's prose to mine a falloff in nuance and subtlety. Comparatively my writing is plodding and pedestrian and propagandistic.) 'God does not go for personalities; nor does the Last Judgment consist in the award of prizes to personalities for the performance of their parts. The performance principle must go; the show must not go on. The parts are not real: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus; he is not your personal savior. In the Last Judgment, the apocalyptic fire will burn up the masks and the theater - - psychoanalysis is not 'ego psychology' - ; the ego is a 'me' fabrication, a piece of illusion (Maya)'. 'Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.'. Brown says, 'It is not that children, neurotics, and primitives are so stupid as to be unable to discriminate between words and things; it is that they not are so repressed as to be unaware that personality is a social fiction, a name a magical invocation of a particular role in the social drama.' For Brown, 'The outcome of psychoanalysis is the discover that magic and madness are everywhere, and dreams is what we are made of. The goal cannot be the elimination of magical thinking, or madness; the goal can only be conscious magic, or conscious madness; conscious mastery of these fires. And dreaming while we are awake. - The mad truth: the boundary between sanity and insanity is a false one. The proper outcome of psychoanalysis is the abolition of the boundary, the healing of the split, the integration of the human race, the healing of the split.' 'If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is – infinite.'(quoting visionary seer Blake, said by many to be mad). In psychosis, the ego is overwhelmed by the id, severs its connection with reality, and proceeds to create for itself a new outer and inner world. Brown was aware of the danger of the overwhelming of the conscious mind but believed it could be a risk that must be taken, somewhat too optimistically and gullibly. G. Hansen comments 'academe is a product of, and an agent for, the rationalization and disenchantment of the world, and that entails marginalizing the paranormal.' Satan highly esteems intellect, and you collect tokens such as academic degrees here in Hell, but I'm concerned with your heart. Incidentally, Vico observed, 'This was the order of human institutions: first the forests, after that the huts, the the villages, next the cities and finally the academies.' The token sheepskins students pile up are for getting jobs. They have no interest whatsover in the subject matter they studied. Definition of an intellectual: 'Someone who has been educated beyond his/her intelligence.” It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.” Arthur C. Clarke.'A fool's brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry. Hence University education.' George Bernard Shaw(PhD – Piled Higher and Deeper). Brown says, 'Stretch yourself, to the breaking point. It is not true unless it hurts; the evidence is martyrdom. Carrying the thought through to the end. - Extremism. Truth is not in safety or in the middle. - Aphorism is exaggeration, or grotesque; in psychoanalysis nothing is true except the exaggerations; and in poetry. - extravagant language; the road of excess which lead to the palace of wisdom (visionary seer Blake) – not to count the cost. Go for broke. Aphorism is recklessness; it goes to far. Intellect is courage; the courage to risk its own life; to play with madness. - Only the exaggerations are true. - Broken flesh, broken mind, broken speech. Aphorism, or symbolism, as in Finnegans Wake.', and 'Dismembered, remembered. Symbolism is not the apprehension of another world of archetypes, but the transfiguration of this world; and the transfiguration of this world is its reunification. Symbolism, says Freud, is the vestige or signpost of a former (a prehistoric) identity. Further, 'Violent eruption, vulcanism; the patient becomes violent as he wakes up. The madness of the millennia breaks out; madness is, Dionysus is violence. 'Whereas psychoanalysts view schizophrenics as trapped in private symbolic worlds they cannot distinguish from what we call reality, Brown regards schizophrenic thought as liberated from false boundaries between mental and physical categories. 'The crucified body, the crucified mind. The norm is not normality but schizophrenia, the split, broken, crucified mind.' "If we throw a crystal to the ground, it breaks, but it does not break haphazard but in accordance with line of cleavage it falls into fragments, where limits were already determined by the structure of the crystal, although they were invisible. Psychotics are fissured and splintered structures such as these. We cannot deny them a measure of that awe with which madmen were regarded by the people of ancient times." Split the stick and there is Jesus. It is not schizophrenia but normality that is split-minded; in schizophrenia the false boundaries are disintegrating. . . . . Schizophrenics are suffering from the truth. . . . in schizophrenia: “what happens to the person's own body – is identical with what happens in the universe.” - The body that is identical with the environment. Schizophrenic thought is "adualistic"; lack of ego-boundaries makes it impossible to set limits to the process of identification with the environment. The schizophrenic world is one of mystical participation (= participation mystique of animism); an "indescribable extension of inner sense"; "uncanny feelings of reference"; occult psychosomatic influences and powers; currents of electricity, or sexual attraction—action at a distance. . . . A Magnetic field of action at a distance; or a magical field . . . action at a distance, the center of Freud's interest in the “Occult.” Dionysus, the mad god, breaks down the boundaries; releases the prisoners; abolishes repression; and abolishes the principium individuationis, substituting for it the unity of man and the unity of man with nature. In this age of schizophrenia, with the atom, the individual self, the boundaries disintegrating, there is, for those who would save our souls, the ego-psychologists, "the Problem of Identity." But the breakdown is to be made into a breakthrough; as Conrad said, in the destructive element immerse. The soul that we can call our own is not a real one. The solution to the problem of identity is, get lost. Or, as it says in the New Testament: "He that findeth his own psyche shall lose it, and he that loseth his psyche for my sake shall find it." Brown saw, 'schizophrenia as a return to egoless perfection, to a state of undifferentiatedness, ... Primary narcissism is egoless.' Psychoanalysis can be used to uncover the principle of union, or communion, buried beneath the surface separations, the surface declarations of independence, the surface signs of private property. Psychoanalysis also discloses the pathology of the process whereby the normal sense of being a self separate from the external world was constructed. Contrary to what is taken for granted in the lunatic state called normality or common sense, the distinction between the self and the external world is not an immutable fact, but an artificial construction. - Contrary to what is taken for granted ..., the distinction between self and external world is not an immutable fact but an artificial construction. It is a boundary line; like all boundaries not natural but conventional. . . . Separateness (on the outside) is repression (on the inside). Separateness, then, is the fall - the fall into division, the original lie. . . . The fall is into language. Symbolism is on the track of a former identity, a lost unity. - - The tendency of the sexual instinct is to restore an earlier state of things, an earlier state of unity. - - Union and unification is of bodies, not souls. The erotic sense of reality unmasks the soul, the personality, the ego; because soul, personality and ego are what distinguish and separate us; they make us individuals, arrived at by dividing till you can divide no more—atoms. But psychic individuals, separate, unfissionable on the inside, impenetrable on the outside, are, like physical atoms, an illusion; in the twentieth century, in this age of fission, we can split the individual even as we can split the atom. Souls, personalities, and egos are masks, spectres, concealing our unity as body. For it as one biological species that mankind is one—the ’species essence’ that Karl Marx looked for; so that to become conscious of ourselves as body is to become conscious of mankind as one. . . . It is the erotic sense of reality that discovers the inadequacy of fraternity, or brotherhood. It is not adequateas a form of reunification of the human race. We must either be far more deeply unified or not at all. The true form of unification which can be found either in psychoanalysis or in Christianity, in Freud or Pope or Karl Marx – is – we are all members of one body. "The patient connects herself with everybody." "You and I, are we not the same? . . . Sometimes I cannot tell myself ...” - - The unification of the human race: a mental fight, a struggle in and about men's minds. The rents, the tears, splits and divisions are mindmade; they are not based on the truth but on what the Buddhists call illusion, what Freud calls unconscious fantasies. The prevailing sense of reality, the prevailing forms of knowledge, are ruled by the instinct of aggression and division, are under the dominion of the death instinct. We are in Satan's kingdom; to build a Heaven in Hell's despite is to construct an erotic sense of reality. - - We are all fractions. We are broken When the infant realizes his separation from the mother in the oral stage of sexuality, he denies separation (and thus external reality) and begins to invest in a dream of regainable pleasurable union. Negation of the external is an act of the death "instinct". The reunification of Life and Death - accepting for a moment Freud's equation of Death and Nirvana – can only be envisioned as the end of the historical process.' 'Only a politics that undoes language and time and is thus visionary to the point of voluptuousness has any meaning.' - 'life not repressed is not in historical time.' (at the End of History and the World). 'New Earth is an expression used in the Christian Book of Revelation to describe the final state of redeemed humanity of perfection where "cosmic time has been turned into eternity. "The Overlords of Arthur C. Clarke's 'Childhood's End' have 'an impact on culture that leads to the elimination of the human race, ' as they 'search for “Subject Zero”, an extraordinary individual which seems close to a naturalistic version of searching for the Messiah.' 'This is a transformation of the mind, not of the body. By the standards of evolution, it will be cataclysmic--instantaneous. It has already begun. You must face the fact that yours is the last generation of Homo sapiens.' 'All the children born after a certain point are of this new type and exhibit parapsychological powers.' 'They will not possess minds as you know them. They will be a single entity, as you yourselves are the sums of your myriad cells. You will not think them human, and you will be right'. 'The new children evolve quickly and become more powerful as their psyches merge to form a collective consciousness. ' (Brown's ONE BODY). And, you can't fix stupid. "Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain." The difference between ignorance and stupidity is: ignorance is curable. Saying attributed to Jesus: 'I can heal the leper I can walk on water, cure the sick and can make the blind see but not even I can save a fool from his foolishness.' 'For you have the poor always with you.' I'm fine if you're stupid (and thus poor), in spite of Brown and my earlier comments on white male superiority. Twinkle Town Return to Topics "All those large dreams by which men long live well Are magic-lanterned on the smoke of hell" (our TV screens) William Empson Nothing good ever has come from Hollywood (it's wares seduce us to take its free fairy ride straight to Hell. You've swallowed Satan's bait hook, line and sinker (lock, stock and barrel) and went straight to Hell. Repeating, Hollywood has been spoon-feeding/throwing out signs/leaving clues/leading down the garden path to my Fairy Dump knowing in advance the final fatal destination. In these these final moments, we have not only a deep moral degeneration but an inability to distinguish what is real from fantasy (confabulation). We've been 'led down the garden primrose path ('We are being played!'- by the Hollywood fairies) to decadence which in turn has provided continuous justifications for yet more statism. This system of decadence is unsustainable. It will ultimately end in bankruptcy, demographic implosion, or Road Warrior-style chaos.' Repeating, 'We're all passengers as sealed cargo aboard one of Hitler's boxcars for 'imperfect Aryans' on a Hellbound train to his Death Camps and Gas Chambers (my planetwide rain of slime!)'. And, repeating Procol Harum's 'Salty Dog' (= Me as the Captain), '♪ Explore the ship, replace the cook:, let no one leave alive!' Across the straits, around the Horn: how far can sailors fly? A twisted path, our tortured course, and no one left alive We sailed for parts unknown to man, where ships come home to die' (= the swan song of dying civilizations (Brown) as all are driven mad by Hollywood)! The movies had unsavory origins. Their origin was traveling carnivals and vaudeville shows. Movies were severely frowned on in the early days of the industry. The people behind them have always been sleazy, low lifes. They amount to dead fairies as a group, although, you can't say that about any particular individual. It takes one to know one. I'm a dead fairy also. And I see what Twinkle Town (or, Tinsel Town) really amounts to. ('Behind the phony tinsel of Hollywood lies the real tinsel.' Hollywood's Smoke and Mirrors.) Don't ever sit down at a poker table where opposite you are fairies. You need to know that if you lose, they'll not only take the shirt off your back, but they are going to kill you. You are betting your life. And you also need to know that they always hold the high cards before you sit down at the table. When you lay your hand on the table, they always slap down a better hand. They're out to snooker you and take you to the cleaners! Hollywood plays for keeps! The House is rigged. The deck is stacked! The madman looks for leverage by which he can turn the tables on his opponents across from him (role reversal/trading places). The moral is that children shouldn't play with dead things. The only way to win is not to play.'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.' Hollywood's wares seduce us to take its free fairy ride straight to Hell. ('We are being played!' - by the Hollywood fairies.) The wares Twinkle Town sells are all deadly fairy poison. Joyce says, 'swishingsight teilweisioned'. (Joyce's prophesy prior to regular TV broadcasts). Joyce well understood that TV was a swishing fairy show. Joyce actually managed a movie theater at one point in his career. Repeating, 'Tales of the gods in all cultures display them as capricious, amoral and unconcerned with the doings of mere mortals.' The Hollywood fairies, self appointed aristocrats, behave similarly. Their lives are typically sordid, scandalous soap operas, fodder for gossip. '♪ At paranoia's poison door. Twenty first century schizoid man. - Blood rack barbed wire Politicians' funeral pyre Innocents raped with napalm fire Twenty first century schizoid man' (King Crimson) Note that Hollywood loves to play idiotic fairy emasculation/castration games with its passive victims (Russian Roulette - Tortures of the Damned). Hollywood's agenda is to at a minimum drive all the men mad (notice the numerous films about amnesia and insanity), or better yet kill them (another theme)! This stuff isn't funny anymore! This stuff'll kill ya! Their benefit is more dolls left over for the sex crazed fairies that run Hollywood. Joyce says, 'Hip champouree! Hiphip champouree! O you longtailed blackman, polk it up behind me! Hip champouree! Hiphip champouree!' Hollywood is making monkeys out of us - 'too much monkey business' as Hollywood labels itself! I as also a sex crazed fairy recognize their game which plunges us into Hell and as Savior, I rescue the men and remove the dolls! In place of hard headed 'believe it only if you see it' science and it's wonders, I give you the original magic once again, which is much easier to do and requires no equipment (except what's below your belt): fairy science which in fact is barn house science = what goes on in the bedroom, Hollywood's monkey business. Joyce agrees, 'It's as semper as oxhouse humper!' What you see on the TV is what I, God, have always been able to see without the need for a TV screen – I am all-seeing in my omniscience. I'm 'Mr. Know-It-All!' And once TV lets you see what I see (spectacles to open the Third Eye/Double Vision), it will turn you into a Fool like me also – TV gives you a god's eye view like me, a fly on the wall perspective. It's a boob tube. It will warp and rot your brain and turn you to stone, the condition I've been in from birth. It's endless drivel (= idiotic utterance; silly nonsense; twaddle; senseless talk; nonsense; saliva; slaver; drool = slime dripping) and turns us into slobbering imbeciles. These reeling films indeed leave us reeling, staggering and lurching. 'The celebrity culture (CelebCult) is infantilizing us.' '♪ I had too much to dream last night.' (Electric Prunes) (watching TV - band name suggests my planetary enema) '♪ Streets full of people, all alone Roads full of houses, never home Church full of singing, out of tune Everyone's gone to the moon (turned to stone/slowly driven mad by their TV sets!) Eyes full of sorrow, never wet Hands full of money, all in debt Sun coming out in the middle of June Everyone's gone to the moon' (Jonathan King) 'Our computers and TVs now enable us to sit alone staring at a screen to do many things we used to have to do face to face with humans, who we find increasingly disgusting and intolerable. - We're dumbed down, hyperactive regimented inhabitants of a cyber purgatory created by the unseen elite puppet masters of a technocratic dystopia.' 'The Iron Heel' was Jack London's dystopian vision of fascism written before all the numerous mass movements arose ('It can't happen here!'). It was to be Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' Pleasuredome (Soft Fascism) rather than George Orwell's prophesied '1984' Big Brother (Hard Fascism). 'What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture.' Notice how TV shows and series are displayed and yanked/snatched at an hyperactive accelerating pace as we frantically click our remotes through hundreds of 24 hour channels – now you see it, now you don't. Repeating, we become 'the harried scurrying White Rabbit who stares at his stopwatch and shrieks, 'I'm late for a very important date!' The stopwatch that can stop the clock/time he holds has been the answer to his panic all the time. Yanked! I Reveal Myself As The Patched Clown Puppetmaster/Ringmaster As I Yank/Snatch Everyone Else Off My Stage At The The Death Of The Show (End Of The World)! I Give 'Em The Hook! 'Brown quotes, All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players'(Shakespeare) '♪ Don't want to end up a cartoon/In a cartoon graveyard' (my Fairy Dump) (Paul Simon) '♪ You think that something's happening And it's bigger than your life - When the morning light has come - (on the Resurrection Morning) Do you see yourself in a white spotlight Then play the game tonight (John Lennon's weird mind games via TV) And when the curtains open (I'm the patched clown puppetmaster/ringmaster at the death of the show - end of the world!) To the roaring of the crowd You will feel it all around you Then it finally happens And it's all come true for you' (Kansas) There's an obscure film from the early days of TV – 'Meet Mr. Lucifer' (1953). The message of the title and the storyline is that everything on the TV is straight from Hell, and if you participate in any of it, you'll become a devil. Everything you see on TV - all the people -everything - is a broadcast straight from Hell. TV is the devil's picturebook. It is mind destroying infantile garbage and filth. I must shut it all down to put all the women to sleep! 'There is hubris in the capturing of reality that is the perfect image; perhaps this explains the deep suspicion many religious traditions have of images of the divine or even of humans, animals, and objects. Judaism (Graven Images) and Islam do without them altogether, as did Buddhism until Alexander the Great brought Greek culture, with its obsession with mortality and, not coincidentally, with images, to India. Many cultures resist (including primitives) having their photographs taken, intuiting perhaps the hubris and futility of the pseudo-immortality it suggests, or the Faustian exchange of a moment in time, which is real, for the frozen representation of a moment, which is not.' (photographs or the bombardment by a blizzard of TV images) '♪ When I think back On all the crap I learned in high school It’s a wonder I can think at all And though my lack of education Hasn’t hurt me none I can read the writing on the wall Kodachrome (TV as omniscient – God's eye view, a fly on the wall perspective) They give us those nice bright colors They give us the greens of summers Makes you think all the world’s a sunny day, oh yeah I got a nikon camera I love to take a photograph So mama don’t take my kodachrome away If you took all the girls I knew When I was single And brought them all together for one night I know they’d never match My sweet imagination And everything looks worse in black and white' (Paul Simon) Jailbreak! '♪ Teacher leave them kids alone' (Pink Floyd) '♪ School's out forever School's been blown to pieces' (Alice Cooper) '♪ Leave your cares behind come with us and find The pleasures of a journey to the center of the mind (the Unconscious) Come along if you care Come along if you dare Take a ride to the land inside of your mind Beyond the seas of thought beyond the realm of what Across the streams of hopes and dreams where things are really not Come along if you care... But please realize you'll probably be surprised For it's the land unknown to man Where fantasy is fact So if you can, please understand You might not come back Come along if you care Come along if you dare Take a ride to the land inside and you'll see How happy life could be if all of mankind Would take the time to journey to the center of the mind Would take the time to journey to the center of the mind Center of the mind' (Amboy Dukes) '♪ We're playing those mind games together (fairy castration games) Pushing the barriers planting seeds Playing the mind guerrilla Chanting the Mantra peace on earth We all been playing those mind games forever Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil Doing the mind guerrilla Some call it magic the search for the grail Love is the answer and you know that for sure Love is a flower you got to let it grow So keep on playing those mind games together Faith in the future out of the now You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind Yeah we're playing those mind games together Projecting our images in space and in time Yes is the answer and you know that for sure Yes is surrender you got to let it go So keep on playing those mind games together Doing the ritual dance in the sun Millions of mind guerrillas Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel Keep on playing those mind games together Raising the spirit of peace and love (I want you to make love, not war I know you've heard it before)' (John Lennon) As the sayings go, madmen are 'crazy like a fox', 'still water runs deep.' Their psychiatrists ofter get frustrated with their mind games. The madman looks for leverage by which he can turn the tables on his psychiatrist (role reversal/trading places). Brown pithily comments, 'predominance of vicarious entertainment in - the life of the masses - - what visionary seer Blake would call spectral enjoyment - everything on TV; the lifestyles of the rich and famous offering vicarious participation in spectacles of waste; spectator sports offering vicarous agonistics; democracy restricted to mass voting for media stars.' /To paraphrase the famous quote of Karl Marx more accurately, it is entertainment, and not religion, that is now "the opiate of the masses." If you study Hollywood carefully over the years, as I have, you can't avoid the conclusion that the engine that has run Hollywood from the start is porn - all these beautiful dolls that as a group make up the Whore of Babylon. Porn is obviously gross, sleazy (feelthy pictures), and above all, inferior to the real thing. Most of you are offended by porn and avoid it, but that has always been the secret motive power of Hollywood, and this is what has kept our eyes glued to the screen all this time. Porn is Space Fucking, as in 'Weird Science' (1985), where horny computer nerds conjure a Barbie Doll sex toy/Robot (the gorgeous sexy Kelly Le Brock - instrumental view of women as sex toys/objects.), which we're in fact doing with our TVs. Weird Science Barbie Doll 'Weird Science' (1985) Barbie Doll Sex Toy/Robot Conjured by Horny Nerds Return to Topics All men react to Hollywood's gorgeous Bombshell Dolls ('filthy pictures'), but nerds such as myself also salivate over gleaming silver phallic spaceships (seeds to the future). The Vedic Vimanas (spaceships) dreamed of (these are spaceships of the mind) in India as the prior world age/aeon (Hindu yugas) turned into the aeon also now ending were deliberately revived by Hollywood (e. g., the Flash Gordon serials of the desperate days of the Thirties depression). 'The Vedas speak of Vimanas, or flying aircraft. There is also mention of space flight, radar, air bombing, detection, artillery, rocket launching, explosive bullets and extremely destructive bombs that can destroy cities and even the world.' Tales also arose of a Great Flood, time travel and parallel universes – i.e., their forbidden quest drove them mad! 'The current Chinese government has banned portrayals of time travel because they are "casually make up myths, have monstrous and weird plots, use absurd tactics, and even promote feudalism, superstition, fatalism and reincarnation." That prior cycle ended in a 'nuclear warfare' conflagration as this one will when I again set off my worldwide detonation (a walking timebomb). That 'Nuclear Detonation' I will shortly unleash won't be visible to the eye (it will be hyperdimensional). 'All the old myths and legends (Atlantis, the Flood, and so on) embody psychological and not historical truths. Ancients communicated with the future by creating myths and legends, poems and songs, dances and rituals for receptive people to decode or, more often, that plant a seed in the unconscious mind of the listener. They communicated with the future through direct personal transmission to disciples. Seeing also the imminent demise of their cultures, they founded lineages and hid them within the destroyer civilizations.' We've built a 'futuristic vision of hell: soulless, cultureless hollow people who pursue empty desires and make meaningless choices, trying to shrug off the weight of mortality with consumerism and a plastic dogma of equality.' We see the 'total destruction of the good things in life and replacement by a hollow, plastic, insincere, soulless civilization. - We hate ourselves for living in this type of world, and so we self-destruct.' We're now living in the world prophesied by science fiction. Kingsley Amis rightly titled his study of the science fiction genre 'New Maps of Hell.' 'SF has ceased to be a genre of fiction per se, becoming instead a mode of awareness about the world.' This superscience puts us in Hell and leaves us drooling. 'The Capitalist economic system is more a symptom than a cause of separation. The root and the epitome of separation is the discrete, isolated self of modern perception: the "I am" of Descartes, the "economic man" of Adam Smith, the individual phenotype of Darwinian competition for resources, the skin-encapsulated ego of Alan Watts or Gregory Bateson (or Norman O. Brown). It is a self conditionally dependent on, but fundamentally separate from, the Other: from nature and other people.' 'The ideology of separation received its full articulation with "science". Is it the 'Descent-that-masquerades-as-an-Ascent?' (as knowledge is progressively profaned.) But more optimistically, is 'our separation from nature, our war against nature, our ambition to transcend nature forever is actually in accord with nature's purposes, an evolutionary step not just of the human species, but of the planet as a whole. Our apparent separation is actually a step toward wholeness at a higher level of complexity. Perhaps separation is not an evil, but rather an adventure of self-discovery. Perhaps technology is an exploration of the illusion of separateness, that the Whole may come to better know itself, achieving Reunion (Ascension), yes, but at a higher level than before. In other words, there is a purpose to the Fall and thus a purpose to the whole course of Separation that is reaching its apogee at the present time. For this purpose to be fulfilled, it is necessary that Separation run its full course, to the very extreme we are experiencing today.' (Martin Heidegger on what he termed 'the encounter between global technology and humanity' which he stated must be allowed to run to complete fruition - in Christian terminology, Satan must be released for his season to do his worst.) For what is the ultimate degree of separation except to have forgotten one's divine nature so completely as to disbelieve in divinity itself; that is to disbelieve in any order, purpose, or destiny other than that which we impose upon reality? The clockwork universe that underlies our present world view represents the furthest reaches of separation. It is a world in which there is not, and could not logically be, any meaning, purpose, or divinity. Today we are exploring these far reaches of Hell. It is as if some collective will (Collective Unconscious) were pushing us toward the full experience of Hell.' Noah's Ark Spaceship Rainbow Painted Phallic Madman Noah's Ark Spaceship (Seed to the Future) Return to Topics 'Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow' - Toten Kopf's Ark for Animals '♪ Don't want to end up a cartoon In a cartoon graveyard - - If you'll be my bodyguard I can be your long lost pal - - when you call me You can call me Al (a prophesy of my name?) Call me Al' (Paul Simon) A staple of science fiction since its beginnings in both novels and films, such as the TV series 'Jericho', is the the postapocalyptic world in preparation for 'Life After Us' – The message: Head for the Hills! 'You can run, but you can't hide.' Survivalism – every man for himself as we descend/dissolve into chaos and anarchy. 'RocketShip X-M' - Real Source for Hoagland's 'Face on Mars' Hoagland's Supposed Cydonian 'Face on Mars' (Compare with Movie Image) The real source of Richard C. Hoagland's Cydonian 'Face on Mars': Hoagland was an impressionable youth when he first saw 'Rocketship X-M', which disclosed the remains of ancient civilization that annihilated itself by a planetary 'nuclear warfare', literally "bombed back to the Stone Age" - from the "Atomic Age to the Stone Age" in nuclear armageddon/holocaust. Repeating, 'When Robert Oppenheimer, father of the atomic bomb, saw the first blast, he exclaimed 'I am become Shiva, destroyer of worlds!', aware of the ancient Vedic 'nuclear warfare'. He noted it was 'the first blast in modern times.' The Gods have 'blasted technologically advanced civilizations back to the Stone Age on three prior occasions (the last time being the great Flood).' The eerie, dumbfounding silent mask the spacemen unearthed, similar to Kubrick's blank Doorstop/Monolith/Tombstone/Civilizational Epitaph monument discussed earlier, was a mute testament of the horrific forces that men had unleased for those that come after no doubt left a meme buried in the boy's unconscious and was triggered when as an adult he first scanned the Martian photographs. By Rorschach projection he saw what he wanted to see in the random formations on the surface and 'channeled' that mask. Our brain is hardwired to recognize faces. Thomas E. Bullard notes fictional 'speculation about Martians being concerned about the explosions of atomic bombs. Long after Mars itself has been disenchanted, Lovell's vision of a dying world persists in the abductees visions of blasted and dying wasteland worlds.' Hoagland's whole hyperdimensional physics is mostly woo woo technobabble handwaving 'equations' that can't be used for scientific predictions. But, indeed, he is validly pointing to this hyperdimension/Fairy Otherworld/Astral Plane which he channeled off his TV screen. 'Rocketship X-M' is a SF fairy tale parable of the dangers of technology destroying civilization and the fact that I am going to ignite with my member planetary 'nuclear warfare' for my Final Conflagration, and this the coverup/disclosure/agenda he is obssesed with revealing. (Note added: I contacted Richard with this speculation and he denies it!) Repeating, Socialist President Hugo Chavez agrees, “I have always heard that there had been civilization on Mars, but capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet. - Here on planet Earth where hundreds of years ago or less there were great forests, now there are deserts.“ Also, compare the similar Hollywood SF warning from '20 Million Miles to Earth' where the out of control rocket returning from Venus burrows into the ocean beach shallows. '20 Million Miles to Earth' Rocket Crash When Galileo invented a telescope to discover moons of Jupiter, he collided with the Catholic priests. They were well aware he was on a path to requiring ever bigger telescopes with neverending increasing investment in manpower and expenditure. Likewise, in Ray Bradbury's tale, a Chinese emperor witnesses a man who has invented a flying machine. His reaction to this is less than enthusiastic, as he's afraid of what dangers this technology could bring in the wrong hands, and he deals with it quickly and cruelly. The moral is to implement technological advances slowly and wisely. 'The rate of change is moving much faster now. Technological change is now so rapid and profound that it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history.' 'The Jevons paradox is the proposition that technological progress that increases the efficiency with which a resource is used tends to increase (rather than decrease) the rate of consumption of that resource.' An unrelenting feature of sci-fi Space Operas is a neverending litany of malfunctions and woes. The warning is that it's not smart to attempt these feats in real life. 'The Scientific Method, we believe, has eliminated cultural bias in prescribing an impartial, reliable way to derive truth from observation. But those observations that do not fit, we hardly bother to consider or verify, prove or disprove, dismissing them as absurdities unworthy even of consideration: "It isn't true because it couldn't be true." It was in that spirit that Galileo's scholarly contemporaries refused to look through his telescope, because they knew Jupiter couldn't have moons' (with their theological bias). "And yet it moves" objected Galileo (referring to the Earth), which unconsciously means 'It comes up!', which is what the scholars were really afraid of. 'Flash Gordon' – Ancient Vedic Dreams Of Spaceships Deliberately Revisited (Vimanas) – To Seduce Us To Hell! (Note the character names, such as Princess Aura - Ming the Merciless' daughter and Azura, Witch Queen of Magic, all resembling ancient Vedic royalty names from the earlier cycle.) '♪ She blinded me with science! (the way the dolls seduced us) And hit me with technology' (Thomas Dolby) 'Neil Postman and Marshall McLuhan both insisted that "the medium is the message," that it matters less what we watch than that we watch. Tocqueville captures our present dilemma. TV, like democracy, is a technology of freedom. It provides a window onto many worlds and offers vast amounts of information. It also caters ever more perfectly to the very proclivities — materialism and privatism — that in Tocqueville's view produce dissatisfaction and disengagement, tending "to isolate men from each other." Tocqueville, who would have appreciated the political dimension of our attention-deficit democracy: For those who immerse themselves too completely in their private worlds, self-government can seem an annoying intrusion. Such citizens may be tempted to delegate increasing authority to a centralized administration. Inattentive and inwardly focused, having lost the habit and art of associating, they would be unlikely to notice the erosion of their freedom and unable to stop it in any case. In the end, democracy as a technology of freedom may actually make citizens more dependent: dependent on an overweening administration and on the petty pleasures for which they sacrificed self-government.' 'TV makes us fat, lazy, inattentive, unsociable, mistrustful, materialistic — and unhappy about all of that. It cheapens political discourse, weakens family ties, prevents face-to-face socializing, and exposes kids to sex and inures them to violence.' 'Postman decried TV content’s ever-increasing speed and flux. But the pace race carries costs. By making real life seem dull by comparison, the images impair our ability to pay attention to it. TV induces a semi-hypnotic state.' Neil Postman: 'Who is prepared to take arms against a sea of amusements? To whom do we complain, and when, and in what tone of voice, when serious discourse dissolves into giggles? (Brown's farce) What is the antidote to a culture's being drained by laughter? - laughing ourselves to death. Our politics, religion, news, athletics, education and commerce have been transformed into congenial adjuncts of show business, largely without protest or even much popular notice. When cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; culture-death is a clear possibility.' “The problem is not that television presents us with entertaining subject matter but that all subject matter is presented as entertaining. For the message of television as metaphor is not only that all the world is a stage but that the stage is located in Las Vegas. And, 'madmen with butterfly nets are running the show.' The madman looks for leverage by which he can turn the tables on his psychiatrist (role reversal/trading places). 'In America, the least amusing people are its professional entertainers." . In the "Mean World Syndrome", George Gerbner says 'the violence-related content of mass media makes viewers believe that the world is more dangerous than it actually is. Cultivation Theory: TV, over time, subtly "cultivates" viewers' perceptions of reality. This cultivation can have an impact even on light viewers of TV, because the impact on heavy viewers has an impact on our entire culture. The Killing Screens: reality is distorted, sensationalized and gore-ified. The Hypodermic Model theory: people are injected with appropriate messages and ideas constructed by the mass media (implants). Desensitization & Acceleration: numbing people to real-world violence even as it whets the appetite in others for ever-higher doses.' This stuff's designed to drive you mad (welcome to the club)! This stuff'll kill ya! We're laughing ourselves to death! This stuff has long since stopped being amusing. The Hollywood fairies are blighting us and dragging us through the mud (dragging us straight to Hell). The fairies are dragging us through the mud and slime for one last time. Brown quotes Joyce, 'Stoop (please stoop), It is imperative that we sink.' These killing jokes will drop you dead! Instead of buying ever newer large screen TVs to pick up all the sexy details, you should of chucked your sets out the window! '♪ He blew his mind out in a car. He didn't notice that the lights had changed. A crowd of people stood and stared, They'd seen his face before. Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords.' (Beatles) Television is the tool that amplified the strength of my Invisible Fairy Rain. I do my Fairy Bowling with the dolls I see on TV. 'Stand and deliver!' I see them and launch my cum cruise missiles, my slime bullets, at them. Rock star Pat Benatar stands on stage in a sexy costume and sings, '♪ Hit me with your best shot! Why don't you hit me with your best shot? Fire away!' Doll I Bathe in My Green Alien Slime Young Future Bombshell Doll I Repeatedly Bathe in My Green Alien Slime Via My TV! - Her Mouth Drops Open! '♪ You dropped a bomb on me!' (The Gap Band) Return to Topics She's asking for it, and I happily oblige! 'Ridicule and mocking humor break down the sense of self, the egotism of self-importance and self-esteem.' Note you can't make out the face if it's covered in my slime. When I set off my thermonuclear bombs, I'm blasting the planet back to the Stone Age to usher in the next aeon. The Gods have 'blasted technologically advanced civilizations back to the Stone Age on three prior occasions (the last time being the great Flood).' 'Murder by Television', a movie from the Thirties before production of TV's actually began, prophesied what I was going to do. Haven't you noticed that practically the only women you see on TV are dolls? 'What's wrong with this picture?' We've got millions of dolls now arriving, coming in increasing numbers! They're here with the aid of TV! TV is their magic Witches' Mirror! Through the looking glass of the TV (an Alternative Universe) is a Candy Store of dolls, the strictly forbidden Isle of the Blessed! It's a Dollhouse! You want to reach out and grab 'em! Schuchard notes the Jewish Kabbalists taught that a 'telepathic' sexual relation without physical contact was possible between male and female fantasizers. Magician/Juggler Tarot Card Sleight of Hand Card Sharp Parlor Trickster (Me) Trickster/Huckster/Magician Trickster/Huckster/Magician Johhny Carson Steals A Smooch from His Stacked Bombshell Doll Assistant (Carol Wayne) Return to Topics Notes on pseudoscience (superstitious claptrap): 'Requires credulity ('woo woo' high “giggle factor” with wink and a nod), which is not simply belief in something that may be false. The subject of the belief may even be correct, but a credulous person will believe it without good evidence. Absence of progress is a sign, where 'handwaving' is a claim of solution without actuality. 'Double-talk or gobbledegook is speech in which inappropriate, invented or nonsense words are used to give the appearance of erudition to confuse or amuse the audience.' In this sense, the solution has been achieved by public relations (showmanship) manipulations, where, in turn, showmanship means presenting something (especially theatrical shows) in an attractive manner with a flair for the dramatic, spectacular or effective performance, for example, a distraction, a little act of magic, used disingenuously by the charlatan. An example is the confidence trick or confidence game (also known as a bunko, con, flim flam, gaffle, grift, phony, fraud, fake, bogus, counterfeit, hustle, scam, scheme, swindle or bamboozle) where the attempt is to defraud a group by gaining their confidence. For example, feng shui (also known as "geomancy") which is used to orient buildings — often spiritually significant structures such as tombs.' 'Professional skeptics are debunkers—true believers in a negative. They are priests of scientism rather than science. They have a-priori assumptions that paraspsychological phenomena, UFOs, etc. do not exist, and without questioning their own motivations they set about to discredit any people or research that runs counter to their scientismic assumptions.' 'Self-declared "skeptics" apply their skepticism only to non-dominant theories ("Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan). "Anomalies": psi, precognition, and others are excluded from the realm of the mysterious on dogmatic grounds. Surely there must be a mundane explanation (e.g. fraud, delusion, sloppy science, or overlooked physical mechanisms). 'Stories of ghosts, of shared dreams, visions, seeing auras, energy healing, UFOs. . . the whole gamut of anomalous experiences require a distinction between an opinion and a belief. Like most belief systems, the worldview of the skeptic has an emotional component, identified as the meaninglessness or despair inherent in classical science. The debunker himself is blindly committed to his own dogmatic worldview that is impervious to any evidence (the unfalsifiable world-view of the skeptic).' 'Even science, which claims its methods and theories are rationally developed, is really shaped by emotion and fancy, or by fear,' Jacques Vallee notes. 'If they really believed their models, they would be confident that the false theories would come to nothing, and ignore them. Their powerful desire to attack competing belief systems proves their secret fear that beliefs create reality.' In fact, the numerous debunkers and skeptics (such as 'Magician' Amazing Randi) who ridicule and mock these as sham, exaggerated claims will wind up in the ditch (their graves) still unbelieving when my Last Trump blows! '♪ This monkey gone to Heaven.' TV has made us all into sexual perverts – voyeurs/lechers. 'What the Peeper Saw.' You can look but you musn't touch! But I was able to step into the screen to set off my timebomb! Timebombs are prominent plot devices in many action movies, practice because Hollywood had in advance set itself up to self destruct! '♪ Step right up and don't be shy, because you will not believe your eyes. She's right here behind the glass (the TV screen) and you're gonna like her, 'cause she's got class. You can look inside another world. (hyperdimensional/parallel dimension/astral plane) You get to talk to a pretty girl. She's everything you dream about... but don't fall in love... She's a beauty --- one in a million girls, she's a beauty. Why would I lie?. Why would I lie? You can say anything you like, but you can't touch the merchandise.' (The Tubes = TV Screen + 'Down the tubes!') 'Passion Play' (2010) 'Passion Play' (2010) An Angel Trapped In A Carnival Sideshow Is Saved By A Trumpet Player Down On His Luck (Calling All Angels! Come Blow Your Horn!) (Repeating: 'She's right here behind the glass!') (Dolls on the TV Screen) Return to Topics For the TV stage show: '♪ Say, it’s only a paper moon sailing over a cardboard sea But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed in me. Yes, it’s only a canvas sky hanging over a muslin tree But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed in me. Without your love, it’s a honky-tonk parade. Without your love, it’s a melody played in a penny arcade. It’s a Barnum and Bailey world, just as phony as it can be But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed…….if you believed….. If you.. be..lieved.. in.. me.' 'We're now all shamans-in-training.' 'You can't get your wizard papers without wrinkles?' 'How can you be a sage if you're pretty?' For the benefit of Harry Potter wannabes (God Wannabes with a Messiah Complex - delusions that we are Saviors of the World (who think they're god or talking with god in “psychotic” episodes), this is not the 'Coast to Coast AM' radio version. 'LEGION' (2010) depicts Me at the Final Battle vowing vengeance and wiping out the human race that I Judge as no longer worthy of Me. God 'turns his back on humanity and orders his Legion of Angels to destroy it once and for all.' 'For these are days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled'. I (God) am a genocidal sociopath intent to engineer a total holocaust wiping out the vast majority of humans on earth (again, without cheating using crude gas chambers) . 'My name is Legion: for we are many.' (possessed by demons). 'Legion' (2010) Archangel Michael Attacks in the War Between Heaven and Earth 'Legion' (2010) Archangel Michael Attacks in the War Between Heaven and Earth Return to Topics 'For thousands of years now people have been predicting the end of the world—and soon! Though their frequent postponement of the date of Armageddon detracts from their credibility, the basic psychic energy behind the loonies holding up placards on Times Square comes from a real source. They are tapping into a true insight: the edifice of civilization has an irremediable structural flaw that dictates its eventual collapse. We are on a collision course with nature and with human nature. This long chiliastic tradition, going back to the originators of myths like Armageddon and Ragnarok—the battle at the end of the world—has consistently underestimated just how far separation could proceed, the depths of alienation we could reach. Notably, these world-ending myths had also in common that the ending is not of the world per se, but of the world as we know it. Some even described a vision of what was to come thereafter. Like the world-ending battle, the world thereafter projects into the collective unconscious as intuition and myth. Deep deep down, we all know that a much better world is possible, and more than possible, certain, someday. The age-old myth of heaven which, though idealized and abstracted under the regime of dualism into a realm separate from earth, nonetheless portends on a metaphoric level the necessity of the end of life-as-we-know-it. Even the procedure for entering heaven usually involves some kind of transcendence of the customary self, a letting go of the old ways of being; as the Christian formulation has it, to be reborn in Christ. In the same way, the glorious estate to which humanity may ascend after the convergence can only come after the breakdown in our collective self-definition as distinct from nature and exempt from nature's rules. The visions of utopia that have recurred throughout the modern hark as well to that universal certainty that a world is possible far more beautiful than what we have wrought today. What is special about our age is that the fulfillment of processes of separation on the collective level are causing this personal convergence of crises, and the subsequent awakening to a new sense of self, to happen to many people all at once. The promise of a recovery of a long-lost Golden Age reverberates through countless myths. The heart-chord it strikes has inspired visionaries and idealists from time immemorial.' 'The primordial paradise was a time when men and gods lived together and man was immortal' 'In prehistoric times (the Golden Age), consciousness was what many myths imply: collective.' 'It is more (Collective) memory than myth.' 'There are three categories for the lost paradise. First, a paradise on earth which is difficult to find (e. g., Shambala). Second, a place on earth that is nearby, but that it is in an alternate reality (Other World – Parallel Universe). Third, not a place, but an enlightened state of being (as with Buddhists for whom the present is a timeless state of apolitical navel-gazing with the end of (adult) responsibility - “be here now” “being in the moment”).' Brown prophesied me, 'Then cometh the end, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. Mere anarchy is loosed on the world.' Jesus said, 'ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.' Mk 14:62. 'clouds of heaven' = spacecraft, as with flying saucers descending in clouds? Repeating my earlier, UFOs are God’s angelic army gathering for the war in heaven prophesied for the Last Days, when Michael the archangel fights Satan. ('And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.'). “And behold a star fell from heaven…and the children of the Earth began to tremble and quake before them and to flee from them. And again I saw how they began to gore each other and to devour each other and the Earth began to cry aloud." 'I saw in a vision how the heavens collapsed…and when it fell to Earth I saw how the Earth was swallowed up in a great abyss…and I lifted up my voice to cry aloud, and said “the Earth is destroyed.”' - the Book of Enoch. And the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed them up. 'They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. Fire came from God out of heaven (my rain of slime!) and burned them up.' Rev 20:9. 'A great change will come to pass, such as no mortal man will have expected. Heaven and Hell will confront each other in this struggle . Old states will perish and light and darkness will be pitted against each other with swords, but it will be swords of a different fashion. With these swords it will be possible to cut up the skies and to split the Earth. A great lament will come over all mankind and only a small batch will survive the tempest, the pestilence, and the horror.' - Pastor Bartholomaeus. 'Then she added a prophecy in which she foretold the approaching end of the Divine Age and the beginning of a new one, in which the summers would be flowerless, the cows milkless and women shameless and men strengthless, in which there will be trees without fruit and seas without fish, when old men would give false judgments and legislators make unjust laws, when warriors would betray one another and men would be thieves and there would be no more virtue in the world.' - War Queen of the Tuatha de Dannan. 'Then saw she wade in heavy streams, men – foul murderers and perjurers, and them who others wives seduce to sin, brothers slay brothers; sisters’ children shed each others blood. Hard is the world, sensual sin grows huge. These are the sword-ages, axe-ages, shields are cleft in twain, storm-ages, murder-ages - till the world falls dead.' - The Norse Edda. Paul says, 'We know that all creation has been groaning with the pains of childbirth up to the present time.' Revelation: 'The sky vanished like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.' Velikovsky's 'Worlds in Collision', 'Ages in Chaos', 'Earth in Upheaval', 'Mankind in Amnesia' begins as the cycle comes to fulfillment and we plunge into the void - Slipping Toward The Abyss! As prophesied in the Book of Revelation, the “Battle of Armageddon” is being fought in the “air.” (the War between Heaven and Earth - the "War in the Air"). Just as, in His pride, Lucifer tried to storm Heaven's Throne Room and unseat God (me) as the Supreme Ruler of my creation (Great Rebellion in Heaven), you build empires to storm Heaven (Towers of Babel) and become gods. 'His tail swept down a third of the stars of Heaven and cast them down to Earth'. 'Industrial Civilization is close to ending, taking with it a great sweep of the global ecosystem as the machine claws at the air, the earth and the seas in a last-gasp attempt to stay alive.' And, "This time we're taking the whole planet with us!" 'Lucifer warred with Heaven, or tried to set himself above God, a theme echoed in the Babel story.' 'Can we build a tower to heaven (Tower of Babel to storm Heaven)? Only if the sky is a finite distance away.' And the spiritual war in Heaven spills over into the physical realm (Earth). On the contrary, in the film, 'Archangel Michael defies my Will and precipitates again a War between Heaven and Earth. He combats an entire legion of angels led by the heavily favored, Gabriel.' In fact, contrary to popular belief, my Angels are often inconstant, disloyal and unfaithful to me. 'Et tu, Brute?' (And you too, Brutus?) Repeating, with regard to this Final Battle: '♪ In Heaven Everything is fine' (from my Heavenly Throne Perch) (The Pixies = Fairies?) '♪ we're caught up in the crossfire Of heaven and hell And were searching for shelter Lay your body down... Watching you dress as you turn down the lights I forget all about the storm outside Dark clouds roll their way over town Heart and pain came pouring down Like hail, sleet and rain yeah they're handing it out Tell the devil that he can go back from where he came His fiery arrows drew their bead in vain And when the hardest part is over we’ll be here And our dreams will break the boundaries of our fear The boundaries of our fear Lay your body down' (Brandon Flowers) War Between Heaven And Earth The War Between Heaven And Earth At The New Tower Of Babel! Supernatural 'Supernatural' TV - My 'Junkless' Fighting Angel Of The Lord In The New War Between Heaven And Earth! Archangel Gabriel 'Constantine' (2005) Wrestling With My Archangel Gabriel! Christianity has been thrown into the (vulgar) marketplace (profaned) and forced to compete with other gods and beliefs. Brown said, 'Words are to be redeemed; taken out of the market place. 'The truth that's inherent in myth and fable is ignored by the Christian world.' Nice quote: 'The total demise of the old gods (GOTTERDAMERUNG), who are now being arrested by Gabriel one after the other, is coming forth. If they reply with war in the heavens, using ‘fallen angels’ and ‘demons’ as war assets, then they shall be met with firepower from a vast array of newly-equipped Celestials. New species of incorruptible Celestials and new firepower armaments were devised for this attrition forthcoming.' Repeating, as the Tribulation begins and the new aeon/cycle opens, we'll enter a new Golden Age (the New Jerusalem), an age in which we're no longer strictly human – an age of gods and monsters. The best will become superheroes or gods, equipped to fight the monsters which will arise at the same time. Biblical descriptions of my UFO Gliding Fairy Boat/Heavenly Throne Perch/Aerial Car/Chariot of the Gods: 'What are these ships that skim along like clouds, Like doves returning home? They are ships coming from distant lands, Bringing God's people home.' Isaiah 60:8, 'You cover yourself with light. You have spread out the heavens like a tent and built your home on the waters above. You use the clouds as your chariot and ride on the wings of the wind.' Psalm 104. (like Greek God Phaeton's Flaming Chariot of the Sun that glides across the daytime sky. Both Phaeton and Icarus were overly bold young men with stars in their eyes. Icarus flew too high and his wings were singed by the Sun's rays and crashed back down to Earth.) The Unconscious is Collective. Wizards are 'sensitive'- able to commune with the 'dead' as vessels of the Collective Unconscious on the Weird Radio, and can become professionals through our abilities. Symptoms of the mad, such as hallucinations and hearing voices merely means we are directly tapped into this Collective Unconscious. As in the film 'The Signal', described as 'an exploration of the power of media to mutate our minds and the madness lying deep within, receivers of this Weird Radio may go criminally insane. It is painful, deadly, poisonous and contagious - My (God's) Deadly Blessing! The film 'The Last Airbender' depicts such a Chosen One, a boy (really meaning a narcissistic fairy – a boy in the body of a man as with the Dalai Lama) with this power to emit and receive. He can bend the 'air', in other words, curve space and warp time. He is the lone human who can harness the powers of each element to restore Cosmic Yin-yang balance to the ravaged world (possessing the fairy keys to Hell and Death. I'm holding “all the marbles.” And, the keys must be used in the proper order and sequence.). 'I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore (resurrected); and have the keys of hell and of death.' Like the Hanged Man Tarot card and Jesus and I, the rest of the world will stop at nothing to turn us off. Repeating what I said earlier, you legitimately may go, 'Let's take this sucker out!' The Last Airbender - Orgone The Last Airbender - Orgone Return to Topics The 'smoky' mist is being emitted by the 'boy' from his mountaintop cavern. Unconsciously this signifies the slime he is spewing from his Fire Hose/Water Cannon planetwide! Little Boy Blue come blow your horn (boy in the body of a man who spews slime)! Repeating, I'm a weird Holy Man who rolls boulders down on mankind from above that dares to scale (storm Heaven) my mountaintop dwelling (where I sit on top of Holy Mountain as King of the World = rain down slime from my Gliding Fairy Boat/Heavenly Throne Perch). I'm tired of you noisy, rebellious humans and drop 'rocks' (slimeballs) down on your head from above! Jesus Perched On Holy Mountain Watches Over All (And Rolls 'Boulders' Down On Climbers!) The Last Airbender - Pie Fight! The Last Airbender Pie Fight! Return to Topics 'The rest of the world will stop at nothing to turn us off.' The warships are lobbing flaming shells (unconscously slime) to stop the boy spewing. It's a paintball(slimeball) pie fight! 'Seven billion monkeys throwing poo!' Pie Fight! Repeat: Pie Fight! Return to Topics '♪ You consider me the young apprentice (both sorcerers) Caught between the Scylla and Charybdis. (my theme of the tug of war between the two poles of males vs. females: her vacuum cleaner pulls us to Hell, and my vacuum cleaner sucks us up above to Heaven!) Hypnotized by you if I should linger Staring at the ring around your finger. I have only come here seeking knowledge, Things they would not teach me of in college. - - Mephistopheles is not your name, But I know what you're up to just the same. I will listen hard to your tuition, And you will see it come to it's fruition. I'll be wrapped around your finger. I'll be wrapped around your finger. Devil and the deep blue sea behind me Vanish in the air you'll never find me. I will turn your face to alabaster,, (stone) Then you'll find your servant is your master And you'll be wrapped around my finger. I'll be wrapped around your finger. You'll be wrapped around my finger. I'll be wrapped around your finger.....' (Sting) 'Neurotheology, also known as spiritual neuroscience attempts to explain the neurological basis for religious experiences, such as: The perception that time, fear or self-consciousness have dissolved Spiritual awe Oneness with the universe Ecstatic trance Sudden enlightenment Altered states of consciousness ' We shamans are technicians of the sacred who can control and manipulate the spirit world and receive manifestations (conjuring the 'dead'). Analogies of this insubstantial spirit world/astral plane are such as mirror images, reflections in the water, shadows or dream images. Techniques to reach that Otherworld/parallel universe/hyperdimension include scrying or crystal ball gazing and channeling, used to enter an ecstatic trance to make contact. Jewels such as faceted diamonds can be used for this purpose. Power rings are objects that can magnify/illuminate the powers of the wielder, although considered to be hokum by objective science. Quoting the dictionary: Necromancy is a form of magic in which the sorcerer practitioner seeks to summon/conjure the spirit of a deceased person, either as an apparition or ghost, or to raise them bodily, for the purpose of divination. Through TV by social engineering and billions of dollars, Satan mimics that world. On the Hollywood Fantasy Factory 'the media is now dreaming because it has become the channel or vehicle for the unconscious “collective information float” - subliminal messages. It is via the media that we can experience the “sounds of the billions of voices of the collective.” Repeating, 'Ghosts, aliens, witches, etc. 'seen' in the supernatural/mystical (and on the TV screen) are 'barometers of the conflicts and tensions in the political and the social' conveyed from the Collective Unconscious, the 'voicing of hitherto inarticulate emotions -- a preliminary crystallization of waxing dissatisfactions and discontents, a Witch's Brew.' Hollywood Dreaming: 'We have our own Dreamtime, which we access every day: television. TV is certainly a state of reality that parallels and intersects with our own because we often find ourselves in it or on it (an Alternative Universe or Otherworld); we also have access to its mythic figures in their more mundane form.' Hollywood is the Dream Factory mandated to create artificial fantasies that match those of our dirty minds. TV hypnotizes (puts under a (witch's) spell). Hypnotics can disply a helpless inability to move = catalepsy making a hypnotized subject's arm, leg or back rigid.(turned to stone). Beta state is normal wakefulness, alert. In the alpha state your brain waves register as a light trance (light hypnotic state). ”Hypnosis is not ordinary sleep but an induced, artificial sleep…For a man asleep can do nothing, but under hypnosis he can carry out the most complex commands, including murder.” When you are in deeper hypnosis, dreaming, meditating, or 'zoned out'/on autopilot, you're in theta. You become a Scanner living your life vicariously through the representatives/avatars on your TV screen (Virtual Social Identity) and you lose track of time and your own unlived life. Many mad people such as I can instantly access the Other World/Hyperdimension/Astral Plane which is right in front of everyone without needing the TV screen if they would but open their (Third) eyes. Again, Jesus instructs us, 'Seek and ye shall find.' Those with poor eye contact 'march to a different drummer' believe in different things from the people around them and have different objectives in life. In general, the rock music (as opposed to lyrical classical music) I study here with it's Africanized staccato rhythms is subversive in intent. Rock is speeded up and dumbed down. It's herky-jerky spasmodic staccato rhythm is suitable only for manipulated puppets on a string. Characteristics of such puppets: blunted affect (lack of emotional response), blank look with averted gaze (looking at the floor), pain insensitivity, agitation, confusion and disorientation, hyperactivity and distractibility, impaired spastic coordination and insomnia/sleep deprivation. Hollywood and rock music's mandate to put us in Hell with the billions at its disposal meant that as the ubiquitous media background to our lives, as substitute parents to be raised from birth by these dead fairies (surrogate parents) as changelings brainwashed/mind controlled and programed little robotic Manchurian Candidates with altered personalities (Children of the Damned) who could be triggered later to carry out its agenda. But as a byproduct a few would be initiated into the spiritual world (which is right in front of us all) by studying our TVs. Notes from Wikipedia on parallel universe/alternative reality/altered state of consciousness/another dimension/hyperspace astral plane: (The following is colored purple to help distinguish it from my contribution. Colored sections can be skipped on first reading). 'The astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), medieval, oriental and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions. It is the world of the planetary spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and after death, and generally said to be populated by angels, spirits or other immaterial beings. In the late 19th and early 20th century the term was popularised by Blavatsky's Theosophy. - According to occult teachings the astral plane can be visited consciously through astral projection, meditation and mantra, near death experience, lucid dreaming, or other means. Individuals that are trained in the use of the astral vehicle can separate their consciousness in the astral vehicle from the physical body at will. In theosophical literature the term "astral" may refer to the aether. - the idea of "another world" from myth, legend and religion. Heaven, Hell, Olympus, Valhalla are all “alternative universes” different from the familiar material realm. Modern fantasy often presents the concept as a series of planes of existence where the laws of nature differ, allowing magical phenomena of some sort on some planes. This concept was also found in ancient Hindu mythology, in texts such as the Puranas, which expressed an infinite number of universes, each with its own gods 'The main plotline is a project by aliens who inhabit a parallel universe (the para-Universe) with different physical laws from this one. By exchanging matter with Earth, they seek to exploit these differences in physical laws. The exchange of matter provides an alternative source of energy in their dying Universe. However, the exchange of physical laws will have the ultimate result of turning the Earth's Sun into a supernova, and possibly even turning a large part of the Milky Way into a quasar (my Conflagration at the End of the World) - matter has been swapped by beings in the parallel universe and leads to the development of a cheap, clean, and apparently endless source of energy. (= slime!) - The need to transfer equivalent amounts of mass between the worlds explains why a changeling is left for a kidnapped child. Interactions between magical and scientific universes, and the protagonists' attempts to restore and maintain the balance between them (as in 'The Last Airbender'). One motif is that the time flow in a parallel universe may be very different, so that a character returning to one might find the time passed very differently for those he left behind. This is found in folklore: King Herla visited Fairy and returned three centuries later. Elfland, or Faerie is the otherworldly home not only of elves and fairies, but dwarves, goblins, trolls, and other sinister folkloric creatures, populated by the daydreams of mundane people (the Collective Unconscious). The most famous treatment of the alternative universe concept in film could be considered the The Wizard of Oz, which portrays a parallel world, famously separating the magical realm of the Land of Oz from the mundane world bridged by a 'tornado'. These "lost world" stories can be seen as geographic equivalents of a "parallel universe", as the worlds portrayed are separate from our own, and hidden to everyone except those who take the difficult journey there. The geographic "lost world" can blur into a more explicit "parallel universe" when the fantasy realm overlaps a section of the "real" world. SF writer Poul Anderson depicts Hell as such a parallel universe in 'Operation Chaos' In Hell the protagonists encounter an especially nasty form of torture reserved for heavy sinners: to be enclosed in horrible, clumsy ground vehicles which emit noxious fumes and move with agonising slowness along crowded strips of asphalt (our crowded expressways!).' “Your real identity is that you are an interdimensional traveler who arrived from some other dimension at birth and who, almost every day, travels to another dimension called the dream time, has a guaranteed portal out of this matrix called death, and who interpenetrates with the varied dimensions generated by other human psyches.” 'At all costs, the interdimensional traveler must never surrender multi-incarnate identity and essence to the Babylon Matrix - the Babylon Matrix has a tunneling effect that can shrink your incarnation until it is like a twisty wormhole. - laboring under the power of malign enchantment, you discover the spell, the actual contract the devil made you sign in blood, and yet cannot break from it. These spells are swirling around us like sheets spun by a tornado, a dark and smoky twister. Spinning within the twister are a swirling shrapnel of sticky cultural memes. Lose your footing and the twister rips you out of Oz, out of agrarian Kansas, out of all the infinite places you could be, and shrinks you into an anxious meat puppet, stuck in traffic, or - you end up in Never Never Lands where obese lost boys play video games in their mothers’ basements – or turns you into hordes of automatons and hungry ghosts.' Dorothy: 'We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto! 'The gods hate Kansas! Oz is Alice's Wonderland (the Faery Otherworld Land of Wonders, i. e., Hell) in the form of the copious flow of scientific 'miracles.' 'Many of the formerly secret traditions are making their knowledge public.' In the 'the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.' So, in spite of the disenchantment of the world – Browns' progressive profanation, at the same time Brown can say 'magic is everywhere.' due to the the spell of the Whore of Babylon. With respect to Coast to Coast AM and the numerous alien or ghost hunter shows on TV, don't search here and yon for these entities. Just study what is on the screen! All the guests on Coast to Coast are the Blind Men and the Elephant where (repeating) all parties will see what they want to see and continue to insist that they are right – even when none of them has ever seen the Big Picture. They are are individually bringing in various fairy Keys (to Hell and Death) which I collect. But we're talking ourselves to extinction! 'Is this your final answer?' (here on the hotseat in Hell.) And, again, not much time left. We argue past each other and can't come to consensus. They're delving into mixture of delusional fantasy and subconsciously recycled material from other sources via the Collective Unconscious (the media, and in particular, TV). Coast listeners and guests are UFO 'gullible innocents' are thus open and vulnerable and can be taken advantage of by 'thieves'. Holy Fools such as Jesus are well aware this danger from thieves. Note the numerous sayings of Jesus about them. A major mutual feedback loop is between Hollywood and 'Coast to Coast.' Among others I have listed elsewhere: "The Event" TV deals with a 'global conspiracy that could change the fate of mankind and a Presidential assassination plot.' Alien's secret detention facility is in Alaska = location of HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program to control weather and earthquakes) where they've been held since 1944 ( = about the time of first UFO flaps). Note that the year 1944 and the fact the creator of the series also was behind the '4400' series are both close to the Book of Revelation 144,000 sealed. Also, note when airliner is sucked through another dimension it appears in the desert, vicinity of the Roswell 'crash.' 'Is this part of the alien invasion they are beginning to tout to us through various of their controlled press and outlets to scare the globe into coming together as a NWO to fight them? = conditioning Hollywood style - a Project Blubeam Psyop?' Note that, 'the Fukushima nuclear tectonic event was in fact monitored by international HAARP partners.' The Coast guests have proposed various names, such as the 'Convergence', Art Bell's 'Quickening', etc. as we approach the Null Point/Stargate/Doorway/Portal/Secret Rapture/Wormhole/Time Tunnel for this same Big Event (Dimensional Shift) by my hand (at the 'Eye of the Storm'), labeled by David Wilcock as an 'interdimensional wormhole space-time rift'! Repeating, David Icke on 'time itself speeding up: The Quickening is only going to quicken, time moving so fast that people would have to simplify their lives, discard the irrelevant and concentrate only on what really matters. They would burn out and even go crazy. There would 'not be enough hours in the day'.' Repeating, Robert Oppenheimer said, "the world is moving in the direction of hell with a high velocity, a positive acceleration and probably a positive rate of change of acceleration." We're in a 'Race with the Devil!' Repeating, (quotes by Weidner are in purple to help distinguish it from my contribution) 'Time itself speeds up until exhausted, the world and the Age come to an end and a new cycle begins.' We're to be sucked down the rabbit hole/slippery chute/manhole to Hell (Bermuda Triangle/Vortex to the Other Dimension) from which there is no known return. The movie title of 'The Matrix' (Latin word for “womb” = Labyrinth of the Psychonaut): "Like the movie itself, there is a lot of word play, a lot of hidden other meanings, a lot of multiple meanings... like the mathematical definition of the use of 'matrix', or the use of it in terms of a woman's womb.". Repeating: Brown says, 'The woman penetrated is a labyrinth. You emerge into another world inside a woman.' From 'The Matrix', the choice between the red pill and blue pill is 'the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue – remain inside the 'the Matrix' – Plato's cave - consensus reality) and embracing the painful truth of reality to escape (red – open up the third eye).' 'For double the vision my Eyes do see/And a double vision is always with me,' (visionary seer William Blake, said by many to be mad.) 'Neo is the One, a messianic figure who will liberate the unsubtly-named Zion from the machines, and the rest of humanity from the Matrix.' (with his Third Eye opened he can penetrate the Matrix). 'Morpheus to Neo: 'I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice. Tumbling down the rabbit hole/manhole? - You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole into Wonderland (the Otherworld) goes following the (repeating) harried scurrying White Rabbit who stares at his stopwatch and shrieks, 'I'm late for a very important date!' The stopwatch that can stop the clock/time he holds has been the answer to his panic all the time. She'll suck you down her rabbit hole funnel/slippery chute/labyrinth/sinkhole/manhole to the womb! 'No one gets out of here alive!' The rock song warns: '♪ How long to the point of know return?' (Kansas). In too deep. Over our heads 'We have we bitten off more than our monkey brains can chew.' “How far down the cosmic rabbit hole would you like to go?” Who are the children of the Matrix? We are! Harried White Rabbit Scurries Down the Rabbit Hole The stopwatch that can stop the clock/time he holds has been the answer to his panic all the time. Down The Rabbit Hole Tumbling Down The Rabbit Hole/Vortex/Black Hole/Manhole 'Fringe' TV Vortex - An Unstable Wormhole Threatens To Suck The Entire World To Another Dimension! Down the Chute! Mad Van Gogh's 'Starry Night' Hurricane Eye Norway 'Spiral' Pinwheel Spiral Vortices Mad 'Van Gogh could see the spiral form of stars, which is a faculty of multidimensional sight.' (opening the Third Eye). The use of spinning hypnotic spirals is a way to induce a hypnotic trance whereby psychic powers such as psychokinesis can be accessed. Petroglyph Spirals resemble the 'Norway Spiral': Paleolithic/Neolithic rock art spirals (petroglyphs) are a common feature of Megalithic art, 'whose meaning is now lost.' The rock artists were, in fact, conveying the opening of the Third Eye to produce Altered States. Entoptics are geometric patterns (such as spirals) whose origins are in the nervous system itself, whereas hallucinations are iconic and culturally determined and may be experienced in all senses (aural, visual, tactile, olfactory and synesthetic) not just the visual. Hallucinations may arise out of entoptics. Jung's spiral mandalas with the UFO shape are another example. And, remember the Tower of Babel itself was constructed as an ascending spiral (which resulted in the confusion of tongues when they went mad). Edgar Allan Poe's 'Descent Into the Maelstrom' Sucked Into the Vortex! Edgar Allan Poe's 'Descent Into the Maelstrom'- Sucked Into the Vortex/Whirlpool! Brown quotes Joyce, 'Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' - Slipping Toward The Abyss - 'In The Mouth Of Madness!' (Madly tiptoeing on the edge of reality and sanity) Return to Topics 'Swirling in the waters of the collapse of Empire, and we flail and struggle to both ride the waves and swim upstream from moment to moment navigating the torrent of changes with which we are daily deluged. In the madness, the river is propelling us toward the bottomless waterfall.' ('when the bottom drops out' and 'the sh*t hits the fan!') In a paranoiac way, 'The Matrix' depicted a self-contained simulated virtual reality environment (= TV screen as the Veil of Maya -consensus reality). 'We live in a virtual reality, the fake realm, the True Realm of the Light is outside of this virtual reality. A fake universe, that has been created by Darkness (Satan). Darkness is an error that happened in the Creation from the Source. Darkness created virtual reality to make his own universe where he is god.' (as with Plato’s Allegory of The Cave noted by Brown - the Gnostic viewpoint - the Reptilians). (Incidentally, the Bumper Music on Coast to Coast (classic rock songs) are the source for many of the song lyrics I've plugged in here.) The uncut version of 'The Devil's Rain' has a sno-globe of souls (means crystal ball = TV) containing the tormented damned subject to 'The Devil's Rain' (slime) which is consigned to a 'bottomless pit' as in Revelation (vortex/manhole that leads to Hell), prophesying the fate of TV sets and TV broadcasts, all set in advance to self-destruct. I have said you've met your maker, but it actually goes back and forth. Did I make you, or did you make me - out of your unconscious? I am the Id monster that you made with the aid of Hollywood out of your unconscious, again, the Beast slouching towards Bethlehem. Hollywood had a big part in making me, as indicated in the film 'Making Mr. Right' (rigid robotic movements = erection with a life of its own ). The herky-jerky spasmodic armored uneven movement is suitable only for manipulated puppets on a string. Alien 'Starman' also has lurching, lumbering, clumsy movements, just as Frankenstein's monster. Characteristics: blunted affect (lack of emotional response), blank look with averted gaze (looking at the floor), pain insensitivity, agitation, confusion and disorientation, hyperactivity and distractibility, impaired spastic coordination and insomnia/sleep deprivation. And I'm a quick study. All through this session, I've referred to various movies and songs. I'm the only person who knows what each movie actually means – far different from what each one supposedly means. Hollywood in fact had two mandates. The first was the easy part - to put us in Hell. But for those who can discern, the structure of many Hollywood stories is identical to that of occult initiation rituals or the astral voyage, as noted by Vallee with respect to UFO tales. Alien abduction mythology is 'memetic or memeplex: it is a thought contagion, a surrogate spirituality, just like new age mysticism and like specific religious belief systems - shared cultural delusions.' - 'The alien-abduction scenario is a cultural script, “shared cultural knowledge.” 'Pop culture permeates even our subconscious minds. However you want to categorize alien abduction, the fact that pop culture schlock fills our dreams may be the eeriest part of all. We skew our myths and wrap our angels and gods in space suits and repackage them as aliens (mass pop-culture inspired madness).' (Mass/cultural Conditioning - "The Dreams of the Mass Mind"). '♪ Have I awakened/Deep inside some madman's dream?' (Assemblage 23) (life is but a dream – of a madman!) A small minority of viewers (the real Elect) may have the blinders removed and open their (Third) eyes to the spiritual world which is right in front of all of us/Astral Plane. The second part of the mandate was to create me, someone who can lay Satan down. For Hollywood deliberately was charged with temporarily driving the whole world mad (Mass Psychosis), so that I singlehandedly, a raving, loose cannon madman a sane man living in a world of lunatics (madhouse) and the Last Man on Earth - the Lone Ranger - the Sole Survivor - Suspect Zero would be the only sane person left on the planet able as King of the World to rolywholyover this topsy turvy inverted world of Hell! Somebody's got to do it! 'Who was that Masked Man?' (the Lone Ranger). '♪ Coming into Los Angeles Bringing in a couple of keys (my fairy keys to Hell and Death) Don't touch my bags if you please Mister Customs Man There's a guy with a ticket to Mexico No, he couldn't look much stranger Walking in the hall with his things and all Smiling, said he was the Lone Ranger.' (Arlo Guthrie) I came here to deliberately shoot ourselves in the foot. I'm going to through out the baby with the bath water. I'm going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg. Specifically, Hollywood is out of business shortly. James Joyce in the WAKE instructed us to 'Roll away the reel world!' (spelling r-e-e-l). As Joyce says, 'Shadows by the film folk, masses for the good people.' 'We have been entranced (hypnotized – turned to stone) by the celluloid shadows on the walls of Plato’s cave.' (consensus reality) 'The world of our experience now is an artificial world (Virtual Reality)—science materialized.' The Hollywood fairies have put us in a fairy world, one that will not withstand the scrutiny of the light of day. In particular, at a date that I'll set all worlwide all entertainment production will cease. Movie screens will go dark planetwide. Radio and TV broadcasts will cease. Keep your existing dvds, etc., including porn. It's just that there won't be any new ones coming out. You have tens of thousands of titles to look at and trade with others. Hollywood was out of ideas by the Seventies, and since then it has all just been recycled anyway. Once all screens go dark, the dolls will all vanish! They'll literally melt down and disappear exactly like that other witch - the Wicked Witch of Oz! Once their magic Witch's Mirror (TV) goes dark, they'll turn back into plain women. Hollywood has been deliberately spoon feeding us 'fairy poison' knowing in advance that it would kill us all (feeding us enough rope to hang ourselves!) This was its mandate and agenda from the start. Hollywood's wares seduce us to take its free fairy ride straight to Hell. ('We are being played!' - by the Hollywood fairies.) The Global Economic Collapse (the Great Tribulation) Return to Topics The Four Horsemen Ride! "There will be great tribulation such has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever" (Matthew 24:21). 'there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.' "There will be great earthquakes and in various places plagues and famines and there will be terrors and great signs (asteroids) from heaven. Signs in the sun and the moon and stars and upon the earth dismay among nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and waves; Men fainting from fear" (Luke 21:11, 25-26). "I have heard a sound of terror of dread and there is no peace. Ask now and see if a man can give birth? Why do I see every man with his hands on his loins as a woman in childbirth and why have all faces turned pale. Alas, for the day is great, there is none like it." (Jeremiah 30:5-7). 'For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?' Revelation 6:17. 'And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to its rider to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given to him a great sword.' Revelation 6:4. 'And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved. ' 'In Thessalonians is a supernatural “restrainer” that holds back sin and lawlessness. When the church leaves the earth at the rapture, this Holy Spirit will be removed allowing sin to have dominion over mankind.' Repeating my earlier quote, 'The 'New World Order' Architects, (The 'Men Behind The Curtain') Are Carefully Orchestrating a World-Wide Economic Collapse, That Will Cause 'The Greatest Depression' The Modern World Has Ever Known.' Think about the implications of no Hollywood. The more you think about the dimensions of it, the more you will realize that it will lead to a worldwide economic collapse. For starters, the millions in entertainment production and in broadcasting are out on the streets. I say to the millionaire movie stars: You've made your ill gotten gains. Take the money and run! Jay Weidner concurs: Get out of Dodge! Movie stars get paid those millions for simply reading what someone else has wrote. It's the biggest scam going. We have to go through this collapse to lay Satan down. The collapse will be more severe than the Thirties Depression. In that earlier Depression, our granddaddies hopped a boxcar and rode to the end of the line. They should have stayed right there. This time we are not going to recover from it. As I say, instead we are going backward in time, and eventually going mostly native. There will be practically no jobs to be had. No job means no mortgage payments and evictions. We may not even have any currency, depending on how bad it gets. The central banks may not be able to prop up the dollar. Just like the Thirties we'll have millions upon millions on the streets. It's back to breadlines and soup kitchens. After we go through what's coming up, we will make certain that Satan is never loosed again, as I've said. Get your affairs in order! I'm making a lot of changes. The U.S. will cease foreign aid to any country. The U.S. will no longer be the policeman of the world (Global Sheriff). We will in the future rarely intervene, if at all, in any foreign conflicts. With Uncle Sam belly up ('Who's minding the Mint?'), we'll likely go hat in hand to other nations for handouts, although they will likely be broke also. 'Even the people who run the planet, the World Bank, the IMF, etc. know that history is ending.' They're 'flailing, panicking, desperately implementing solutions they themselves know are temporary just to kick the problem down the road.' 'AMERICATHON' (1978) (Uncle Sam is bankrupt and in danger of being foreclosed on by a group of Native Americans with his back against the wall - a prophesy of our fate with all the politicians are unnerved and rattled. Pitiful Broke Uncle Sam Flashes His Potency To the Heads of State in the Far East Return to Topics We in the West are shortly going to sign off. Don't conclude that it is now your turn to advance. You must close up shop now also. Joyce says 'Shut up shop, dappy.' 'Outside the United States, "developing" countries such as India and China, abetted by Western institutions, stoke the Titanic's furnaces with their headlong industrialization.' Specifically, you must all shut down the entertainment industry when we in the West do. The spectre of billions of Chinese driving cars is terrible to contemplate. In China, you need to set the clock back to 1900 with its Imperial Court and the warlords. 'Bicycling to work won't save the Earth. In fact, other people and other economies (China) will just take our place at the Earth-gobbling table and eat it just as fast.' 'If the USA dares to go anarcho-primitive, China and other powerful nations will quickly takeover and exploit our resources. We will become a colony. We will become like any other hellhole of a Third World nation.' "Those who beat their swords into plowshares generally end up plowing for those who didn't." I will be starting no wars, but rest assured, if we're attacked by anyone, such as China, we will defend ourselves fiercely. If we must have Armageddon, so be it. At least, if it does happen, it will have the benefit of reducing the population. SCIENCE Return to Topics Satan was deliberately released for his season around a thousand years ago, mainly so we could get all this amazing, knock your socks off science, technology, medicine and engineering. As we approach the Null Point, we have a veritable blizzard of advances coming thick and fast. 'New technologies and their social consequences now appear at a bewildering, frenetic pace.' 'Before printing was discovered, a century was equal to a thousand years.' - Henry David Thoreau. Repeating, 'Heidegger on what he termed 'the encounter between global technology and humanity' stated it must be allowed to run to complete fruition.' Because you are such faithful servants of Satan, that fact was used to trick you into producing the moonshot and the rest of it. The main objective was to get Armstrong's moon walk. As President J. F. Kennedy inspired, “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” 'The moon landing may be our Great Pyramid (Kubrick's Monolith), an accomplishment never to be equaled.' This cycle coming to an end could have just as well been closed right then. If we had closed down in 1969, what we have to go through ahead would have been much easier. That is because all through the decades since we have been progressively descending deeper into Hell under the influence of Twinkle Town. 'The 1970s was the apotheosis of the “American Dream.” Repeating: Western civilization has been running on empty (fumes) since the Seventies. But now, repeating: 'The 70s were thirty-year vacation from reality that threw away our chances of a less than traumatic transition to the Age of Scarcity.' We should have bitten the bullet then. Repeating: 'Due to the surge in technological advancement, our once beauteous planet is now on the brink of ecocide.' Ecocide: the heedless/deliberate destruction of my planet by you devils! There are inexhaustible ways to characterize Jesus, but the first way I would characterize him is as a stone age man – a cave man. The simple craftsman life in Galilee was too complex for him. More specifically he was a Stone Age Siberian style shaman from the desert steppes (Eliade) who had in their kit bag everything that Jesus had. But secondly, he was a rocket man. The only objective of the gods has always been to get to the stars. We created you solely for this purpose. You are here only as tools to accomplish this. “Somebody--our own subconscious, God, higher beings, somebody --is encouraging us to think in terms of space travel. We may be undergoing a process of mental programming by intelligent beings to provide us with guidelines so that in the future our children or our grandchildren will be able to go to other worlds." Heidegger labeled you a 'standing reserve', technologically usable material which can be exhausted and disposed of (my Fairy Dump). Space Cadet Far Out Space Cadet (Me) - Your Work May Be Mindless, But At Home You're A Rocket Scientist ♪ I think it's gonna be a long long time Till touch down brings me round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Oh no no no I'm a rocket man Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids In fact it's cold as hell And there's no one there to raise them if you did And all this science I don't understand It's just my job five days a week I'm a rocket man, a rocket man' (Elton John) '♪ you could have a steam train if you'd just lay down your tracks you could have an aeroplane flying if you bring your blue sky back all you do is call me I'll be anything you need - I want to be your sledgehammer why don't you call my name' (Peter Gabriel) '♪ Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer Came down upon his head Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer Made sure that he was dead' (Beatles) All we needed for this world age/aeon/cycle (Western Civilization) now ending was proof of principle that we can one day get off the planet when the time comes (the moonshot). When we do get there, we will not be dominating, exploiting or colonizing other worlds. Instead, we will exploring and discovering (stewardship). We will join forces with the others who are waiting for us (the mysterious, beckoning, extraterrestrial minds beyond) and combine technologies for our mutual benefit. Billions of years ahead, we will be in many different forms, unrecognizable. Ultimately, we will be Masters of the Universe (or even the Multiverse?)- our ultimate destiny. The paradox is that, in order to get to the stars, we have to temporarily forget about it and go off to the New Jerusalem instead. Arthur C. Clarke said, "The stars are not for Man." We will limit ourselves to spaceships of the mind until then. I have the planet under quarantine. You've almost destroyed this planet, and I will certainly not let you do the same thing elsewhere. In the meantime, we have to keep this planet in good enough shape so that we can get by until we are ready to leave the planet. In the New Jerusalem, I'll be working on your heart – getting some of that selfishness and greed out of you. I, God, have never succeeded with your heart in spite of many tries. But someday you come to me and say 'Lord. Is it time?' And I'll say 'yes it is time – I've got your heart in pretty good shape finally.' Then we'll get busy and build fleets, not just one, of Starships. Right now it seems nearly impossible to build just one. 'The cost of an interstellar spacecraft would be huge and there would be little payback for the society that made it.' But when the time comes, it'll be fairly easy. Eventually, we'll qualify for, 'Space Travel, not as an alienated departure from a destroyed and consumed planet, but rather as a natural growth beyond the terrestrial boundaries of our birth home.' Then, we're off! With the economic collapse, Uncle Sam will likely be nearly bankrupt. That means no grant or contract money for science. Which means no research. If you have your own funding, research away! Science and Technology are a very expensive luxury, requiring enormous input of manpower and resources we will no longer be able to afford in face of the crushing debt burden. In particular, theoretical physicists, you don't need much funding. All you need is blackboard, chalk, pen and paper and some computers. You can continue your work even through all the problems we'll be going through. I have a special assignment for you. I need quantum gravity. You are tantalizingly close to getting it. If you don't get it before this cycle closes, it is going to be a long time before we have this much brainpower assembled on the planet again. Once we have it, we will know how to build the starship drives. Get busy! On a closely related subject, my own two cents. Physicists have found the Dark Energy. You should consider the possibility of an ether. Einstein disproved an electromagnetic ether, but Einstein said all has life that there still might be an ether. Einstein's cosmological constant is nonzero, implying the ether (a Zero Point vacuum field). Note that 'Stargate Atlantis' TV uses a 'Zero Point Module' – 'an Ancient power source that extracts vacuum energy from subspace to allow the opening of wormholes', as in modern Cold Fusion attempts and my Everflowing Fountain of the Water of Life (free energy). 'Our universe is awash in limitless energy, but limitless energy sources will come only when we are ready for them.' (Reich's Orgone). Quantum theorists now propose the fabric of reality is vibrating stings, not discrete point particles. Recently found is 'new type of quantum entanglement that extends, not through space, but through time. This kind of time teleportation provides a shortcut into the future, so that it's possible to travel into the future without being present during the time in between, no flux capacitors involved.' ('Extraction of timelike entanglement from the quantum vacuum' Olson and Ralph, Univ. of Queensland ), where quantum vacuum refers to such Zero Point vacuum energy extraction – genuine time travel! This development means Einstein's famous C constant speed of light speed limit can be overcome! The Reichian Cosmic Orgone that will bathe us all permanently in slime once I open Heaven's floodgates and rain men from my perch (Great White Throne) is the counterpart of the ether. The 'Many-Worlds Interpretation' ('Butterfly Effect' - the "what if" case where one timeline diverges at the moment of a seemingly minor event resulting in two significantly different outcomes.) of quantum mechanics as applied in the spiritual/Astral Plane applies to the fateful choice of which branch (choose 'the road less traveled?') In 'Stairway to Heaven', '♪ there are two paths you can go by.' Brown deplored as 'the horror of unlived lives' - the (repressed) branch - in favor of the Dionysian choice of excess. Plus, add the latest, the dark flow, the astronomical data implying the entire universe is being pulled into another one (quoting the idea that 'the universe is universe ilterally tilted = sucked down the hatch/rabbit hole/manhole)! 'Physicist Paul Davies adds to the multiverse theory that our universe is a gigantic simulation (stage show) - 'life is but a dream' as in Plato’s Allegory of The Cave, discussed by Brown (consensus reality). Sir Martin Rees, another advocate of the multiverse theory, also 'wonders whether the entire physical universe might be an exercise in virtual reality, so that "we're in the matrix rather than the physics itself" (the universe as a hologram). Note that, peculiarly, many of these cosmological ideas are echoed in the spiritual/Astral Plane: the Orgone ether, time distortion/dilation Vortex/Wormhole that sucks through a Null Point to another dimension of the multiverse. The counterpart of quantum nonlocaltiy is the Collective Unconscious that wires us together. Both ancient philosophy and modern physics (quantum physics, Einstein's theory of relativity, cosmology) know that physical reality is a dynamic unity, matter-energy and space-time are one interconnected thing. Conclusion Return to Topics This concludes this session. I have two homework assignments. MTV, voluntarily discontinue your current programming and instead run in a loop the list of music videos from the first years of MTV, which is found only in the print version of my 1986 book. Those were before the days of closed captioning, so scroll in large letters on the bottom of the screen the lyrics, which is what's important. By 1986, MTV self-destructed and Hollywood's show was over. While I'm thinking about it, add two videos from Kate Bush that I didn't list. The first is 'Cloudbusting' showing Wilhelm Reich's rainmaking machine, me being a rainmaker. His machine was nothing but twisted tubes with no power supply of any kind. Reich was a Space Gunner! Cloudbusting Reich's Space Gun/Cloudbuster/Orgone Ether Accumulator! Cloudbusting Kate Bush – 'Cloudbusting' Video- Reich's Space Gun! Return to Topics Dead Alien Space Gunner Dead 'Alien' Film Space Gunner (Compare with Prior Image of Reich's (Phallic) Space Gun!) Return to Topics The rain was Fairy Rain (Mass Psychosis), not water. By the way, Reich's writings are an incoherent jumble. This is not surprising, since he was mad. But his life was interesting. Freud kicked him out of the International Psychoanalytical Association when he became a member of the Communist Party. He was then kicked out of the Communist party because of his views on sexual freedom. By the Thirties, he was paranoid schizophrenic (probably infected by one of his mad patients). By the Fifties, Reich had deteriorated with his madness. In the Arizona desert, vicinity of the Roswell, N.M. 'crash', he was seeing saucers and cloudbusting. Finally, the Men in Black (the federal FDA) threw him in jail, where died of a heart attack. Reich's Orgone (he meant Mass Psychosis) was considered crackpot. Add also Bush's video 'Experiment IV', where the madman blew all the psychiatrists of his asylum to smithereens with no visible weapons. Madman Raptures Out his Psychiatrists! Kate Bush – 'Experiment 4' Video - Madman Raptures Out his Psychiatrists! All Fall Down! Megadeath! Return to Topics Again, that's me - mad, drooling, infectious, deadly and a sex crazed madman, foaming at the mouth! The madman looks for leverage by which he can turn the tables on his psychiatrist (role reversal/trading places). I'm the Crazy Spaceman (the B.E.M. or bug-eyed monster) abducting the doll seen often on lurid, cliché sci-fi and horror movie posters – the tale of Beauty and the Beast. '♪ The lunatic is on the grass The lunatic is on the grass Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs Got to keep the loonies on the path. The lunatic is in the hall The lunatics are in my hall The paper holds their folded faces to the floor And every day the paper boy brings more. And if the dam breaks open many years too soon (floodgates of Heaven opened to rain slime! - My (God's) Deadly Blessing!) And if there is no room upon the hill And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too I'll see you on the dark side of the moon. The lunatic is in my head The lunatic is in my head You raise the blade, you make the change You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane. You lock the door And throw away the key There's someone in my head but it's not me And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear You shout and no one seems to hear And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes I'll see you on the dark side of the moon. (Pink Floyd) '♪ the moon is high up on a mountain the lunatics have taken over the asylum waiting on the rapture' (Radiohead) Drooling Green Alien Drooling Green Alien Sex Fiend (Me)(drool = slime I spew!) FlashForward Finale 'FlashForward' TV Finale. All Fall Down! Megadeath! (Compare with Prior Image where Madman Raptures Out his Psychiatrists!) Return to Topics '♪ Remember when you ran away And I got on my knees and begged You not to leave Because I'd go berserk? Well! You left me anyhow and then The days got worse and worse And now you see I've gone Completely out of my mind. And They're coming to take me away, Ha-ha They're coming to take me away, Ho-ho Hee-hee-haa-haa To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those Nice young men in their clean white coats and They're coming to take me away, ha-ha! You thought it was a joke and so you laughed, you laughed, when I had said that losing you would make me flip my lid. Right? You know you laughed I heard you laugh You laughed, you laughed and laughed and then you left but Now you know I'm utterly mad And They're coming to take me away, ha-ha, They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee hee, haa haa To the happy home With trees and flowers and chirping birds And basket-weavers who sit and smile And twiddle their thumbs and toes And they're coming to take me away, ha-hahaha... I cooked your food, I cleaned your house, And this is how you pay me back for All my kind, unselfish, loving deeds, Hah? Well you just wait, they'll find you yet And when they do they'll put you in the ASPCA you mangy mutt! And They're coming to take me away, Ha-ha They're coming to take me away, Ho-ho Hee-hee-haa-haa To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those Nice young men in their clean white coats and They're coming to take me away, ha-ha! To the happy home With trees and flowers and chirping birds And basket-weavers who sit and smile And twiddle their thumbs and toes And they're coming to take me away, ha-hahaha... To the funny farm Where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see..... Dr.Demento - (Me) as a Demented Pervert! '♪ There's a man with a gun over there Telling me I got to beware - Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid You step out of line, the man come and take you away' (Buffalo Springfield) 'If the Earth dies, you die. But if you die, the Earth survives.' Thus sprach Klaatu (Kenau Reeves) in the dull 2008 remake of THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. Klaatu loads up spheres as Arks with specimens of all species in preparation for the Flood he intends to unleash. The Fall of Man doctrine: 'We cannot save the world and happily it doesn’t need saving… humans are only one of very many species, and not worth preserving. Later or sooner, they will become extinct. When gone, the Earth will recover. Long after the last traces of the human animal have disappeared, at least a few of the species it is bent on destroying will still be around, along with others that have yet to spring up. The Earth will forget mankind.' In a lousy, cheapo hippie movie, the title says it all, 'Gas! or It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It' (Gas = the planetwide rain of slime I send! = compare with Hitler's gas chambers!) Klaatu's metallic voice is that of an nonhuman mechanical man (robot). My clear task as space alien Klaatu is to rapture out billions of you devils (all of whom were once human beings)! We Space Aliens/Madmen typically speak in such a nonhuman monotone to mimic the way we hear the secret messages (the gibbering/blithering of the mad - racing thoughts - chattering prattle) that we forward when we receive them on the Collective Unconscious - subliminal messages, crackling, buzzing and humming. The song 'Radar Love' conveys these messages. Their band name 'Golden Earring' means the ringing in your ears (or Led Zeppelin's humming in your head, or wave in the air). 'Sane' people can't seem to hear it. Like the Shadow who had the strange and hypnotic power that allowed him to cloud men's minds (amnesia), they don't seem to hear. In this regard, Brown quotes Freud: 'He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.' Mad people especially can be read by the clues they leave as an open book, as Brown emphasized. Secondly, in my correspondence with Brown prior to his 2002 death, it was clear his published works were the tip of an iceberg. I would like a curator to produce a collected papers of Norman O. Brown from the University of California at Santa Cruz, where they're housed in 71 boxes ((MS-35 - view at at Norman O. Brown). This includes all his articles and letters, in addition to his books. Many of the articles were printed in obscure, hard to obtain literary journals. My letters to him (1971-83) are in box 12, folder 38. Brown deposited the print copy of my book I sent him in the UC Santa Cruz library. He 'admitted' to me he put the sexual foremost. In 'Stairway to Heaven', '♪ there are two paths you can go by': sexual excess or abstinence. Either road can enlighten. Brown disparaged 'the compulsive cycle of sexual license and puritan backlash which remains a deep seated feature of American culture.' In private life, Brown wasn't promiscuous at all. In this regard, Brown said in 1970, "Polymorphous perversity in the literal, physical sense is not the real issue. I don't like the suggestion that polymorphous perversity of the imagination is somehow second-best to literal polymorphous perversity." Brown says,'Literal meanings as against spiritual or symbolic interpretation, a matter of Life against Death. The return to symbolism, the rediscovery that everything is symbolic - - all metaphors are sexual, a penis in every convex object and a vagina in every concave one - - is psychoanalysis. A return or turning point, the beginning of a new age (Aquarius?); the Third Kingdom, the age of the spirit prophesied by Joachim of Fiore; or the second coming, the resurrection of the body. For Brown, 'to construct an erotic sense of reality to become conscious of symbolism. Symbolism is mind making connections (correspondences) rather than distinctions (separations). - To recover the world of silence, of symbolism, is to recover the human body. . . . What is always speaking silently is the body. It cannot be put into words because it does not consist of things. Literal words always define properties. Beyond the reality-principle [which is an unreal boundary drawn between real and imaginary] and reification, is silence, the flesh.' Combine Brown's (and my) infantile polymorphous perversity, narcissism and controlling temperament, and you see we're both fairies. If you decide it's time to riot and loot, you're only going to make matters for yourself and everyone else. Don't do it! You're in the hands of the Lord now, and I'm here to serve. '♪ He's got the whole world in his hands.' I'm here to help as many as possible you to make it through this. It would alleviate the Tribulation we'll be going through if the TV networks would suspend regular programming and concentrate on the contents of this address. This can come in the form of news commentators, debates, economists' discussions, etc. Parenthetically, on the economy: the economy is a confidence game – Adam Smith's Invisible Hand. It's a a literal con game – a house of cards Ponzi scheme. That is, if you have confidence in it, it holds together and if you loose confidence in it, it falls apart. If tomorrow everyone panics, then my prophesied collapse will begin then rather than after my second address. If so, so be it. The next address will be at an earlier hour since what I will say children can hear. In the future I will say nothing more about the topics I have discussed tonight. Although, if you let me know, I can ramble on about these topics for hours on end, and every bit of it will be new. I enjoy it. But I strongly suspect that after what you've heard this evening, you won't be eager to hear more. As a favor, I'll not subject you to more, unless you want me to. At my next address, I will set the date when the entertainment industry shuts down, with detailed directives with respect to that industry. Also, I'll issue my Muslim Edicts, with the objective of systematically, peacefully removing each and every Muslim out of the United States and urging every country outside the Middle East to do likewise. And, of course, (slowly) removing women from the workplace and giving those jobs to men. Rabid Internet prescription for Armageddon: 'Round up and deport the Mexicans, carpetbomb the Muslims and nuke Mecca.' This concludes tonight's address. Good evening, dearly beloved, until next time. 'We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us.' (as we become devils) 'I have seen the future, and it doesn't work!' Come, milady. Take my hand. Come walk with me through the Unknown. "Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled" (Heaven's Gate Doomsday Mass Suicide Cult slogan) 'I'm knockin' on heaven's door.' (Bob Dylan) “Last one that dies, turn out the lights!” “It ain't over 'til it's over.” Down to the Final Wire! At the Last Second! “It ain't over 'til the Fat Lady Sings.” Mad Magazine – Alfred E. Newman 'What, Me Worry?' Ladies, Would You Want to Marry Me? APPENDIX: Two of My Papers (on the Ether and Quantum Relativity) Return to Topics Journal Of New Energy Archives The Journal Of New Energy, Vol. 2, No.12. Spring. 1997 BOOK REVIEW ÆTHER SCIENCE PAPERS by Harold Aspden Alvin Miller, “The Æther Revival of Harold Aspden,” book review: Æther Science Papers, Harold Aspden, 168 pages, 1996, Sabberton Publications, P.O. Box 35, Southampton S016 7RB, England, US$25 postpaid. Publication of this book substantiates the existence of a movement to take the concept of the æther seriously. A plethora of models are already available, whether home brew, quasi-academic or academic. A couple of samples: a Dirac Madelung fluid with spinning tops; empty set (vacuum) pixel space associated with localized vortex elements (Lazarus in Cold Fusion, #21); ticking cellular automata with pulsating toroidal spheres or annular wave packets packed linearly with spin traverse polarization. These are hidden variable theories that postulate vortex structures (harmonic oscillators, soliton lumps, topological kinks, vortex sponges, hollow spiral filaments, etc.) situated on a typically cubic lattice where adjacent neighbors rotate/oscillate in anti-ferromagnetic-type order (opposite). The close consensus here is remarkable, but is explained in a paper by sociologist of science Shanks, “Stochastic Electrodynamics and Counter-Revolutionary Physics” collected in the Scientific Method by Snyder. Stochastic electrodynamics (Marshall, Barut, Boyer) is one variant æther theory. The operative word is “revival.” This is conservative dissident physics with the avowed objective of rolling back the reigning Einstein-Heisenberg axis and replacing it, as far as possible, by dusted off classical æther circa 1905, as represented by, for example, Larmor, Bjerknes or Korn. Actually, Einstein was pro hidden variable and quarreled with quantum physics (EPRpaper, 1935). Based on this work, Bell later proved that any hidden variable theory must be nonlocal, a fact claimed to bury hidden variables. To the contrary, (weak) non-locality has always been a feature of æther models, with the proviso that no superluminal energy (signals) or superluminal matter transmission takes place. This is expressed variously as: phase locking (Aspden), mutual correlated synchro formation, organized collective guided motion with long term order, persistent correlation of passive information or contextual, unfragmented implicit order. Next, we show how interactions are treated in the models. The æther is a Bose-Einstein condensate fluid so that, with respect to translation, it effectively acts as a super-cooled superfluid. But theæther behaves like an elastic solid that deforms like a jelly when subject to constant force or shatters for sharp forces. These torsions or stress/strains then give rise to particles (vortex desynchronization) and the various gauge fields. Further, a mechanism is needed to produce vacuum fluctuations, Brownian or stochastic type jitter. An appeal can be made to classical statistical mechanics as a source for this random motion, although the mixed state correlations that occur there are claimed to be already macroscopic quantum effects. In Harold Aspden's book, these elements are assembled to form the best model in the æther resurgence so far. The book collects 14 of his articles over the past decade with a useful 62 page preface. His model is fairly sketchy, firstly because it is spread throughout the papers and varies in expression as the years go by. Another likely reason is that the æther concept is so loaded, as Aspden puts it, that he used a certain amount of camouflage to get published. But he does, indeed, propose a cubic lattice, where Planck's constant, h, gives the lattice spacing and h is not permitted to have any further metaphysical significance. Quantum numbers arise only because charge is integral (quantal) and conserved. He characterizes the æther lattice as a solid piece of iron to emphasize its crystalline solid aspect. He situates subquantal harmonic oscillators labeled quons on the lattice in antiphase configuration, Aspden's oscillators can process and can produce cavity wave resonances in the cube volume. He proceeds in several articles to determine the mass spectra of elementary particles and other particle constants with his method of prime number harmonic wave resonance. This requires only "back of the envelope calculations" or "school level math," where he is at pains to deny that he is doing numerology. The method is analogous to the quantum field treatment of particle self-interaction or self-interference with the bare/naked particle being dressed/given fur by its cloud of surrounding virtual photons. Aspden proposes that prime ratios derived from specific combinations of the swarming virtual particles govern the oscillations and fix the constants. The numbers are significantly more precise than the results from the mathematically tortuous field theory. Perhaps these primes are the long sought ancient pythagorean harmony of the spheres he discusses. Inertia and gravition, along with the other gauge forces, arise from the electrodynamic accelerated charged particle motion in conjunction with æther jitter. Puthoff proposes a similar mechanism in the zero-point energy theory. In agreement with stochastic electrodynamics, Aspden notes that the dielectric displacement current and magnetic induction are vacuum effects. Maxwell was historically inspired to posit the displacement current by his study of his cellular honeycomb æther model. Juxtaposed reference frames in motion with respect to the charges are integral to the production of jitter and gravitational forces in Aspden's model. In the preface, Aspden properly complains that his work has been ignored, which is one of the reasons he is now doing primarily experimental work. He states that the two most likely routes to tapping the æther are ferromagnetism and his concept of æther spin/vortex shedding. In collaboration, he has constructed permanent magnet motors, plasma tubes and other free-energy devices and has had a number of patents granted on these devices with further patent applications filed. In a 1989 paper he postulates that æther spin can generate antigravity, possibly being confirmed by Finnish experiments and NASA replication attempts. Mass production of devices that “violate” conservation of energy (unless theæther contribution is included) should indeed focus attention on his theoretical work. Froma broader perspective, Aspden points out that our greed and exploitation have brought us to the brink of an apocalyptic "catastrophe sufficient to terminate human and animal life on earth." In this context, the diligent search for free-energy becomes imperative, and success will bring the power of the gods – a loaded gun is being handed to an Idiot Child (humanity). We can use it to speed up our hellbent race to oblivion and go out with a bang, or use it to heal the planet and ourselves. Æther Science Papers is an oversize book with sturdy, plasticized covers. It has a complete bibliography but no index. The articles retain their original pagination, making reference to individual passages a bother. Aspden crosses swords with modern physics on a number of points. No one currently working in field theory would dispute that a properly constructed hidden variable theory can match them in substance. Aspden's model looks to be closest to this goal so far, and it uses comparatively trivial mathematics. He recognizes the necessity for nonlocality and reference frames and other features not normally discussed. This book is quite a bargain and the only verdict can be: both thumbs up! The Journal Of New Energy, Vol. 2, No.12. Spring. 1997 BOOK REVIEW QUANTUM RELATIVITY: A SYNTHESIS OF THE IDEAS OF EINSTEIN AND HEISENBERG By David Finkelstein Alvin Miller, “David Finkelstein's Postmodern Quantum Æther,” book review: Quantum Relativity: A Synthesis of the Ideas of Einstein and Heisenberg, David Finkelstein, 577 pages with appendices and index, 1994, Springer, $89. This book is the author' s (massive) magnum opus and crowns a brilliant career. During this time, he has rubbed shoulders with many of the notables of modern physics (e.g., von Neumann, Bohm and others), and posterity will place him in the same league. So, he’s been there and done that. But along the way, he has always been willing to express his own, sometimes maverick, views. As the editor of the International Journal of Theoretical Physics ($795 for an annual subscription! ), he does not demand political correctness (adherence to SM – the Standard Model). For example, early papers by Harold Aspden and a number of his own have been published there. This book is a postmodern program to push modern physics (SM) to its extremes and thereby overcome it and move beyond. The explicit objective is replacement of the SM. He lists the various field theory models and rejects each in turn without explanation. One quantum chromo-dynamic model rejected uses lattice cells in phase space constructed out of the vacuum with creation/annihilation operators. Recently attempts have been made to place solitons on these lattices, all seemingly pertinent to Finkelstein's model. Incidentally, papers in the SM have speculated on when and what effects the present (metastable) false vacuum will make the final phase transition to the actual zero value ground state. The upshot is that all the parameters such as temperature and stress aren’t known, so that this could happen a minute from now. The author has demonstrated an early and growing interest in the vacuum as time went by. In 1969 he published an influential paper that was one of the earliest on solitons, leading to instatons, Higgs particles, Witten strings, etc. Edward Witten himself said of the paper that it "probably represented the first use of what would now be called vacua in quantum field theory." In a 1987 paper Finkelstein commented "the structure of the vacuum is the central problem of physics today; the fusion of the theories of gravity and the quantum is a subproblem." The model is constructed of what the author labels chronons in fermionic pairs that form quasibosons and condense (Bose-Einstein supercondensate) into space time vectors to form an off diagonal (diamond) hyper-crystalline order. Chronons are postulated to be about the size of Planck time which then determines lattice spacing. Here ordinary "particles such as electrons are comparatively huge light blimps with internal structure." The space time vectors are placed at the lattice vertices of Feynman style diagrams ("Feynman checkerboards with whiskers"). These are sited in complex valued phase cell space (discrete hyper-dimensional Hilbert space). If you’re still following, the metric is potentially indefinite and fluctuating, and there is no absolute space nor instantaneous time. And the model has no underlying manifold, although, by construction it still retains causality and locality. The universe is seen as blinking into and out of existence frequently as space time and the constituting lattice are formed. To represent interactions, this mathematical set logic lattice is subjected to vacuum defects. An analogy with solid state crystallography, as in Burger's dislocation theory of disinclination, torsion, etc., is used to produce all particles and forces (weak, strong, EM and inertia and gravity). Again, in analogy to solid state, the coherent mode method can be used to place harmonic oscillators in the lattice to represent solitons, kernels, vortices, etc., and derive the mass spectra energy levels. After construction is completed, the lattice can be mapped to Minkowski space to embed the tiling there. From this point, the final mapping can be made to produce a subquantal hyper-crystalline lattice in the real four-dimensional laboratory frame world. One of Finkelstein's mottos is from Huckleberry Finn, "I don’t hold much with mathematics." He is adept at keeping the necessary formalism to the minimum that will do justice to the model. Certainly his model is substantially less complicated than the SM, where field theory now resembles nothing so much as the gyres and epicycles prior to Copernicus. An example of minimal use technique is Finkelstein's employment of the Rubik's cube toy to generate the group theory rotation symmetries for the hypercube. One big mathematical surprise is the indication of octahedral instead of cubic lattice structure giving a hyper diamond with off-diagonal order. Here the power of geometry and topology as tools is demonstrated. Even Newton had geometric effects – witness the Coriolis force. Modern physics has become a mathematical playground for all the various geometric entities now known, with topology as active agent. A viable aether theory must not reject these questions out of hand. Finkelstein is pioneering these applications and reaping unique physical insights as a reward. Integrated into the book are a number of succinct, intelligent discussions of metaphysics. Such discussions are now a requirement in order to cope with the turmoil in modern physics. With respect to the æther, he is thoroughly conversant with the classical version (noting particularly Sommerfield) and its contemporary revival. Interestingly, Descartes in the fifteenth century already postulated vortices in his fluid æther. In the famous Newton (point particles in the empty Void) versus Leibniz debate (contiguous monads), Finkelstein sides with Leibniz and the concept of extension. Space is full - the plenum. Without wandering into theology, the concept is a benevolent, beneficent universe. Finkelstein has published elsewhere on process theology and similar topics. In spite of the lengthy convoluted route through mathematical spaces, the hyper-crystalline lattice that eventually falls out is markedly similar to classical æther models. But there are a number of significant distinctions instantly made. This is not a hidden variable theory. There is no underlying continuum into which the æther is to be placed, contrary to Newtonian physics. In compliance with the fundamental postmodern prescription, no absolute, preferred frame is granted the æther. The biggest advance over the classical model is that now for the first time the mathematical formalism has been developed that will permit the determination of the complete structure and dynamics of the lattice æther. But this is also the source of the greatest disappointment with the book. It is admittedly only a work in progress. Results so far achieved are tantalizing but sparse. Dynamic predictions will have to await new papers or perhaps a second edition update. Finkelstein conducts lively workshops on Quantum Topology and Quantum Logic at the Georgia Tech. School of Physics that should generate added details. As it stands, the lattice is really only discussed in the last chapter of the book. The author doesn't elaborate the relation of his model to the classical æther or to the SM, in spite of similarities in all the models. There is no discussion of the features to be expected for the lattice in the real world space-time. The book is not recommended for neophytes or those totally allergic to math. The index appears to be computer generated and not comprehensive. The book is pricey, although certainly packed with original ideas for that price. It represents a tentative, cutting edge effort to open physics to a radical, new frontier, as opposed to attempts to regress to an era that probably can’t be recaptured. Understood in this way, the book will amply reward those intrepid enough to explore it. APPENDIX: THE SECRET RAPTURE Collective Ascension Of Humanity Through The Stargate (Singularity) The Secret Rapture/Sudden Departure/Ascension/Global Blackout 'The Singularity Archetype is a primordial image of human evolutionary metamorphosis that emerges from the collective unconscious. A rupture of plane event occurs, usually threatening the survival of the individual and/or species. The event is a shock that disrupts the equilibrium of body/physical world and also individual/collective psyche. There is another rupture of plane seen from a cosmic rather than a personal view. The shock is revealed to be a transcendent evolutionary event. The revelation of the transcendent aspect will often involve spiral motifs and unusual lights. Consciousness and communication metamorphose and with them core aspects—ego, individuality, connection to linear time, corporeality, gender identification, social order, etc.—- fundamentally transform. There is a vision or actualization of release from some or all limits of corporeal incarnation and the emergence of “glorified bodies” that have enhanced powers and various degrees of etherialization (spirits). More visual and telepathic modes of consciousness and communication emerge and this is part of a transformation of individuality into “Homo gestalt”—a new species where individual psyches are networked telepathically.' (Brown's ONE BODY) (Jonathan Zap). The sentiment among most Catholics and many Christians generally is that there would be no Secret Rapture, and that it's not Biblical. Only a few 'incoherent' verses in (mainly) Paul lend support. Paul was out of his depth and language resources. It is real as the corpses I laid out! The (inferior) remake of 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' (title = fairy clockstopping) informs us: 'If the Earth dies, you die. But if you die, the Earth survives.' Klaatu loads up spheres as Arks with specimens of all species in preparation for the Flood he intends to unleash. My clear task as space alien Klaatu is to rapture out billions! Given the option of saving the few remaining dwindling animals on the one hand and all the billions of you devils, my choice is clear! And I give the Secret Rapture it's proper name: MASS PSYCHOSIS! The Fall of Man doctrine: 'We cannot save the world and happily it doesn’t need saving… humans are only one of very many species, and not worth preserving. Later or sooner, they will become extinct. When gone, the Earth will recover. Long after the last traces of the human animal have disappeared, at least a few of the species it is bent on destroying will still be around, along with others that have yet to spring up. The Earth will forget mankind.' We're faced with two stark possibilities. Satan's agenda is to leave the Earth a burned out cider, with no life forms higher than the insects left. The Lord's plan now that He's turned his back on us is to destroy all humans for the sake of the planet and it's few remaining animals. He holds up the balance scale with the animals on one side and humans on the other side and gives us His Final Judgment. Brief excerpts from Margaret MacDonald’s 1830 Secret Rapture prophecy: It was first the awful state of the land that was pressed upon me. I saw the blindness and infatuation of the people to be very great. I felt the cry of Liberty to be just the hiss of the serpent to drown them in perdition. It was just ‘no God’, ---- I saw the people of God in an awfully dangerous situation, surrounded by nets and entanglements, about to be tried, and many about to be deceived and fall. Now will THE WICKED be revealed, with all power and signs and lying wonders, so that if it were possible the very elect will be deceived. (Note: none of her notes in fact actually show she had a concept of a Secret Rapture.) 'In the last days, perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.' 2 Timothy 'God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity. As a result, they dishonor their bodies by sexual perversion with each other. - Even their women exchanged sexual natural relations for unnatural ones.' Rom 1:24. APPENDIX: From Norman O. Brown's CLOSING TIME Return to Topics Pierre Berthelot's (1827-1907) 'prophecy' , “Within a hundred years (from 1907 = approximately the 2010s).. God will come down to Earth with his big ring of keys and say to humanity, “Gentlemen, it is closing time.” The End is Near! (Note: quotes in this Appendix by or about Brown are colored brown to help distinguish them from my contribution. You'll note each time I switch from Brown's prose to mine a falloff in nuance and subtlety. Comparatively my writing is plodding and pedestrian and propagandistic.) There two senses (at least) for Brown's title. First, the approaching end of history and time. 'History is a nightmare from which I'm trying to awake.' 'Thatll beall for tody. Call it off. Godnotch, vryboily. End a muddy crushmess!' 'On the verge of closing time. --' 'It is later than you think.' 'Fieluhr? Filou! What age is at? It saon is late. What era's o'erring? Lang gong late. Faurore! Fearhouse! At last it past!' 'The thing that we dread has already happened. The thunder of the crash: -- The sense of an ending: Western Civilization is over.' And secondly, 'Shut up shop, dappy. - And they all drank free.' It's up to us to insure that it's over. Below are the citations that Brown in 1973 culled from Joyce's Wake (in quotes) and from Vico's New Science (labeled NS), and also some from Brown's earlier LOVE'S BODY (1966). Brown's comments are labeled NOB. Combining Joyce with Vico (an acknowledged influence on Joyce) would be, according to Joyce, a feat of: 'the book of doubledends Jined'. Brown entwined Joyce and Vico. Joyce uses the word salad of the mad (gibbering) and the slurred speech of the drunken. Finnegan is after all an Irish pub owner well acquainted with whiskey. 'He lifts up the lifewand and the dumb speak.' 'Array! Surrection!' 'One stands, given a grain of goodwill, a fair chance of actually seeing the whirling dervish, Tumult, son of Thunder.' 'For the Clearer of the Air on high has spoken.' 'Loud, graciously hear us' 'She, she she! But on what do you again leer? I am not leering. I pink your pardon. I am highly sheshe sheserious.' The real apocalypse comes not with the vision of a city or kingdom, which would be still external, but with the identification of the city and kingdom with one's on body (NOB) 'the body is a historical variable'. (NOB) It is part of tyranny of genital organization that it's slave are blind, and see not tyranny but natural necessity. The status quo bears the seal of familiarity until the seal is broken; the apocalypse. The revolutionary idea in psychoanalysis is the idea of the body as a (political) organization, a body politic; as a historical variable; as plastic. Man Makes Himself (quoting Marxist archaeologist Gordon Childe); his own body; his image of the body; (quoting Blake) the Eternal Body of the Man is the Imagination. (NOB) No more Greek revival (NOB) 'Lights, pageboy, lights!' waiting to stop the show, the farce waiting to bring the house down. (NOB) waiting for the new dawn (NOB) 'It is just, it's just about to, it's just about to rolywholyover.' 'tell Hell's well.' 'In the name of - - their holocaust, Allmen.' 'to remind us of how, in this drury world of ours, Father Times and Mother Spacies boil their kettle with their crutch. Which every lad and lass in the lane knows.' 'It's as semper as oxhousehumper!' 'Roll away the reel world, the reel world, the reel world!' 'Shadows by the film folk, masses for the good people.' 'Finn, again!' there were giants in the earth in those days - Genesis -history begins with bestial giants (as in Finnegans Wake ) (NOB) 'The great fall of the oftwall entailed at such notice the pftjschute of Finnegan.' The polis is polished (woman is clean and tidy) civilization is polite is policed. (NOB) The delineaments of giants (NOB) god-fearing giants, as opposed to the impious giants who continued the infamous communism of things and of women. (NS) The entire original human race was divided into two species: the one of giants, the other men of normal stature; the former gentiles, the latter Hebrews. (NS) Men first feel necessity, then look for utility, next attend to comfort, still later amuse themselves with pleasure, thence grow dissolute in luxury, and finally go mad and waste their substance. That's where it's at: decline. The Decline of the West (O. Spengler) First the age of the gods, then the age of heroes, then the age of men. The origin is sacred; the decline is secularization, process is profanation. (NOB) In all nations of the world the priests kept such doctrine secret even from their own plebs, whence indeed it was everywhere called secret doctrine, for sacred is as much as to say secret. (NS) As with Freud, it is primarily a matter of toilet training: Mothers, like beasts, must merely have nursed their babies, let them wallow naked in their own filth. And these children, who had to wallow in their own filth, whose nitrous salts richly fertilized the fields, and who had to exert themselves to penetrate the forest, would flex and contract their muscles in these exertions, and thus absorb nitrous salts into greater abundance. They would be quite without that fear of gods, fathers and teachers which chills and benumbs even the most exuberant in childhood. They must have therefore have grown up robust, vigorous, excessively big in brawn and bone, to the point of becoming giants. (NS) These were at first impious men, who recognized no divinity; there were nefarious, since relations among them were not distinguished by marriages; and finally, not understanding society int the midst of this infamous promiscuity of things, they were alone like wild beasts, and hence weak and lastly miserable and unhappy because they were in want of all the goods that are needed to keep life safe. (NS) But if the peoples are rotting in that ultimate civil disease and cannot agree on a monarch from within, and are not conquered and preserved by better nations from without, then providence for their extreme ill has its extreme remedy at hand. For such peoples, like so many beasts, have fallen into the custom of each man thinking only of his own private interests and reached the extreme delicacy, of better of pride, in which like wild animals they bristle and last out at the slightest displeasure. Thus no matter how great the throng and press of their bodies, they live like wild beasts in a deep solitude of spirit and will, scarcely any two being able to agree since each follows his own pleasure or caprice. By reason of all this, providence decrees that, through obstinate factions and desperate civil wars, they shall turn their cities into forests and the forests into dens and lairs of men. In this way, through long centuries of barbarism, rust will consume the misbegotten subtleties of malicious wits that have turned them into beasts made more inhuman by the barbarism of reflection than the first men had been made by the barbarism of sense. For the latter displayed a generous savagery, against which one could defend oneself or take flight or be on one's guard; but the former, with a base savagery, under soft words and embraces, plots against the life and fortunes of friends and intimates. Hence, peoples who have reached this point of premeditated malice, when they receive this last remedy and are stunned and brutalized, are sensible no longer of comforts, delicacies, pleasures and pomp, but only of the sheer necessities of life. (NS) - only barbarians are capable of rejuvenating a world laboring under the death throes of an unnerved civilization (NOB) only barbarians are simple-minded enough to recognize the gods (NOB) The world's great age begins anew The golden years return -- A return to the first beginning the return of the gods the Second Coming. (NOB) In the jungle of the cities, the new barbarism. It is later than you think. (NOB) Civilization is an altar, on which a sacrifice is being made. Human sacrifice. Human sacrifice. (NOB) America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. (quoting Oscar Wilde) (NOB) 'On the verge of closing time.' 'Thatll beall for tody. Call it off. Godnotch, vryboily. End a muddy crushmess!' 'Shut up shop, dappy. - And they all drank free.' 'during this swishingsight teilweisioned (Joyce's prophesy prior to regular TV broadcasts)' '- the worst, it is hoped, even in our western playboyish world for pure mousefarm filth.' 'Kish is for anticheirst, and the free of my hand to him!' the swan song of dying civilizations (NOB) 'The poignt of fun where I am crying to arrive you at.' 'History is a nightmare from which I'm trying to awake.' Is the proletariat the sober reality of the human condition – the necessity of labor - (just as Cinderella's coach turned back into a pumpkin at the stroke of midnight) to be disclosed after the show is over, after the farce has ended. (NOB) Finnegan Beginnagain we are back again before the Birth of Tragedy before the Gods of Greece ('before the Greek invention of the polis cut us off from Nature in the first great act of alienation') something more elemental. (NOB) 'pawses' 'It darkles (tinct, tint) all this our funnaminal world.' 'Not Pater Noster but Panther monster.' When the leopards break into the temple and drink the wine from the sacred chalice. The hour of the beast, or the barbarian - and they all drank free (NOB) 'The wild man from Borneholm has jest come to crown.' Waiting for the return of the gods witnessing the return of babarism the new barbarians (NOB) returning to primitive simplicity of the first world of peoples (NS) the simplicity to be acquired (NOB) For a long period of time the impious races of the children of Noah, having lapsed into a state of bestiality, went wandering like wild beasts until they were scattered and dispersed through the great forest of the earth; and with their bestial education giants had sprung up and existed among them at the time when the heavens thundered for the first time after the flood. (NS) That frightful thought of some divinity which imposed form and measure on their bestial passions of these lost men and thus transformed them into human passions. - The giants, enchained under the mountains by the frightful religion of the thunderbolts, learned to check their bestial habit of wandering wild through the great forest of the earth, and acquired the contrary habit of remaining hidden and settled in their fields. - restraining also their bestial lust from finding its satisfaction in the sight of heaven, of which they had mortal terror. So it came about that each of them would drag one woman into his cave and keep her there in perpetual company for the duration of their lives. (NS) The origin of civilization, thunder; the origin of civilization, madness (NOB) They were out of their minds -- Man is maniac (NOB) - (MASS PSYCHOSIS is the gibbering of the mad - thunder at the Tower of Babel) Civilization originates in stammering, the builder is a stutterer: Balbus babbles; Balbus builder of the Tower of Babel. The thunder is God stuttering: to speak broken heaventalk. (NOB) 'There must be some way out of here,' said the joker to the thief – Bob Dylan, 'All Along The Watchtower', creatively misheard by Norman O. Brown as 'joker to the priest.' Brown quotes visionary seer William Blake, 'Embraces are cominglings from the head even to the feet, and not a pompous high priest entering by a secret place.' The while we, we are waiting. we are waiting for. Hymn. Violent eruption, vulcanism; the patient becomes violent as he wakes up. The madness of the millennia breaks out; madness is, Dionysus is violence. (NOB) Brown quotes Carlyle on the Koran: 'as toilsome reading as I ever undertook. A wearisome confused jumble, crude, incondite; endless iterations, long-windedness, entanglement; most crude, incondite; — insupportable stupidity, in short! Nothing but a sense of duty could carry any European through the Koran . . . It is the confused ferment of a great rude human soul; rude, untutored, that cannot even read.' (NOB) Stretch yourself, to the breaking point. It is not true unless it hurts; the evidence is martyrdom. Carrying the thought through to the end. - Extremism. Truth is not in safety or in the middle. - Aphorism is exaggeration, or grotesque; in psychoanalysis nothing is true except the exaggerations; and in poetry. - extravagant language; the road of excess which lead to the palace of wisdom (visionary seer Blake) – not to count the cost. Go for broke. Aphorism is recklessness; it goes to far. Intellect is courage; the courage to risk its own life; to play with madness. - Only the exaggerations are true. - Broken flesh, broken mind, broken speech. Aphorism, or symbolism, as in Finnegans Wake (NOB) 'Whereas psychoanalysts view schizophrenics as trapped in private symbolic worlds they cannot distinguish from what we call reality, Brown regards schizophrenic thought as liberated from false boundaries between mental and physical categories.' The crucified body, the crucified mind. The norm is not normality but schizophrenia, the split, broken, crucified mind. "If we throw a crystal to the ground, it breaks, but it does not break haphazard but in accordance with line of cleavage it falls into fragments, where limits were already determined by the structure of the crystal, although they were invisible. Psychotics are fissured and splintered structures such as these. We cannot deny them a measure of that awe with which madmen were regarded by the people of ancient times." Split the stick and there is Jesus. (NOB) It is not schizophrenia but normality that is split-minded; in schizophrenia the false boundaries are disintegrating. . . . . Schizophrenics are suffering from the truth. . . . Schizophrenic thought is "adualistic"; lack of ego-boundaries makes it impossible to set limits to the process of identification with the environment. The schizophrenic world is one of mystical participation; an "indescribable extension of inner sense"; "uncanny feelings of reference"; occult psychosomatic influences and powers; currents of electricity, or sexual attraction—action at a distance. . . . A Magnetic field of action at a distance; or a magical field . . . action at a distance, the center of Freud's interest in the “Occult.” Dionysus, the mad god, breaks down the boundaries; releases the prisoners; abolishes repression; and abolishes the principium individuationis, substituting for it the unity of man and the unity of man with nature. In this age of schizophrenia, with the atom, the individual self, the boundaries disintegrating, there is, for those who would save our souls, the ego-psychologists, "the Problem of Identity." But the breakdown is to be made into a breakthrough; as Conrad said, in the destructive element immerse. The soul that we can call our own is not a real one. The solution to the problem of identity is, get lost. Or, as it says in the New Testament: "He that findeth his own psyche shall lose it, and he that loseth his psyche for my sake shall find it." (NOB) schizophrenia as a return to egoless perfection, to a state of undifferentiatedness, ... Primary narcissism is egoless. (NOB) Symbolism is on the track of a former identity, a lost unity. - - The tendency of the sexual instinct is to restore an earlier state of things, an earlier state of unity. - - Union and unification is of bodies, not souls. The erotic sense of reality unmasks the soul, the personality, the ego; because soul, personality and ego are what distinguish and separate us; they make us individuals, arrived at by dividing till you can divide no more—atoms. But psychic individuals, separate, unfissionable on the inside, impenetrable on the outside, are, like physical atoms, an illusion; in the twentieth century, in this age of fission, we can split the individual even as we can split the atom. Souls, personalities, and egos are masks, spectres, concealing our unity as body. For it as one biological species that mankind is one—the ’species essence’ that Karl Marx looked for; so that to become conscious of ourselves as body is to become conscious of mankind as one. . . . It is the erotic sense of reality that discovers the inadequacy of fraternity, or brotherhood. It is not adequateas a form of reunification of the human race. We must either be far more deeply unified or not at all. The true form of unification which can be found either in psychoanalysis or in Christianity, in Freud or Pope or Karl Marx – is – we are all members of one body. "The patient connects herself with everybody." "You and I, are we not the same? . . . Sometimes I cannot tell myself ...” - - The unification of the human race: a mental fight, a struggle in and about men's minds. The rents, the tears, splits and divisions are mindmade; they are not based on the truth but on what the Buddhists call illusion, what Freud calls unconscious fantasies. The prevailing sense of reality, the prevailing forms of knowledge, are ruled by the instinct of aggression and division, are under the dominion of the death instinct. We are in Satan's kingdom; to build a Heaven in Hell's despite is to construct an erotic sense of reality. - - We are all fractions. We are broken When the infant realizes his separation from the mother in the oral stage of sexuality, he denies separation (and thus external reality) and begins to invest in a dream of regainable pleasurable union. Negation of the external is an act of the death "instinct". The reunification of Life and Death - accepting for a moment Freud's equation of Death and Nirvana – can only be envisioned as the end of the historical process (NOB) 'The unconscious' is a 'cauldron of seething excitement'(NOB) The reality of our life, the reality of which we are ignorant, the reality which we do not want to accept, is our fluid membership and causal interdependence in the intercommunicating world of bodies. (NOB) The unconscious, then, is not a closet full of skeletons in the private house of the individual mind; it is not even, finally a cave full of dreams and ghosts in which, like Plato's prisoners, most of us spend most of our lives - The unconscious is that immortal sea which brought us hither; intimations of which are given in moments of 'oceanic feeling'; one sea of energy or instinct, embracing all mankind, without distinction of race, language, or culture; and embracing all the generations of Adam, past, present, and future, in one phylogenetic heritage, in one mystical body. ('You're not just a drop in the ocean (of billions), but the ocean in the drop. Deepak Chopra.) (NOB) Human culture is a set of projections of the repressed unconscious - to project the infantile complexes into concrete reality. (NOB) The fund of personality, the fund of soul-stuff available, is fixed and collective. The only soul is the group-soul, and this consists of nothing but group functions - - Personality is not innate, but acquired. Like a mask, it is a thing, a fetish, a fetishistic object or commodity - - - a person never owns his own person, but always represents another, by whom he is possessed. And the other that one is, is always ancestors; one’s soul is not one’s own, but Daddy’s (NOB) The psychic state of symbiosis revolves around the longing for “oneness.” Under the spell of symbiotic fantasy, distinctions between self and Other blur. Norman O. Brown suggests that the primal act of the human ego is a negative one—“not to accept reality, specifically the separation of the child's body from the mother's body.” Symbiotic fantasy functions to deny separateness. Instead of conceiving of oneself as a singularity, one imagines that one is contained within an “omnipotent system—a dual unity within one common boundary.” (NOB) The fall is into language.... And overcoming the consequences of the fall is speaking with tongues. ... a second fall into the second innocence; verbum infans, the infant or ineffable word. . . To restore to words their full significance ... is to reduce them to nonsense.... Get the nothingness back into words ... Empty words, corresponding to the void in things. (NOB) Schizophrenics pass beyond ordinary language (the language of the reality- principle) into a truer, more symbolic language' and 'attain the mad truth. (NOB) to construct an erotic sense of reality. (To do so is) to become conscious of symbolism. Symbolism is mind making connections (correspondences) rather than distinctions (separations). (NOB) Death is an enemy because we have too much unlived life within us (paraphrase) (NOB) Psychoanalysis is always the discovery of the unconscious; the turn to mass-psychology is the discovery that the unconscious is collective (NOB) the hidden aim of sublimation and the cultural process is the discovery of the lost body of childhood (NOB) the way back behind the processes of sexual organization is not toward the womb but rather toward a transformed narcissism culminating in joyful and loving unification with others. (NOB) The unconscious to be made conscious; a secret disclosed; a veil to be rent, a seal to be broke open (NOB) the mystical body is not, because mystical, therefore, non-bodily (NOB) silence is the mother tongue (NOB) predominance of vicarious entertainment in - the life of the masses - - what visionary seer Blake would call spectral enjoyment - everything on TV; the lifestyles of the rich and famous offering vicarious participation in spectacles of waste; spectator sports offering vicarous agonistics; democracy restricted to mass voting for media stars. (NOB) The gods return in thunder. FINNEGAN'S WAKE is thunder (NOB) What the thunder said 'dumbfounding wonderstruck us as a thunder, yunder. Well, all be dumbed!' (NOB) There is an era in which the god himself assists the universe on its way and helps it in its rotation. There is also an era in which he releases his control. Thereupon it begins to revolve in a contrary direction under its own impulse. At last, this cosmic era draws to its close, disorder comes to a head. The few good things the universe produces are polluted with so great a taint of evil that it hovers on the very brink of destruction, both it and the creatures in it. Therefore at that very moment the god who first set it in order looks down upon on it again. Beholding it in trouble, and anxious lest racked by storms and confusion it suffer in dissolution, he takes control of the helm once more. - Plato (NOB) a cyclical view of history a cycle of world ages as in the mystical tradition, the occult tradition The occult tradition is an aristocratic tradition Religion is racism. Vico anticipates de Maistre. The 'New Science' is the 'Secret Doctrine' (Blavatsky) Vico's occultist elitism. Vico is an Orphic Voice (NOB) Ritual clowns in primitive religion violate taboos and thereby acquire magical power. 'You shall regard nothing as sacred.' Other traits of ritual clowns are 'reverse behavior' and 'backward speech.' Clowns say the opposite of what they mean. Like a crazy fellow. Speaking a strange language. As in 'Finnegan's Wake.' (NOB) The phallus is so closely identified with magic in Roman religion that the word fascinum meaning 'enchantment', 'witchcraft' (cf. fascinate), is one of the standard Latin terms for the phallus. (NOB) 'We are once amore as babes awondering in a wold made fresh - The woods are fond always. As were we their babes in. And robins in crews so'. 'The hundredlettered name again, last word of a perfect language'. It must have been the most ancient language of Atlantis (NS) The testimony of schizophrenia: _they eat and are eaten._ Schizophrenia is 'food trouble' (NOB) 'between explosion and reexplosion (Donnaurwatteur! Hunderthunder!)' The Ginnungagap: the name given in the Icelandic Eddas to the interval of timeless formlessness between world aeons. (NOB) Somewhere, parently, in the ginnandgo gap between antediluvious and annadominant' 'For a burning world is come to dance inane. Are you not danzzling on the age of a vulcano?' While alive Be a Dead man; Thoroughly dead (NOB) God does not go for personalities; nor does the Last Judgment consist in the award of prizes to personalities for the performance of their parts. The performance principle must go; the show must not go on. The parts are not real: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus; he is not your personal savior. In the Last Judgment, the apocalyptic fire will burn up the masks and the theater - - psychoanalysis is not 'ego psychology' - ; the ego is a 'me' fabrication, a piece of illusion (Maya). (NOB) if consciousness is all words and no silence, the unconscious remains unconscious. To redeem words, out of the market place. (NOB) Out of this world; out of Vanity Fair; out of the market place. Put the mind out of business. Words are to be redeemed; taken out of the market place. (NOB) Vico recovers creative madness, or fury: Vico belongs to the Hermetic tradition. another Orphic voice, another Neo-Platonist. (NOB) Divine idiocy – a perfect symbol for the absurdity of outworn conventions, for paralyzed social and political structures. (NOB) I sometimes think I see that civilizations originate in the disclosure of some mystery, some secret; and expand with the progressive publication of their secret; and end in exhaustion when there is no longer any secret, when the mystery has been divulged, that is to say, profaned. And so there comes a time -- I believe we are in such a time, when civilization has to be renewed by the discovery of new mysteries, by the undemocratic but sovereign power of the imagination, by the undemocratic power which makes poets the unacknowledged legislators of mankind, the power which makes all things new. The power which makes all things new is magic. What our time needs is mystery; What our time needs is magic (NOB) To rise from history to mystery is to experience the resurrection of the body here now, as an eternal reality; to experience the parousia, the presence in the present, which is the spirit; to experience the reincarnation of the incarnation, the second coming, which is his coming in us. (NOB) I think mind is at the end of its tether. - - Our real choice is between holy and unholy madness: open your eyes and look around you--madness is in the saddle anyhow. It is possible to be mad and to be unblest, but it is not possible to get the blessing without the madness; it is not possible to get the illuminations without the derangement. (NOB) To seduce the world to madness (NOB) The outcome of psychoanalysis is the discover that magic and madness are everywhere, and dreams is what we are made of. The goal cannot be the elimination of magical thinking, or madness; the goal can only be conscious magic, or conscious madness; conscious mastery of these fires. And dreaming while we are awake. - The mad truth: the boundary between sanity and insanity is a false one. The proper outcome of psychoanalysis is the abolition of the boundary, the healing of the split, the integration of the human race. (NOB) Psychoanalysis is that revolving state which completes this revolution, disclosing the bedroom and the bathroom behind the bourgeois facade, disclosing the obscenity of the on-stage scene, abolishing the reality-principle and its unreal distinction between private and public, between head and genital. (NOB) The woman penetrated is a labyrinth. You emerge into another world inside a woman. The penis is the bridge; the passage to another world is coitus; the other world is a womb cave - and the cave in which coitus takes place is the grave - death is coitus and coitus is death. Death is genitalized as a return to the womb; incestuous coitus. - The staff that cleaves the waters is the dead man's body; the corpse; the stiff that ejaculates the soul or semen is the penis. Penis or corpse, stiff as stone; a perpetual erection, or monument. (NOB) Political power is a web woven; a politic well-wrought veil; the veil of deceit, the veil of Maya. It is a non-existent cloth, the Emperor's New Clothes. (NOB) the father image is a thin mask covering the image of the pre-Oedipal mother. (NOB) In the collective unconscious Freud finds what he calls an “archaic heritage, or “phylogenetic inheritance.” - “Archaic heritage,” i. e., archetypes; at any rate, the phylogenetic factor is the symbolic factor, the former identity or lost unity which symbolic consciousness recovers. (NOB) Symbolism is on the track of a former identity, a lost unity: the lost continent, Atlantis, underneath the sea of life in which we live enisled; or perhaps even our union with the sea (Thalassa); the unity of the whole cosmos as one living creature, as Plato said in the Timeaus. (NOB) To explore is to penetrate: the world is the insides of the mother's body (NOB) All work is women's work. Every commodity is, as Marx says, a fetish, that is to say a non-existent penis. An investment. (NOB) 'A way a lone a last a loved a long the / riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.' waiting for the return of the theocratic age - to recognize the gods, to greet them. (Heidegger) (NOB) Confusion, source of renewal. (NOB) Imaginative metaphysics shows that man becomes all things by not understanding them. (NS) 'Hip champouree! Hiphip champouree! O you longtailed blackman, polk it up behind me! Hip champouree! Hiphip champouree!' It is not that children, neurotics, and primitives are so stupid as to be unable to discriminate between words and things; it is that they not are so repressed as to be unaware that personality is a social fiction, a name a magical invocation of a particular role in the social drama. (NOB) Psychoanalysis shows the sexual organization of the body physical to be a political organization; the body is a body politic…'genital organization'...a political arrangement arrived at after stormy upheavals in the house of Oedipus…a well-organized tyranny. (NOB) Literal meanings as against spiritual or symbolic interpretation, a matter of Life against Death. The return to symbolism, the rediscovery that everything is symbolic - - all metaphors are sexual, a penis in every convex object and a vagina in every concave one - - is psychoanalysis. A return or turning point, the beginning of a new age (Aquarius?); the Third Kingdom, the age of the spirit prophesied by Joachim of Fiore; or the second coming, the resurrection of the body. (NOB) The real meaning of technology is its hidden relation to the human body; a symbolical or mystical relation. (NOB) In Ferenczi's apocalyptic theory of genitality the sexual act is a historical drama, a symbolic reenactment or recapitulation of all the great traumas in the history of the individual, of the species, of life itself. Psychoanalytic time is not gradual, evolutionary, but is discontinuous, catastrophic, revolutionary. The sexual act is a return to the womb. - The 'uterine regressive trend in the sex act' is an aspect of the universal goal of all organic life - - to return to the lifeless condition out of which life arose. 'The goal of all life is death.' In this philosophy and the main stages of biological evolution (sexual differentiation, adaptation to dry land) are catastrophes excited by external forces: these catastrophes create 'tension'; and the aim of life (or of evolutionary adaptation) is to get rid of the tension, and so die. Life is a temporary (accidental) disturbance in a lifeless (and thus peaceful) universe. It is best, then, never to have been born, and second best, quickly to die. Nirvana is release from the cycle of rebirth. The real death is the death we are dead with here and now. (NOB) Resisting madness can be the maddest way of being mad. (NOB) the first effect of the “influencing machine” to which schizophrenics imagine themselves plugged in – the Cartesian world as machine - is to make the patient see pictures "something like a diluted reel of film in my brain." Pictures: spectral images on the inside, which represent external reality to the subject. .. (NOB) The wandering heroes are phallic heroes in a permanent state of erection; pricking o'er the plain. (NOB) Our sexual inversions are symptoms of our having only part rather than the whole - - sado-maschochism, transvestitism, onanism, homosexuality - - are all attempts to regain the primordial unity of the combined object. (NOB) To idealize is to idolize; to make an idol; to translate into a fixed image for contemplation; to turn into monumental form; to turn into stone. To concentrate on seeing is to turn into stone; Medusa's head; castration. (NOB) Politically we are endlessly docile. We lust after authority. Toward authority we are infantile-dependent. We foist off our responsibility on others: our vicars act vicariously in our places, and the presidency can be turned into a virtual dictatorship just under our lethargic gazes. The parallel is with a child's-eye view of the primal scene, the parents in coitus, and the effect of the primal scene is castration. We become voyeurs rather than participators. Genital organization rather than polymorphous perversity. (NOB) 'Finnegans Wake'is not about anything, it is that thing itself. (NOB) As man becomes mythy again; that it to say mute. (turned to stone) (NOB) This was the order of human institutions: first the forests, after that the huts, the the villages, next the cities and finally the academies. (NS) First the divine, a dumb language of hieroglyphics (NS) Mute speech is hieroglyph. - Myth is mute speech. (NOB) The language of the gods is not spoken words but signs (NOB) A hieroglyphic or sacred or secret language, by means of mute acts. (NOB) Apocalypse strips away the decent draperies on which the whole big lie depends, false front, the screen of wall that separates the public sphere from the private parts. (NOB) Brown quotes Plato at length, 'Behold! human beings live in a sort of cavernous underground chamber, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.' (NOB) speaking with tongues; the primordial language, from before the Flood or the Tower of Babel – the dialect of God is solecism. (NOB) 'Barbarism, or speaking with tongues as in Finnegans Wake polyglot turning into glossolalia. Pentecost. At Pentecost tongues of fire, a flame in the shape of the male member. Speaking with tongues if fiery speech, speech as a sexual act - ' (NOB) The natural man is transformed into superman: “We fleshly earthly men are to become gods.” (NOB) The proper response to poetry is not criticism but poetry. (NOB) Everything is only a metaphor, there is only poetry. (NOB) To find the true war, the true sacrament; to avoid idolatry (Moloch); it is all a question of symbolism. (NOB) hypnotism which makes world opinion; hypnotism which makes the world go round. (the spell of the Whore of Babylon) (NOB) As in schizophrenia: “what happens to the person's own body – is identical with what happens in the universe.” - The body that is identical with the environment. (NOB) To bring this world to an end: the consummation devoutly to be wished, the final judgment. - A fiery consummation 'Creation will be burned up, & then, & not till Then, Truth or Eternity will appear. It is Burnt up the Moment Men cease to behold it.' (quoting visionary seer Blake) (NOB) The apocalypse lays bare the mystery of kingship; stripping off the Emperor's New Clothes, to reveal the harlot. Kingship is fornication – the identity of politics and sex. In the apocalypse the walls do fall; the walls separating inside and outside; public and private; body physical and metaphysical. The identification of sex and politics; as in psychoanalysis. (NOB) Brown paraphrases, 'In the Apocalypse the chief thing to be unveiled is the great whore, Babylon, the great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Babylon is a whore; she it is with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication. The mother of harlots is the mother of kings. In the Apocalypse, pomp, power, and politics is discovered to be sex. Perverted sex, sado-masochistic sex, striving for impossible satisfaction; the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication, and she is drunken with the blood of the saints. Perverted sex; Satanic mills and looms. (NOB) Brown quotes, 'An I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood and fire and the vapor of smoke; the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall turn into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.' n (NOB) We shall not all sleep. The resurrection is the revelation of the sons of God. (NOB) Psychoanalysis stands or falls on the expansion on the idea of sexuality to comprehend the entire life of the human body; attributing a sexual ('erotogenic') action to all parts, organs, or 'zones'; or rather, envisaging sexuality as an energy diffused throughout the whole body, and capable of displacement from one part to another, and of transformation from one mode of manifestation to another (polymorphism; metamorphosis). (NOB) Amidst riches we are poor, precisely because we have made fetishes of our commodities and emptied or ejaculated ourselves into them. (NOB) The natural man is self-centered or egocentric; everything he regards as real he also regards as outside himself; everything he takes 'in' immediately become unreal and 'spectral.' He tries to become an armored crustacean alert for attack or defense; the price of selfishness is eternal vigilance. This kind of Argus-eyed tenseness proceeds from the sealed prison of consciousness which visionary seer Blake calls 'opaque.' (NOB) Definitions are boundaries; schizophrenics pass beyond the reality-principle into a world of symbolic connections: 'all things lost their definite boundaries, became iridescent with many-colored significances.' Schizophrenics pass beyond ordinary language (the language of the reality-principle) into a truer more symbolic language. (NOB) To overcome dualism would be to awake out of sleep; to arise from the dead. (NOB) The mad truth: The proper outcome of psychoanalysis is the abolition of the boundary, the healing of the split, the integration of the human race. (NOB) Psychoanalysis ends in the recognition of the reality-principle as Lucifer, the prince of darkness, the prince of this world, the governing principle, the ruler of the darkness of this world. The reality-principle is the prince of darkness; it's function is to scotomize, to spread darkness; to make walls of thick darkness, walls of separation and concealment. - The reality-principle is an unreal boundary drawn between real and imaginary. (NOB) “Animism, magic and the omnipotence of thought” - the child, the savage and the neurotic are right. (Quoting visionary seer Blake) 'Mental things alone are real.' The real world, which is not the world of the reality-principle, is the world where thoughts are omnipotent, where there is no distinction between wish and deed. - the unconscious is the true psychic reality. (NOB) A reticent style; elliptical expression; that hearing they may hear and not understand. The meaning is not in the words but between the words, in the silence; forever beyond the reach, the rape of literal-minded explication; forever inviolate, forever new; the still unravished bride of quietness. (NOB) To restore to words their full significance, as in dreams, as in 'Finnegans Wake' is to reduce them to nonsense, to get the nonsense or nothingness or silence back into words; to transcend the antimony of sense and nonsense, silence and speech. It is a destruction of ordinary language; playing with fire, or madness; or speaking with tongues. (NOB) The word is made flesh. To recover the world of silence, of symbolism, is to recover the human body. . . . . What is always speaking silently is the body. It cannot be put into words because it does not consist of things. Literal words always define properties. Beyond the reality-principle [which is an unreal boundary drawn between real and imaginary] and reification, is silence, the flesh. “A subterranean passage between mind and body underlies all analogy.” The true meaning of words are bodily meanings, carnal knowledge; and the bodily meanings are always unspoken meanings. What is always speaking silently is the body. - The unspoken meaning is always sexual. Of sexuality we can only have symbolical knowledge, because sexual is carnal. (NOB) Coitus is fallen, unconscious fallen poetry; the sexual organizations are metaphors; a play or interplay of organs (Ferenczi's amphimixis)a play upon meanings; a play upon words. (NOB) The ego is loquacity, the interior monologue, the soliloquy which isolates. The way of silence leads to the extinction of the ego, mortification. To become empty; to become nothing; to become free of the restrictions of the self, to have no self, to be of no mind, to be a dead man. (NOB) In the resurrection, in the life after death, life still has one foot in the grave, and word remain wedded to the silence. The rest is silence; after the Last Judgment, the silence. The spermatic word. The sower seweth the word. In the beginning was the word, in the beginning was the deed; in the resurrection, in the awakening; these two are one: poetry. - The antimony between mind and body, word and deed, speech and silence, overcome. There is only metaphor; there is only poetry. 'Hereby the duality, the discrepancy between mind and body, mundane form and supramundane formlessness, is annihilated. Then the body of the Enlightened One becomes luminous in appearance, convincing and inspiring by its mere presence, while every word and every gesture, and even his silence communicate the overwhelming reality of the Dharma. It is not the audible word through which people are converted and transformed in their innermost being, but through that which goes beyond words and flows directly from the presence of the saint; the inaudible mantric sound which emanates from his heart. Therefore, the perfect saint is called 'Muni', the 'Silent One.' (NOB) Politics as gang bang. The game is juvenile or, as Freud would say, infantile and deadly serious. (NOB) A king is erected, rex erectus est. A king is an erection of the body politic. - - The exhibitionism of the phallic personality (the huge genital, the royal lingam) is fraudulent; an imposture, or imposition on the public; theater. The actor needs the audience to reassure him he is not castrated: yes, you are the mighty penis; the Emperor’s New Clothes. To force the audience to give this reassurance is to castrate, have coitus with, the audience: the phallic personality needs a receptive audience or womb. Separately, both actor and audience are incomplete, castrated; but together they make up a whole. - - Action is what takes place in front of the camera, with the lights turned on, to throw the rest of reality into darkness…Those for whom not to be seen is nonexistence are not alive; and the kind of existence they seek, the immortality they seek, is spectral; to be seen is the ambition of ghosts, and to be remembered the ambition of the dead. The public realm is the stage for heroic action, and heroes are specters of the living dead. - - The reality principle is the importance principle, which commands us to be fooled by appearances, to respect the Emperor’s New Clothes - - (NOB) a season fit for king killing (NOB) 'History as her is harped.' The spectator whose participation is restricted to seeing, who is passive, is held in passivity by what he sees; he is spellbound or hypnotized. - Psychologists define hypnosis as the filling of the field of attention by one sense only. - Like the spectators in the traditional theater (or in front of the TV), as perceived by Brecht: “They sit together like men who are asleep but have unquiet dreams. True, they have their eyes open. But they don't watch, they stare. They don't hear, hey are transfixed. They look at the stage as if bewitched. - The power of the hypnotist is of the same nature as the mana or majesty of kings. - The primal scene is the original theater, parental coitus is the archetypal show; the original distance is between parent and child. “Theaters and concerts, in fact any performance where there is something to be seen or heard, always stands for parental coitus.” It is in the primal scene that we learn to take vicarious pleasure in events of which we are only passive spectators. - With the pleasure of ideal participation and the prohibition of actual participation: shadows without substance; fantasies without reality; dreams; onanistic gratification - a eunuch in the harem. The actor is exhibitionist. To shew is to show the genital; to fascinate; to make the spectator a woman. Even as the hard look or phallic eye of the hypnotist (a Cyclopean erection) transfixes his subject. (NOB) Orthodox psychoanalysis warns against the resexualization of thought and speech; orthodox psychoanalysis bows down before the reality-principle. The reality-principle is based on desexualization; in symbolic consciousness thought and speech become resexualized. . . . When our eyes are opened to symbolic meaning, our only refuge is loss of shame, polymorphous perversity, pansexualism. . . . As in Tantric Yoga, in which any sexual act may become a form of mystic meditation, and any mystic state may be interpreted sexually. (NOB) There is a particular need for psychoanalysis, as a part of the psychoanalysis of psychoanalysis, to become conscious of the dialectical, poetical, mystical stream that runs in its blood. (NOB) There is a marriage (in heaven) between psychoanalysis and the mystical tradition, combining to make us conscious of our unconscious participation in the creation of the phenomenal world. - To become conscious of our participation in the creation of the phenomenal world is to pass from passive experience – perception as impressions on a passive mind – to conscious creation, and creative freedom. Every perception is a creation - “when we see physical objects we are makers or poets.” Or gods; the world is our creation. (NOB) Psychoanalysis can be used to uncover the principle of union, or communion, buried beneath the surface separations, the surface declarations of independence, the surface signs of private property. Psychoanalysis also discloses the pathology of the process whereby the normal sense of being a self separate from the external world was constructed. Contrary to what is taken for granted in the lunatic state called normality or common sense, the distinction between the self and the external world is not an immutable fact, but an artificial construction. It is a boundary line; like all boundaries not natural but conventional. . . . (NOB) Separateness (on the outside) is repression (on the inside). Separateness, then, is the fall - the fall into division, the original lie. . . . The fall is into language. (NOB) Fusion, mystical participation. Primitive animism is suffused with the unconscious identification of subject and object: participation mystique. Civilized objectivity in non-participating consciousness, consciousness as separation, as dualism, distance, definition; as property and prison: consciousness ruled by negation, which is from the death instinct. Symbolical consciousness, the erotic sense of reality, is a return to the principle of ancient animistic science, mystical participation, but now for the first time freely; instead of religion, poetry. (NOB) Symbolism is polymorphous perversity, the translation of all our senses into one another, the interplay between the senses, the metaphor, the free translation. The separation of the senses, their mutual isolation, is sensuality, is sexual organization, is bondage to the tyranny of one partial impulse, leading to the absolute and exclusive concentration of the life of the body in the representative [that is, divided] person. (NOB) Originally everything was body, ONE BODY (Novalis). . . .'Man is the dwarf of himself. Once he was permeated and dissolved by spirit. He filled nature with his overflowing currents. Out from him sprang the sun and moon; from man, the sun; from woman, the moon. The laws of his mind, the periods of his actions externalized themselves into day and night, into the year and the seasons. But, having made for himself this huge shell, his waters retired; he no longer fills the veins and veinlets; he is shrunk to a drop. He sees, that the structure still fits him, but fits him colossally. Say, rather, once it fitted him, now it corresponds to him from far and on high. . . . is disunited with himself . . . is a god in ruins.) ('You're not just a drop in the ocean (of billions), but the ocean in the drop. Deepak Chopra.') (Pythagorean mysticism - Harmony of the World Sacred Geometry - quoting Emerson). (NOB) Then cometh the end, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. Mere anarchy is loosed on the world (NOB) Dismembered, remembered. Symbolism is not the apprehension of another world of archetypes, but the transfiguration of this world; and the transfiguration of this world is its reunification. Symbolism, says Freud, is the vestige or signpost of a former (a prehistoric) identity.(NOB) The event remains trivial for those who do not have eyes to see. And so God remains hidden; or rather an open secret. And everything is told in parables, that seeing the may not perceive. The mystery of meaning remains forever inviolate; there is no literal truth. Truth riding on a donkey; as foolishness. He hath no form or comliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beuty that we should desire him. - Infinity in a grain of sand. - To see symbolism is to see a humiliated God. To break with the power-principle. Christ must suffer. (NOB) 'If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is – infinite.' (NOB quoting visionary seer Blake). His producers are they not his consumers? (NOB) “Really it is not I who am writing this crazy book. It is you, and you, and you, and that man over there, and the girl at the next table.” (NOB) 'The map of the soul's groupography.' 'we start from scratch' 'The proteiform graph is itself is a polyhedron of scripture.' Shem the pen no match for Shaun the post. (NOB) 'He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.' (NOB) (quoting Freud) Brown (quoting Ferenczi's 'Thalassa'): 'The purpose of the sex act can be none other than an attempt to return to the mother's womb.' (NOB) Coitus successfully performed is incest, a return to the maternal womb; and the punishment appropriate to this crime is castration. What happens to the penis is coronation, followed by decapitation. (NOB) The first act of the individual is incest with his mother. (NOB) The spectator is voyeur. The desire to see is the desire to see the genital; and the desire to see is the desire to be one; to become what you behold; to incorporate the penis of another is the desire to devour it through the eye. (NOB) Exhibitionism is a denial of castration; it says see I do have a penis. - The monumental immobility of the stone phallus is a recapitulation of the primal scene. - There was one person, who, as Freud has also noted, actually rigid during this scene: the child who witnessed it. So to be 'turned to stone' by the sight of something means to be fascinated by it. The child is stiff – but the rigidity is also the erection of his penis. The child is petrified. (NOB) His Royal Highness; his whole body a penis, erect; his whole person a sublimation of the male member; the erection is in the head. (NOB) Genital on a crosstree; the Christmas tree or Christ mast – what is lifted up is the serpent, the phallus. “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so the Son of Man must be lifted up.” (NOB) The way of silence is not only death but incest. Paracelsus says, “He who enters the Kingdom of God must first enter his mother and die.” (NOB) In orgasm, all the splendor and misery of representative government. The representative organ act on behalf of the entire organism. "There is no part of the organism that is not represented in the genital, so that the genital in the role of executive manager, as it were provides for the discharge of sexual tension on behalf of the entire organism." (quoting Ferenczi – 'Thalassa'). (NOB) Not just mythology but the entirety of culture is a projection onto the outer world. In the words of Spender, “The world which we create—the world of slums and telegrams and newspapers—is a kind of language of our inner wishes and thoughts.” (NOB) Novalis asserted the notion that the world is the creation of the magic power of fantasy. (NOB) psychoanalysis fulfills itself only when it becomes historical and cultural analysis. (NOB) human history is the history of a neurosis (Freud). (NOB) Brown's attitude to megalithic monuments: The ambition of civilized man is revealed in the pyramid—the achievement of the first modern individualists. In the pyramid repose both the hope of immortality and the fruit of compound interest. As Heichelheim showed, the Iron Age, at the end of which we live, democratized the achievements of the Bronze Age (cities, metals, money, writing) and opened up the pursuit of kings (money and immortality) to the average citizen. But the inevitable irony redresses the balance in favor of death. Death is overcome on condition that the real actuality of life pass into these immortal and dead things; money is the man; the immortality of an estate or a corporation resides in the dead things which alone endure. Civilized economic activity has this death-defying and deadening structure because economic activity is sustained by psychic energy taking the form of sublimation. All civilized desublimation, and not only the pursuit of money, has this structure. (NOB) The pyramid, with its winding corridors and labyrinthine galleries inside, is an artificial cave; the ziggurat artificial or architectural mountain with spiral stairs on the outside. The megalithic maze at Stonehenge or Carnac is an alternative embodiment architectural embodiment of the same idea. The palace is a labyrinth – The palace was the nucleus of the city. (NOB) Geography is the geography of the mother's body – geography or geometry as in Finnegans Wake. - The world a cave for Melanie Klein's infants. (NOB) The next generation needs to be told that the real fight is not the political fight, but to put an end to politics. From politics to metapolitics. (NOB) Indians are – the lost sheep we came to find; now unappeased ghosts in the unconscious of the white man. (NOB) There is an unconscious hostility between the sexes; “an archaic reaction of enmity”; taboos which prescribe sexual separation, mutual avoidance; the castration complex. Without an understanding of the seamy side of sexuality there is no understanding of politics. (NOB) Our representative keeps us hypnotized. (NOB) The effect of the primal scene is to paralyze the spectator, even as the hypnotist's subject is paralyzed; the effect of the primal scene is castration. The great whore is to be stripped. Her name is mystery. (NOB) unconscious knowledge about sexual intercourse between parents attributed by psychoanalysis to babes in arms. “The world of thought at those levels is quite alien to our own.” (quoting Melanie Klein). (We Space Aliens are babies in the bodies of men.) (NOB) Annunciations, messages, messengers, angels, having intercourse with the daughters of men, making pregnant through the ear; angels or birds, winged words or doves of the spirit. The flying bird or angel is an erection or winged phallus. - A supernatural pregnancy: “A being, be it man or woman, who has the Holy Ghost within him is pregnant or full of semen and in ejaculating words of prophesy the wizard either ejaculates semen or gives birth to a child. (NOB) The root of testimony is testicle: - the witness that stands up in the court to testify is denying castration; the testimony is false testicles; and civilization is lie. (NOB) What the child knows consciously, and the adult unconsciously is that we are nothing but body. (NOB) ”What we fail to recognize is that all symptoms, defense mechanisms, in fact, personality itself, are forms of magic – Primitives have magic in a conscious form, whereas with us can function only (except in certain forms of neurosis or psychosis) if it is unconscious.” (quoting Roheim). The insane are closer to the truth. (NOB) Mankind today is still making history without having any conscious idea of what it really wants or under what conditions it would stop being unhappy: in fact what it is doing seems to be making itself more unhappy and calling that unhappiness progress. (NOB) Brown's critique, 'The first was that Christian theology, in an attempt to account for human discontent, 'the divine discontent', attempts to take humankind out of the real world, out of the animal kingdom, and seduce it with 'delusions of grandeur.' It thus becomes guilty of its own worst sin, the sin of pride. The second was that the way to deal with death, Thanatos, is not to seek a life after death, but to seek a full life before death. In Brown's view of life and history, the resurrection of the body must occur before death, not after it. The way to deal with death is to make sure that when it comes, there are 'no unlived lives in the human body.' (NOB) The human body is not a thing or substance, given, but a continuous creation. The human body is an energy system which is never a complete structure; never static; is in perpetual inner self-construction and self-destruction; we destroy in order to make it new (NOB) The money complex (Marx's cash nexus)is the demonic, and the demonic is God's ape; the money complex is therefore the heir to and substitute for the religious complex, an attempt to find God in things (NOB) Brown quotes Yeats' quip with regard to the Industrial Revolution: 'Locke sank into a swoon; The Garden died; God took the spinning-jenny Out of his side.' (NOB) Upside down. Not the reality-principle but surrealism. Surrealism, a systematic illumination of the hidden places and progressive darkening of the rest; a perpetual promenade right in the forbidden zone. Go down and stay down, in the forbidden zone; a descent into hell. - The Pentecostal darkness; the sun shall be turned to darkness. (NOB) In freedom is fusion. Pentecostal freedom. Pentecostal fusion. Speaking with tongues; many tongues, many meanings. The Babylonian confusion of tongues redeemed in Pentecostal fusion. (NOB) The goal of life, in Rilke's phrase, is to live out all the "unlived lives in the body.” Also, Brown takes 'examples of the risen (resurrected – it comes up) body from the mystical tradition of Jakob Boehme, the 'body electric' of poet Whitman or the 'greater life of the body' of Lawrence.' (NOB) Brown quotes Peter Pan, 'Do you believe in angels?' (NOB) Sado-maschochism is an endless, a vicious cycle; in which subject and object are confused; active and passive, male and female roles are exchanged, in the desire and pursuit of the whole, the combined object. (NOB) For Brown, the Buddhist seeks 'The awakening to eternal life; free from the cycle of rebirth; satori, the experience of the unborn.' (NOB) As Brown's mentor Freud himself said. "I can hardly tell you how many things l - a new Midas - turn into filth." Brown teaches that all human action and creativity is "excrement." 'In its famous paradox, the equation of money and excrement, psychoanalysis becomes the first science to state what common sense and the poets have long known - that the essence of money is in its absolute worthlessness.' 'property is not simply transferred from feces to money; on the contrary, money is feces, because the anal eroticism continues in the unconscious.' (money is poop). 'Money has become our excrement.' (NOB) 'Dionysus calls us outdoors. Rise up, my fair one, and come away.' (Take my hand, milady). Brown quotes the Bible, 'The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.' The first tabernacle is Jerusalem, the second tabernacle the universal Church; the third tabernacle the open sky. “Only when a clear sky looks down through broken ceilings will my heart turn again to the places of God.” (the ruins of cities). (NOB) 'Lowest basemeant in hystry!' (NOB) 'Home all go. Halome ( = hello home).' (NOB) Brown quotes the Book of Enoch.“He will open the chamber of waters which are above the heavens, and of the fountains which are beneath the earth. And all the waters shall be joined with the waters: that which is above the heavens is the masculine, and the water which is beneath the earth is the feminine. And they shall destroy all who dwell on the earth and those who dwell under the ends of the heaven.” (NOB) The uterine regressive trend-Ferenczi's thalassal regressive trend-is the same thing thing as genital organization. For those not yet born, their whole person is in the womb. - We have not yet been born; we are still in the womb; asleep; we are such stuff as dreams are made on. Life begins with a fall; a falling into the womb; a fall into sleep. Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. Adam's fall is Adam's fall into sleep; or Osiris' descent into the underworld. - To be born is to die, and life is really death-in-life. - The hour of their birth is the hour of their death. - The conclusion of the whole matter-Blake: “We are in the world of Generation and death, and this world we must cast off.” The sleep of Ulro; the passage through Eternal Death; the awakening to Eternal Life. And then we shall see that Generation is not the reality but a shadow of the reality; Generation is only an image of Regeneration. The real birth would be the birth from womb of the dream world. The real death is the death we are dead with here and now. Real life can only be life after death, or resurrection; life whose goal is death, and whose pattern is the repetition-compulsion; karma. (Nomads = Angels awaiting Resurrection Day) (NOB) The Dragon red and hidden Harlot which John in Patmos saw (quoting Blake) (NOB) It is possible to be mad and to be unblest, but it is not possible to get the blessing without the madness; it is not possible to get the illuminations without the derangement. (NOB) To make the tree speak. I am leafy speaking. The oracular tree or tree of dreams. The sylvan historian, telling a leaf-fringed legend. The silva or garden of verses. These trees shall be my book. Even Jung also said he felt 'mingled with the leaves and the trees.' (NOB) The fratricide which killed the Roman Republic (the fate of all Republics) was only the final fulfillment of the symbolic and attenuated fratricide which had been its life. Roman liberty-the fraternity carved out of the cadaver of royal despotism-is despotism forever divided and at war with itself. -eternally locked in battle - “They fight in the sky for the nation,” aerial combats of witches or air forces. (NOB) There are always only two brothers: Romulus and Remus, Cain and Abel. Roman history is the story of the brothers Romulus and Remus, the sons of the she-wolf; leaders of gangs of juvenile delinquents . . . The foundation of the fraternity or state is itself a crime, or rather the primal crime. The brothers club together in a criminal. . . conspiracy: "society was now based on complicity in the common crime." Freud says that the sense of guilt can be allayed only by the solidarity of the participants. Actually, it is the common crime that creates the solidarity. But the brothers also fall out, and thus we are reminded of the other brothers Cain and Abel. (NOB) Brotherhood is an agonal relation between brothers. - The old agonal warfare was between brothers; conducted according to rules; limited in objectives, and limited in time, in a necessary alternation of peace in order to fight another day. The new warfare is total (Winner Take All): it seeks an end to warfare, an end to brotherhood. (NOB) The quarrel is over the paternal inheritance. - fraternal organization covertly assumes a father. Liberty, equality: it is all a dispute over inheritance the paternal estate. Locke makes all men son of the Heavenly Father. The phantom of fatherhood is banished from the earth and elevated to the skies. - Thus the defense of sonship turns into the discovery of another father, the “real” father: and the real question in politics is Jesus' question, Who is my father? - The dispute between fathers and sons is over property. - It finally turns out that the property Locke undertook to defend own nothing: it all belongs to the Heavenly Father. (the Fields of the Lord.) (NOB) Farce is the theater of impotence. In a situation of general social paralysis stasis, sterility, stereotypification the aim is not the seizure of power but the dissolution of power. (NOB) There's just that Shakespeare fellow left to beat: 'You're well held now, Missy Cheekspeer, and your panto's off!' Beyond history, beyond tragedy, beyond genital organization of the body politic. Farce is the theater of impotence the clown is the castrated penis the little fellow; Charlie Chaplin. (NOB) Brown quotes Jesus, 'you have to lose your life to find it.' (NOB) Literalism makes the world of abstract materialism; of dead matter; of the human body as dead matter. Literalism kills everything, including the human body. It is the spirit visionary seer Blake called Ulro, which sees nothing but rock and sand, jostling together in the void; Whitehead's Misplaced Concreteness: “Nature a dull affair, soundless, scentless, colorless; merely the hurrying of material , endlessly, meaninglessly.” Literalism makes a universe of stone, and men astonished, petrified. Literalism is the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones; tablets of stone and stony heart. (NOB) As Karl Marx observed, “there is an eternal recurrence in history; events and personalities reappear, on the first occasion they appear as tragedy; on the second as farce.” (NOB) Farce is the mode of consciousness in which a people take leave of their history (NOB) An interlude of farce: 'the farced epistol to the hibruws.' (NOB) Etymology of farce: stuffing. Pigge farced with sage. (NOB) Farce is the mode of demystification - Farce is vulgarization. (NOB) Stoop (please stoop) It is imperative that we sink. (NOB) 'the hoax that joke bilked.' 'The jest of junk the jungular?' 'Jacked up in a jock the wrapper.' 'Tis jest jibberweek's joke.' Mr. and Mrs. Antrobus are getting nowhere (the bourgeois couple) (NOB) 'Lovesoftfun at Finnegan's Wake' Appendix: Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway to Heaven' Return to Topics "Stairway to Heaven" is 'the most popular rock song of all time.' Lyrics to the best rock song of all time from Led Zeppelin: "Stairway To Heaven" '♪ There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold And she's buying the stairway to heaven. (Dorothy's Yellow Brick Road) When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed (Joyce says 'Shut up shop, dappy.') With a word she can get what she came for. Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway to heaven. There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure 'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings. In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings, Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven. (a whiff of pagan?) Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it makes me wonder. There's a feeling I get when I look to the west, And my spirit is crying for leaving. In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees, And the voices of those who stand looking. Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder. And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune Then the piper will lead us to reason. And a new day will dawn for those who stand long And the forests will echo with laughter. If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now, It's just a spring clean for the May queen. Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run There's still time to change the road you're on. And it makes me wonder. Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know, The piper's calling you to join him, Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know Your stairway lies on the whispering wind. (my Idiot Wind) And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul. There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How everything still turns to gold. And if you listen very hard The tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all To be a rock and not to roll. And she's buying the stairway to heaven.' Led Zeppelin: '♪ Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know/Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.' Ladies, come on back up home to your Big Daddy in Heaven where you belong, and rejoin my choir of Heavenly Angels for my Heavenly Music Of The Spheres (my harem)! Repeating my earlier comments and adding new ones: Let women buy what they want, and they will try to buy the 'Stairway to Heaven' – the Led Zeppelin song. That is, the only thing really on a woman's mind is to get a man and get a seed. She buys all the fashionable clothes and cosmetics, etc. solely for that purpose (this is Marx's fetishism of commodities). She's a black hole/Bermuda Triangle – she sucks all these things in like a vacuum cleaner, where she'll suck you down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/labyrinth/manhole to the womb where 'the womb is a tomb'! In a woman's unconscious, the things she piles up from the store are seeds. That's all that's on her mind. She's building her nest. She doesn't really need or want any of this stuff. All she has to do is wiggle her finger to get what she really wants. She didn't need to buy any of it. She'll literally run you into the ground if you let her. Bop until you drop dead. As Led Zeppelin sang, '♪ with a word she can get what she came for.' We're in the utopia of the dolls. Their every whim is instantly gratified, and most of what they ask for they don't need. They enjoy grinding men down into the dust running them ragged getting them this and that. The New Jerusalem is the male utopia, where women are handmaids. Backward masking or other techniques are unnecessary to get at these lyrics. Their meaning is clear. The film 'White Noise' was about the supposed subliminal secret messages on TV, communing with the 'dead' (contacting//invoking/conjuring up the spirits), but the messages are right in your face. These are EVPs – Electronic Voice Phenomena. Incantation, casting a magical spell upon the dolls (hexing them), has the root chant as does the word enchant. It is singing incoherent gibberish into her ear, whispering sweet nothings. The words of witch's spells are recited backwards and are unintelligible gibberish to the conscious mind but for their effectiveness instead go directly to the unconscious, which is much faster and more knowledgeable than the rational faculty. 'A symbol can stimulate us consciously, interact with us subconsciously, and effect our emotions with greater speed and at a much deeper level than any language.' 'Music is an art that expresses the inexpressible. It rises far above what words can mean or the intelligence define. Its domain is the imponderable and impalpable land of the unconscious.' Charles Munch. The unconscious is amazingly ingenious and creative. In imitation, Buddhist monks emit a humming, buzzing ommmm monotone, called a mantra. Vibrating resonant electric guitar fuzz tones emit that signal, which is the secret of rock's popularity, the famous Wall of Sound. 'Music hath harms (enchantment) to soothe (pacify) the savage beast = the dolls – the Whore of Babylon'. Joyce chimes in, 'The while we are waiting for - - Hymn.' Hymn becomes Hmmmm - -, the buzzing monotone chant, where 'chimes' is the ringing in your ears. Likewise, at Jericho the walls came 'tumbling down' at the 'sonic blast' of the Ram's Horns. '♪ Invisible airwaves crackle with life Bright antennae bristle with the energy Emotional feedback, on timeless wavelength Bearing a gift beyond price - almost free "For the words of the profits were written on the studio wall and concert hall And echoes with the sound of salesmen." ('Spirit Of Radio') On my Dawn Chorus on Resurrection Morning as I Conduct My Heavenly Choir For My Heavenly Music Of The Spheres just as songbirds sing at the start of a new day: 'Special tones may have been played by the ancient priests during the miraculous shattering of Jericho's great wall in six days before falling on the seventh, and the creation of the universe in six days after which God is believed to have rested on the seventh. Bible scholars believe both events occurred as a result of sounds being spoken or played. - the Original Creation tones were a series of tones sung by the Elohim in the creation of life upon our planet. The Universal Language of Light is known throughout God's creation as the primary form of communication. As God's word. As the tones of Creation. 'He called out in a loud voice to the four angels who had been given power to harm the land and the sea: Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.' Such tones relate to the "144,000" prediction from the Book of Revelation to be gathered by God to sing a special song heralding the Messianic age.' "The Kingdom of Heaven is called 'the musical mathematical matrix of creation” Similarly, ‘Angelic script’ is the original language of Creation (the Mother Tongue or the Language of the Angels). Every being is fluent in this language on an unconscious level, for it is the language of the soul - music for the soul as well or the 'secret ear.' (My Heavenly Music Of The Spheres) It can be read or put into song, but will also transmit its power silently. 'Enochian magic is the system of theurgy, or angel magic, rituals magical in nature, performed with the intention of evoking one or more gods, via Angelic language (= Brown's glossolalia, Pentecostal "speaking in tongues."), Enochian Angel Script – the Celestial Alphabet of the Ark.' 'The lingua adamica was not a representation but rather an aspect of the thing in itself. The knowledge that words are not just representational but creative too can be found in the magical and religious traditions of our culture. "In the beginning was the Word." Additionally, included are telepathic scripts, galactic communications and various interdimensional languages. If all the current spoken languages on this planet were blended (pre Tower of Babel), it would manifest itself as the angelic ‘language of light’, a lingua Adamica, a "real" language consisting not of conventional signs but expressing the direct, unmediated meaning of things. 'The lingua Adamica, the mythic Original Language of humankind, admited no lying and no separation between subject and object, a temporary fusion of self and other.' 'What poetry would be without words—it would be a song.' 'According to many earth legends such beings (Angels who can blow their Horns) regularly return at the beginning and end of each time cycle.' 'These original sound frequencies were used in the early Gregorian Chants. - This is the pure geometrized framing of the Sacred Geometry, Matrix Cosmology, the Living Language of Light, a "Meta-Language" that will eventually take the place of words and phrases. In the higher vibrational dimensions, words and thoughts are replaced by clear UNBROKEN TONES. - “Geometry existed before the creation.” - Plato. "In the beginning God geometrized." - Ancient Hermetic Wisdom. Sacred Geometry, the Living Language of Light (Spark of the Divine). Intoning specific ancient sounds, mantras, visible standing waves of light are manifest voice-activated "geophysical computers." 'The planet is developing a UNIVERSAL TONAL VOCABULARY. Ancient priests-scientists employed harmonic sound technology Hiburu, the primal seed language - the Language of the Gods, introduced at the beginning of this time cycle - the most ancient form Hebrew was a natural language, the alphabetic forms emerging from the phosphene flare patterns of the brain. The same shapes, in fact, born of a spinning vortex - Vortex Math (Sacred Spiral) - antennas for waveforms. It is a true language of light, coursing through our very nervous system. The "keys" Enoch speaks are sound keys (etherial soundings), keys to the vibratory matrix of reality itself - aspects of ONE Light Language source; but they vibrate at different frequencies, and therefore open different “libraries” in the Akasha. "The power of the Word": ancient priests used the Language of Light to tune the planet like a giant harmonic bell.' '♪ Well they blew the horns And the walls came down They'd all been warned And the walls came down They just stood there laughing They're not laughing anymore (The Call – note the band name) Led Zeppelin - Hindenberg Crashes and Burns: 'Oh, the Humanity!' '♪ There's a sign on the wall.' Indeed! The band's name – Led Zeppelin – as in sink like a lead balloon - and Led -as in led into the ditch by me - ditch means sucked down her rabbit hole/slippery chute/hatch/labyrinth/manhole! For I'm the Pied Piper! I'm Pink Floyd's 'Piper at the Gates of Dawn' (the Conductor of my Dawn Chorus on Resurrection Morning - leading to the Stargate/Wormhole/Time Tunnel/Doorway/Portal/Singularity/Null Point to the New Jerusalem/Dimensional Shift). '♪ Just don't know where The blind could lead the sightless but I still like to witness thieves and snakes need homes' (Interpol) '♪ Have I awakened Deep inside some madman's dream? (life is but a dream – of a madman!) I can barely recognize The place this used to be Anarchy in the empty streets The law dissolved like so much smoke A dying prayer for the humanity That washed away when the levees broke' (my Deluge) (Assemblage 23) '♪ Martha has a madman Standing hidden in the shadows He's got a long curved Turkish dagger With a bejeweled handle - He's tellin' her the world is full of freaks and geeks and simples and he's Hiding like a leprechaun' (Manfred Mann) '♪ There's a joke and I know it very well It's one of those that I told you long ago Take my word I'm a madman don't you know Once a fool had a good part in the play If it's so would I still be here today It's quite peculiar in a funny sort of way They think it's very funny everything I say Get a load of him, he's so insane You better get your coat dear It looks like rain' (floodgates of Heaven I open to rain slime! My (God's) Deadly Blessing!) ('Madman Across the Water') (Elton John) '♪ Come on I'll take you on a journey through the mind of a madman With the common misconception that he's got an ace in his upper hand Sees 20/20, but as blind as can be' (Authority Zero) Repeating: Jesus warned: 'Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?' This way to the ditch! Jesus made a Freudian slip here - ditch means sucked down her rabbit hole/manhole! Fear me! I put the fear of God in people! 'Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.' Be afraid, be very afraid! Cry out, “Saints preserve us - don't let us be sucked down her rabbit hole/manhole!” We ghosts emit the soundless, but weird, creepy moan and whine that we receive off the Collective Unconscious. I'm the Whispering Ghost or the Whistler (gibbering idiot) sending the humming Idiot Wind in your head (Mass Psychosis) to remove the dolls and rapture out billions! We poltergeists also make loud, unexplainable sounds (raps), and move objects around. '♪ And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune Then the piper will lead us to (referenced by Brown) reason. And a new day will dawn for those who stand long And the forests will echo with laughter. If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now, It's just a spring clean for the May queen. - - Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run There's still time to change the road you're on. And it makes me wonder. Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know, The piper's calling you to join him, Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know Your stairway lies on the whispering wind'. (my Idiot Wind) Bibliography Return to Topics (Especially significant works in addition to all of Brown's works are preceded by an *.) *Brown, Norman O., APOCALYPSE AND/OR METAMORPHOSIS (1992). (with his prescient essay on Islam) ________________, CLOSING TIME (1973). ________________, HERMES THE THIEF: THE EVOLUTION OF A MYTH (1947). (Brown was a Trickster) ________________, LIFE AGAINST DEATH: THE PSYCHOANALYTICAL MEANING OF HISTORY (1959). (chronicles his wrestling with the Ball and Chain - the Whore of Babylon) ________________, LOVE’S BODY (1966). ________________, TO GREET THE RETURNING GODS (1971). Campbell, Joseph and Robinson, H., A SKELETON KEY TO FINNEGANS WAKE (1944). Connolly, Tristanne, BLAKE AND THE BODY (2002). Daly, Herman E., BEYOND GROWTH: THE ECONOMICS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (1997). (father of Steady State Economics) _______________, ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (2007). *Eisenstein, Charles, THE ASCENT OF HUMANITY (2007). (very useful; I've used many quotes from him) ____________________, SACRED ECONOMICS: MONEY, GIFT, AND SOCIETY IN THE AGE OF TRANSITION (2011). Ferenczi, Sandor, THALASSA: A THEORY OF GENITALITY (1924). (referenced by Brown) Friedman, Jonathan, MODERNITIES, CLASS, AND THE CONTRADICTIONS OF GLOBALIZATION: THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF GLOBAL SYSTEMS (2008). (the contradictions of globalization and of centralization and fragmentation around the world with the massively destabililizing effect of migration including violence. He states the only anti-Globalization movement is Islamism.) *Graeber, David, DEBT: THE FIRST 5,000 YEARS (2011). (Anarchist Anthropologist on the Global Debt Collapse). I sent this to Dr. Graeber: 'I corresponded for years with Sixties New Left guru Norman O. Brown, in part progeny of the Frankfurt School, who copiously quoted anthropologists such as Roheim. In my correspondence with Zerzan (also listed on my site), I attempted to show him how he will get his anarcho-primitivist anti-Globalist agenda accomplished, which possibility you mostly seem to denigrate. I contend the undeniable global demise of the Keynesian Welfare State is the wedge for it to occur soon. The triple digit trillions owed will never to be repaid (which you seem to deal with a mite too cavalierly in 'Debt'). I'll be quoting you on such topics as the pagans, in addition to the world Debt Collapse.' Greenham, David, THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY: THE WORK OF NORMAN O. BROWN (2006). Return to Topics Norman O. Brown Revealing Portrait of Norman O. Brown Greenham dust cover of Brown with a smile somewhere between impish (fairy) and regal. Brown here is a narcissistic fairy decked out in a regal costume complete with self appropriated medals (compare with my legitimate White Armband Signs!) rising from his coffin (resurrection of the 'dead')! As Brown reminded, for Freud, resurrection signifies the stiffening and rising of the member (stiff corpse in rigor mortis=signifies erection - spring up - Sproing!). As he said, he's 'waiting for the new dawn.' Rise Up! On the universal dream of flying, Freud noted 'the remarkable phenomenon of erection, which constantly occupies the human fantasy, cannot fail to be impressive as an apparent suspension of the laws of gravity (cf. the winged phalli of the ancients).' (like fairies, Angels or the Superheroes who can fly away – it comes up!). Brown anticipates his springing up (Sproing!) when: '♪ Graves all bursting saints all shouting Heavenly beauty all around What a hallelujah morning when the last trump of God shall sound' Presumably he wasn't planning instead a surprise with a literal resurrection after his death in 2002! He would have shown up again by now! The photo is eminently fitting in view of Greenham's book title. (I commented to David Greenham that, 'I haven't read his book, because as an academic tome it's too expensive! Gotta love the dust jacket photo, costume and all! I was very unaware when I corresponded with Brown from 1973 through 1986 that Brown grew up in England. This fact changes my perspective on his work. Many aspects suddenly make sense in hindsight'. Extensive excerpts are avaible from Google Books online.) Brown says of his work, 'His producers are they not his consumers?, and, “Really it is not I who am writing this crazy book. It is you, and you, and you, and that man over there, and the girl at the next table.” It is the way to the unification of the human race. 'The map of the soul's groupography.' V For Vendetta 'V For Vendetta' - Norman O. Brown's ONE BODY (Allmen) Note the many Muslims named Mohammad and, similarly, the numerous Latins named Jesus or Maria. They're making a statement that they all want to be one and the same (on the Collective Unconscious) = Brown's ONE BODY. Gunn, Joshua, MODERN OCCULT RHETORIC: MASS MEDIA AND THE DRAMA OF SECRECY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (2005). (I think the numerous points of contact between my book and this one is an uncanny example of the occult which Gunn is so skeptical of!) I commented to Joshua Gunn: 'I find many points of contact with your 'Modern Occult Rhetoric' and my site. I'll list in no particular order some of them: Your first four paragraphs you rightly labeled 'earth shattering' and a 'ruse'. Based on your thoughts, I put down a few tentative ideas (key in Spinoza and Deleuze on your browser search/find). Yes, 'Anti-Oedipus' is not straightforward, and I don't list it in my Bib. You distinguish occult rhetoric and occultic rhetoric, with your saying psychoanalysis is an example of the latter. I contend that my stuff is occult, not occultic. You may think I intended to employ irony and that it is occultic, but quoting my first page, 'You think I'm kidding, but I'm not.' You will see there that rhetoric is front and center. I use phrases that I call related: whistling, horse whispering, Mumbo Jumbo, the gibbering of the mad. And Joyce, who you refer to, in the 'Wake' was also all about rhetoric. The Joyce of the 'Wake' is my major focus. Mass media is your major concern as is mine. I mention the work of the Frankurt School, as you do in this area. One of my topics is the 'Stairway to Heaven' lyrics. I don't have to use backward masking or the Left Hand Path (sinister) to get at it's meaning. Speaking of the Left Hand Path, I was pleased to see the Fool on the dust jacket. I picture the same Rider-Waite Tarot card on my site and discuss it. I talk about the Fool's yapping cur with which you end the book.') His primary example is Satanic Ritual Abuse, but note "Satanic Ritual Abuse memories have to be screen memories for alien abductions, and the aliens had planted their memories of the cult experiences. But, if you go to the Satanic Ritual Abuse seminars, they'll tell you the opposite; they'll say that the UFO abduction experiences are all screen memories for actual Satanic cult experiences." Gutkind, Eric, THE BODY OF GOD: FIRST STEPS TOWARD AN ANTI-THEOLOGY (1966-Horizon Press). Hamilton, James, IF GOD WERE A SPACE ALIEN: A DIFFERENT KIND OF ATHEISM (2007). Pertinent excerpt: 'If god has come for judgment day, then apparently he means to kill us all. Because what happens when we die: we go to heaven or to hell. On judgment day, he takes the faithful to heaven, and, conveniently for god, earth becomes hell, so no special action is needed. Logically this sounds equivalent to extinction of the species. Everyone is denied the remainder of his natural life on earth, and is immediately given life after death, which must presume that death has occurred for all.' *Hansen, G., THE TRICKSTER AND THE PARANORMAL (2001). (scholarly and valuable) Harrington, M., THE POLITICS AT GOD’S FUNERAL: THE SPIRITUAL CRISIS OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION (1983). Hyde, Lewis, TRICKSTER MAKES THIS WORLD (1988). *Joyce, James, FINNEGANS WAKE (1939). *Jung, Carl, FLYING SAUCERS: A MODERN MYTH OF THINGS SEEN IN THE SKIES (1958). King, Richard, THE PARTY OF EROS: RADICAL SOCIAL THOUGHT AND THE REALM OF FREEDOM (1972). (includes Norman O. Brown) *Kötke, W., FINAL EMPIRE: THE COLLAPSE OF CIVILIZATION AND THE SEED OF THE FUTURE (1993/2007 reprint) (pioneering, definitive landmark). Lachman, Gary, (aka Gary Valentine of 'Blondie'!) POLITICS AND THE OCCULT: THE LEFT, THE RIGHT AND THE RADICALLY UNSEEN (2008). *Makari, George, REVOLUTION IN MIND: THE CREATION OF PSYCHOANALYSIS (2008) McHugh, Roland, ANNOTATIONS TO FINNEGANS WAKE (2006). Reich, Wilhelm, THE MURDER OF CHRIST: THE EMOTIONAL PLAGUE OF MANKIND (1966). Pomper, Philip, THE STRUCTURE OF MIND IN HISTORY: FIVE MAJOR FIGURES IN PSYCHOHISTORY (1985). (includes Norman O. Brown) Richter, Horst, ALL MIGHTY: A STUDY OF THE GOD COMPLEX IN WESTERN MAN (1984). Robinson, Paul A., THE FREUDIAN LEFT: WILHELM REICH, GEZA ROHEIM, HERBERT MARCUSE (1969). (includes Norman O. Brown) Roheim, Geza, ANIMISM, MAGIC AND THE DIVINE KING (1930) (referenced by Brown). ____________, MAGIC AND SCHIZOPHRENIA (1955) (referenced by Brown). Schuchard, Marsha Keith, WILLIAM BLAKE'S SEXUAL PATH TO SPIRITUAL VISION (2006). Shepherd, William, SYMBOLICAL CONSCIOUSNESS: A COMMENTARY ON LOVE'S BODY (1976). Solomon, Margaret, ETERNAL GEOMATER: THE SEXUAL UNIVERSE OF FINNEGANS WAKE (1969). Sontag, Susan “The Imagination of Disaster.” AGAINST INTERPRETATION AND OTHER ESSAYS (1966). Steinberg, Leo, THE SEXUALITY OF CHRIST IN RENNAISSANCE ART AND MODERN OBLIVION (1983). Tausk, Victor, 'On the origin of the 'Influencing Machine' in schizophrenia' (1933) (written 1919) (referenced by Brown). Tindall, W., A READER'S GUIDE TO FINNEGANS WAKE (1969). Vankin, Sam, MALIGNANT SELF LOVE: NARCISSISM REVISITED (2001). Verene, D., KNOWLEDGE OF THINGS HUMAN AND DIVINE: VICO'S NEW SCIENCE AND FINNEGANS WAKE (2003). __________, VICO AND JOYCE (1987). Vico, G., THE NEW SCIENCE (1725). Webb, James, THE OCCULT ESTABLISHMENT (1976). *Weidner, Jay, You touch on innumerable topics in common with those I discuss which I also agree with, although I seem to sometimes fall on the opposite side. Let me rattle off some in no order: 1. Vedic Scriptures (although I need to look at the Puranas) 2. The 10,000 Year World Age/Aeon/Cycle Now Ending (Western Civilization) and the failure of its central organizing principle (and thus Obama's floundering). 3. The approaching Golden Age (the New Jerusalem) 4. The GOOD Project (Get Out of Dodge - I prefer the acronym GOD) - which is my Secret Rapture (your Great Evacuation) for my Coming Conflagration to Cleanse/Cull/Pruning the Earth when I will remove billions- also called the Ascension or Global Blackout! You refer to a Coronal Mass Ejection, but the 'Nuclear Detonation' I will shortly unleash won't be visible to the eye (it will be hyperdimensional). Ed Dames (aka "Dr. Doom") also wrongly prophesizes my 'Killshot' as due to solar flares. This is my response to Overpopulation (your Culling/Cleansing/Evacuation), where I also refer to Cameron's 'Avatar', not to mention 'Stargate Atlantis' with its 'Wraiths' (= ghosts who feed upon humans!) and its 'Ascension'. 'Stargate Atlantis' Culling In the Golden Age, we'll appear to be native, but will be in fact becoming the highly evolved the spiritual beings you prophesy, who can access these hyperdimensions/other dimensions/the Other World. 5. The Kabbalah 6. The Aryan Master Race/White Male Supremacy (out of the ancient Vedic Caste System via mainly Blavatsky/Waddell into the Nazis). 7. Smoke and Mirrors Deception/Trickery 8. Demigods 9. The Nephilim who mated with the fair daughters (Dollfaces/Cutie pies) of men. 10. The Flood (the Conflagration that I will send again) with the new Ark for those I Evacuate. You'll find more commonalities, including my adaption of your Tetrahedral Hyperdimensional Double Cone Time Vortex. Zerzan, John, RUNNING ON EMPTINESS: THE PATHOLOGY OF CIVILISATION (2002) (anarcho-primitivist anti-Globalist). 'The Event' TV - Time Travel Vortex/Matter Transporter Sucks Airliner Through A Null Point To Another Dimension '♪ Is there something I should know?' (DURAN DURAN) “We may have a problem, --- he's going to tell about the Event.” In Case Of Rapture, This Car Will Be Unmanned! - The Sudden Departure/Snatched! 'V' TV - 'Red' Rain (= Fairy Rain) Falls From My Hovering Motherships - Global Blackout! Unmanned!'♪ red rain is pouring down'(Peter Gabriel) 'Fringe' TV - Tear Opens Between Parallel Universes! Airliners Crash! 'Vanishing on 7th Street' (2011) - Left Behind! Global Blackout (what Budd Hopkins calls 'Missing Time' in abduction cases due to Mass PTSD) causes people to vanish, leaving only their clothes and possessions behind (Left Behind = the Secret Rapture) 'Stay in the Light!' Me Fairy Bowling From My Great White Throne Perch! Airliners Crash Into Buildings! (See WTC Attack) All The Dead Fly Up Out Of Their Coffins! Repeat: The Secret Rapture/The Sudden Departure/Ascension/Global Blackout 'Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.' 'Take me home, Lord!' Dolls I Abduct(Suck Up) to My Hovering Saucers for Examination/Probing! = Raptured Out by Me! 'Energize! Beam me up, Scotty!' My Chick Magnet My Chick Magnet Which Vacuums Up/Sucks Up/Snatches Dolls! Angels, Come On Back Up Home In Heaven To Your Big Daddy! '♪ Daddy's home - daddy's home - to stay' Note my repeating theme of the tug of war between the two poles (males vs. females in command): her vacuum cleaner pulls us to Hell, and my vacuum cleaner sucks us up above to Heaven! 'Little Nicky' - Ladies! Come On Up And Rejoin My Choir Of Heavenly Angels For My Heavenly Music Of The Spheres! (My Harem) 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation Hoax Repeat: 'Alien UFO' Cattle Mutilation Hoax - Sucked Up to My Hovering Mothership Saucer for Examination/Probing! (Compare with Last Image) Repeat: 'Skyline' (2010) Humanity I Vacuum Up/Suck Up/Snatch/Yank! The Secret Rapture/Ascension! 'Like moths to a flame, a light source in the sky is drawing people outside before they suddenly vanish into the air as an otherwordly force is swallowing the entire human population off the face of the earth (sucking up/vacuuming up humanity to their saucers).'('heavy duty vacuum cleaners come to cleanse the planet of humans and their environmentally destructive ways.') 'Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.' 'Take me home, Lord!' 'Beam me up, Scotty!' Note my repeating theme of the tug of war between the two poles (males or females in command): her vacuum cleaner pulls us to Hell, and my vacuum cleaner sucks us up above to Heaven! Repeating: The New York skyline is prideful man's challenge to God (me) and an attempt to storm Heaven by force (the Tower of Babel). One review labels the film: 'Mass Conditioning for those left behind after the Rapture.' . Skyline Towers 'Skyline' (2010) 'Beam me up, Scotty! 'Skyline'(2010) 'Don't Look Up! Do Not Go Into The Light! Energize! Beam me up, Scotty!' 'Skyline' (2010) - I Suck 'Em Up! Ascension! 'Skyline' (2010) I Suck 'Em Up! Ascension! 'If you think you can resist, you haven't seen the light! - Our last stand' 'Let's go down swingin'!' 'They died with their boots on!' 'Skyline' (2010) - 'Blown Away By The Light!' 'Gone With The Wind!'>

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